
I'm trying out login scripts and configuring RoundCube on a virtual server. This 
generates often false logins and my IP gets banned by Dfix2 & APF — which is 
normal and ok. After accessing the vs from another IP, editing 
/etc/apf/deny_hosts.rules, commenting out my IP and restarting APF, everything is 
fine again.

# added 83.76.86.xxx on 12/04/18 12:09:33 with comment: dFixblock2

In order to keep Dfix2 and APF running and to avoid each time this cumbersome dodge 
procedure, I entered my IP in Server Management > Security > APF Firewall > 
Whitelist. But that didn't help, I got banned again.

I noticed then that the line with the IP I entered in the whitelist gets 
deleted. Same happens with the line and IP in the blacklist above.

Any clue why APF's Whitelist doesn't keep the IP?

Thank you and best regards

`-´      Meaulnes Legler

 Zurich, Switzerland

+41¦0 44 260 16 60

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