[BlueOnyx:26522] Re: Postfix: Allow relay access by IP (and hostname)

2023-09-26 Thread Chad Bersche via Blueonyx

Hi Michael!

I missed this email last night, but apparently this morning at 6am when 
the RPMs came in, it started working, automagically.  I know this 
because the backlog of outgoing emails from things that hadn't been 
working then triggered rate alerts from my upstream provider.  In the 
intervening time when emails weren't getting relayed, apparently the 
attempts and retries, etc. had accumulated in the database and there 
were upwards of 100,000 emails that would have been headed outbound.  
That made me look for emails about the fix, and there it was.  I then 
frantically started trying to STOP 100K emails from getting delivered.

I'm assuming, from the implementation and what I found in the mynetworks 
entry, it will take pretty much anything listed in the Relay field from 
the UI and put it directly in.  That would allow the use of a CIDR 
netmask to be part of the entry and then be passed directly into the 
Postfix config in that same manner.  I've not been able to test that 
yet, but now that I've sorted the backlog, I'll start playing more with 
the relaying functionality.

Very much appreciate the fix, and hope others find it useful as well!


  -- Chad

On 9/25/2023 8:59 PM, Michael Stauber wrote:

Hi Chad,

Your original recommendation was:

"Change your "mynetworks" line in /etc/postfix/main.cf to something like
this if you want to allow the whole network to be able to
relay through it:

mynetworks = [::1]/128

I did this, but find that, when I execute the postfix restart, them 
main.cf gets rewritten, and mynetworks is updated to:
I just published base-email-* RPMs for BlueOnyx 5210R and 5211R which 
fix this issue.

When you now restart Postfix, the "mynetworks" line in 
/etc/postfix/main.cf will be rewritten to include the following:

- Localhost IPv4
- Localhost IPv6
- All IP addresses bound to your server
- All IPs and Hostnames from "Server Management" / "Network Services" /
  "Email", "Advanced"-tab, field "Relay Email From Hosts/Domains/IP

So anything you specify under "Server Management" / "Network Services" 
/ "Email" / "Advanced"-tab, field "Relay Email From Hosts/Domains/IP 
Addresses" will be allowed to relay through your server without 
authentication. That turns your Postfix into an open relay for the 
specified hosts or IPs.

Preferably you should *not* use Hostnames in that field, but only IPs. 
But if need be, hostnames (of the sending servers) will also work, yet 
these could be spoofed by someone who knows you allow that hostname to 

Blueonyx mailing list

[BlueOnyx:26496] Re: The Postfix learning curve continues

2023-09-21 Thread Chad Bersche via Blueonyx

Thanks for the explanation, Michael.

Most of the challenges are, honestly, coming from other solutions that 
send telemetry, etc. both to local admin (i.e. me) and for remote 
diagnostics/statistics.  The emails that are going to domains hosted by 
my BlueOnyx, as you'd expect, get delivered just fine.  It's those pesky 
outgoing things (and to be honest, I also use internal email to external 
SMS notification emails for some things that also get shot down).

While none of these are life and death critical, I'm glad to know that 
at least the problem is understood, and appreciate the complexities of 
implementing a fix.  Hopefully parsing the IF{postfix} then {ensure IP's 
only} won't be a big lift, and also won't disrupt anything else that 
needs to work.  I respect that my challenge may be a specific to me one, 
and that doing something about it may not be practical without breaking 
other things.  If that ends up the case, just tell me. :)

Thank you sir!


On 9/21/2023 1:39 AM, :

The complication is that the GUI field "Relay Email From
Hosts/Domains/IP Addresses" accepts both IPs and domain names, but the
"mynetworks" line in Postfix just accepts IPs. So I'll have to throw in
some extra cogs and wheels to make sure that only IPs end up in the
"mynetworks" line. But this is doable.

I'll play around with it tomorrow and will see if I can work this out
and then we'll have a YUM update ready to fix this in the next few days.

-- With best regards Michael Stauber

Blueonyx mailing list

[BlueOnyx:26492] Re: The Postfix learning curve continues

2023-09-20 Thread Chad Bersche via Blueonyx

Hi Michael.

I'm resurfacing an issue from about a month ago, on my transition to 
Postfix.  I've simply not had the time to worry about my internal stuff 
not working, until now.

Your original recommendation was:

"Change your "mynetworks" line in /etc/postfix/main.cf to something like
this if you want to allow the whole network to be able to
relay through it:

mynetworks = [::1]/128

Then restart Postfix and see if that helps:

systemctl restart postfix"

I did this, but find that, when I execute the postfix restart, them 
main.cf gets rewritten, and mynetworks is updated to:

mynetworks = [::1]/128

the 192*/32 address correlate to the vSites that I have configured.  I'm 
not sure how I can prevent this from getting overwritten, as when I did 
add the, it was removed, and replaced as I showed above.

Hoping to get this all working, now that I have a bit more time to 
dedicate to it.


  -- Chad

Blueonyx mailing list

[BlueOnyx:26382] Re: The Postfix learning curve continues

2023-08-02 Thread Chad Bersche via Blueonyx

Hello Michael.  Appreciate the continued assistance.

The relay error comes in this section:

Jul 31 14:36:33 mail postfix/submission/smtpd[645290]: generic_checks: 
name=permit_mynetworks status=0
Jul 31 14:36:33 mail postfix/submission/smtpd[645290]: generic_checks: 
Jul 31 14:36:33 mail postfix/submission/smtpd[645290]: 
reject_unauth_destination: emailal...@domain.com
Jul 31 14:36:33 mail postfix/submission/smtpd[645290]: 
permit_auth_destination: emailal...@domain.com
Jul 31 14:36:33 mail postfix/submission/smtpd[645290]: ctable_locate: 
leave existing entry key c...@bersche.com?emailal...@domain.com
Jul 31 14:36:33 mail postfix/submission/smtpd[645290]: NOQUEUE: reject: 
RCPT from backup.bersche.com[]: 554 5.7.1 
: Relay access denied; from= 
to= proto=ESMTP helo=
Jul 31 14:36:33 mail postfix/submission/smtpd[645290]: generic_checks: 
name=reject_unauth_destination status=2
Jul 31 14:36:33 mail postfix/submission/smtpd[645290]: >>> END Recipient 
address RESTRICTIONS <<<
Jul 31 14:36:33 mail postfix/submission/smtpd[645290]: > 
backup.bersche.com[]: 554 5.7.1 : 
Relay access denied
Jul 31 14:36:33 mail postfix/submission/smtpd[645290]: watchdog_pat: 
Jul 31 14:36:33 mail postfix/submission/smtpd[645290]: 
vstream_fflush_some: fd 10 flush 53

Jul 31 14:36:33 mail postfix/submission/smtpd[645290]: smtp_get: EOF

From what I can tell the forward and reverse DNS entries are fine, and 
I'd received no bounces from prior to conversion to Postfix.

I did search for all other relay issues, and there are three email 
addresses being denied, with identical issues.  I'm glad to provide you 
logs from before Postfix and after, if that's helpful.  I just didn't 
want to flood the list with a bunch of attachments


Blueonyx mailing list

[BlueOnyx:26379] Re: The Postfix learning curve continues

2023-07-30 Thread Chad Bersche via Blueonyx

Hi Michael.

I'd tried setting the relay configuration previously, and it seems to 
not be honored for some reason.  I went with the widest scope of my 
network to start with, and also explicitly listed hostnames and IP 
address of a specific system.  I set the following via the GUI, which 
set /etc/postfix/access to show:

# cat access
photos.bersche.com RELAY  RELAY
172.18  RELAY
bersche.com RELAY

After this, I connected via telnet from a server to Blueonyx port 25:

$ telnet mail.bersche.com 25
Connected to mail.bersche.com.
Escape character is '^]'.
220 mail ESMTP Postfix
ehlo photos.bersche.com
250-SIZE 10240
mail from: 
250 2.1.0 Ok
rcpt to: 
250 2.1.5 Ok
rcpt to: 
554 5.7.1 : Relay access denied

When I try the same by connecting from my BlueOnyx server itself:

# telnet mail.bersche.com 25
Connected to mail.bersche.com.
Escape character is '^]'.
220 mail ESMTP Postfix
ehlo mail.bersche.com
250-SIZE 10240
mail from: 
250 2.1.0 Ok
rcpt to: 
250 2.1.5 Ok
rcpt to: 
250 2.1.5 Ok

I looked into the Postfix configuration, which seems to list the hashed 
access file:

# postconf -p | grep -i access
access_map_defer_code = 450
access_map_reject_code = 554
parent_domain_matches_subdomains = 

postscreen_access_list = permit_mynetworks
smtpd_log_access_permit_actions =
smtpd_null_access_lookup_key = <>
smtpd_recipient_restrictions = check_sender_access 
hash:/etc/postfix/suspended_vsites, check_recipient_access 
hash:/etc/postfix/suspended_vsites, check_sender_access 
hash:/etc/postfix/suspended_users, check_recipient_access 
smtpd_sender_restrictions = permit_mynetworks, 
reject_unknown_sender_domain, check_sender_access hash:/etc/postfix/access

Should I start playing around with mynetworks entries next?  I feel like 
I'm just missing something obvious here

Blueonyx mailing list

[BlueOnyx:26377] Re: The Postfix learning curve continues

2023-07-30 Thread Chad Bersche via Blueonyx

Hi Larry.

I did find the mynetworks parameter.  In my main.cf it's set as:

mynetworks = [::1]/128

From what I can tell, these represent the vsite addresses that I have 
configured and was automatically created.

I thought about adding overriding this via 
/usr/sausalito/bin/custom-postfix-confgen.sh but prior to doing that, I 
figured I'd inquire if that's the best route, as if I modify any vsites, 
etc., then I'd have to manually maintain the config going forward.  In 
the meantime, I'll go do some override of the mynetworks and see if that 
changes any behaviors.

On 7/30/2023 9:21 AM, Larry Smith wrote:


   You mention "devices in my network" but it appears you have
not set your "mynetworks" parameter to include these addresses.
If you set the mynetworks to the entire network (your private net
such as or appropriate) then the permit_mynetworks
would allow relay from these devices I think.

Blueonyx mailing list

[BlueOnyx:26375] The Postfix learning curve continues

2023-07-29 Thread Chad Bersche via Blueonyx
As I wrote to the list earlier, I've recently switched over to Postfix 
mainly to allow for external authorized outbound email to be sent, and 
I'm finding a few things along the way that aren't working as they had.

I'm now facing an issue that I'm not sure how to address in Postfix.  I 
have a number of devices in my network (BMC/ILO/iDRAC) and other 
consumer devices (like NAS systems, etc.) that typically send emails 
when health/status issues arise.  Unfortunately, the majority of these 
do not have any concept of authentication to the email server before 
they try to send email.  Some of these notices are sent to email 
addresses that are hosted on my BlueOnyx system, but some of them also 
get sent to other (remote) monitoring email addresses.

I explicitly listed the device IP addresses in the relay field, but, 
obviously that's not working since the authentication isn't taking 
place.  Maillog shows things similar to:

Jul 29 22:02:30 mail postfix/submission/smtpd[429547]: generic_checks: 
name=permit_mynetworks status=0
Jul 29 22:02:30 mail postfix/submission/smtpd[429547]: generic_checks: 
Jul 29 22:02:30 mail postfix/submission/smtpd[429547]: 
reject_unauth_destination: emailal...@external.com
Jul 29 22:02:30 mail postfix/submission/smtpd[429547]: 
permit_auth_destination: emailal...@external.com
Jul 29 21:49:32 mail postfix/submission/smtpd[427630]: NOQUEUE: reject: 
RCPT from backup-server.bersche.com[]: 554 5.7.1 
: Relay access denied; from= 
to= proto=ESMTP helo=
Jul 29 22:02:30 mail postfix/submission/smtpd[429547]: generic_checks: 
name=reject_unauth_destination status=2
Jul 29 22:02:30 mail postfix/submission/smtpd[429547]: >>> END Recipient 
address RESTRICTIONS <<<
Jul 29 22:02:30 mail postfix/submission/smtpd[429547]: > 
backup-server.bersche.com[]: 554 5.7.1 
: Relay access denied

Given that I can't update the devices to support authenticated email, is 
there a path forward to allow certain known unauthenticated email 
sessions to proceed?  I'd not anticipated this in the update, but found 
that I'd not been getting alerts/updates that I had been before the 
migration and started digging.

Thanks for all the help.  My experience with Postfix is much less than 
Sendmail, and I'm trying to adapt.

Blueonyx mailing list

[BlueOnyx:26368] Duplication of email delivery based on /etc/mail/aliases

2023-07-28 Thread Chad Bersche via Blueonyx
Since my switch to Postfix, just a few days ago, I've noticed that, for 
some odd reason, I'm now getting two emails, rather than one based on 
entries in my aliases file.

My /etc/mail/aliases contains the following line:

bjb:    bjb, chadb

I have a dedicated account for my elderly mother where she gets her 
ebills sent to.  To make sure none are missed, I send a copy also to my 
own account, with her knowledge.  This had been working flawlessly using 
Sendmail: each account would get a (single) copy of each email sent to 
that account.

I switched to Postfix earlier this week, and since then, I get two 
emails delivered to the chadb account, but still only a single one to 
the bjb account.  I suspect this has something to do with the different 
way that Postfix handles determining if there are duplicates in a 
delivery vs Sendmail, but I'm at a bit of a loss to figure out if 
there's any way for me to stop this from happening.  It's not a huge 
deal, but it's making duplicates that aren't needed.

Any mitigation suggestions are much appreciated!

  -- Chad

Blueonyx mailing list

[BlueOnyx:26367] ISP Email relay changes, and my 18 hour journey to a solution

2023-07-27 Thread Chad Bersche via Blueonyx
First, I'm going to publicly thank the ongoing efforts of Michael and 
everyone associated with keeping BlueOnyx alive and the awesome 
community it is.  My journey with BlueOnyx started when I was working at 
Sun, and they handed out a bunch of the Cobalt Qube's to engineers.  The 
design and management was really just what I wanted for my home, and I 
jumped in fully, getting my own domain, running my own email server, 
etc., etc.

Fast forward to now 20+ years later, and still with the same ISP 
(Charter -> Spectrum).  I'd been happily using their SMTP relay with no 
issues for all that time.  Pointed Sendmail at it as a smart relay and 
things just worked.  Until yesterday, when Spectrum finally tracked down 
the last open relay from the legacy RoadRunner / TWC portion of their 
network, and no longer allowed it to forward emails.

I'd paid attention to the thread in late May, where Michael outlined how 
to configure Postfix for authenticated email relay. I kept those 
messages in my local archive of "this may come in handy" postings. So 
when emails started failing to deliver yesterday afternoon, I first 
panicked, and then set about the task of find a way to get things 
working again.  Keep in mind, I run email for my household of 4.

My first attempt was simply to configure Postfix, set up the 
authentication per the steps that Michael had so accurately outlined and 
figured I'd be done in time for a late dinner.  That was not to be the 
case.  Emails wouldn't deliver, and debugging the process wasn't 
terribly straightforward, as the failure reason wasn't making it into 
the logs.  So I set up an instance of Thunderbird to mimic the process, 
and turned on debugging there. This showed that Spectrum would accept my 
authentication, but would only accept emails with a FROM address that 
matched the authentication used. Well, that's not going to work...  I 
figured trying to reason with Spectrum was going to be an effort in 
futility, so I started looking for other alternatives.

Now, it should be pointed out that I'm not the only person that's facing 
a similar problem.  I found a thread on Spectrum's own discussion 
community where several others were facing the exact same problem, and 
weren't happy about the total apathy that Spectrum was showing.  I 
contemplated for a brief moment if their Business solution would make 
any of this easier, but I didn't really want to rely on that, so I dove 
into looking for email relay services.

I found many, but narrowed it down to three: smtp2go.com, mailtrap.io, 
and dnsexit.com.  Based on longevity, website information, and 
implementation guides available, I decided I'd start with smpt2go and 
see how painful the process would be, but I needed 6 hours of sleep 
first.  This morning, I signed up, and put in the mandatory entries in 
my DNS records...and waiteduntil it finally propagated far enough 
that smtp2go would let me proceed.  I then created a domain 
userid/password, and added it to the sasl_passwd file, and updated my 
relay host, following the steps Michael had already posted.  This 
process was absolutely simple!

Having done that, outbound email was once again happy (inbound was NEVER 
impacted!), as evidenced by my ability to now post this to the list.

The only odd things that I've currently noticed, I believe, are part of 
the switch to Postfix from Sendmail (yes, long overdue but if it ain't 
broke, don't fix it!).  My hostname, for some reason, changed from 
mail.foo.bar to just mail.  No idea why.  Doesn't seem to impact 
anything, yet.  I'm hoping it won't wreak havoc on any of my 
Let'sEncrypt certificates, etc.  The other oddity is that I had an entry 
in /etc/aliases to send a copy of emails that came in to a specific 
inbox to two recipients.  For some reason, I'm now getting TWO copies of 
those emails, but the other user is only getting a single copy.  If I 
can sort out these two issues, I'll be thrilled, but they don't seem to 
be hugely impacting, yet.

The fix wasn't hugely difficult, just time consuming.  Hopefully this 
will continue to work, and not having the dependency on my ISP is, 
honestly, a relief.  I get the security side of things, and why Spectrum 
changed their relays (they weren't completely open before, as if you 
weren't part of their network block they'd not let you relay), but the 
lack of notice and a reasonable way of being able to allow access for 
those that need it was frustrating.

Thanks for reading, and hope maybe there's a tidbit in here for someone.

  -- Chad

Blueonyx mailing list