hi Michael

I don't get this — on the first line, you say

On 22.11.22 17:27, Michael Stauber wrote:
Sadly BlueOnyx 5211R (or any EL 9 clone) won't run *on OpenVZ 7 or Aventurin{e} 
6109R* as Container.

then on the 2nd line, you say

It works in a VM *on OpenVZ 7 and Aventurin{e} 6109R*, though.

sorry for my ignorance, what does apply now?

I have an Aventurine{e} 6109R with five 5210R Virtual Machines. Are those 
Containers? Can I run 5211R?

Thank you and best regards

で⊃ Meaulnes Legler
Zurich, Switzerland
+41¦0 44 260-1660

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