Hi Owen and Richard,

> On our 5208  and 5209 boxes, the latest Yum ClamAV update 
> (Installing component solarspeed-ClamAV-0.101.1-1.x86_64.rpm...)
> hangs on install at 100% install progress.
> And goes no further, and leaves clamAV in a failed state.

ClamAV 0.101.1 was a bitch to build due to quite a few changes. I spent
four days on getting it right, so I'm a little surprised why it fails to
install for you as it's been tested quite thoroughly.

Could you please send me the contends of your
/home/.pkg_install_tmp/.swupdate/package.log? Or submit a "Support
Ticket" with the checkbox "Allow Access" ticked so that I can take a look?

Thank you!

With best regards

Michael Stauber
Blueonyx mailing list

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