Re: [board-discuss] Draft text: an "attic" proposal

2022-01-07 Thread Cor Nouws
Hi Andreas,

Andreas Mantke wrote on 07/01/2022 20:28:

> Am 07.01.22 um 18:11 schrieb Cor Nouws:
>> (...)
>> I'd like to mention that one of TDF's main goal is to foster a
>> sustainable developers community. (...)
> I'd recommend to read through paragraph 2 of the statutes. The goals of
> TDF are written down there.

Sorry for my rough summary, Andreas. I realized myself later, and
corrected it in the other mail.


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin
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Re: [board-discuss] Draft text: an "attic" proposal

2022-01-07 Thread Cor Nouws
Paolo Vecchi wrote on 07/01/2022 19:47:
> Thank you for your valuable contribution Cor.
> On 07/01/2022 18:11, Cor Nouws wrote:
>> To add to that: in the meeting where you proposed to change the
>> situation, you expressed a clear conviction that other open source
>> projects show that it is perfectly possible to have a similar paid
>> product and a free product side by side, without breaking the economics.
>> After it was suggested (among others by me) to come with good examples,
>> solid plans, before breaking anything, you said you would do that.
>> I'd like to mention that one of TDF's main goal is to foster a
>> sustainable developers community. So any proposed change in the way of
>> working, can of course only be considered if it comes with solid report
>> on that subject.
>> Still waiting...
> I'm not sure why you say you are still waiting.

It's easy to spend a lot of words that do not give a single insight on
the question if your proposed changes are respecting the boards duty to
foster a sustainable meritocratic community.


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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GPD key ID: 0xB13480A6 - 591A 30A7 36A0 CE3C 3D28  A038 E49D 7365 B134 80A6
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Re: [board-discuss] Draft text: an "attic" proposal

2022-01-07 Thread Andreas Mantke

Am 07.01.22 um 18:11 schrieb Cor Nouws:
> (...)
> I'd like to mention that one of TDF's main goal is to foster a
> sustainable developers community. (...)

I'd recommend to read through paragraph 2 of the statutes. The goals of
TDF are written down there.

I'd recommend all members of the board to follow this goals very closely
and take care of TDF's assets and pay attention that they are not
diluted or (partially) damaged.


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Re: [board-discuss] Draft text: an "attic" proposal

2022-01-07 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Thank you for your valuable contribution Cor.

On 07/01/2022 18:11, Cor Nouws wrote:

To add to that: in the meeting where you proposed to change the
situation, you expressed a clear conviction that other open source
projects show that it is perfectly possible to have a similar paid
product and a free product side by side, without breaking the economics.
After it was suggested (among others by me) to come with good examples,
solid plans, before breaking anything, you said you would do that.
I'd like to mention that one of TDF's main goal is to foster a
sustainable developers community. So any proposed change in the way of
working, can of course only be considered if it comes with solid report
on that subject.

Still waiting...

I'm not sure why you say you are still waiting.

A long time has gone by and you may have forgotten a few details for 
which you will find confirmation in many emails and board meeting minutes.

I didn't wait at the time and proposed, with full support from the 
board, to involve our marketing team to create the MarCom plan that has 
been running since then with, correct me if I'm wrong, also your 
contributions. I do fully understand, as I very clearly stated at the 
time, that LOOL should have been made available in a way that it would 
have been beneficial to the community without overlapping too much on 
the commercial interests of the major contributor of the project.

Since then, negotiations to deliver LOOL to the community with the full 
board have been ongoing until, unfortunately, the other party decided to 
leave the negotiating table and forked the project.

It is sadly too late for us to deliver LOOL to those in need during the 
early stages of the pandemic, as some of us wished, but there may at 
least be a chance of resuming talks with a valuable member of the 
ecosystem so that it can have an opportunity to fulfil its side of the 



Paolo Vecchi - Deputy Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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Re: [board-discuss] Draft text: an "attic" proposal

2022-01-07 Thread Cor Nouws
Paolo Vecchi wrote on 07/01/2022 17:08:

> Very brief summary of the events:
> Back in March 2020, other new board members and I, started making
> enquiries in regards to why we weren't making available an up to date
> LOOL to the community. We were clearly "advertising" LOOL on the website
> ...

To add to that: in the meeting where you proposed to change the
situation, you expressed a clear conviction that other open source
projects show that it is perfectly possible to have a similar paid
product and a free product side by side, without breaking the economics.
After it was suggested (among others by me) to come with good examples,
solid plans, before breaking anything, you said you would do that.
I'd like to mention that one of TDF's main goal is to foster a
sustainable developers community. So any proposed change in the way of
working, can of course only be considered if it comes with solid report
on that subject.

Still waiting...


(Possibly others may have time or interest to rebut other 'single side
framed' details of your mail)

Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

GPD key ID: 0xB13480A6 - 591A 30A7 36A0 CE3C 3D28  A038 E49D 7365 B134 80A6
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skype   : cornouws
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Re: [board-discuss] Draft text: an "attic" proposal

2022-01-07 Thread Paolo Vecchi

Hi all,

as I was a person directly involved in the process that should have 
given to the LibreOffice community a usable LibreOffice On-Line I think 
I should add my comments to this thread.

Very brief summary of the events:

Back in March 2020, other new board members and I, started making 
enquiries in regards to why we weren't making available an up to date 
LOOL to the community. We were clearly "advertising" LOOL on the website 
but it wasn't in a easily usable state and I strongly believed we had to 
do our part to help e.g. schools and non-profits coping with remote 
working when the pandemic started hitting hard. After all, TDF has been 
created for the public benefit, and in this new situation with the 
lockdown, what would have been more beneficial to the general public 
than to support pupils, students, volunteers in nonprofits by providing 
a platform and sharing our knowledge, based on Free and Open Source 
Software? This would have allowed our Foundation and us, as citizens, to 
perform our civic duty to help and it would also have had a positive 
marketing effect for the members of the ecosystem. Unfortunately that 
opportunity is now lost, mostly in favor of proprietary vendors which 
just consolidate their position. It's sad. It's a lost opportunity for 
TDF and for the ecosystem.

As our enquiries weren't really answered I proposed a vote to get 
noticed. That finally got things in motion to evaluate the situation 
with LOOL, which in turn uncovered the understandable need the members 
of the ecosystem had for more visibility. To satisfy both needs in a 
fair way, work on the marketing plan was started, with the aim to 
satisfy everyone's interests. It's something we should have started much 

It was also an agreed precondition to release LOOL in a more usable way 
and up to date so that we could do our part in providing a free on-line 
platform e.g. for schools and other non-profits.

Things seemed to be satisfactory for both Collabora and TDF, so both the 
marketing plan and the discussion to publish LOOL carried on until 
suddenly Collabora decided to announce the fork, just two weeks before 
our annual conference.

We already put a lot of effort to create and execute on a marketing plan 
and spent months in negotiations for LOOL's release in a way that would 
satisfy the wider community, without damaging economically a valuable 
member of our ecosystem, but unfortunately one party didn't fulfil its 
side of the agreement.

Collabora wrote most of the code, there seem to be no sizeable 
developers community around LOOL elsewhere and TDF has no internal 
developers to continue the development. This leaves us with two options: 
Collabora works with us on executing the marketing plan that includes 
LOOL, or members of the volunteer and enterprise community clearly state 
they want to work on a LOOL. If neither of those two options is 
actionable then we have to conclude that TDF has no LOOL to promote 
anymore, and it's another lost opportunity.

Sadly, the temporary freeze announced in 2020 did not help to find a 
solution. Since the beginning of the fork Collabora didn't respond to 
requests to find a mutually benificial solution to the issue. Instead it 
put its efforts in removing tags related to the "LibreOffice Project" 
and even renamed variables from LOOL* to COOL*, clearly indicating that 
they are not interested in reviewing their decision, so eventual 
backports to the original project are even more complicated from both a 
technical and relational point of view.

If in the next few months a small number of developers will express 
their interest to work on LOOL to fix bugs and/or take it in a different 
direction then it would make sense to re-open the repository. Closing it 
in my opinion was a mistake in the first place. It prevented people from 
contributing, so we don't even know if someone wanted to contribute, or 
if by now people just gave up.

If in feedback is received by either Collabora or the community then we 
should officially declare LOOL as end of life and stop promoting it 
directly, stop allowing third parties to benefit from this specific 
brand as they did for a decade and review the marketing plan to remove 
references to LOOL or third party products derived from it.

It is a real shame that a project which was presented during the 2011 
LibreOffice Conference by a member of the community and supported by TDF 
over the years ended this way but at least it's a lesson learned that 
should help in:

1) Creating clear agreements with the projects we support/promote so 
that, even if a team/company writes the majority of the code, we will 
have clear indications of the benefits we can together bring to the 
community and the relevant expectations from both sides.

2) Making it very clear to current and future members of the commercial 
ecosystem that "The objective of the foundation is the promotion and 
development of office software 

[board-discuss] Re: Acceptance of role in the Board of Directors

2022-01-07 Thread Cor Nouws
I, Cor Nouws, elected director of the board of The Document Foundation,
hereby accept this position within the Stiftung bürgerlichen Rechts. My
term will start February 18, 2022.

Signed: Cor Nouws

Ich, Cor Nouws, gewähltes Mitglied des Vorstands der The Document
Foundation, nehme mein Amt innerhalb der Stiftung bürgerlichen Rechts
an. Meine Amtszeit beginnt am 18. Februar 2022.

Unterzeichnet: Cor Nouws

Marina Latini wrote on 07/01/2022 00:10:
> Dear Cor Nouws,
> let me first take this opportunity to personally congratulate you for
> having been elected as member of the board. Then I kindly invite you to
> officially accept your position in the board by answering to this
> message with a "Reply to all".
> On behalf of the Membership Committee,
> Marina Latini

Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details:

GPD key ID: 0xB13480A6 - 591A 30A7 36A0 CE3C 3D28  A038 E49D 7365 B134 80A6
mobile  : +31 (0)6 25 20 7001
skype   : cornouws
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[board-discuss] Re: Acceptance of role in the Board of Directors

2022-01-07 Thread Gabriel Masei
I, Gabriel Masei, elected deputy director of the board of The Document
Foundation, hereby accept this position within the Stiftung bürgerlichen
Rechts. My term will start February 18, 2022.

Signed: Gabriel Masei

Ich, Gabriel Masei, gewähltes Ersatzmitglied des Vorstands der The
Document Foundation, nehme mein Amt innerhalb der Stiftung bürgerlichen
Rechts an. Meine Amtszeit beginnt am 18. Februar 2022.

Unterzeichnet: Gabriel Masei


Gabriel Masei
Senior C/C++ Developer, Free Products Development Romania
Phone: +40 31 223 90 62
Mobile: +40 721 934 131

1&1 Internet Development Romania SRL
Sky Tower, 246C Calea Floreasca,
13th Floor, 014476, RO Bucharest

From: Marina Latini 
Sent: Friday, January 7, 2022 1:11 AM
To: Gabriel Masei
Cc: Board Discuss
Subject: Acceptance of role in the Board of Directors

Dear Gabriel Masei,

let me first take this opportunity to personally congratulate you for
having been elected as deputy member of the board. Then I kindly invite
you to officially accept your position in the board by answering to this
message with a "Reply to all".

On behalf of the Membership Committee,
Marina Latini

I, Gabriel Masei, elected deputy director of the board of The Document
Foundation, hereby accept this position within the Stiftung bürgerlichen
Rechts. My term will start February 18, 2022.

Signed: Gabriel Masei

Ich, Gabriel Masei, gewähltes Ersatzmitglied des Vorstands der The
Document Foundation, nehme mein Amt innerhalb der Stiftung bürgerlichen
Rechts an. Meine Amtszeit beginnt am 18. Februar 2022.

Unterzeichnet: Gabriel Masei

Marina Latini, Chairperson of the Membership Committee
Tel: +39 3497482812 | IRC: deneb_alpha on LiberaChat
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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[board-discuss] Re: Acceptance of role in the Board of Directors

2022-01-07 Thread
I, Ayhan Yalçınsoy, elected deputy director of the board of The DocumentFoundation, hereby accept this position within the Stiftung bürgerlichenRechts. My term will start February 18, 2022.Signed: Ayhan YalçınsoyIch, Ayhan Yalçınsoy, gewähltes Ersatzmitglied des Vorstands der TheDocument Foundation, nehme mein Amt innerhalb der Stiftung bürgerlichenRechts an. Meine Amtszeit beginnt am 18. Februar 2022.Unterzeichnet: Ayhan Yalçınsoy02:11, 7 Ocak 2022, Marina Latini :Dear Ayhan Yalçınsoy,let me first take this opportunity to personally congratulate you for having been elected as deputy member of the board. Then I kindly invite you to officially accept your position in the board by answering to this message with a "Reply to all".On behalf of the Membership Committee,Marina LatiniI, Ayhan Yalçınsoy, elected deputy director of the board of The Document Foundation, hereby accept this position within the Stiftung bürgerlichen Rechts. My term will start February 18, 2022.Signed: Ayhan YalçınsoyIch, Ayhan Yalçınsoy, gewähltes Ersatzmitglied des Vorstands der The Document Foundation, nehme mein Amt innerhalb der Stiftung bürgerlichen Rechts an. Meine Amtszeit beginnt am 18. Februar 2022.Unterzeichnet: Ayhan Yalçınsoy-- Marina Latini, Chairperson of the Membership CommitteeTel: +39 3497482812 | IRC: deneb_alpha on LiberaChatThe Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 BerlinGemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen RechtsLegal details: Ayhan Yalçınsoy (PhD)Management and Organization+90 507 231 57 79Pisi Linux DeveloperLibreoffice TranslatorN‹§²æìr¸›y隊[hn†«uجrë,úéì¹»®&Þv‡.™éí~‹§u«b¢z+€úènW¦²m¦ÏÿÃ%‰ºÞ¡÷âqê+ƒø¶¥§ùšŠX§‚X¬¶Ïá£hº{.nÇ+‰·¿>‹-Šx º'^–)޳騭èm¶›?ÿ¤‰Úºg§µú.Ö­Š‰è®Ízت¹ëmx¸¬µªÜ†+ކÛi³ÿåŠËZ­Èb½ë¡Ë¦z{_¢éÝjبžŠàÿ0ýº­×b±Ë¬³óëŠöœÈú%‰Ì¡¶Úlÿü0ÁÚºg§µú.Ö­Š‰è®é®+Ús

[board-discuss] Re: Acceptance of role in the Board of Directors

2022-01-07 Thread Jan Holesovsky
Dear Marina, all,

I, Jan Holešovský, elected director of the board of The Document 
Foundation, hereby accept this position within the Stiftung
bürgerlichen Rechts. My term will start February 18, 2022.

Signed: Jan Holešovský

Ich, Jan Holešovský, gewähltes Mitglied des Vorstands der The Document 
Foundation, nehme mein Amt innerhalb der Stiftung bürgerlichen Rechts 
an. Meine Amtszeit beginnt am 18. Februar 2022.

Unterzeichnet: Jan Holešovský

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[board-discuss] Re: Acceptance of role in the Board of Directors

2022-01-07 Thread Caolán McNamara
On Fri, 2022-01-07 at 00:10 +0100, Marina Latini wrote:
> Dear Caolán McNamara,
> let me first take this opportunity to personally congratulate you for
> having been elected as member of the board. Then I kindly invite you
> to officially accept your position in the board by answering to this 
> message with a "Reply to all".
> On behalf of the Membership Committee,
> Marina Latini
> I, Caolán McNamara, elected director of the board of The Document 
> Foundation, hereby accept this position within the Stiftung
> bürgerlichen Rechts. My term will start February 18, 2022.
> Signed: Caolán McNamara
> Ich, Caolán McNamara, gewähltes Mitglied des Vorstands der The
> Document Foundation, nehme mein Amt innerhalb der Stiftung
> bürgerlichen Rechts an. Meine Amtszeit beginnt am 18. Februar 2022.
> Unterzeichnet: Caolán McNamara

I accept

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Re: [board-discuss] Acceptance of role in the Board of Directors

2022-01-07 Thread Emiliano Vavassori

I, Emiliano Vavassori, elected director of the board of The Document
Foundation, hereby accept this position within the Stiftung
bürgerlichen Rechts. My term will start February 18, 2022.

Signed: Emiliano Vavassori

Ich, Emiliano Vavassori, gewähltes Mitglied des Vorstands der The
Document Foundation, nehme mein Amt innerhalb der Stiftung
bürgerlichen Rechts an. Meine Amtszeit beginnt am 18. Februar 2022.

Unterzeichnet: Emiliano Vavassori

Emiliano Vavassori

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[board-discuss] Re: Acceptance of role in the Board of Directors

2022-01-07 Thread Gabor Kelemen
I, Gábor Kelemen, elected deputy director of the board of The Document
Foundation, hereby accept this position within the Stiftung bürgerlichen
Rechts. My term will start February 18, 2022.

Signed: Gábor Kelemen

Ich, Gábor Kelemen, gewähltes Ersatzmitglied des Vorstands der The
Document Foundation, nehme mein Amt innerhalb der Stiftung bürgerlichen
Rechts an. Meine Amtszeit beginnt am 18. Februar 2022.

Unterzeichnet: Gábor Kelemen

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] Acceptance of role in the Board of Directors

2022-01-07 Thread Paolo Vecchi
I, Paolo Vecchi, elected director of the board of The Document 
Foundation, hereby accept this position within the Stiftung bürgerlichen 
Rechts. My term will start February 18, 2022.

Signed: Paolo Vecchi

Ich, Paolo Vecchi, gewähltes Mitglied des Vorstands der The Document 
Foundation, nehme mein Amt innerhalb der Stiftung bürgerlichen Rechts 
an. Meine Amtszeit beginnt am 18. Februar 2022.

Unterzeichnet: Paolo Vecchi

Description: OpenPGP digital signature