Re: [Blind-Computing] Find the path on a directory or a file

2012-02-29 Thread Anders Boholdt-Petersen

Unfortunately I can not find a option in the context menu called Copy as

What version of Windows 7 do you have installed (I have installed Windows 7
Home Premium 64-bit)?

Additional suggestions are still welcome :-).

---Madison Espinoza wrote---

My AT trainer showed me a nifty little trick. She informed me that in
Windows7 I could simply press shift F10 on my laptop then either press the
letter A until I find Copy as pathand press enter. I can also press shift
F10 and up arrow to the Copy as path option. Shift F10 is the same as
pressing the windows applications key.

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[Blind-Computing] Find the path on a directory or a file

2012-02-28 Thread Anders Boholdt-Petersen

How is the best way to find a full path on a directory or a file in Windows

Sometimes I have used property, but when the path is very long, I can not
see the full path with JAWS.

I have found a programme pathc400 where you can right-click on a file and
select copy path, but I am not sure if this programme working under
Windows 7 64-bit.

Thanks for the answer.


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[Blind-Computing] Help with betatesting of JavaRa regarding accessibility for screen readers

2012-02-25 Thread Anders Boholdt-Petersen
Hi everyone
In connection with I have used a programme called JavaRa when I will made a
completely clean up after I hae uninstalled the Java Runtime Environment
from Oracle, I have written with the developer Shane Gowland about the
accessibility in the programme for screen readers.
At the time, Shane working on a new version of JavaRa there should remove
more things after the Java Runtime Environment automatically, and add some
new features to JavaRa.
Therefore Shane is very interested to hear from people there using screen
readers regarding the accessibility on the new version of JavaRa, what could
be better?
You can see more about JavaRa here:
The new version is JavaRa version 2.0 Beta, and it is this version where
Shane is interested to hear from persons there using screen readers.
If you have comment about the accessibility, please send these directly to
Shane on the e-mail-address
Very thanks in advance for the help.
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Re: [Blind-Computing] Is Solona closed

2012-02-05 Thread Anders Boholdt-Petersen
Hi again

Although you write that Webvisum is alive, and works with the latest version
of Firefox. As I wrote earlier, I can well fear the day the servers behind
the project is not being maintained, thereby Webvisum also shall suffer
death. What can we so do if we will have help to solve a captcha?

Since the people behind Webvisum seems to have disappeared, it seems a bit
like that they will let the project suffer death when servers once will not
work anymore. I tried to write to them about the problem with their mailing
list before Christmas 2011, but got only an automated message back from my
internet provider stating that their server was not working.

Unfortunately it is a bit annoying. Webvisum still works fine, but I want to
be assured that such a good project still being maintained.

---Gerald Levy wrote---
Solona closed down because its creator became very ill about two years ago
and could no longer continue running it.  Webvisum is alive and well and
works with the latest version of Firefox.


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Re: [Blind-Computing] Is Solona closed

2012-02-04 Thread Anders Boholdt-Petersen
Hi again

Very thanks for your answer.

I am really sorry to hear that Solona is closed. Is it long time ago and do
you have a idea why Solona no longer exist?

Regarding Webvisum, I can note that their mailing list does not work, as you
not can contact them via the form on the website. Therefore, I fear the day
when Webvisum also closes because there is someone who can maintain the
servers behind the website.

Has any person tried to found the people behind Webvisum via other medias
(e.g. Facebook)?

Very thanks.

---Gerald Levy wrote---
Unfortunately, Solona is no more.  The only way to solve image captchas 
without sighted help is to use Firefox with Webvisum.


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[Blind-Computing] How can I setup Windows Live Messenger 2011 so it working best with JAWS

2012-01-17 Thread Anders Boholdt-Petersen
Hi everyone

1. How can I setup Windows Live Messenger 2011 so it working best with JAWS?
On another mailing list a person refer to a view called compact view, but
I can not find what I do if I will activate this view.

2. What version of JAWS working best with Windows Live Messenger 2011?

3. Will I still could use Windows Live Messenger 2009 on Windows 7 64-bit?

Very thanks.


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Re: [Blind-Computing] PDF Documents I don't know how to Access

2012-01-14 Thread Anders Boholdt-Petersen
Hi everyone,

I really recommend the online-service called RoboBraille (
). Here you can convert between diffirent file formats, e.g. from PDF to
WORD, only txt etc. You can also convert from WORD to PDF.

Read more about the features regarding converting here:

Remember that RoboBraille also can make DAISY-books etc - read more about
how do you do on the RoboBraille website.

---slcb slcbl...@sltnet.lkWrote---
Hi Sharon,
save it as a text file and then read it with a text reader such as note pad.

sometimes it has worked for me.
- Original Message -
From: Sharon Hooley
Sent: Saturday, January 14, 2012 5:32 AM
Subject: [Blind-Computing] PDF Documents I don't know how to Access


 I'm trying to read a user manual that is a PDF document.  I can read the 
 table of contents, but so far I can't seem to read exactly the 
 instructions I want.  Is there a way I don't know about, or are there just

 some documents that are not accessible?



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[Blind-Computing] Problem with the Facebook Chat (can only see my own name in the list of online friends)

2012-01-07 Thread Anders Boholdt-Petersen
Hi everyone,

When I log on Facebook, earlier I could see how many of my friend there was
online if I pressed the letter l for lists.

Now I can find the list, but I only can see my own name instead of the name
on my friends.

Has any person here also the same problem, or has you found a solution?

It is possible for a sighted person to check of he/her also have this

I have tested with JAWS 13, Internet Explorer 8 and the latest version of
Mozilla Firefox.

Very thanks for the answers.


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[Blind-Computing] I testing again, please ignore

2012-01-03 Thread Anders Boholdt-Petersen

I testing again, please ignore.


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[Blind-Computing] Help with contact to the owners of the webvisum-website

2012-01-03 Thread Anders Boholdt-Petersen
Hi everyone, and happy new year!

I have tried to write many mails to the webvisum mailing list and directly
to the address there should send directly e-mails to the owner of Webvisum,
but the server don't working.

Has any person a name on the owner, so I could tell that the server not

Very thanks.


PS. To David Ferrin: If you see this mail, I will be really glad if you
please can send me information, so I can test how I not can send mails to
this list.

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[Blind-Computing] I testing

2011-12-30 Thread Anders Boholdt-Petersen
Sorry for my testing.


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[Blind-Computing] Solution regarding converting of WORD-document from Office 2003 to an accessible PDF-file

2011-12-18 Thread Anders Boholdt-Petersen
Hi everyone,

First of all I will say very thanks for the answers you have send to me
regarding what program I could tried when I will convert a WORD-document
make in Office 2003 to an accessible PDF-file.

Now I have found a solution there make accessible PDF-files (you can see
headings, formatting etc. with JAWS)!

The Danish service called RoboBraille ( has,
among other things, on the basis of my approach implemented opportunity for
converting of a WORD-document (.DOC, .DOCX and .RTF) to tagged PDF-files.

You can read more on why RoboBraille can do for you on the website above
(the website is on English).

If you will convert a WORD-document to PDF:
1. Create a new e-mail.
2. Send the e-mail to
3. In the subject field write pdf
4. Do not write anything in the e-mail
5. Attach the file you will convert.
6. Send the e-mail.
7. After a chord time you will receive the PDF-file via your inbox.

If you have questions about RoboBraille, you can contact the owners via the

This e-mail is sent with permission from the team behind RoboBraille.
Have fun with the converting.


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Re: [Blind-Computing] Convert WORD-documents to accessible PDF-files from Office 2003

2011-12-17 Thread Anders Boholdt-Petersen
Hi again, and very thanks for the answer.

Now I have tried the website, but unfortunately the results in the
PDF-version of my document is not fine.

The website convert links from the table of contents to PDF, but JAWS will
not see the headings I have make in WORD and can not identify the fonts and
other formats I make when I open the PDF-version of my file.

I will be really glad for other solutions - very thanks.

---Brad Keller wrote---
You can try this web site. It is fairly simple to use and it will convert
.doc files into .PDF files.

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[Blind-Computing] Windows 7 64-bit and old programs for audio-recording

2011-12-02 Thread Anders Boholdt-Petersen

Hi everyone,

On my earlier Windows XP-computer, I had two programs installed for 

1. Total Recorder version 7.1.

2. Sound Forge 8.0D.

Can I install the old programs on my Windows 7 64-bit, or do you will 
recommend that I upgrade to the latest versions?

I asking since I not am sure about the accessibility for JAWS-users in the 
new versions.

Thanks for the answers.


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[Blind-Computing] Tips for installing Windows without sighted assistance

2011-09-16 Thread Anders Boholdt-Petersen


Have anyone tips to how I can install Windows on a computer without sighted 

Earlier I have used the Windows XP Unattended Setup Kit from
, and it working fine for me.

But now I have two partitions on my computer.

I have one partition where I will install Windows XP (C:), and another where 
I will install Windows 7 64-bit (D:), so I could dual-boot between the 
operating systems.

I think that I can modify the Windows XP Unattended Setup Kit, so the 
installation of Windows XP will make two equal partitions, but I am not sure 
how I do this.

My hard drive is on 750 GB.

Later I think that I will install Windows 7 64-bit on the D-partition, but 
here I have not a idea to how I can make a Unattended Setup Kit for Windows 
7 64-bit.

I also think about to run Windows XP on a virtuel computer, but I have no 
experience to how I do this.

Therefore I will be really happy if anyone have a tips to how I install 
Windows, or alternative run Windows XP on a virtuel computer.

I using JAWS 11 and 12.

Very thanks for the answers.


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[Blind-Computing] Using a screen reader in Safe Mode and question about the best accessible backup-solution with JAWS

2011-09-14 Thread Anders Boholdt-Petersen

Hi everyone,

1. On another mailing list I have asked about sound on Windows when you boot 
Windows into Safe mode.

Since I not on the mailing list could find a link to the download-page, I 
tried to ask here:
It is posible to using a screen reader when you boot Windows into Safe 
Mode, if yes, how can I do?

2. I really will backup my operating system with all informations (settings, 
programs et cetera).

What backup-solution working best with JAWS (online-backup or normaly 
backup, where you backup to a DVD or external hard drive)?

Thanks for your answer.


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Re: [Blind-Computing] Using a screen reader in Safe Mode and questionabout the best accessible backup-solution with JAWS

2011-09-14 Thread Anders Boholdt-Petersen

Hi again, and very thanks for the answers.

OK regarding using of a screen reader in Safe Mode.

Rick, could you write a little more about Image for Windows please?

Here I think about the following:
1. Where can I download Image for Windows?

2. Can I run Image for Windows on Windows 7 64-bit?

3. Do you select another partition to your backup of your operating system, 
or do you make DVD's?

4. How do you make a system restore with Image for Windows without sighted 
help and speech?

Very thanks for your answer.

---Rick Justice wrote---
Hi Gerald,
I have used Image for Windows multiple times on multiple systems
by myself, with no problems every time.
The key is simplicity, keep the operating system partition to a controllable
size, thus requiring fewer disks for the image.
This is why I stress to people, that keeping their personal data separate
from the operating system and programs
make backups and recoveries easier and less time-consuming.
Image for Windows does work very well, and Jaws or any screen-reader is not
necessary for the recovery process.
Rick Justice 

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[Blind-Computing] Accessible online backup solutions with JAWS

2011-09-04 Thread Anders Boholdt-Petersen

Hi everyone,

I looking for a accessible online backup-solution there working with JAWS.

Normaly you should install a client on your local computer before you can 
use the solution, and often the client is not accessible with JAWS.

I using JAWS 11 and 12.

Very thanks.


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[Blind-Computing] Accessible software with JAWS there can read information about wireless network

2011-08-14 Thread Anders Boholdt-Petersen

Hi everyone,

I looking after a accessible software with JAWS, where I can read 
information about wireless network (e.g. a signal strength, signal quality 
et cetera).

Has any person heard about a program with this features?

Very thanks.


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[Blind-Computing] Creating hotkey to the OmniPage toolbar in WORD 2003

2011-08-05 Thread Anders Boholdt-Petersen

Hi everyone,

Earlier I has a sighted person to help me with make a hotkey in WORD (left 
ALT-key+O) so you bring up the OmniPage-toolbar in WORD when you press the 

Will blind people could make this hotkey without sighted assistance, and it 
is posible to assign the hotkey, so the hotkey activate Acquire Text 

instead of only bring up the OmniPage toolbar?

I using JAWS 11 and JAWS 12, and I using WORD 2003 and OmniPage 18.

Thanks for the answer.


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[Blind-Computing] How can I stop the mail-shield in Avast 6 with JAWS

2011-08-05 Thread Anders Boholdt-Petersen

Hi everyone,

I tried to stop the mail-shield in Avast version 6, since I have 
virus-scanning on my mailserver, but I can not find how I stop the 

When I open the Avast user menu and navigate to the TAB called 
mail-shield, I can find a button Stop.

But if I press on the button, a very chort context-menu open and disappear 
again before I can do any thing.

After that I can navigate with my up and down arrows between stop in 10 
minutes, stop one hour and stop permanent, but if I press enter after I 
have tried to select a thing, really nothing happend!

I will be very happy if one of the person have a solution I can tried.

Very thanks.


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Re: [Blind-Computing] Accessibility on Google Translate for blind people

2011-08-04 Thread Anders Boholdt-Petersen

Hi Nam, and very thanks for your message.

Where do you can find the link you write that I should activate for better 
accessibility for blind people on Google Translate?

If I go to
, I can not find a link regarding screen readers.

I using JAWS 11 and JAWS 12.

Very thanks for your answer.

---Duong Tuan Nam wrote---
Hello Anders,

You should turn off Google Instant by activating the link:
Screen reader users, click here to turn off Google Instant.

Hope this help,

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[Blind-Computing] Accessibility on Google Translate for blind people

2011-08-03 Thread Anders Boholdt-Petersen

Hi everyone,

Earlier I have used Google Translate with success. I could select between 
the language I will translate from, and after that I could select what 
language I will translate to.

But now I can not longer select what language I will translate from or to, 
because Google has make a new web interface based on Flash!

Have any person heard about a accessible version of Google Translate for 
blind people, or do you have a tip I can tried?

I using Internet Explorer 8 and JAWS 12.

Thanks for the answer.


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Re: [Blind-Computing] System Backups

2011-07-28 Thread Anders Boholdt-Petersen

Hi Don,

1. Do you have a link to the accessible backup-service (Carbonite)?

2. It is correct understood that Image for Windows is accessible for 
JAWS-users, or do you also have a link to this application?

Very thanks.

- Oprindelig meddelelse - 
Fra: Don Marang

Sendt: 28. juli 2011 23:19
Emne: Re: [Blind-Computing] System Backups

Actually, cloud backup services like Carbonite only back up your data. 
They do not backup your system or applications.  I suppose it is possible 
to force it to back up everything on the disk, but it is not really 
designed for that.  You even need to tell it to backup large files, like 
Videos, by including those folders and telling it to backup that file 

Yes, as far as I can tell, Carbonite is 100% accessible using JAWS.

DropBox as previously stated, is a great way to backup critical data for 
free for up to 2 GB.  I also use Karen's Backup to automatically make 
copies of critical folders to other computers in the house.

To occasionally. backup all of my system files, applications, settings, 
and data I use a disk image tool.  There are probably a few that work, but 
I use Image for Windows.  If you need or want a fast way to recover from 
a hard disk crash or other major problem, a disk image is the way to go. 
Unfortunately, this is not automatic and should be done before major 
changes to your system and after installing and configuring new software, 
in order to have an disk image of a stable system.  One reason I like 
Image for Windows is that it can run in the background while you continue 
to work.

*Don Marang*
Vinux Software Development Coordinator -
There is just so much stuff in the world that, to me, is devoid of any 
real substance, value, and content that I just try to make sure that I am 
working on things that matter.

-- Dean Kamen

On 7/28/2011 3:16 PM, Stephan, William S NWK wrote:
All:  Anybody have experience/suggestions for a system backup service, 

Carbonite that works with screen readers like JAWS?

William S. Stephan
Procurement Analyst, Kansas City District National Contracting 

Building Strong(r)
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Office: 816-389-3801
FAX: 816-389-2029

Help us in Building Strong!  Please tell us how we are doing.  Visit our
Interactive Customer Evaluation (ICE) Website at:

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[Blind-Computing] Optimizing the user interface in Avast 6 for better working with JAWS

2011-07-21 Thread Anders Boholdt-Petersen

Hi everyone,

Can I Optimize the user interface in Avast 6, so Avast 6 working better with 

Now I have setup many things, but I have problems when I will setup the 
virus alert (press settings when you have opened the user interface from 
the system icon), and press CTRL+TAB until JAWS say Virus alert.

Very thanks for the answer.


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[Blind-Computing] Experience with accessible webinterfaces on NAS's with JAWS

2011-07-19 Thread Anders Boholdt-Petersen

Hi everyone,

I have a very frustrating problem with a NAS from the company called 
Unfortunately the webinterfaces where you for one thing could create new 
users et cetera is not accessible for JAWS-users. Synology told me that it 
is very hard for them to make a new webinterface, so they refer me to 
contact my dealer and ask for refunding of my money.

Therefore I will ask on this list:
Have any person experience  with a NAS where the webinterface is accessible 
with JAWS?

You can read more about NAS's here:

Very thanks for the answer.


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