[board-discuss] Re: [tdf-members] Questions for the candidates to the board of directors of the Document Foundation

2015-11-26 Thread Osvaldo Gervasi
Here are my responses to the 7 questions:

*1. Do you commit yourself to have enough time and the necessary
technological tools in order to participate to the regularly scheduled
board calls?*
Yes, I'm used to have international meetings on a regular basis. In
particular I have managed the International Conference on Computational
Science and Its Applications (http://www.iccsa.org) since 2004, and
participated to International/European Initiatives (EGEE/EGI European Grid,
COST Actions). I reserved the necessary time for attending the calls and
participating to the mailing lists activities.

2.* Do you commit yourself to follow up and work on (at least) the main
items and actions you have volunteered to oversee or that have been
attributed to you by the board?*
Yes. I am strongly committed on honouring the duties the board will assign,
if elected. In my life, in several occasions I have carried out hard tasks
as a volunteer and I have sacrificed for a project simply because I believed in
its core values and its usefulness to the community. LibreOffice is the
most important project in my life.

*What are your views on the foundation's budget? How should the money be
spent, besides our fixed costs? *
I think the money have to be spent:
1. To pay the professional developers who are working full time or part
time for the project.
2. To launch and finance projects which will strengthen LibreOffice and
make it even more competitive and attractive.
3. To reward the active members on their activities related to TDF (LibO
Conf, International meetings and events, etc)
4. To support people and local communities running events that will
increase the LibreOffice visibility among users.
5. To coordinate the users' activities and the local communities, which are
contributing significantly to the LibreOffice growth, thanks to the
coordination and the facilitation of the migration process they are
carrying on.

4. *Should we work towards broadening our pool of contributors, both
technical and non-technical?*
Yes, definitely. A broader community, made by people active in the various
roles: development, Q and User support, localization, migration, is
fundamental in order to facilitate the LibreOffice success among the users.
In particular, being employee of a University, I want to contribute making
LibreOffice more and more popular among students, teachers, employees. I
want to increase the project popularity also for the employees of all
Public Administrations.
As President of the Open Source Competence Center of the Umbria Region from
2007 to 2013, I coordinated several actions in favour of the Open Source in
general and of LibreOffice in particular, inspiring the LibreUmbria
Project. This project is still a headlight for the Italian Community and
for Italian Public Administrations. I co-founded LibreItalia and launched
several training courses on LibreOffice in primary and secondary schools,
signing several agreements with schools and with the Italian Ministry of
Education. I'm also involved in the supporting activities for the Italian
Army migration (150.000 PCs to migrate) and the supporting documentation
developed by LibreUmbria and LibreItalia is still the base on which to
build the new documentation necessary for a so important migration (second
in Europe, largest in Italy).

*Should the Foundation -as an entity distinct from the LibreOffice project
or the Document Liberation project- engage into growing its influence and
promoting and defending Free Software and Digital Freedom? It is, after
all, an integral part of its mission per its very Statutes. If yes, do you
have ideas on what should be done about this? *
Yes, I think TDF has a strong vocation to be the headlight at the worldwide
level in favour of Free Software and Digital Freedom, being the most
important and fascinating success story of the last six years and for its
intrinsic strength, in cooperation with Free Software Foundation and other
organizations sharing the same aim.
I think the success story of the British Government and its commitment in
favour of Open Formats and Open Data has to be considered as reference for
similar actions to be carry on worldwide.

6. *How do you view your (potential) role as a member of the board of
directors, given that this position does not give you any specific
functional role inside the LibreOffice or Document Liberation projects?*
As member of the Board of Directors, if elected, I will be in charged,
representing the community, to take the right decisions, contributing with
new ideas. I think that the community may growth and LibreOffice may evolve
and become always a better software suite, if the Board is able to
harmonize the various souls and tendencies and take the right and prompt

7.* What is the biggest problem of the foundation in your opinion? What is
its biggest opportunity?*
I think the biggest problem of the foundation is the financing scheme,
since even if till now the users have 

Re: [board-discuss] Candidacies to the BoD elections so far

2015-11-26 Thread Sophie
Hi Daniel,
Le 26/11/2015 00:27, Daniel A. Rodriguez a écrit :
>> Hi Daniel,
>> Am 25.11.2015 um 22:00 schrieb Daniel A. Rodriguez:
>>> I just thought that is nice to see some faces
>>> http://s9.postimg.org/ur0iv0zxb/TDF_Board_Candidates.png
>>> sorry for the missing picture by the way
>> You've forgotten Joel and Andreas.
> Joel was there already
> Now I've added Andreas and Simon
> Bitmap
> https://owncloud.documentfoundation.org/public.php?service=files=38ba3c67a1100b50ba395f7c79a0a082
> Source
> https://owncloud.documentfoundation.org/public.php?service=files=3f866658a78efcd0a1ac92dd10f9e1d1

It's a great idea, thanks a lot for that!

Sophie Gautier sophie.gaut...@documentfoundation.org
GSM: +33683901545
IRC: sophi
Co-founder - Release coordinator
The Document Foundation

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[board-discuss] Candidacy for BoD election: Eike Rathke

2015-11-26 Thread Eike Rathke
Hello dear members,

I'm currently a Deputy of the Board of Directors of The Document
Foundation and I candidate again for another term on the board.

My name is Eike Rathke, I live in Hamburg, Germany, and I work full time
on LibreOffice, employed by Red Hat, Inc.

Being a code developer (or hacker by heart..) I'm mainly engaged in the
areas of the Calc spreadsheet core engine, internationalization and
locale data; some may know my nick erAck on IRC. I have been active in
the LibreOffice project since 2011 and was in the TDF Membership
Committee from 2012 to 2013, and from 2013 to 2015 a Deputy of the Board
of Directors. My traces with the code and project go back to the very
beginning of OOo when I was with Sun Microsystems and even earlier when
I worked for Star Division on StarOffice. I'm also an ardent supporter
of Free Software in general.

In the TDF board I see my responsibility to continue the excellent work
the board has achieved so far and further grow the foundation and
support its purposes and provide LibreOffice the home it deserves as
a project, code base and community of different cultures. Speaking of
cultures, I hope the board will represent a balanced mix of aspects of
the LibreOffice project, not only across regions but also across
different activity fields such as engineering, design, quality
assurance, marketing and administration. This to ensure that the
foundation and its projects are seen as a place of professionalism
worth to invest in and work with.

Full name: Eike Rathke
Email address: er...@redhat.com
Corporate affiliation: Red Hat, Inc.

~75 words candidacy text:

I, Eike Rathke, candidate for a seat on the Board of Directors of The
Document Foundation. I am a LibreOffice core code contributor, working
full time on the code base employed by Red Hat, Inc. I have been around
with the project and TDF since 2011. I want TDF to grow and continue to
be a prosperous community that creates and maintains the framework and
conditions for a successful LibreOffice development in all its aspects.


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Better use 64-bit 0x6A6CD5B765632D3A here is why: https://evil32.com/
Eike Rathke, Deputy of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, Germany
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details: http://www.documentfoundation.org/imprint

Description: PGP signature

[board-discuss] Re: Candidacy

2015-11-26 Thread Joel Madero
I suppose I forgot the 75 word candidate statement:

"I view the job of the Board of Directors as one of creating an
ecosystem where those who want to get work done are given the chance to
do so. I believe the Board should remove barriers and invest in tools
that will help the ecosystem thrive. I believe that each one of our
contributors should be respected. Finally, I believe in transparency in
the decisions we make, and always encouraging member feedback."


P.S. I am currently swamped but will be addressing the questions posted
by Charles as soon as possibly - likely some time next week.

On 11/24/2015 11:33 AM, Joel Madero wrote:
> Dear Members,
> I have been honored to serve nearly two years as a Director of TDF and
> will be seeking another two year term.
> I've been a volunteer for the project since late 2011, early 2012. I
> began my journey into the project as a relatively early member of the
> Quality Assurance team. There I found a home and colleagues who embraced
> me, showed me the ropes, and encouraged me to take on more
> responsibility within the project as time passed. Due to this
> encouragement and camaraderie, I see it as my responsibility to pass on
> the skills that I've learned, to encourage others to take on more
> responsibility, and to encourage an overall community feeling. In the
> early days of Quality Assurance I remember a number of very talented
> individuals largely working individually - today we have a thriving
> community, a busy chat, and a friendly environment for new comers with
> any background.
> Today, as a member of the BoD, much of my time goes to oversight of
> multiple projects (QA, Marketing, Documentation, Certification) but I
> still try to find time to work within QA and make sure that I'm giving
> my time where it is needed most. As a member of the Board I was quite
> involved in the Android tender which led to the release of the Android
> based editor, encouraged and was involved with hiring a Quality
> Assurance Contractor, involved in several other tenders, the new grant
> request available to members to request funds from the Foundation, and a
> list of other things.
> My main mission is to create an environment where contributors thrive.
> It's that simple. I believe in funding tools that are requested, in
> encouraging and actively participating in our community to ensure that
> new comers feel welcome, and in thinking about "how can we do better."
> I am unaffiliated, that is, I do not work for a company doing business
> on or around LibreOffice. In fact, I think I bring a unique perspective
> as I have no formal background in software at all, nor do I work in the
> industry. Instead, my background is in US Law, I will be taking the
> California BAR exam next July and will be a practicing attorney
> (crossing fingers) by August of next year. Given my background (both my
> location and my professional expertise) and my proven dedication over
> the years to building a strong community, I believe I am in a good
> position to continue representing the interest of you (our wonderful
> members).
> My goals moving forward:
> + Continue to help QA as much as feasible;
> + I would like to get more involved with Documentation, to help the
> process of building long term goals and listen for feedback about what
> tools would help move us forward;
> + Education - I'd like to see some movement in education, in particular
> in the United States, for getting fresh blood in the project. I've said
> this publicly before but I do believe that there is a big opportunity to
> build a community within higher ed in the US;
> + UX - I've been thrilled to see the UX/Design team make huge strides,
> I'll be reaching out to their team asking them how the BoD can continue
> what those "doers" have been doing over the past few months;
> + Blog/Transparency: This has been an ongoing issue with myself and
> unfortunately, I did not get there this year. I hope to write more blogs
> and help members approach the BoD with questions/concerns/etc... with
> regards to transparency and decision making generally.
> I'm happy to field questions if any of you have some. I can be contacted
> at this email or on IRC at #libreoffice-qa (jmadero).
> Warmest Regards,
> Joel Madero

Joel Madero, Member of the Board of Directors
GPG Key ID: 0x8FFB1B14 - EE32 6D0F 81FF 6FAC 5AD8 10E4 0141 27C6 8FFB 1B14
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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[board-discuss] Candidacy for the Board of Directors

2015-11-26 Thread Eliane Domingos de Sousa
Dear members of the Board of Trustees

I am Eliane Domingos de Sousa, 42, Brazilian member of The Document
Foundation and currently member of the Board of Directors. I run for

I have my small company that does services around LibreOffice technology
and ecosystem. My company also deals with other open source
technologies. I teach classes on LibreOffice and my associates do
consulting in LibreOffice for my customers.

What have I done for LibreOffice

In the last couple of years I acted as member of the BoD of TDF, but I
am involved with LibreOffice and TDF since the beginning.

I employed all the means I had to develop the use and the brand of
LibreOffice in Brazil. Since 2011 I managed to run social networks
around LibreOffice. In Brazil, and with the help of the community we
have Google Plus, FaceBook, Youtube and Twitter dedicated to LibreOffice
and in Portuguese. Links for social networks:
https://www.facebook.com/libreofficebr [3] |
https://twitter.com/libreofficebr [4] |
https://www.youtube.com/libreofficebrasil [5] |
https://plus.google.com/50711502630826613 [6]

LibreOffice Magazine is one of the achievements I am proud to be the
main editor and diagrammer. This bi-monthy e-magazine is completely done
in LibreOffice and is covers all aspects of the LibreOffice community,
including how-to's, case studies, interviews and also on FOSS. In
december, its 18th edition will be released. Link for magazines:
http://pt-br.libreoffice.org/projetos/revista [7]

I also participated in almost every open source business event in
Brazil, either sponsored by the private industry as well as from the
government, representing LibreOffice and The Document Foundation. In the
last 5 years, I gave lectures on LO in events, schools, I participated
in round tables and workshops, and managed LibreOffice booths in almost
45 business events in Brazil.

I also manage and publish news in the Brazilian LibreOffice blog, as
well as our pt-BR portal. Many of you have already seen all the graphic
designs I did for the blog posts as well as the social networks I manage
with the community. Link for blog: http://blog.pt-br.libreoffice.org/ [8]

What I intend to achieve in the Board Of Directors.

The BoD position is an important position for the community.

I intend to be an active voice of the community inside the Board. A
careful mix between non-developers and developers in the board is
important to bring TDF close to its users and supporters.

So, this is what I do for the project in Brazil. I have an enormous
passion for the project, an enormous pride to be part of TDF and I'll
try to do my best.

I'm available to answer any questions.

75-words version:
My name is Eliane Domingos de Sousa, 42. I am currently member of the
Board and of the Brazilian community since 2010. I am a free software
entrepreneur and activist in Brazil, and also editor of the LibreOffice
Magazine. In the TDF Board I want to be the voice of the community and
bring TDF closer to LibreOffice users and advocates. I also think TDF is
in the crossway to address its growth and its institutional challenges,
which is a healthy business ecosystem to enhance LibreOffice adoption


Eliane Domingos de Sousa, Deputy Chairman of the Board
Tel: +55 2509-1609 | Mobile: +55 9 9837-6149
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details: http://www.documentfoundation.org/imprint
LibreOffice é a súite office livre que mais cresce no mundo. Baixe já:

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Re: [board-discuss] Questions for the candidates to the board of directors of the Document Foundation

2015-11-26 Thread Eike Rathke

To answer Charles' questions:

On Monday, 2015-11-02 17:38:59 +0100, Charles-H. Schulz wrote:

> 1. Do you commit yourself to have enough time and the necessary
> technological tools in order to participate to the regularly scheduled board
> calls?


> 2. Do you commit yourself to follow up and work on (at least) the main items
> and actions you have volunteered to oversee or that have been attributed to
> you by the board?


> 3. What are your views on the foundation's budget? How should the money be
> spent, besides our fixed costs?

* infrastructure TDF provides to run website, wiki, repository, gerrit
  and other services (including people to improve and keep it running);
  well, these are fixed costs..
* marketing to spread the word and encourage use of and migrations to
  LibreOffice and attract contributors
* employ people for core duty tasks, i.e. administration, mentoring leads
* regional events (hackfests, small conferences) for community building
  and attracting new contributors
* decide on grant requests (TDF introduced a process this year)
* assign budget to specific areas to be developed (tenders, ...)
* sponsor LibreOffice conference attendees' travel costs

> 4. Should we work towards broadening our pool of contributors, both
> technical and non-technical?

Yes, of course.

> 5. Should the Foundation -as an entity distinct from the LibreOffice project
> or the Document Liberation project- engage into growing its influence and
> promoting and defending Free Software and Digital Freedom? It is, after all,
> an integral part of its mission per its very Statutes. If yes, do you have
> ideas on what should be done about this?

Yes and No. TDF should grow presence and influence and have agreements
or friendship with organizations who are active in these fields, and of
course by providing a home for collaboration for those who contribute to
the software TDF projects develop. This includes promotion of Free
Software and Digital Freedom in general, but I don't see TDF in
a position to defend these freedoms by getting actively involved into
politics or legal affairs. There are other organizations that are much
more effective on these grounds.

> 6. How do you view your (potential) role as a member of the board of
> directors, given that this position does not give you any specific
> functional role inside the LibreOffice or Document Liberation projects?

I do have a functional role in LibreOffice anyway ;-)
The role of the members of the board of directors is to oversee the
foundation and its projects and drive things into a direction that makes
projects attractive and help them grow.

> 7. What is the biggest problem of the foundation in your opinion? What is
> its biggest opportunity?

I actually couldn't name "the biggest problem". One challenge is to
wisely spend the money donated to TDF with a perspective on the future
of two years to have a stable ground on which TDF can operate. One
opportunity in my opinion is to develop and strengthen the position of
TDF and Free Software and LibreOffice in countries where we are not much
present yet.


GPG key "ID" 0x65632D3A - 2265 D7F3 A7B0 95CC 3918  630B 6A6C D5B7 6563 2D3A
Better use 64-bit 0x6A6CD5B765632D3A here is why: https://evil32.com/
Eike Rathke, Deputy of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, Germany
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details: http://www.documentfoundation.org/imprint

Description: PGP signature

Re: [board-discuss] Candidacies to the BoD elections so far

2015-11-26 Thread Daniel A. Rodriguez
> Hi Daniel,
> Le 26/11/2015 00:27, Daniel A. Rodriguez a écrit :
>>> Hi Daniel,
>>> Am 25.11.2015 um 22:00 schrieb Daniel A. Rodriguez:

 I just thought that is nice to see some faces


 sorry for the missing picture by the way
>>> You've forgotten Joel and Andreas.
>> Joel was there already
>> Now I've added Andreas and Simon
>> Bitmap
>> https://owncloud.documentfoundation.org/public.php?service=files=38ba3c67a1100b50ba395f7c79a0a082
>> Source
>> https://owncloud.documentfoundation.org/public.php?service=files=3f866658a78efcd0a1ac92dd10f9e1d1
> It's a great idea, thanks a lot for that!
> Cheers
> Sophie

I've updated it with the latest candidacies

Comunidad LibreOffice Argentina


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Re: [board-discuss] Fwd: Questions for the candidates to the board of directors of the Document Foundation

2015-11-26 Thread Thorsten Behrens
Hi Charles, dear Community,

below my answers to the MC questions:

> 1. Do you commit yourself to have enough time and the necessary
> technological tools in order to participate to the regularly scheduled
> board calls?

> 2. Do you commit yourself to follow up and work on (at least) the main
> items and actions you have volunteered to oversee or that have been
> attributed to you by the board?
Yes, absolutely.

> 3. What are your views on the foundation's budget? How should the money
> be spent, besides our fixed costs?
The foundation has an articulated, specific mission [1]:

- to eliminate the digital divide in society by giving everyone access
  to office productivity tools free of charge to enable them to
  participate as full citizens in the 21st century the ownership of
  office productivity tools by monopoly suppliers which imposes a de
  facto tax on global electronic free speech and penalises the
  economically disadvantaged

- to support the preservation of mother tongues by encouraging all
  peoples to translate, document, support, and promote our office
  productivity tools in their mother tongue the creeping domination of
  computer desktops by a single language forcing people to learn a
  foreign language before they can express themselves electronically

- to allow users of office productivity software to retain the
  intellectual property in the documents they create by use of open
  document formats and open standards the ownership of file formats by
  proprietary software companies – documents belong to their creators,
  not software vendors

- to an open and transparent peer-reviewed software development
  process where technical excellence is valued

So personally, my decision making tends to be guided by those broad
ideas, with a clear preference (when given the option) to attract
contribution, make working for LibreOffice or the Document Liberation
Project more effective & fun, and generally have every Euro of
donation money spent (into tools, mentoring people, outreach &
marketing) return tens of Euro worth of enabled volunteer time.

> 4. Should we work towards broadening our pool of contributors, both
> technical and non-technical?
A resounding yes!

> 5. Should the Foundation -as an entity distinct from the LibreOffice
> project or the Document Liberation project- engage into growing its
> influence and promoting and defending Free Software and Digital Freedom?
> It is, after all, an integral part of its mission per its very Statutes.
> If yes, do you have ideas on what should be done about this?
It is in TDF's self-interest to continue promoting and defending Free
Software and Digital Freedom. The most natural way for us to do that
is to keep LibreOffice successful, growing, and fun.

At this stage, I think there are other organisations much better
positioned to do generic FLOSS & Digital Freedom advocacy, so I don't
believe we should divert focus (and resources) too far away from
LibreOffice & DLP. This is not to say we shouldn't raise our voice to
support those fighting for that in public, nor missing opportunities
to share our vision in the political arena.

> 6. How do you view your (potential) role as a member of the board of
> directors, given that this position does not give you any specific
> functional role inside the LibreOffice or Document Liberation projects?
In the board - I'd like to make things running smoothly in the
background, for others to do their work & have fun. I have some idea
what that entails. ;)

> 7. What is the biggest problem of the foundation in your opinion? What
> is its biggest opportunity?
I don't think TDF currently has any particularly nasty problems, which
ironically might be its biggest problem - becoming too complacent,
leaning back, and to stop improving would be a terrible thing.

TDF's biggest opportunity is the fact that we're at the center
(jointly with a few other large FLOSS foundations) of a sea change in
the software industry - opensource has won & became the norm, and it's
moving up the software stack, from compilers, to operating systems, to
complex userspace applications. If we play this right, there's no
reason why our software in the end shouldn't be as portable, and
pervasively used, as e.g. the Linux kernel.

[1] https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/TDF/Next_Decade_Manifesto

All the best,

-- Thorsten

Description: Digital signature