Re: [board-discuss] [VOTE] ratify board communication best practices document

2022-04-12 Thread Ayhan YALÇINSOY
+1Ayhan YALÇINSOY, Deputy Member of the Board of DirectorsThe Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DEGemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen RechtsLegal details: Nis 2022 19:44 tarihinde Thorsten Behrens  yazdı:Dear fellow directors,

having discussed this and incorporated your feedback, calling for a
vote, to:

* ratify attached best practices as current board communication
  (verbatim copy from as of 2022-04-12
  1600 UTC)

Vote runs the usual 72 hours, please answer with +1/-1/abstain to this


-- Thorsten

Re: [board-discuss] [DECISION] TDF to publish LibreOffice in app stores

2022-06-08 Thread Ayhan YALÇINSOY
Good idea, it works for me.Ayhan YALÇINSOY, Deputy Member of the Board of DirectorsThe Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DEGemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen RechtsLegal details: Haz 2022 12:44 tarihinde Florian Effenberger  yazdı:Hello Simon,

Simon Phipps wrote on 04.06.22 at 10:59:
> Can you tell us who "attended" the "meeting" please as only 5 votes were 
> recorded so 2 must have been absent.

that's something for the board to decide, how they want to handle this - 
happy to update the vote template if the board is fine with that.

All board members are on this list, so we can gather some feedback.


Florian Effenberger, Executive Director (Geschäftsführer)
Tel: +49 30 5557992-50 | Mail:
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
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[board-discuss] Re: [tdf-internal] Open letter for revive LOOL, add your +1 if you agree

2022-07-13 Thread Ayhan YALÇINSOY
+123:42, 10 Temmuz 2022, "Daniel A. Rodriguez" :
We, the undersigned, would like to express our great concern
  regarding the definitive closure of the repository of what was
  LibreOffice Online. Considering the mission of facilitating access
  to information and communication technologies as a fundamental and
  strategic achievement of inclusion and exercise of digital
  As a foundation committed to eliminating the digital divide in
  society by giving everyone free access to office productivity
  tools, the most important thing is to demonstrate that we are
  committed to offering alternatives to all those individuals and
  organizations that lack the resources to hire corporate services.
  We intend with this message, an absolute rethinking of the vote
  that established the current condition of the repository, which
  belongs to the community and should welcome improvements from all
  over the community, as we consider it goes against the objectives
  outlined by The Document Foundation.
  To avoid the process of atticization, as the clock is already
  ticking, and, at the same time, emphasize the global nature of the
  foundation we urge full consideration of the two proposals that
  have been made so far.
  Support Andreas Mantke's effort to revive the LOOL project. Who
  has already succeeded in upgrading the pre-fork code base to
  current libraries and dependencies versions.
  Implement the OxOffice On Line Community Version fork that already
  has several improvements before the LOOL version has been frozen,
  including those implemented in the commercial versions, and bugs
  fixed by them as they see fit.
  In any case, since this is a community version TDF must show its
  commitment to its core values and do everything in their power to
  grow LOOL community in order to continue development.
  Sincerely yours, LibreOffice Community Members and Activists
  around the world.

  Uso LibreOffice, por privacidad, seguridad y control de mis datos.
  Da un vistazo a la mejor suite de oficina:
  O únete a la Comunidad Hispana:
-- Postings on this list are considered private communication among TDF members. Please do NOT share outside this circle!Dr. Ayhan Yalçınsoy (PhD)Management and Organization+90 507 231 57 79Pisi Linux DeveloperLibreoffice Translator

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Re: [board-discuss] [VOTE] New proposal for hiring in-house developers.

2022-12-04 Thread Ayhan YALÇINSOY
+1Thanks for your efforts.Ayhan YALÇINSOY, Member of the Board of DirectorsThe Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DEGemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen RechtsLegal details: Ara 2022 11:24 tarihinde Cor Nouws  yazdı:Dear people,

Thanks for the constructive feedback on the proposal.
Various changes applied, I now call a vote for the resolution below.

Your response within 72 hours from now is much appreciated.



## TDF Developer Hiring Resolution 2022


- with TDF stewarding, among other things, a well-working symbiosis of
   various companies and volunteer developers inside of the LibreOffice

- given that in the current situation, there are certain areas where
   extra developers can add value with additional activities, that
   complement the existing contributions;

- with this being an ongoing need;

Therefore the board resolves that:

- TDF will seek to hire a developer(s);

- who will report to the ED as a regular team member, and consult weekly
   with the ESC, which will oversee the technical direction of the work;

- who will work in such a way, that both volunteer and ecosystem peers
   regard them as helpful, supportive and complementing their own work;

- for whom as the initial areas of work, the board identifies
   improving RTL/CTL writing support and accessibility for LibreOffice;
   as well as mentoring new volunteers in these specific areas.
   After that, depending on skills available, Writer tables, Base,
   general regression fixing, Draw, and Math are the next focus areas;

- thus, there will be two job postings, with requirements matching the
   initial focus areas listed above, and one or two developers will be
   hired initially;

- after 6, and after 9 months following the developers starting their
   work, the board will do an assessment of the situation and results.

Requirements for the candidates:

* Very good C++ development skills;
* Proven experience with Accessibility and/or RTL/CTL, additional CJK
   experience is a strong plus;
* Love for open source;
* Team players;
* Experience with LibreOffice development is a plus.

Footnote: for a requirements analysis on the need for hiring
developers, please refer to information on the pages 3-8 of the
abandoned dev proposal: "


Cor Nouws wrote on 28/11/2022 10:58:
> Hi all,
> As promised. After the previous draft text ended up in a dead-end, with 
> apparently no compromise possible, it is time for a fresh start to get 
> developers hired.
> The initial discussion was valuable and also informing this proposal.
> With the following, we suggest a new proposal, brief and positive, that 
> makes clear where we stand, building on trust in the community, and 
> leaves it to the board to pragmatically act, based on their task and 
> responsibility to try to do the best thing for the foundation.
> Your feedback is much appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Cor
> -%<--
> ## TDF Developer Hiring Resolution 2022
> "Whereas,
> - with TDF stewarding, among other things, a well-working symbiosis of
>    various companies and volunteer developers inside of the LibreOffice
>    community;
> - given that in the current situation, there are certain areas where
>    extra developers can add value with additional activities, that
>    complement the existing contributions;
> - with this being an ongoing need;
> Therefore the board resolves that:
> - TDF will seek to hire a developer(s) reporting to the ESC;
> - who will work in such a way, that both volunteer and ecosystem peers
>    regard them as helpful, supportive and complementing their own work;
> - for whom as the initial areas of work, the board identifies
>    improving RTL/CTL writing support and accessibility for LibreOffice
>    core; as well as mentoring new volunteers in these specific
>    areas. After that, depending on skills available, Writer tables,
>    Base, general regression fixing, Draw, and Math are the next focus
>    areas;
> - thus, there will be two job postings, with requirements matching the
>    initial focus areas listed above, and one or two developers will be
>    hired initially;
> - after 6, and after 9 months following the developers starting their
>    work, the board will do an assessment of the situation and results.
> Requirements for the candidates:
> * Very good C++ development skills;
> * Proven experience with Accessibility and/or RTL/CTL, additional CJK
>    experience is a strong plus;
> * Love fo

[board-discuss] Absent Representation

2023-03-20 Thread Ayhan YALÇINSOY
I, Ayhan Yalçınsoy, elected member of the Board of Directors of TheDocument Foundation, hereby and until further notice, nominate thefollowing deputy to represent me during board calls and meetings:* Gabriel MaseiRegards, AyhanAyhan YALÇINSOY, Member of the Board of DirectorsThe Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DEGemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen RechtsLegal details: