Re: iPhone Debate.

2016-11-14 Thread Jeffery Mewtamer
I'll give up my keyboard and command-line when you young whipper
snappers pry them from my cold, dead fingers.

Joking aside, I'm actually a millennial myself and suspect I'm
actually one of the younger members on this list. Still, even when I
counted myself among the sighted, which wasn't even five years ago, I
thought touchscreens a nice supplement to keyboards and gaming
controls, but a piss-poor replacement for proper buttons. I loved the
touchscreen on my DS, 3DS, and PSVita, but my smartphone often left me
wishing the slide out keyboard was larger(I couldn't touch type on it
because the keys were so small and close together) and that it had
more than one face button when the keyboard was recessed. Also didn't
like that I couldn't use a mechanical pencil as a dumb stylus on my
smartphone like I could on my DS(damn capacitive touchscreens not
noticing plastic scraping against their surface).

That said, I'd love for touchscreens with electrostatic vibration to
become as ubiquitous as normal touchscreens already are.

If you haven't heard, electrostatic vibration allows a charged surface
covered in a thin insulator to simulate various textures, and adding
this to a touchscreen allows for tactile output.

A relevant Wikipedia article can be found at:

And Disney is doing research under the trademark Tesla Touch.

I found out about it from an article in a recent issue of Choice
Magazine Listening, and it struck me as something with potential to
both make technology more accessible to the blind and become
mainstream enough ww won't have to pay a premium for devices featuring

In the meantime, I'm going to stick with devices that have physical keyboards.


Jeffery Wright
President Emeritus, Nu Nu Chapter, Phi Theta Kappa.
Former Secretary, Student Government Association, College of the Albemarle.

Blinux-list mailing list

Re: iPhone Debate.

2016-11-14 Thread John G Heim
I think you should give touch screens another try. If it was me, I'd be 
afraid of ending up like some old grandad who doesn't know how to use a 
keyboard. You can't stop the relentless march of technology.

Smart phones themselves have been a huge boon for blind people but I am 
not so sure about touch screens. Just having a GPS in your pocket is 
enough of a benefit to make the smart phone a huge boon. There are 
pluses and minuses to touch screens though.

voices it's directions.  Even the most inaccessible app at least does that.

On 11/13/2016 06:44 PM, Hart Larry wrote:
Well, some  years ago I tried an Iphone, but could never become 
comfortable with a touch screen. At least an Iphone had a button for 
SIRI which an Android did not. Well, I ran a search in quotes

"smart phone with buttons"
Actually an item came up, but so-far you must buy from out of the US. 
Its a Kapsys, which they said was going to be available in October. 
Anyway Kapsys has a touch screen on the left, buttons on the right, 
however, some of the layout is weird. The Kapsys site is a challenge 
to find English. I already spoke with the future US distributer, but 
they like myself are still waiting


John G. Heim;; sip://

Blinux-list mailing list

I've solved a problem. stretch and orca

2016-11-14 Thread Kristoffer Gustafsson
I Think that I have solved a problem with stretch and orca.
When I installed orca crashed and I could not start it again.
but when I installed gnome and mate after installation that worked.
strange. I get things to wirk if I don't install it under the normal
installation, but install the desktop Environment after installing

Kristoffer Gustafsson
Salängsgatan 7a
tel:033-12 60 93
mobil: 0730-500934

Blinux-list mailing list

Re: seems we have a spammer here

2016-11-14 Thread Tim Chase
On November 13, 2016, Henry Yen wrote:
> I checked my mail logs, and I believe this spammer is spamming you
> directly and not through the blinux mailing list; 

I can confirm that the spams I've received have come directly to my
blinux-specific email address as none of the headers have looked
like they were transmitted through the list-server. It looks like
Henry has a similar blinux-specific address.  So it looks like the
spammer harvested the email addresses either by subscribing to the
list as a lurker and harvesting the addresses of people as they send
messages here; or they found a message archive and slurped in all the
list addresses from there.

My local spam filter (bogofilter) has caught most of them but a few
have still managed to slip by into my mailbox.

Alas, the sad state of affairs on mailing lists.


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