Personally, I don't think it's a good idea to ship MathML with missing 
printing support at all. Users definitely expect printing mathematical 
documents (and saving them as PDFs!) to be working. Many websites use 
feature detection (something like `"MathMLElement" in window`) to check if 
MathML is supported and use polyfills like MathJax if not. In this case, 
the website would then display non-printable MathML formulas, but it would 
be better if the website would still use the MathJax polyfill so that 
printing would work. For example, Wikipedia might switch to MathML formulas 
some time after stable MathML support in Chromium, and users would be quite 
confused that if they print the article or save it as a PDF, the formulas 
aren't rendered correctly any more.
If you want to ship MathML before printing works anyway, I'd at least love 
to the see the following two things temporarily implemented:
 - A warning message on the printing dialog, telling the user that printing 
mathematical formulas is not yet supported.
 - A non-standard way for the developer to feature-detect if printing 
MathML is not supported (I'm thinking of something like 
`MathMLElement.webkitPrintingUnsupported == true`), so that you could still 
use MathJax for websites where users are likely to print them.

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