[BlueOnyx:10689] Milters on 5108R

2012-05-31 Thread Ernie
Is anyone using a sendmail milter on BlueOnyx 5108R?

I am getting crashes every couple of minutes on an anti-spam Milter (j-chkmail) 
that I have used for many years (since 5102R) without any problems. 
It's fine on 5107R. The only thing I can think of is there is something in the 
64bit world it doesn't like, seems to compile and install just fine.

So I am wondering if there are other milters out there that have been tested
on 5108R that are working ok?

This is my first install of 5108R, so I haven't really tested it all that

- Ernie.

Blueonyx mailing list

[BlueOnyx:10688] Re: Website Statistics

2012-05-31 Thread Krul, Patrick


I've attached 2 txt file's Remind to make a backup of the two existing files
that are located on the same place

blueonyx usr_bin_webalizer.pl = located in /usr/bin/ and is called

It runs daily it checks it the directory exists if not creates them. And it
creates an htaccess file based on IP so a site administrator without
BlueOnyx access can add their own IP.


BlueOnyx usr_sausalito_ui_web_base_sitestats_webalizer.php.txt is located in
/usr/Sausalito/ui/web/base/sitestats and is called webalizer.php

This change the location so admins that have access to the BlueOnyx control
panel still can see the stats.


With regards,




From: blueonyx-boun...@mail.blueonyx.it
[mailto:blueonyx-boun...@mail.blueonyx.it] On Behalf Of Bill Hicks
Sent: donderdag 31 mei 2012 13:58
To: BlueOnyx General Mailing List
Subject: [BlueOnyx:10686] Website Statistics


Is there a link I can give a client for sites on BO 5106 that will let them
see their website statistics (webalizer) without giving them the link to the
site admin? On the Raq I used www.domainname.com/stats and it had an
htaccess / htpasswd login - would like the same on the BO (or similar) where
they sign in and only see the stats.


Bill Hicks

getAllowed('adminUser') &&
!($helper->getAllowed('siteAdmin') &&
  $group == $helper->loginUser['site'])) {
  header("location: /error/forbidden.html");

$factory =& 
$cce =& $helper->getCceClient();
$page = $factory->getPage();
$i18n =& $factory->getI18n();

if (!$file || ereg("./", $file) || (!ereg(".png$", $file) && !ereg(".html$", 
$file)) )
$file = "index.html";

if ($group)
if ($group != 'server') {
list($oid) = $cce->find('Vsite', array('name' => $group));
$vsite_info = $cce->get($oid);
$fqdn = $vsite_info['fqdn'];
$fullPath = "/home/sites/" . $vsite_info['fqdn'] . "/web/stats/" . 
} else {
if (is_dir("/var/www/html/usage")) {
$fullPath = "/var/www/html/usage/" . $file;
} else {
$fullPath = "/var/www/usage/" . $file;
} else {
print "Page not Found";

if (preg_match('/html/', $file)) {
print $page->toHeaderHtml();

if (file_exists($fullPath)){
$fp = fopen ($fullPath, "r");

$data = "";
$string = fgets($fp, 4096);
$string=str_replace("Page not Found" . $fullPath;


if (preg_match('/html/', $file)){
print $page->toFooterHtml();

exit ();#!/usr/bin/perl
# This script runs webalizer for every virtual site on a Cobalt RaQ3
# machine.  This depends on the configuration file /etc/webalizer.conf
# and several command-line switches including those for the LogFile and
# Hostname.
# PLEASE NOTE: The /stats directory created will be password protected
# allowing only site admins in for that site.
use Time::localtime;
# Where sites on a RaQ3/4 live
$prefix = "/home/sites";

# Status messages
my $messages;

chdir "$prefix" or die "Can't cd to $prefix??: $!\n";
opendir THEROOT, $prefix or die "Couldn't open $prefix?: $!\n";
@allsites = grep !/^\.\.?$/,  readdir THEROOT;

foreach $asite (@allsites)
  if (-l "$asite")
$webpath = "$prefix/$asite/web";
$thepath = "$webpath/stats";

# Get the group id of the directory
my $gid = (stat $webpath)[5];
my $name = (getgrgid $gid)[0];

# Create a directory /web/stats if it isn't there yet
if (!-d $thepath)
   mkdir $thepath, 775; 
   chown 0, $gid, $thepath;
   chmod 0755, $thepath;
if (!-e $thepath."/.htaccess")
   open (STATSHTACCESS, ">$thepath/.htaccess");
   print STATSHTACCESS "order deny,allow\n";
   print STATSHTACCESS "deny from all\n";
   print STATSHTACCESS "allow from 192.168.\n";
   chmod 0775, "$thepath/.htaccess";
   chown 0, $gid, $thepath."/.htaccess";

if ( -e $prefix."/".$asite."/logs/web.log"){
# Now just run webalizer
$messages .= `/usr/bin/webalizer -p -n $asite -s $asite -r $asite  -T -o 
$thepath $prefix/$asite/logs/web.log`;

# Now change ownership of files for frontpage and non-frontpage enabled 

if (!-d $webpath . "/_vti_bin") {
$messages .= `echo "Frontpage NOT ENABLED on $webpath"`;
$messages .= `chown -R apache:$name $thepath`;
} else {
$messages .= `echo "Frontpage ENABLED on $webpath"`;
$messages .= `chown -R nobody:$name $thepath`;

$message .= "No log file for: " . $asite ."\n";

open(BOOK, ">>/home/webalizer.log");
print BOOK $messages;
exit 0;

Blueonyx mailing list

[BlueOnyx:10687] Re: Website Statistics

2012-05-31 Thread Krul, Patrick


I've done excectly that.

If I'm in the office I'll send you the code.




From: blueonyx-boun...@mail.blueonyx.it
[mailto:blueonyx-boun...@mail.blueonyx.it] On Behalf Of Bill Hicks
Sent: donderdag 31 mei 2012 13:58
To: BlueOnyx General Mailing List
Subject: [BlueOnyx:10686] Website Statistics


Is there a link I can give a client for sites on BO 5106 that will let them
see their website statistics (webalizer) without giving them the link to the
site admin? On the Raq I used www.domainname.com/stats and it had an
htaccess / htpasswd login - would like the same on the BO (or similar) where
they sign in and only see the stats.


Bill Hicks

Blueonyx mailing list

[BlueOnyx:10686] Website Statistics

2012-05-31 Thread Bill Hicks
Is there a link I can give a client for sites on BO 5106 that will let them see 
their website statistics (webalizer) without giving them the link to the site 
admin? On the Raq I used www.domainname.com/stats and it had an htaccess / 
htpasswd login - would like the same on the BO (or similar) where they sign in 
and only see the stats.

Bill Hicks___
Blueonyx mailing list

[BlueOnyx:10685] 5106R - rebuild of access - edit or append?

2012-05-31 Thread Charles Bowman
I had a problem with a new domain local user not getting their mail
delivered to their external server, getting 550's when sent via the server.

After a look I saw the /etc/mail/access file was being appended to.

So my earlier tests for the domain, were still in there (long gone from
GUI), edited the file & rebuilt and now all is good.

Should this be appending or editing?

Blueonyx mailing list