Hi all,

I recently wrote:
> When an account is suspended a few things happen:
> - /usr/sbin/usermod -L <username> is used to lock the account.
> - The password-hash of the user gets prefixed with ! to disable logins.
> - Email forwarding/autoresponder are turned off.
> There is another step supposed to be happening and that is to chmod the
> users home directory to remove *all* permissions, effectively turning it
> either into "---------". 
> However: *That* change of permission isn't happening.

That's now been fixed on 5207R, 5208R and 5209R. I also had to update
the AV-SPAM, as a certain handler will run (if the AV-SPAM is installed)
that messes with the home directory of users on suspend/unsuspend. That
also wasn't applying the correct permissions when a user was getting

Both updates are now available via YUM for all relevant platforms.

With best regards

Michael Stauber
Blueonyx mailing list

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