
I've been following the discussion on a HelloWorld for the MPL 
framework with great interrest, in the hope of understanding what this 
MPL thing really is, sadly enough, I am no further than I was a week 

Could anybody please explain what MPL is, what it does, why I should 
wish to use it, when I should use it and why it is better than the 
alternative solutions that may exist for the problems the MPL was meant 
to solve?

Is there any problem for which MPL is the ideal (if not the only) 
solution and are there cases in which MPL is a clear winner over 
standard C++ code?

I'm sure you Boost guys have created as wonderful a tool with MPL as 
you have with some of your other libraries but at the moment it just 
seems like a really complicated way of doing things. If performance is 
the only reason for choosing MPL than I doubt whether it would 
outweight the added development effort.

Please regard me as the ultimate HelloWorld testcase and educate me 
into the ways of the MPL :)

Martijn van der Lee

p.s. Still looking for people to help with ditto.sourceforge.net 


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