[board-discuss] Re: TDF-Business-Entity

2020-10-02 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi Andreas,

On 30/09/2020 09:40, Andreas Mantke wrote:
>>  c) form sub-group to work out and publish business entity proposals
>>     URL: https://redmine.documentfoundation.org/issues/3294
>>     Status: Criteria list (Lothar) Draft proposal for Luxemburg entity
>> (Paolo), next meeting orga(Thorsten)  ->> 
>> https://nextcloud.documentfoundation.org/s/NeBWm25cd2LHyoq
> it's not a really appropriate behavior of a German charity to create a
> business entity in a country, which is known as a legal tax shelter.

I'm sure no-one would want us to search the world for a jurisdiction
that is maximally burdensome to incorporate and run in =)

For my part Luxembourg has the major benefit that Paolo wants to be
involved and help get something done. It is hard to over-state how
important it is to have not only a concrete proposal but good people on
the ground. Incidentally this is why I was -so- dismayed to see the UK
option discarded on what I felt were poor grounds.

Either way - another advantage of Luxembourg is that we are blessed
with having Lionel (CC'd) based there - at a professional accountancy
that (if we're really nice) may kindly offer us the benefit of their
accounting experience & help with oversight. That combination of long
term understanding of FLOSS, LibreOffice as well as local company / tax
issues would be an incredible plus.

Beyond that - having a concrete proposal from any other jurisdiction
would be fine - but we should get moving.

Andreas - if you want to get involved - I believe Florian is working on
a German entity proposal as another option - hopefully we see that soon.
Personally I think there may be merit in a UK option still - if Simon is
interested in engaging.

I think we've discussed a few tests (perhaps there are more) for an
entity to sell things in the app-store:

* protect TDF by some effective separation ie. a
  different entity.
* have an corporate'y structure ie. no
  unexpected restriction on activity
* provide for effective control by TDF
* provide for operational isolation from the BoD
+ though I'm still hopeful we can de-stress
  the BoD relationships over time.
* have low running costs, risks, and overheads
* have local people willing to file forms / documents
* have English Gov't interaction so all is transparent

Perhaps something else ?

One of the wider problems we have I think is a lack of decisiveness.
Also some sort of steady stream of people arriving late to a discussion
and re-starting it =) perhaps that is inevitable as discussions ripple
outwards through the community as they get more concrete.

From a process perspective I think we'd want to get a deadline for
short, summary proposals - perhaps under some agreed grid / headings
(cf. above) - that we can present to the membership as a simple poll (we
have a great ranked / voting method to handle this sort of thing).

With the membership's views in hand, the board could perhaps vote to
give confidence to the teams involved to get on with final preparation
and the actual formation.

Again - it would be lovely to help out by build a constructive,
detailed alternative proposal if you can Andreas, and I imagine that
would be welcome.

My 2 cents,


michael.me...@collabora.com <><, GM Collabora Productivity
Hangout: mejme...@gmail.com, Skype: mmeeks
(M) +44 7795 666 147 - timezone usually UK / Europe

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[board-discuss] Re: TDF-Business-Entity

2020-10-02 Thread Lionel Élie Mamane
On Fri, Oct 02, 2020 at 09:10:53AM +0100, Michael Meeks wrote:
> On 30/09/2020 09:40, Andreas Mantke wrote:

>>>  c) form sub-group to work out and publish business entity proposals
>>>     URL: https://redmine.documentfoundation.org/issues/3294
>>>     Status: Criteria list (Lothar) Draft proposal for Luxemburg entity
>>> (Paolo), next meeting orga(Thorsten)  ->> 
>>> https://nextcloud.documentfoundation.org/s/NeBWm25cd2LHyoq

>> it's not a really appropriate behavior of a German charity to
>> create a business entity in a country, which is known as a legal
>> tax shelter.

>   I'm sure no-one would want us to search the world for a
> jurisdiction that is maximally burdensome to incorporate and run in
> =)

I'm aware that (some) German (and French, and Belgian) politicians
like to deflect from domestic problems by blaming Luxembourg, and that
they have some success doing that, but that doesn't make their dreams

They like to announce big sweeping "we will investigate this-and-this
behaviour by Luxembourg"... the press echoes the big announcement, but
when the investigation silently peters out, nobody reads about it.
Recent examples include the Belgian "investigation" of Luxembourg tax
rulings (the Belgian tax office probably "reminded" the minister that
they issue far more...). Some press, e.g.
like to announce when Luxembourg faces delays in the nitty gritty
implementation of a particular transparency measure required by EU
legislation, but is mum when France flat out refuses to implement it
fully (with some help of its top courts, which seem to think it is not
obviously wentirely compatible with fundamental human rights), or
Poland has (at the time of the article) not even begun a draft law to
implement it (Poland has since have not only drafted that law, but
passed it).

>From the times of Francis Bacon and before, "calomniez, calomniez, il
en restera toujours quelque chose" (I wish I knew the English
original, not only the canonical French translation) has been a
principle of statehood.

Bullying small Luxembourg is obviously easier, and safer, than even
small but somewhat bigger neighbours, like the Netherlands (ever heard
about the "Dutch Sandwich"?), Belgium ("tax shelter" for many French
or Dutch "rich people"... no taxation of "capital income", as long as
it is not a professional activity) or France (where whole city/town
districts are tax-exempt... how's that for a "tax shelter"?), or small
jurisdictions under the protection of e.g. the United Kingdom.

If you want to take the discussion on the moral level, you have to
decide whether it is "proper" for "a German charity" to join in this
bullying, or whether it should stand as a beam of light and virtue in
refusing to do so.

If you want to have the discussion on factual bases of where and how
it would work best, like Michael seems to try to do, then we can
forget about this whole subdiscussion.


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[board-discuss] Re: TDF-Business-Entity

2020-10-02 Thread Lionel Élie Mamane
On Fri, Oct 02, 2020 at 09:10:53AM +0100, Michael Meeks wrote:
> On 30/09/2020 09:40, Andreas Mantke wrote:

>>>  c) form sub-group to work out and publish business entity proposals
>>>     URL: https://redmine.documentfoundation.org/issues/3294
>>>     Status: Criteria list (Lothar) Draft proposal for Luxemburg entity
>>> (Paolo), next meeting orga(Thorsten)  ->> 
>>> https://nextcloud.documentfoundation.org/s/NeBWm25cd2LHyoq

I took a look at the above document. My general impression is that any
CIC / SIS / ... like structure will have to be carefully considered to
see whether the inherent limitations thereof are something that can be
lived with, or whether they will lead to similar/same problems as with
TDF money, which is what we try to avoid!

The Luxembourg SIS has the clear advantage over (my understanding of)
the previous UK CIC proposal that it would be clearly owned by TDF,
the management has to present its report (at least once per year) to
the shareholder (TDF), and the shareholder (TDF) approves... or not!
of the management's past actions. Just like in any company. In a
Luxembourg SIS, that report is not only on the general management of
the company and its accounts, but also specifically on the "social
purpose" of the SIS, and must measurably demonstrate whether the goals
(which must be quantifiable) have been met, or not, and "how much"
they have been met.

Another approach, which was my first thought before reading the above
linked document, is to make a straight commercial company, fully owned
by TDF. This will clearly allow "any" commercial activity, while
ensuring that any profits, if not tendered out, are ploughed back into
the community by way of TDF.

I'm a big believer in the "theory" of incentives. A taxable structure
also comes with an incentive to spend the money (tender it out), since
the tenders will count as expenses, and reduce the income tax owed.
I'm not saying that is in itself a reason to choose a taxable

In all cases (CIC/SIS-like structure or straight commercial company),
we have to delineate clearly the functioning of the company, and its
governance. In order to allow the company to be focused, and so that
it is not just an echo chamber of TDF processes, we could consider
that, while economically fully owned by TDF, the governance is such
that a group of "well-chosen" people (initially formally
chosen/approved by the TDF as incorporator of the company; in practice
can be chosen by the TDF BoD, by "the community at large" according to
some process, ...) will be able to run the company (or choose the
people that will). If we choose for that, there are company types that
allow it.

I understand that "the TDF BoD runs the company" is emphatically not
a governance model we want for the company. So the question is: what
governance model do we want? Once that question is answered, we can
start to think technically to choose a structure type that will match

Just to give me an impression of scale, what would be the order of
magnitude of the expected cashflow (turnover) in the "expected average
success" scenario? What would be the order of magnitude of the
turnover in the "sky high, we never thought we would be so successful
financially" scenario?


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Re: [board-discuss] Re: TDF-Business-Entity

2020-10-02 Thread Simon Phipps
Hi Michael,

On Fri, Oct 2, 2020 at 9:11 AM Michael Meeks 

> Personally I think there may be merit in a UK option still - if Simon is
> interested in engaging.

I'd be happy to be involved in such an entity, sure. The problem last time
was that, having taken all the steps necessary to get started with a
project that would have actually occupied my working time to the exclusion
of other income, the project was placed on indefinite hold at the last
moment, and in a way that showed no respect.


Re: [board-discuss] Re: TDF-Business-Entity

2020-10-02 Thread Paolo Vecchi
Thanks Michael for your kind support for my proposal and to introduce me
to Lionel.

Hi Lionel! Let's get in touch to check together my proposal.

In regards to the previous proposal I'm still of the idea that it
presents as number of issues which have been discussed at lenght but not
resolved and that the UK isn't at present a place where I would open a
new company that will need to trade with the EU and the rest of the world.



On 02/10/2020 10:10, Michael Meeks wrote:
> Hi Andreas,
> On 30/09/2020 09:40, Andreas Mantke wrote:
>>>  c) form sub-group to work out and publish business entity proposals
>>>     URL: https://redmine.documentfoundation.org/issues/3294
>>>     Status: Criteria list (Lothar) Draft proposal for Luxemburg entity
>>> (Paolo), next meeting orga(Thorsten)  ->> 
>>> https://nextcloud.documentfoundation.org/s/NeBWm25cd2LHyoq
> ...
>> it's not a really appropriate behavior of a German charity to create a
>> business entity in a country, which is known as a legal tax shelter.
>   I'm sure no-one would want us to search the world for a jurisdiction
> that is maximally burdensome to incorporate and run in =)
>   For my part Luxembourg has the major benefit that Paolo wants to be
> involved and help get something done. It is hard to over-state how
> important it is to have not only a concrete proposal but good people on
> the ground. Incidentally this is why I was -so- dismayed to see the UK
> option discarded on what I felt were poor grounds.
>   Either way - another advantage of Luxembourg is that we are blessed
> with having Lionel (CC'd) based there - at a professional accountancy
> that (if we're really nice) may kindly offer us the benefit of their
> accounting experience & help with oversight. That combination of long
> term understanding of FLOSS, LibreOffice as well as local company / tax
> issues would be an incredible plus.
>   Beyond that - having a concrete proposal from any other jurisdiction
> would be fine - but we should get moving.
>   Andreas - if you want to get involved - I believe Florian is working on
> a German entity proposal as another option - hopefully we see that soon.
> Personally I think there may be merit in a UK option still - if Simon is
> interested in engaging.
>   I think we've discussed a few tests (perhaps there are more) for an
> entity to sell things in the app-store:
>   * protect TDF by some effective separation ie. a
> different entity.
>   * have an corporate'y structure ie. no
> unexpected restriction on activity
>   * provide for effective control by TDF
>   * provide for operational isolation from the BoD
>   + though I'm still hopeful we can de-stress
> the BoD relationships over time.
>   * have low running costs, risks, and overheads
>   * have local people willing to file forms / documents
>   * have English Gov't interaction so all is transparent
>   Perhaps something else ?
>   One of the wider problems we have I think is a lack of decisiveness.
> Also some sort of steady stream of people arriving late to a discussion
> and re-starting it =) perhaps that is inevitable as discussions ripple
> outwards through the community as they get more concrete.
>   From a process perspective I think we'd want to get a deadline for
> short, summary proposals - perhaps under some agreed grid / headings
> (cf. above) - that we can present to the membership as a simple poll (we
> have a great ranked / voting method to handle this sort of thing).
>   With the membership's views in hand, the board could perhaps vote to
> give confidence to the teams involved to get on with final preparation
> and the actual formation.
>   Again - it would be lovely to help out by build a constructive,
> detailed alternative proposal if you can Andreas, and I imagine that
> would be welcome.
>   My 2 cents,
>   Michael.

Paolo Vecchi - Deputy Member of the Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details: https://www.documentfoundation.org/imprint

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] Re: TDF-Business-Entity

2020-10-02 Thread Lionel Élie Mamane
On Fri, Oct 02, 2020 at 01:42:14PM +0200, Paolo Vecchi wrote:
> Hi Lionel! Let's get in touch to check together my proposal.

Sure. My office is rue Aldringen, right next to the Royal-Hamilius
buildings. Are you in the area?


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Re: [board-discuss] Re: TDF-Business-Entity

2020-10-02 Thread Telesto

Hi All,

UK out of the question only because of Brexit?
Yes, it has to taken into in account, but isn't a disqualification in 
A major contributor has been located there. And Brexit isn't the end of 
the world.

Luxembourg being seen as a tax haven. Are we talking about a 
multi-national or a SME  :-)

Makes sense for Amazon with 42 billion turn over a year.
Netherlands being a tax haven is also depending on the perspective. 
Don't think the Dutch SME's agree.
And it's not a stable constant either; things tend to shift a lot. So 
people might still have impression of a tax having; will it not the case 

Or a country becoming a tax haven, but without public knowledge..
So I personally don't attribute much weight to it.

People being able to do the paper work. And enough replacements to do 
they job is important. IMHO.
Having connections with people in the area. And knowledge about local 
law (contracts/ fiscal) is also useful.
Which from my perspective would mean around they current bastions of 
people (UK/DE). And even more specific in the region
of the current bases. UK/DE are pretty big country's. FWIW: nothing 
against LU..
Every country has it own particularity's, but overall pretty the same if 
you ask me. Principles, idea's.
A lawyers like comparing different systems a lot, which in the end 
mostly ends up with more similar structure (as it is seen as the best 
way of doing things)
Even cross border mergers are possible (which to some extend illustrates 
how harmonic those actually are)
If one country would be superior all the way, every enterprise would 
move/locate itself to single country.

BTW, I assume all proposals use the same format? Ideally even the same 
headings/ topics.
So everybody is doing investigating the same thing (asking the same 

Don't like to see 3 country options, with total different approaches etc.
Would probably feel like comparing apples with oranges.


Op 2-10-2020 om 13:42 schreef Paolo Vecchi:

Thanks Michael for your kind support for my proposal and to introduce me
to Lionel.

Hi Lionel! Let's get in touch to check together my proposal.

In regards to the previous proposal I'm still of the idea that it
presents as number of issues which have been discussed at lenght but not
resolved and that the UK isn't at present a place where I would open a
new company that will need to trade with the EU and the rest of the world.



On 02/10/2020 10:10, Michael Meeks wrote:

Hi Andreas,

On 30/09/2020 09:40, Andreas Mantke wrote:

  c) form sub-group to work out and publish business entity proposals
     URL: https://redmine.documentfoundation.org/issues/3294
     Status: Criteria list (Lothar) Draft proposal for Luxemburg entity
(Paolo), next meeting orga(Thorsten)  ->> 


it's not a really appropriate behavior of a German charity to create a
business entity in a country, which is known as a legal tax shelter.

I'm sure no-one would want us to search the world for a jurisdiction
that is maximally burdensome to incorporate and r

un in =)

For my part Luxembourg has the major benefit that Paolo wants to be
involved and help get something done. It is hard to over-state how
important it is to have not only a concrete proposal but good people on
the ground. Incidentally this is why I was -so- dismayed to see the UK
option discarded on what I felt were poor grounds.

Either way - another advantage of Luxembourg is that we are blessed
with having Lionel (CC'd) based there - at a professional accountancy
that (if we're really nice) may kindly offer us the benefit of their
accounting experience & help with oversight. That combination of long
term understanding of FLOSS, LibreOffice as well as local company / tax
issues would be an incredible plus.

Beyond that - having a concrete proposal from any other jurisdiction
would be fine - but we should get moving.

Andreas - if you want to get involved - I believe Florian is working on
a German entity proposal as another option - hopefully we see that soon.
Personally I think there may be merit in a UK option still - if Simon is
interested in engaging.

I think we've discussed a few tests (perhaps there are more) for an
entity to sell things in the app-store:

* protect TDF by some effective separation ie. a
  different entity.
* have an corporate'y structure ie. no
  unexpected restriction on activity
* provide for effective control by TDF
* provide for operational isolation from the BoD
+ though I'm still hopeful we can de-stress
  the BoD relationships over time.
* have low running costs, risks, and overheads
* have local people willing to file forms / documents
* have English Gov't interaction so all is transparent

Perhaps something else ?

One of the wi

Re: [board-discuss] Re: TDF-Business-Entity

2020-10-05 Thread Andreas Mantke
Hi Michael, all,

Am 02.10.20 um 10:10 schrieb Michael Meeks:
> Hi Andreas,
> On 30/09/2020 09:40, Andreas Mantke wrote:
>>>  c) form sub-group to work out and publish business entity proposals
>>>     URL: https://redmine.documentfoundation.org/issues/3294
>>>     Status: Criteria list (Lothar) Draft proposal for Luxemburg entity
>>> (Paolo), next meeting orga(Thorsten)  ->> 
>>> https://nextcloud.documentfoundation.org/s/NeBWm25cd2LHyoq
> ...
>> it's not a really appropriate behavior of a German charity to create a
>> business entity in a country, which is known as a legal tax shelter.
>   I'm sure no-one would want us to search the world for a jurisdiction
> that is maximally burdensome to incorporate and run in =)

it's not about searching for the maximally burdensome, but a one that
are in accordance with the mindset of the foundation and its status as a

And if that is not in the requirements list, TDF will loose it's
reputation very quick.

> (..)
>   Andreas - if you want to get involved - I believe Florian is working on
> a German entity proposal as another option - hopefully we see that soon.
Sorry, but I got no positive feedback for work with regulations etc. in
the past. Thus I concentrate here only on my payed full time job.
> Personally I think there may be merit in a UK option still - if Simon is
> interested in engaging.
My 2 Euro cents: I wouldn't go for Great Brittan, if I want to do
business with the European Union or one of its members.
> (...)
>   Again - it would be lovely to help out by build a constructive,
> detailed alternative proposal if you can Andreas, and I imagine that
> would be welcome.
See above. I doesn't share your view here, sorry.


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Re: [board-discuss] Re: TDF-Business-Entity

2020-10-08 Thread Cor Nouws
Hi Andreas,

Andreas Mantke wrote on 05/10/2020 19:26:

> it's not about searching for the maximally burdensome, but a one that
> are in accordance with the mindset of the foundation and its status as a
> charity.

I agree with you that it is an important topic to keep in mind. On the
other hand, a far from easy one.
The Netherlands, for example, is criticized by one of the national
agencies as a huge tax saving opportunity for multinationals operating
in developing countries. (Not sure how much of that is published in
other countries :) )
Yet changes are slow. And with every step, the companies involved flow
somewhere else. Like water, seeing the lowest spot.

Again: not that the topic does not deserve our attention. Just trying to
express my expectations about how perfect or not the situation is.


Cor Nouws, member Board of Directors
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details: http://www.documentfoundation.org/imprint

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