Jonathon T. wrote:
>       I have several class templates for producing standard streambufs based on
> classes with read, write and seek functions (or a suitable subset thereof.)
> I have used them successfully to access tcp connections, cryptographic
> routines, OLE compound documents, zip files, etc.
>       There are templates istreambuf and ostreambuf which perform either input or
> output exclusively, a template double_streambuf which behaves like an
> istreambuf glued to an ostreambuf, and a template bidirectional_streambuf
> which performs input and output using a single shared buffer with a single
> repositionable file pointer.
>       In addition, template parameters can be used to specify code conversion and
> to turn off buffering, and a contained error object can be used to customize
> exception throwing.
>       I there is any interest, I will post them at the vault.

Jonathan --

I have an interest in this (sorry for the slow response) for a couple reasons.
1) I'd be interested in how this fits with the Boost Socket initiative
2) I've written something similar for zip files, but looks like you may have
a more general solution -- a toolkit for creating new streambuf types. If
this is the case, it would be very handy.

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