Re: [board-discuss] MCC questions ..

2020-09-05 Thread Brett Cornwall

On 2020-09-05 18:53, Dennis Roczek wrote:

Hi Michael,

I missed something. ;-)

Am 05.09.2020 um 18:07 schrieb Dennis Roczek:

* To what degree should the MC's decisions & discussion
  be transparent (ie. publicly available) ?

Most internal discussions are about improving the tools or about
concrete applications. The discussion about applications should NOT be
public. Discussions about how the tools should or could be improved
(e.g. dashboard) can be opened without any problems.

I missed to add a reason why the discussion about the application should
not be published: see our disaster with the mascot: if we make
everything in public the members of the MC might get spammed, pushed,
and bullied.

The mascot incident is a great example of why public involvement 
matters! The lessons learned should not be "make everything more 
closed-door" but "What can we learn from disappointing our 
users/community?" Users were angry and hurt for a reason and brought 
very valid concerns to a very flawed event.

(Bullying is *not* acceptable and I vehemently denounce any acts of 
harassment from the controversy).

Even more fatal: some groups might get pushy to get their folks into the group. 
Moreover the GDPR sometimes prohibits every discussion public: as already said 
we do have corner cases with heath issues, corona-problems, being too young and 
other cases which do not should be public!

I have anecdata: A high-profile "rockstar" developer applied to be an 
Arch Linux TU last year [1] and we received colorful remarks from the 
peanut gallery. Contention and disappointment was voiced with our 
questions and handling, and the applicant ultimately withdrew but the 
discourse was not toxic. In fact, I'd say that the comments from the 
general public provoke reflection - even if I do not agree with them. 

I lean toward making applications public (GDPR concerns put aside). From 
a pragmatic perspective, private list mails can easily be leaked the 
moment contention bubbles up. My Debian outsider perspective sees 
private lists as good for promoting their issue with political drama and 
causes sites like [2] to sprout up. I'm not qualified for much more than 
speculation; I'd love to hear the opinions of the more experienced. I'd 
be curious to know how other communities like Debian or Fedora manage 
applications and whether public/private have been helpful.


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Re: [board-discuss] MCC questions ..

2020-09-05 Thread Gustavo Buzzatti Pacheco

Hi Michael, members, community!

Sharing my answers, thanks for the questions!

On 04.09.2020 08:17, Michael Meeks wrote:


* many MC members say they want to expand the membership.
  Given that LibreOffice is rather static in terms of its
  number of those involved in development: coding, UX,
  translation, documentation etc.

+ how do you plan to gain lots of new contributors ?

Let me clarify what I think about "gain new contributors" and "expand 
the membership".

About "gain new contributors", my perspective is regional. Years ago, 
some Latin American members agreed we should do a step ahead to growing 
our local community. In that moment, we saw we had many difficulties in 
Brazil (including losing contributors), but many potential in the other 
Latin American countries. Jumping to now, after a great first Latin 
American Conference and also a great Conference in Spain (which was too 
important for us too), we can say that our regional community (nowadays 
we have said Ibero-American) is much better than before.

About "expand the membership", I think it's a natural result of the 
"gain new contributors". Get *more* members is important (new people, 
new ideas, new goals...) but, as I told in my candidacy statement, my 
main personal focus as a candidate will be continue to work with the 
mcm-script to provide better support to our members.

+ Do you think we expand the membership by accpting
  more marginal contributions for membership cf.

+ what effect do you expect that to have on the project ?

I don't have difference (core or marginal) in my personal approach, as 
we have a non-exhaustive list of types of contributions in  §10 b.) of 
the statutes. Of course the explicit types of contributions listed there 
are our main references to approve or deny a new member in the MC, but, 
in many cases, we should check applications in a wide perspective (for 
example, organizing an official conference, advocating for the project 
in a public/academic institution, managing a Facebook group with 
thousands of participants, etc).

* If you've stood before, approximately how many people have
  you encouraged to apply for membership ?

I'm going to answer in a wide perspective (as I'm currently a MC 
member). I already encouraged a lot of people to apply, from many 
different areas (counting successes and fails). No idea how many, but 
I'm glad to remember two nice cases: a translator who simply didn't know 
he could be a member and a documentation volunteer who had his 
application denied in the past because the language barrier.

* How many applications have you voted against ?

As in the previous question, also an uncountable amount since 2016.

* Do you believe we should have a half-way house / badge
  between membership and non-membership that encourages
  a person, and gives the a path via more contribution to
  achieve full membership ?

I think some actions like our Open Badges awards are interesting to 
recognize contributions from non-members. But I believe they are more 
related with Marketing/Communication than with the process of 
membership. In other words, it's a recognition for the contributor and 
can be a tool for the MC, but I don't believe that it should be in the 
formal path to reach the membership.

* When there are no concrete metrics (such as translated strings,
  code commits, wiki changes, ask comments, etc.) available to
  decide on a person's contribution; what is best practice for
  MC members vouching for their friends' contributions, and how
  should other MC members validate that ?

Search for more information, asking for references to another members or 
asking directly to the person. Discuss until reach a consensus. Suggest 
he/she to reapply in future if contributions aren't clear.

* To what degree should the MC's decisions & discussion
  be transparent (ie. publicly available) ?

I guess we could split it in small topics. I'm going to comment two 

About applications, I think we are fine publishing our minutes with the 
current format (I mean renewed and new applications). I think we 
shouldn't publish additional information (MC member votes or comments in 
applications, for example) as they could be interpreted as personal 
information. There are also some issues related with the European GDPR. 
Unfortunately, K-J , who started to check it's implications in our 
process, isn't longer with us.

About other process, I think it's mandatory sharing contents and 
activities. I'm trying to do it with all aspects related with the 
mcm-script (as I presented in Almería) and other current MC members are 
doing the same with another topics.

* How do you believe we can improve the existing election
  system - assuming the statutes can be tweaked ?
+ I'm interested in where we have the situation that
  being too

Re: [board-discuss] MCC questions ..

2020-09-05 Thread Telesto

Op 5-9-2020 om 18:07 schreef Dennis Roczek:

I talked to many different contributors and mostly they simply do not
know that there is something like a membership and also do not have any
interest in another mail address and ask what are their gains in getting
into the club.

Still not really a clue what they advantages are.
* e-mail
* Able to vote and get voted for.
- However currently not interested being active in MC
- Voting on people I don't really know. So can't really asses their quality
They formal task of MC not that spectacular and the informal tasks don't 
go about strategic decision either
So voting for MC which doesn't have big role (not saying irrelevant). 
Except MC members maybe move up to BoD

I wouldn't really mind if they sitting MC would recruit the new MC 
members themselves (co-option)

Maybe they know even better who are capable or not.

I don't get the feeling to having more influence by being a member or not.
They membership is more a TDF organizational/governmental requirement 
(so needed for TDF perspective) instead for they members being member.
TDF needs they members to have a group who can vote and be voted for. To 
prevent outsiders to get control over TDF (MC/BoD)
They only advantage for the members themselves is maybe a role at TDF. 
Or to show affiliation / association with TDF.

Might have hoped for some more strategical information (in a role of a 
members) . Some 'inside' information. Some exclusivity.
There is not even a roadmap for what to expect for next release. Say 
what project planning is; I mostly assume devs working towards something.
So some kind of planning. If it's simplification of code or new feature. 
Not that I want to pin people on deadlines or whatever. But to get some 
impression what's playing.
It's still a kind of black box.. Release plan filled after being 
finished.  Their is for example the jumbo sheet project; it's still at 
experimental (for good reason).  However no clue what the targeted time 
frame is;
Especially after it got announced in Release notes for 7.0. To silence 
they angry mob for now. Not that it's actually stable or usable. But no 
clue about what the idea currently is.

They "Marketing in Vendor Neutral FLOSS Projects" could have been 
discussed internally with members (before being posted online).
Or they whole discussion on marketing strategy (Personal Edition). If 
there is a place where they discussion should be, it's at member level.
I still prefer some secrecy. Not everything should be argued en public.. 
transparency is nice but not everything. Exclusivity is also a thing.

Still love a non-public forum like of thing for members only. [Please 
not as mailing list]. And would make it possible to communicate/ share 
thoughts a bit more freely/openly.
They board could post some (provocative) question/ insight. And members 
given the ability to react. Even a member could start a discussion.

It's the BoD who has the ultimate say. Consulting they MC. Both must 
make up their minds based upon the members input (and maybe weighting 
some other concerns like profit of eco-system partners)
They MC needs to be their to be consulted and to give advice to they 
BoD. With ultimately they impeachment card.

So Marketing plan shouldn't be posted on public mailing list, before 
they members are consulted. Only the 'accorded' version should go public 
(fiat from BoD/MC) after members got consulted.
They public response could still make it necessary to adjust. But there 
was an internal discussion in advance. Instead of they Personal Edition 
They members could also get some more details/regular updates on they 
research for say commercial route.

This would give membership some actual advantage, I think.


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Re: [board-discuss] MCC questions ..

2020-09-05 Thread Uwe Altmann
Hi again :)

Am 05.09.20 um 18:32 schrieb Muhammet Kara:
> By the way, let me try to explain the problem/unfairness described above a 
> bit by example, for the ones who are not familiar with the issue:
> A and B are working in the company X
> C and D are working in the company Y
> They all run in the MC elections
> A got the 1st position (becomes member)
> B got the 2nd position (becomes member)
> C got the 3rd position (becomes member)
> D got the 6th position (becomes deputy member)
> Because of the affiliation restriction, both A and B having the same 
> affiliation, one of them (let's say B) steps down from MC position, and is 
> kicked out of the MC completely. But C and D, although they have the same 
> affiliation, stay at their positions. So B is, in a way, punished for getting 
> too many votes. See the unfairness?

So now I understand the problem. Seems to me rather a handling glitch ;-)
Is it right that a deputy member is - in all practical matters - seen as a 
member of the body but without a vote (attends meetings in an active role, 
shares all information etc.)? Then the CoI-Rule surely should apply for deputy 
members as well. This is imho the necessary solution because this affiliated 
deputy member ("D") could only step in if a member with the same affiliation 
("C") steps back; otherwise the CoI-Rule would prevent him/her to observe 
his/her duty.
Legal advice needed: Is a "deputy member" also a case of "member"? If "yes" 
then the case is ruled by the statute's CoI-Rule anyway. If in doubt or if not, 

There is § 12 (5) which reads "The details of the induction and expulsion from 
the Membership Committee shall be regulated by a community by-law from the 
Board of Directors." 
So these by-laws maybe could have ruled (or specified the handling of) such a 
case; so the BoD is free to change or add such rules. 
So maybe no need to tweak the statutes - at least for the MC. But imho we need 
a solution for this for the BoD also. So a "yes" would be appreciated :-)
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Uwe Altmann

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Re: [board-discuss] MCC questions ..

2020-09-05 Thread Uwe Altmann

Am 04.09.20 um 13:17 schrieb Michael Meeks:

>   ..
>   + Do you think we expand the membership by accpting
> more marginal contributions for membership cf.

As § 10 (3) of our statutes read "The details of the induction and exclusion 
from the Board of Trustees shall be regulated by a community by-law from the 
Board of Directors..."
So I see just a little influence of the MC on this. It's rather at the BoD to 
make things clear on this topic.

> * Do you believe we should have a half-way house / badge
>   between membership and non-membership that encourages
>   a person, and gives the a path via more contribution to
>   achieve full membership ?

No. Purpose? You do contribute - then you qualify for application. I've see 
rather the opposite view: People contributing a lot but don't feel that this 
qualifies them to apply. And even if they knew that they qualify, they often 
ask "Why should I do so?"

> * When there are no concrete metrics (such as translated strings,
>   code commits, wiki changes, ask comments, etc.) available to
>   decide on a person's contribution; what is best practice for
>   MC members vouching for their friends' contributions, and how
>   should other MC members validate that ?

Interesting question. For example myself - no translated strings,
code commits, wiki changes, ask comments, etc. at least in the last few years. 
And there are even more persons fitting into that schedule (beside their work 
payed for by the TDF). 
Seems high time to discuss this community by-law.

> * To what degree should the MC's decisions & discussion
>   be transparent (ie. publicly available) ?

Afaik the decisions are publicly available and send out per mail to all members 
every three month :-) - and this is btw more than the BoD does ;-) .
The metrics used by the MC - as far as metrics apply - should be also available 
for the public (btw: Aren't they?). For the rest: Perhaps we need better 
defined criteria (c.f. community by-law). Normally these "soft" engagements are 
in public and so per definition traceable for the public. 
Other way round: Threw out Mike Sch. just because his work can't be seen (by 
it's very nature) publicly? At least in a few cases some trust in the decisions 
of the mc seems unavoidable. Questions or public discussion should always be 
possible, but not get the standard procedure.

> * How do you believe we can improve the existing election
>   system - assuming the statutes can be tweaked ?

To solve what problem? Wasn't this...

>   + I'm interested in where we have the situation that
> being too popular can stop you being able to
> engage at all as a deputy - as we saw with
> Miklos/Jona in the last MC election, and Kendy
> in the last Board election.

...a clear matter of § 8 (4) of the statutes to avoid a CoI?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Uwe Altmann

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Re: [board-discuss] MCC questions ..

2020-09-05 Thread Dennis Roczek
Hi Michael,

I missed something. ;-)

Am 05.09.2020 um 18:07 schrieb Dennis Roczek:
>> * To what degree should the MC's decisions & discussion
>>   be transparent (ie. publicly available) ?
> Most internal discussions are about improving the tools or about
> concrete applications. The discussion about applications should NOT be
> public. Discussions about how the tools should or could be improved
> (e.g. dashboard) can be opened without any problems.

I missed to add a reason why the discussion about the application should
not be published: see our disaster with the mascot: if we make
everything in public the members of the MC might get spammed, pushed,
and bullied. Even more fatal: some groups might get pushy to get their
folks into the group. Moreover the GDPR sometimes prohibits every
discussion public: as already said we do have corner cases with heath
issues, corona-problems, being too young and other cases which do not
should be public!



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Re: [board-discuss] MCC questions ..

2020-09-05 Thread Muhammet Kara

Hi Michael, Andreas, dear members of BoT,

On 9/4/20 2:17 PM, Michael Meeks wrote:

Hi Andreas,

On 03/09/2020 19:59, Andreas Mantke wrote:

b) TDF currently has 221 members and none of them asked any question to
the candidates!

That's something to think long and hard about. What does this mean to
the democratic culture of the foundation. It was created to get the
members / contributors a voice and a say.

Fair enough =) good point - here are a few questions I came up with.
Please note - it is trivial to ask more questions in a few minutes than
can be answered in a lifetime - but here are a few things I'd love to know
from each candidate:

What is the right list for that ? board-discuss I hope.

* many MC members say they want to expand the membership.
   Given that LibreOffice is rather static in terms of its
   number of those involved in development: coding, UX,
   translation, documentation etc.

+ how do you plan to gain lots of new contributors ?

+ Do you think we expand the membership by accpting
  more marginal contributions for membership cf.

First of all. I don't think lowering the threshold for membership is a 
good idea. Bringing people who doesn't contribute to the project 
regularly, and who probably doesn't follow what's going on, into TDF 
membership wouldn't bring any value into the project/community, and 
might even be considered harmful, I think.

So I have two main ways in mind for expanding the membership base:

1- Finding the ones who are already contributing silently, but who are 
not aware of the importance of the membership, or who doesn't see 
themselves "worthy" for membership. (Yeah, I've seen such people. They 
usually don't think what they do is enough for membership. But their 
contributions are very valuable in fact.) I have already found & invited 
tens of contributors during my current term in the MC. Some regular code 
contributors and long-time translators are among them.

I keep an eye on various sources to spot those contributors, but I 
especially focus on the code contributors & translators because it is 
more efficient use of time for me (because of my experience/expertise in 
those areas) as a former translator and current developer.

2- Reaching out to people, especially the young ones, to bring fresh 
blood into the project/community, mostly through organizing & running 
events, and helping mentor/onboard/welcoming the newcomers to the project.

I think, of course without neglecting the general public, focusing on 
the universities & colleges is the most efficient way of gaining new 
contributors and increasing our project's chances of survival in the future.

For example, I have been applying/experimenting-with a cascaded/layered 
strategy about this lately: Reach out to as many as possible 
students/people via large-scale events like conference & presentations 
etc, to ansure exposure to FLOSS concepts and familiarity with 
LibreOffice & TDF. That is the first contact. Then through the 
connection you got, try to engage them in active contribution events 
like workshops & bug-hunting-sessions etc. And hope for the best. :)

One example of what is described above is the LibreOffice Developer 
Bootcamp (large scale, with weekly lessons & assignments), and the 
LibreOffice Development Workshop (small-scale) we run after that. We 
gained several active contributors from this series, including 
translators, and developers (2 of GSoC 2020 students of LibreOffice are 
from here). Now we -yes, started as I, but now it is we :)- are planning 
for the next run of this series.

+ what effect do you expect that to have on the project ?

1- Improved sense of belonging for the active contributors, and an 
increased chance for a longer contribution period.

2- A more vibrant/lively community with many active contributors, and 
hopefully some positive effect on the sustainability of the project. 
(Volunteer contributors may also become full-time/paid open source 
developers, so a double win for the community.)

* If you've stood before, approximately how many people have
   you encouraged to apply for membership ?

Tens of people. Probably less then 50.

* How many applications have you voted against ?

Can't tell. Maybe less than 10?

Based on my experience, the approval & rejection decisions have been 
mostly made unanimously in the MC. I guess that's because opinions and 
evidence are shared before the voting, so if there is strong evidence 
against (or lack of any evidence altogether) an application, it gets 
rejected, and if evidence is in favor of the application, then it gets 
approved. Of course, there are also edge cases, which are the most 
difficult ones. So, I expect the "voted-against" number to be similar 
(but not exactly the same) for all members of the current MC.

* Do you believe we should have a ha

Re: [board-discuss] MCC questions ..

2020-09-05 Thread Dennis Roczek
Hello Michael,

Am 04.09.2020 um 13:17 schrieb Michael Meeks:

> * many MC members say they want to expand the membership.
>   Given that LibreOffice is rather static in terms of its
>   number of those involved in development: coding, UX,
>   translation, documentation etc.
>   + how do you plan to gain lots of new contributors ?
>   + Do you think we expand the membership by accpting
> more marginal contributions for membership cf.
>   + what effect do you expect that to have on the project ?
contributors who are willing to help users in Ask, on mailing lists,
usenet and other forums and this over all languages.

We do also have other projects (e.g. ODFToolkit) who are mostly loosely
connected to the TDF.

I talked to many different contributors and mostly they simply do not
know that there is something like a membership and also do not have any
interest in another mail address and ask what are their gains in getting
into the club.

> * If you've stood before, approximately how many people have
>   you encouraged to apply for membership ?
I'm not sure. I asked many and I'm still trying to convince more
contributors although my success-rate should be improved. :-/

> * How many applications have you voted against ?
I guess this question is only for the existing membership committee.
I have no statistics, but in the end it is something between "one or two
hands". Some contributors for example were corner-cases since a few
years or some which we couldn't verify by all good faith.

> * Do you believe we should have a half-way house / badge
>   between membership and non-membership that encourages
>   a person, and gives the a path via more contribution to
>   achieve full membership ?
We need badges! There needs more "gamification", although I do not like
the "hat hunt" for the next badge (hence one reason why I quite
Wikipedia). If our OpenBadget system is in place: yes, we should also
add a badge for being a member.

But the main "problem" is that many contributors are "only" subscribed
to some mailing lists and helping users won't see badges nor know
anything of membership. We have to - at least - inform these contributors.

> * When there are no concrete metrics (such as translated strings,
>   code commits, wiki changes, ask comments, etc.) available to
>   decide on a person's contribution; what is best practice for
>   MC members vouching for their friends' contributions, and how
>   should other MC members validate that ?
That depends. I do not believe that we have any problems in accepting or
declining applications. We do have a problem to get contributors to the
application form! There might be some *seldom* corner-cases where we
have to believe or need some third-party answer as we are having
problems to verify the contributions.

Especially for the last case it is important to have as much as possible
diversity within the mc to know at least who to ask, which was not easy
in the past as Asian contributors were missing.

> * To what degree should the MC's decisions & discussion
>   be transparent (ie. publicly available) ?
Most internal discussions are about improving the tools or about
concrete applications. The discussion about applications should NOT be
public. Discussions about how the tools should or could be improved
(e.g. dashboard) can be opened without any problems.

> * How do you believe we can improve the existing election
>   system - assuming the statutes can be tweaked ?
I'm not really sure, if we do need any improvement. At least I do not
have any suggestion as I do not believe that we do have any problem
within the statues.

>   + I'm interested in where we have the situation that
> being too popular can stop you being able to
> engage at all as a deputy - as we saw with
> Miklos/Jona in the last MC election, and Kendy
> in the last Board election.
As mentioned in some other response, we do have a problem with COI like
in the mentioned cases.I do have a problem with MC members stepping down
for getting voted to the BoD, but to answer your question: simply
getting more people running for the MC will statistical reduce the
possibility of getting into such problems. Luckily this year many
candidates run for MC and thus our members have a real choice!
@everybody: please use your tokens and vote!

>   Thanks for any answers =)
Thanks for your questions.

>   Michael.
Best regards,

Dennis Roczek

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Re: [board-discuss] Collecting proposals on TDF subsidiary

2020-09-05 Thread Dennis Roczek
Hi Paolo,
Hi Florian,

Thanks Florian for the new proposal.

Personally I do like the idea of having a Lux-based company.

I still have some questions about the "TDF Services SIS Proposal Draft"

1) "TDF’s fully owned Social Impact company (Société d’Impact Sociétal)"
--> Does that mean that the TDF is also fully responsible? Then I have
to ask what is different to the general idea that the TDF can do it on
its own without having another layer? How does this work with Germans
law of a foundation?

2) "TDF may also decide to buy services from TDF Services, once its
fully operational, and use it as itsown service provider to streamline
and make more efficient the running of shared operations."
Does this mean that the TDF won't open any new code-tenders but simply
hand the tasks over?

3) I'm still missing (hence might not be worked on in this published
proposal) what happens if something goes wrong? How can the TDF take
down SIS and take over and regain the App Store rights and existing App
Store users?

4) and of course, what Stephan Ficht asked. ;-)

Best regards,

Dennis Roczek

Am 26.08.2020 um 11:29 schrieb Florian Effenberger:
> Hello,
> as discussed during the last board calls, the board is currently
> collecting proposals on a TDF subsidiary. For that, we've created a
> folder "TDF Subsidiary" in the Nextcloud "TDF Members" share, where the
> various ideas will be collected.
> The folder is also publicly available at
> Please do consider all content as a draft, work-in-progress state that
> is subject to discussion and changes. Note that the documents do not
> represent any official board opinion, statement or vote, but are drafted
> by individual members or groups.
> The first proposal added so far is the one by Paolo Vecchi on a
> Luxemburg entity.
> The board is eager to get the discussion started, preferably on the
> public board-discuss mailing list.
> Florian

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] Questions To MC Candidates

2020-09-05 Thread Muhammet Kara

Hi Andreas & all,

On 8/31/20 9:06 PM, Andreas Mantke wrote:

Hi Uwe, all,

Am 29.08.20 um 06:39 schrieb Uwe Altmann:

Hi Andreas

Am 28.08.20 um 08:18 schrieb Andreas Mantke:


b) What is your personal take on a 'cooling down' periode between being
a member of leading bodies of the foundation, regarding the first
sentence in the statutes § 12?

This seems only of interest in case a member of the BoD wants to get a member 
of the MC to prevent or influence a pending lawsuit against himself.
It is surely desirable to have prevented such a possibility by our statues - 
but nothing is perfect. And some kind of self-commitment will not prevent such 
a case.
On the other hand the time schedule of the board and mc elections is a bit 
cumbersome for such an operation.

Maybe a look into the second sentence of § 12 is also of interest here.
The MC initiate and supervise the board elections.

a) Could lead to a conflict of interest?

It is hard to say 'never' to such things with many aspects, but I can't 
think of a general case right now. One needs to resign from the MC 
before nominating for the BoD elections, and he/she is out of the MC 
loop immediately. And it is no longer possible to have an effect on the 
election process any more.

b) Is not showing solidarity (if MC membership is canceled or
suspended), because more work on less shoulder?

It depends. In terms of the number of the MC members, role of the 
resigning member etc. But I wouldn't expect it to have any significant 
effect on the process of the BoD elections. It is mostly an 
automated/technical process.



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Re: [board-discuss] Questions To MC Candidates

2020-09-05 Thread Muhammet Kara

Hi Andreas,

On 8/28/20 9:18 AM, Andreas Mantke wrote:


I have two first questions to the candidates:

a) regarding the mission of the MC (§ 12 of the statutes) have you
already participated in board calls during the last two years as
external (non-member)?

Yes, a few times. But I usually skim through the minutes, and read the 
interesting (to me, as a member of BoT & MC) parts in detail.

b) What is your personal take on a 'cooling down' periode between being
a member of leading bodies of the foundation, regarding the first
sentence in the statutes § 12?

Didn't think about it specifically before, but after checking the 
statutes again based on your question, and reading through some of the 
replies, Uwe's take makes sense to me.



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