Master the use of this convenient and versatile material

Working with solid wood is a joy in so many ways. When you see a minor
defect, you have material thickness to sand, scrape and plane. But for
larger case
goods, such as cabinetry and bookcases, solid wood isn't always
practical. Covering large expanses with solid lumber that has to be
milled, edge-glued
and planed can be very time-consuming and cumbersome. Sometimes quality,
veneered sheet goods are the best option.

Choosing Plywood
Sheet goods come in a wide variety of grades and surface types.
Particleboard-core stock is less expensive, but has a number of
disadvantages, such as excessive
weight, less holding power for screws and higher glue content, which
dulls tools faster. MDF-core stock is sometimes available, which is even
heavier but
very flat. My preference is veneer-core stock, which is made of
alternating layers of less expensive wood, such as poplar. It holds
screws well for hinges
or other hardware, and it is much lighter than particleboard- and
MDF-core stock.

Ripping Plywood
Some special techniques are necessary to rip plywood. While I normally
use a rip blade for solid wood, it doesn't cut veneer-core plywood quite
as well.
Because every other layer in the core is actually a cross cut, a rip
blade makes a ragged cut in those layers, preventing edging from
adhering as tightly.
A combination blade does the best job; it is the best compromise when
you need to both rip and cross cut simultaneously.

Remember that you can't use your jointer and planer with plywood, and
that includes straightening edges before applying edging. MDF and
particleboard cores
will ruin your jointer knives in a hurry. Veneer-core stock will chip
the knives on every end-grain layer, leaving a striped knife pattern on
all your
solid-wood stock afterward. Jointer and planer knives do not like

Having to get a near-perfect edge straight off a tablesaw is a tall
order. But your best approach is to use a long auxiliary fence. Then
choose an already
straight or slightly concave edge to place against the fence to true up
the opposite edge. As long as the fence is long enough, two points of a
edge will make contact with the fence and still provide a straight
travel path.

Travel at a reasonable speed without stopping or any hesitation, and an
accurate edge is possible. Don't forget the importance of a properly set
both for accuracy and safety.
Create even pressure on the board and edging using cauls

Solid-Wood Edging
Iron-on edging is certainly an option, but nothing beats solid-wood
edging for longevity, wear resistance and beauty. Solid-wood edging
allows me to rout
a decorative edge on the panels without exposing the plywood core.

It is vital to decide on routed profiles before choosing the size of the
solid-wood edging material to ensure it will be wide enough to handle
the profile.
For example, if you plan to use a Roman ogee profile with a 3/8"
distance from the router-bit bearing to the outside of the profile, make
the edging at
least 7/16" wide, but 1/2" is better. Your edging will, therefore, be
1/2" wide x 13/16" thick. For 3/4"-thick plywood, solid-wood edging
should be 13/16"
thick to give you something to trim on both sides of the plywood. Most
3/4"-thick plywood you buy is about 1/32" undersized, so that gives you
an even
wider margin for error.

Glue the edging onto the straight, ripped front edges of all your
panels, making sure that the edging stands proud of the panel on both
sides. A clamping
caul across the front of the narrow edging helps distribute the clamping
pressure more evenly. I like to use my Pony #50 pipe clamps for this
job, although
this is a light-duty job that parallel jaw clamps can handle. Even other
medium-strength clamps will do nicely.

For edging that is the same thickness as the plywood panels, glue is
sufficient, without any dowels, biscuits or other reinforcements. But
for edging that
is thicker (top to bottom) than the plywood, more reinforcement helps
counteract increased leverage should someone bump into the bottom of the
Dowels and biscuits will do, although I find that a continuous spline is
quick and easy. You can easily rout a 1/4"-wide x 1/2"-deep spline
groove into
the front edges of your panels with a slot cutter in a handheld router.

The same groove can be routed in the rear side of the edging material,
but don't forget to increase the distance of the groove from the top of
the edging
so that there is something to trim along the top later. The groove in
the edging, which might be something like 11/2" wide at the glue-up
stage, can be
routed on a router table if you prefer. But the groove in the plywood
edge should be routed with a handheld router so that the base follows
the mild curves
of the plywood faces.

It's important to remember that plywood is rarely flat. Many a
woodworker has come to realize this problem with sheet goods. However,
placing a curved panel
on a flat router table is a sure way to rout a spline groove that rises
and falls relative to the top of the panel.

Plywood surface materials can vary from high-grade wood veneers to
melamine. I use A-1 grade, which is readily available, for fine
furniture. The front
has A-grade veneers arranged in a flat-sawn, book-matched pattern. The
1-grade back is also high-quality, but will usually have rift-sawn
veneers or something
just a little less visually appealing. For less important projects, an
A-2 grade might be available, which has a slightly lower-quality back.
B-2, which
has a lower-quality front as well, could still be adequate for many of
your projects. A-4 grade is common for drawer bottoms and cabinet backs,
for which
only one side is visible.

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