
I get the login and no further now. I dont believe the system is 
compromised. I was adding a site yesterday and when I clicked the save 
button it kicked me to the intro screen and this all started, as if 
something happened when it was updating configurations.


> Bill Hicks wrote:
>> Michael an additional follow up, I get the same "You have not entered a
>> correct username and/or password. Please try again. " if I try to access 
>> a
>> websites siteadmin. It almost seems as if some user permission file is
>> messed up. I can access the server via ssh with the admin and the root. I
>> can access email for admin via pop3, I can access websites wordpress
>> dashboards and mysql is running ok, just appears to be issue with the gui
>> and the ftp. Also I do not get that error any longer in
>> /var/log/admserv/adm_error
> Hi Bill,
> Are you not getting into the BX GUI at all?  In other words, no admin
> and no siteadmins?
> Are you confident that the system has not been compromised in some way?
> -- 
> Chris Gebhardt
> VIRTBIZ Internet Services
> Access, Web Hosting, Colocation, Dedicated
> | toll-free (866) 4 VIRTBIZ
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