Hi Rodrigo,

Only review the security implications of radiale.org,

Any open CVEs that might compromise BlueOnyx security.


Yeah, I've seen those as well and it is good that you mention it. We will be using "radicale3-3.1.8" from Epel on 5211R and I believe the version for 5210R will not be much older either. Both are much newer than the vulnerabilities you mentioned. The latest CVE from 2017 (CVE-2017-8342) for example is now directly mitigated by a built in brute force detection and enforcing a growing delay on authentication after each failed login.

In fact the *really* tight security in Radicale v3 has already driven me nuts and complicated the integration tremendously.

It runs as unprivileged user "radicale" in a Systemd jail. That jail has its own /tmp and Radicale only has access to it's own home directory /var/lib/radicale. Beyond that Radicale is unable to elevate its own privileges, capabilities and can't modify ControlGroups or access devices or anything kernel related:

[root@5211r ~]# cat /usr/lib/systemd/system/radicale.service
Description=Radicale CalDAV and CardDAV server


That is about as tight as you can configure something.

Which also meant that Radicale itself didn't even have the ability to do any authentication itself and was either accessible to anyone (like: when you use it in internal networks) or relied on htpasswd protection via htpasswd file *in* the jail. Or mod_proxy and mod_authnz_external password protection in Apache itself and passing the user-name via %{REMOTE_USER} *after* the external authentication had been satisfied.

Something like this:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^/radicale$ /radicale/ [R,L]

<Location "/radicale/">
    AuthType     Basic
    AuthName     "Radicale - Password Required"
    AuthUserFile "/etc/radicale/htpasswd"
    Require      valid-user

    ProxyPass        http://localhost:5232/ retry=0
    ProxyPassReverse http://localhost:5232/
    RequestHeader    set X-Script-Name /radicale
    RequestHeader    set X-Remote-User expr=%{REMOTE_USER}

While that is good, it makes GUI-integration a real hassle.

Access to the authentication layer via PAM? Nope! Not possible from within that strict jail. Even if: An unprivileged user can only PAM auth his own credentials and not those of someone else.

So I had to devise a secure method how Radicale can auth over the network (by letting Radicale do a POST request to Apache on "localhost" against a new /internalauth" URL that checks username and passwords and reports if they're fine or not. And then I wrote a Python authentication module for Radicale which uses that method.

Even then I can't do an auto-login from the GUI into the Radicale backend, as it has cross-site scripting protection enabled (so a remote POST request won't work) and on top of that: It prevents hitting the "submit" button via a jQuery script, which is another way I tried to get auto-login working from inside the GUI.

In principle I have it all working now (minus the auto-login) and the code is in SVN:


As I can't get auto-login into the backend working I'll be doing a full GUI integration of Radicale instead. That way we can manage all Radicale aspects from within the BlueOnyx GUI, using BlueOnyx methods. And then we don't need the GUI that Radicale itself brings with it. At least not for the management. It's still used when someone accesses CalDAV or CardDAV to access calendars and/or contacts.

By the weekend I should perhaps have it ready for 5211R and will then port it to 5210R as well.

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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