I wanted to get back to all on this and describe the resolution to the
problem I had with my computer weeks before just in case anyone else may
have experienced this issue.

To recap, I had downloaded service pack 3 and because of that install I
could no longer connect to the Internet.  Researching showed this to be true
in cases of a failed SP3 install.  In other words, apparently that day I
shut down the computer before the installation was complete.

Since I was connecting a new wireless router anyway, that was a suggested
fix to get connected again to the Internet, bypassing the SP3 problem.  Then
I downloaded and reinstalled SP3 properly.  All is fine now.  *whew*  If I
hadn't had the new wireless router, it may have been a bigger mess to clean
up, who knows.  Anyway, that's that. 

Chris Feist - The one and only!

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Chris Feist
Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 1:14 PM
Subject: [Blind-Computing] SP3 maybe stopping computers from connecting

Hi.  I downloaded and installed a bunch of Windows updates onto my XP pro
desk topp last week right before I went out of town.  I return to find that
when I booted up my computer I could not log on to the Internet.  We tried
everything we could think of, including system restore.  No luck.


But it turned out that after talking to a few other folks, my dad discovered
that they were having the same problem as me.  They said that after they
installed service pack 3 they could not log on to the Internet either.
Fortunately, I have a lap top computer I can plug my DSL into while my desk
top won't connect.


Has anyone else experienced this after installing service pack 3?  The funny
thing is I thought I hadn't downloaded service pack 3 yet.  Does anyone know
where I can go to look on my computer to see which Windows updates I've
recently installed?  That would help me narrow down the culprit.



Chris Feist - The one and only!

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