[BlueOnyx:22540] Re: suspending e-mail accounts

2018-12-11 Thread Michael Stauber
Hi all,

I recently wrote:
> When an account is suspended a few things happen:
> - /usr/sbin/usermod -L  is used to lock the account.
> - The password-hash of the user gets prefixed with ! to disable logins.
> - Email forwarding/autoresponder are turned off.
> There is another step supposed to be happening and that is to chmod the
> users home directory to remove *all* permissions, effectively turning it
> either into "-". 
> However: *That* change of permission isn't happening.

That's now been fixed on 5207R, 5208R and 5209R. I also had to update
the AV-SPAM, as a certain handler will run (if the AV-SPAM is installed)
that messes with the home directory of users on suspend/unsuspend. That
also wasn't applying the correct permissions when a user was getting

Both updates are now available via YUM for all relevant platforms.

With best regards

Michael Stauber
Blueonyx mailing list

[BlueOnyx:22539] Re: greylist gone ?

2018-12-11 Thread Barry Mishkind
At 12:23 PM 12/11/2018, Colin Jack wrote:
>It appears that host is not re-queuing emails within a reasonable time
>if the delivery had been refused with a tempfail.
>We have had to stop using greylisting unfortunately because a lot of the big 
>players (Microsoft, Google etc.) are using pools of servers and when mail 
>retries it comes from a different server in the pool (and different IP as a 
>result) each time and sometimes it can take several hours before mail finally 
>gets accepted. It is a shame because greylisting does cut down a lot on the 
>spam, but customers started complaining!

Not sure if this is similar ... but offering it:

Interestingly, this is also going in reverse with
mailman. I've noticed it a lot in the past couple
of months. When there are a few bad addresses,
combined with huge delays at aspam.google.com
(and a few similar places), mailman seems to get 
"hung up" and eventually has too many files sitting
in mqueue (something over 140) which ends
up sending two to five copies of the original 
posts to everyone.

The only thing I notice, is that mailman has stopped
sending any bounce notices, so bad addresses can be eliminated.

No options on the mailman GUI have been 
touched during the time period. 

Blueonyx mailing list

[BlueOnyx:22538] Re: greylist gone ?

2018-12-11 Thread Colin Jack
Hi Meaulnes,

It would be a good idea to add the IP of the sending hosts that you've
got problems with to that list.

It appears that host is not re-queuing emails within a reasonable time
if the delivery had been refused with a tempfail.

We have had to stop using greylisting unfortunately because a lot of the big 
players (Microsoft, Google etc.) are using pools of servers and when mail 
retries it comes from a different server in the pool (and different IP as a 
result) each time and sometimes it can take several hours before mail finally 
gets accepted. It is a shame because greylisting does cut down a lot on the 
spam, but customers started complaining!



Blueonyx mailing list

[BlueOnyx:22537] Re: greylist gone ?

2018-12-11 Thread Michael Stauber
Hi Meaulnes,

> I thought the user might be greylisting. But there is no more greylist
> settings in the GUI anymore or I'm looking at the wrong place...

Greylisting is - and always has been - a server wide option. You can
find the checkbox to enable/disable it unter "Network Services" /
"AV-SPAM" in the "Services" tab, where it's named "Milter-Greylist".

In the "Networking" tab on that page you can configure the greylist
delay, how long it whitelists and you can also manually add IPs or
networks to the whitelisted senders, which will no longer be blocked by

It would be a good idea to add the IP of the sending hosts that you've
got problems with to that list.

It appears that host is not re-queuing emails within a reasonable time
if the delivery had been refused with a tempfail.

With best regards

Michael Stauber
Blueonyx mailing list

[BlueOnyx:22536] greylist gone ?

2018-12-11 Thread Meaulnes Legler @ MailList


I have a user who doesn't get an e-mail from a specific sender — latter says, 
the mail was returned with the comment «Warning: message 1gWGNB-000Ome-Jv 
delayed 24 hours».

I thought the user might be greylisting. But there is no more greylist settings 
in the GUI anymore or I'm looking at the wrong place...

Is greylisting now obsolete?

`-´  Meaulnes Legler

 Zurich, Switzerland

+41¦0 44 260 16 60

Blueonyx mailing list