Re: [] getting perl interpreter object inside perl

2006-05-24 Thread Aaron Sherman
On Wed, 2006-05-24 at 03:23 -0400, BORIS REITMAN wrote:
 Is some module like Devel::Peek that will give me
 the address of the C-space perl interpreter object
 that executing my perl script ? 
 I mean, I want to find out the perl intepreter address, inside the perl 

What part of it? You could use:

use Inline C = q{
  void * get_thx_loc () {
return (void*)aTHX;
my $loc = get_thx_loc();

But I cannot imagine any sane world in which you want to do that!

Senior Systems Engineer and Toolsmith
We had some good machines, but they don't work no more. -Shriekback

Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] LARGE MySQL Database

2006-05-09 Thread Aaron Sherman
Steve Revilak wrote:
 Basically I am dealing with using, storing, and sorting a LOT of data in a
 mysql database.
 With all the data in the table it makes for 404.8 Million rows.  In a backup
 sql file that makes just under 80GB.
OK, so you're dealing with a tiny database.

mysql select count(*) from the_log;
| count(*)  |
| 449349136 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Real table name changed to protect the innocent. The row size is around 
128 bytes. I have so few rows right now because I just purged 2005 data.

 I an using the InnoDB engine.
Could be good, but probably a mistake. MyISAM is much more suited to 
large amounts of data. Unless you need transactional integrity on this 
particular data, I would dump InnoDB ASAP and go with MyISAM. If you 
*think* you need transactional integrity, consider the possibility that 
you might not, and that what you might actually need is transactional 
integrity on the smaller quantity of data that you have in other tables. 
Often such a large table represents some sort of external data such as a 
log file or a list of users which is either updated from an external 
source (logs) or is only inserted to most of the time (users). For both 
situations, there are better solutions than the overkill of InnoDB.

 If you haven't normalized the pants out of the table, that's probably
 a good place to start.  Anything you can do to trim a few bytes off
 the row size will make a big difference in the size of the overall
 table.  (Is this table part of a data warehouse?).  Smaller data will
 always be faster than bigger data.

I don't mean any offense, but I could not disagree more with ... well, 
every sentence. First off, normalization is the antithesis of 
performance, as it almost always results in more joins. It's the right 
thing to do in many cases, but think twice before normalizing the pants 
out of the table for performance. It won't be a win.

The row size is ignorable, unless you've constructed your data and your 
indexes poorly. If you need to fetch every record, then of course, you 
want to have as little data as possible, but if you just need to fetch 
key records or compute summary information, then row size is not your 
most important concern by far.

Smaller data vs. bigger data is orders of magnitude less important than 
less data vs. more data, and the way you reduce the AMOUNT of data is to 
use indexes wisely. This reduces the amount of data that any given query 
must interact with, rather than trying to reduce the data in the table.

You can also, as one other person pointed out, use merge tables (a 
MyISAM feature) to break the data up, but with only 80GB of data, I 
would not worry about that just yet.

Other things to look at:

The tuning parameters for the database. Ideally, you want to be able to 
suck all of the indexes for your giant table into RAM. That means you 
need lots of RAM, and it also means that you need to hack the MySQL 
configs. There's a great book on MySQL tuning from O'Reilly that I 
suggest you check out.

Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] perl 5.8.3, perl/Tk 804.027, and 64 bit Redhat Enterprise 3 Update 5

2006-04-21 Thread Aaron Sherman
On Fri, 2006-04-21 at 14:16 -0400, Greg London wrote:
 So, perl 5.8.8 is the latest version available.

available from your vendor, or from CPAN?

 and we're having some problems.

Such as?

 the first fix might be to try version 5.8.3 of
 perl, rather than the latest. Where the heck
 can you get older versions of perl off of CPAN?

If you're running RHEL, you should not have to touch CPAN except to
acquire modules that Red Hat hasn't packaged up.

If you're going to compile from source, you'll want to get Red Hat's
SRPM, install it and peruse the patch sets that they include to see
which of them you will want to apply to the CPAN version yourself. I
don't recommend this, as the folks at Red Hat, python-lovers though they
be, tend to do a decent job on the integration front.
Silly question: have you considered the GTK or KDE toolkit interfaces?
They tend to be maintained a bit better. Of course, you may be
maintaining a legacy application, in which case that advice won't help.

Senior Systems Engineer and Toolsmith
We had some good machines, but they don't work no more. -Shriekback

Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] may be OT: Heard of chkinstall, a utility to build RPMs ?

2005-12-07 Thread Aaron Sherman
On Tue, 2005-12-06 at 15:10 -0800, Ranga Nathan wrote:
 I believe there is a utility to build RPMs from normal tar.gz distro. In 
 order to keep things consistent, I would like to build an RPM of Nagios 2x 
 beta for SuSE9 (intel).

Of course, creating an RPM from a tar ball is a fairly simple operation
even without such a tool. Spec files are easy to write, and once you do
that, you place your tar ball into /usr/src/X/SOURCES (X=redhat on my
system, but I'm sure SuSE puts it somewhere else). Then run rpmbuild
-ba /usr/src/X/SPECS/yourpackage.spec and you get an SRPM and RPM(s).

If you need guidance on what a spec file should contain, just grab the
SRPM for any random package in your distribution, install it and look at
its spec file. They're like a Makefile, but with a bit more regular

Senior Systems Engineer and Toolsmith
We had some good machines, but they don't work no more. -Shriekback

Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] Combinatorics (Permutations)

2005-11-29 Thread Aaron Sherman
Ronald J Kimball wrote:

my @indices = (0) x $maxlen;

I have no idea why, because it's not more efficent or anything, but I 
always find myself writing:

my @indices = map { 0 } 1..$maxlen;

The nice thing about it is that I tend to think of map even when I want 
something very slightly different from a simple list on n items, and 
that keeps me from writing wasteful foreach loops.

Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] damian topic

2005-10-25 Thread Aaron Sherman
On Tue, 2005-10-25 at 06:54 -0400, Tom Metro wrote:

 Combining the official, unofficial, and my votes, we have:
 4 Small Miracles
 3 Perl 6: The Sky Isn't Falling
 1 Time::Space::Continuum
 1 Perl 6 Update

I'd vote for either of the p6 topics, which given the voting so far
would seem to favor The Sky Isn't Falling. I'd really like to hear from
him on his feelings about the Perl 6 state of the world.

Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] perl5.8.1 on Red Hat

2005-05-20 Thread Aaron Sherman
On Fri, 2005-05-20 at 10:27, Ronald J Kimball wrote:
 I seem to recall that the perl5.8.1 that comes with Red Hat is not the same
 as the official release of perl5.8.1.  Anyone know where I can find out
 more information about this?

Well, for starters, you might want to narrow down what you mean by Red
Hat (RHL, RHEL, Fedora, etc.); but no matter what you're running, you
can always use the magic of RPM to find out what you want:

[acquire SRPM for your version from ftp/apt/whatever you use]
rpm -ivh perl[...]src.rpm
less /usr/src/redhat/SPECS/perl.spec

This will list the official perl tar-ball that comes from CPAN, and all
of the individual patch files (which are now located in
/usr/src/redhat/SOURCES) that would be applied if you were to build from
this spec file.

Red Hat never modifies the base source for a package, they just add
patches to the SRPM which are applied when the RPM is built. There is
also a changelog at the end of the file that details what was done to
this package.

Senior Systems Engineer and Toolsmith
It's the sound of a satellite saying, 'get me down!' -Shriekback

Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] perl5.8.1 on Red Hat

2005-05-20 Thread Aaron Sherman
On Fri, 2005-05-20 at 14:10, Larry Underhill wrote:
 Worth noting that my perl version on RHEL 3.0 is 5.8.0 (with a pile o'
 patches -- makes sense). Haven't checked out RHEL 4 yet, but I would
 assume that they are running a more recent version since the Fedora Core
 3 box I am typing this from uses perl 5.8.5.
 Oh, and the real way to answer your question is, what Aaron said.

Well thanks ;-)

 Getting access to the RHEL SRPMs can be a bit tricky if you don't have a
 RHN account, so would recommend you pull the SRPM from a site like
 CentOS (RHEL clone less RH trademarks, etc.).

Yep, the CentOS SRPM should at least be the same base. They do try to
avoid changing things so that RHEN updates still work cleanly. Dunno for
sure, but I think they have a special naming convention if they do
change something.

   Red Hat never modifies the base source for a package, they just add
   patches to the SRPM which are applied when the RPM is built. There is
   also a changelog at the end of the file that details what was done to
   this package.

  What I seem to remember hearing is that the perl5.8.1 that Red Hat
  distributes is actually different from the official perl5.8.1.  My
  understanding is that because 5.8.1 was not ready when Red Hat needed it,
  they took 5.8.0, added a bunch of the available patches, and packaged it as
  perl5.8.1.  p5p subsequently released the real 5.8.1 with additional

That would be mildly shocking to me (they've done it, but only for
something that they had major input on (gcc), which they don't with

What would be much more likely is that their distribution was based on
an RC, but the only truly definitive resource is the SRPM, and I would
literally fall out of my chair in shock if they so much as breathed on
the tarball inside of it. They'll heap on patches for anything they fix
until / unless it's accepted up-stream, but I've never seen them package
a tar-ball that wasn't virgin.

Senior Systems Engineer and Toolsmith
It's the sound of a satellite saying, 'get me down!' -Shriekback

Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] Can you better this?

2005-05-11 Thread Aaron Sherman
On Wed, 2005-05-11 at 15:24, Aaron Sherman wrote:
 This smells like homework, but *shrug*

Then my mailer decided to play the role of the proverbial dog and eat
said homework ;-) If it does so again, I'll just leave well-enough

 On Wed, 2005-05-11 at 14:59, John Tsangaris wrote:

  I was asked to provide the 73 occurrence of a sequence of numbers,
  with the numbers 12345. Each number can be used only once, and there
  are a possible 120 combinations.

perl -le '$n=0;sub x{my($s,@l)[EMAIL PROTECTED];if (@l){for my 
$l(@l){x($s.$l,grep{$_ ne [EMAIL PROTECTED])}}else{print ++$n, 

That can be golfed if you feel like it, but I've stripped it down to the

Oh, and a correction. There is only ONE combination. There are 120

Senior Systems Engineer and Toolsmith
It's the sound of a satellite saying, 'get me down!' -Shriekback

Boston-pm mailing list

Re: Serial Cables RE: [] OT(very):VT-100 Project

2005-04-21 Thread Aaron Sherman
On Thu, 2005-04-21 at 10:55, Ricker, William wrote:
 A real working VT-100, that's a blast from the past.  I hope it's
 actually a VT-102, that's the sweet spot iirc. I assume you've already
 found . With a real VT-100, you can watch all the old
 Christmas Card animations [ ] --
 I've seen Perl scripts that help some of these work again, but not all
 of 'em do. 

All you really need is something to slow them down (as most of them
depend on baud rate at which you could move data to a vt). Some of them
rely on other features that, for example, gnome-terminal does not
support, but most of them work fine for me. Use the green-on-black
pre-setting for best results in gnome-terminal.

This tiny bit of Perl will slow them down for you:

  That said, I'm not sure if the vt100 uses normal 25 or 9 pin serial
  ports, it's that old.
 It *is* that old.  The VT100 used DB25 with proper DTE gender according
 to the original standard. (Modems are DCEs, computers and terminals are
 DTEs, by definition.) 

In fact, it was the VT100 which cemented the standard. Every 2-bit PC
card maker wanted to embrace the standard with their own proprietary
add-ons, but would discover that everyone was buying the other guy's
serial cards because they had to work with VT100s and serial printers.

This was in the days before time when IBM was still a big name in PCs,
before they were again.

Senior Systems Engineer and Toolsmith
It's the sound of a satellite saying, 'get me down!' -Shriekback

Boston-pm mailing list

RE: [] sending a user to the middle of a page from a form post

2005-03-08 Thread Aaron Sherman
On Tue, 2005-03-08 at 15:08, Tal Cohen wrote:
 I am not sure if this will work, but...Try embedding an anchor tag name into
 the path of the Perl CGI URL called in your FORM tag. Then, have the
 Perl-CGI script embed that same anchor tag into the resulting HTML document.
 What should happen is now when you call the CGI script, the browser will
 know to seek out that anchor tag. 

Yep, that's the way to go.

Problem with POSTs, is *technically* it's illegal to re-direct from
them, so you are not supposed to issue a new URL to go to. Thus, any
anchor referenced must be in the original URL.

Of course, you can violate the HTTP standard, but that's another barrel
of apple juice.

Senior Systems Engineer and Toolsmith
It's the sound of a satellite saying, 'get me down!' -Shriekback

Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] Perl Popularity and Interview Questions

2005-03-07 Thread Aaron Sherman
On Mon, 2005-03-07 at 01:51 -0500, James Freeman wrote:

 So this leads me to this scenario and a question, your manager has asked 
 you to be part of the interview process for a new programmer position 
 that involves Perl and he wants you to make sure this person knows their 

I use a technique that's very controversial at my company. Most people
think I'm quizzing people for useless trivia, and they're 1/2 right. I
fire a bunch of questions at you that look for the kinds of trivia that
you pick up while writing Perl.

Just as two examples, I like to use what is $_ as my first question.
If you don't know that, then clearly you have only glanced off of Perl
at best. We can move on. The last question is, What is 'A'|'B' (I got
this from a member long ago). The correct answer depends on
your knowing a bit of Perl trivia: how bit-vector ops work. If you know
it, it's easy (65|66=67='C'). If you don't know it, that doesn't say
anything about you as a Perl programmer, only provides one data-point. I
look for someone who knows lots of little bits of trivia, indicating
that they have spent lots of time with Perl. If you know more trivia
than I do (I've yet to see that), then I would hire you on the spot.

Side note: We recently hired someone who didn't know Perl very well, but
on the above 'A'|'B' he worked out the correct answer purely by deducing
how a language might treat that construct. THAT was far more impressive
to me than KNOWING the answer.

Let me also note that if someone KNOWS Perl, that doesn't mean they know
how to WORK in Perl. Get code samples of real, working code!

Other concerns:

  * Come up with questions that have simple answers, and can thus be
asked by others who don't know Perl as well as you do.
  * Don't ask style questions (e.g. should you use $_ ?) You will
find that people who disagree with you are often still very
  * DO ask at least one inflammatory question (e.g. would you
prefer to work in Python?) You don't care about the answer...
you care about the TONE of the answer. Make sure you're not
hiring a hot-head Perl fanatic (or any other flavor of fanatic
for that matter).
  * Ask at least one probing question to determine how much they
enjoy coding. Something like, what's your favorite personal
project, works well.

Good luck, but keep in mind I'm not giving away all my best tricks! ;-)

Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] Perl popularity and interview questions

2005-03-07 Thread Aaron Sherman
On Mon, 2005-03-07 at 08:17 -0500, Greg London wrote:

 3: What is printed when this script executes?
 my %hash;
 {print Exists!;} else {print Doesnt exist}
 print Dumper \%hash;

 5: What is printed when this script executes?
 package Dog;
 sub Speak { print Dumper [EMAIL PROTECTED]; }

Bot answers are the same, nothing. I'd ask a followup question: What
if I used perl -MData::Dumper; to run it?

Boston-pm mailing list

RE: [] Perl popularity and interview questions

2005-03-07 Thread Aaron Sherman
On Mon, 2005-03-07 at 10:24, Palit, Nilanjan wrote:

 (b) nothing to do with Perl - just assess the person's attitude vs. your
 own team's dynamic. To me, this is much more important then the exact
 technical skill.

Also nothing to do with the questions as posted. The answers were wrong,
and I was trying to warn people who might try to use them of that. Can
you imagine the outrage of someone who didn't get a job because they
gave the RIGHT answer to a question?!

That Greg seems to have revised his answers into a personality test does
not change the fact that the original answers are wrong.

Boston-pm mailing list

RE: [] Perl popularity and interview questions

2005-03-07 Thread Aaron Sherman
On Mon, 2005-03-07 at 11:22, Palit, Nilanjan wrote:
 -Original Message-
  From: Greg London [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Monday, March 07, 2005 11:17 AM
  As for the triple-plus operator   ;)
  I'd think perl would take x, do a ++ on it,
  get 2, and then do the +1 on it to get three.
  But oh well. just won't use that in my code.
 No. In Perl (or C), $x++ = use  then increment, whereas ++$x =
 increment  then use. Thus the expression will use the existing value of
 x (1) to compute the value of y  then increment x itself.

Correct. If you wanted obscure, you probably wanted:


Which is arguably not a useful feature, but still quite legal. Deparse
is enlightening here, as you will notice that the last + is not
represented (it's considered part of the number, and lost after
tokenization), where the - is an actual operator (unary:-).

This is why you can't reverse it:

$y=$x+++ +-1

yields a very different deparse (you can't string all four + without
whitespace because it will be read as ($x++)++, which is invalid.

None of this addresses the value of obscurity in an interview (I think
it has its place, but needs to be moderated).

Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] Perl popularity and interview questions

2005-03-07 Thread Aaron Sherman
On Mon, 2005-03-07 at 11:36, Ronald J Kimball wrote:
  $y = $x++ + 1;
  is quite readable, and very clear in its intent if you know know what
  postfix:++ and infix:+ do (and you'd better). You don't even have to
  know precedence, as it is implied by the (now correct) use of
 It's fairly readable (which is subjective anyway), but I don't think it is
 clear in its intent.  Since it is equivalent to C $y = ++$x  when $x is
 a number, I would be unsure why the programmer wrote it in the more
 complicated way.  Did they really mean to do that, or were they trying to
 do something different and erred?

I would assume that there's a reason that they're not equivalent in this
specific context, but yes you're right in the general case they are the
same. Some people would not realize that right off the bat, though and
might just use this version as it's the first that comes to mind for

As for not being the same... here's one example:

$ perl -le '$x=1/3;{use int; $y=$x+++1}print $y'
$ perl -le '$x=1/3;{use int; $y=++$x}print $y'


Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] Perl Popularity and Interview Questions

2005-03-07 Thread Aaron Sherman
On Mon, 2005-03-07 at 15:33 -0500, Uri Guttman wrote:
  AS == Aaron Sherman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 see what i do in File::Slurp. i wanted a single error handling sub but
 also to have the croak in there report back from the original call (say

Tried that. Problem is File::Copy is the kind of thing that's going to
be called often and fast, and there's nothing short of an eval that
stops performance dead more than an subroutine call in Perl. Ah, Perl 6,
where are you?

Of course, now (many years later) XS support is much better, and I'm
sure I could do an XS File::Copy that would eliminate the need for that
goto ;-)

 it had was gotos and even then i structured my code as much as
 possible. i have never done spaghetti coding at any point in my
 career. maybe i have more innate understanding of logic than some but i
 always wonder how spaghetti coders think (or rather don't think! :).

Well, that's the point. The language is the tool, not the programmer.
You use the tool to perform the task at hand. If that means bending it
in funny ways, then that's what you do. Gotos are the programming
equivalent of duct tape. If you see duct tape, you know that there was a
limitation in the tool or the tool-user that made the duct tape
necessary. In this case, it was the tool, and in all these years, no one
has ever re-written that chunk of code without gotos and without a
performance or readability hit.

Like I say, it'll be a (not so) fond memory once P6 takes over the

Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] Perl Popularity and Interview Questions

2005-03-07 Thread Aaron Sherman
On Tue, 2005-03-08 at 00:04 -0500, Uri Guttman wrote:
  AS == Aaron Sherman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   AS On Mon, 2005-03-07 at 15:33 -0500, Uri Guttman wrote:
 AS == Aaron Sherman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
see what i do in File::Slurp. i wanted a single error handling sub but
also to have the croak in there report back from the original call (say
   AS Tried that. Problem is File::Copy is the kind of thing that's going to
   AS be called often and fast, and there's nothing short of an eval that
   AS stops performance dead more than an subroutine call in Perl. Ah, Perl 6,
   AS where are you?
 did you do magic goto? it shouldn't be slow at it doesn't touch the
 stack nor mung @_. 

I've tried that. It helps, but sub overhead is still deadly all on its
own, even without stack manipulation.

Annoyingly, now that I go try to test it to see if it's still the same,
I find that goto foo breaks Benchmark :-(

 i haven't benchmarked that aspect but file::slurp is
 pretty fast. you could do worse than writing file::copy as
   write_file( $to, read_file( $from ) ) ;

Check out File::Copy. It does basically that. With tons of special
cases, of course, but still. It has a buffer (user-sizable), which it
reads into in a single sysread, and then writes out to the new file,
repeat until done. If you set the buffer size to = the input file size,
you have a slurp.

   AS Like I say, it'll be a (not so) fond memory once P6 takes over the
   AS world.
 i am waiting patiently (really!).

I see that nail biting!

Of course, people are starting to make library-writing noises now that
PUGS exists, so P6 can't be THAT far off

Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] Re: Perl Products

2005-03-05 Thread Aaron Sherman
On Sat, 2005-03-05 at 01:16 -0500, Tom Metro wrote:

 I'd be willing to bet that Jesse has encountered, with some regularity,
 resistance to commercial adoption of RT due to its use of Perl.

Ah... hey, I'm a fan of RT overall, but lack of commercial adoption
would be a result of the fact that it's slow and it has significant
human factors issues. We use RT at work as a NOC ticketing system, and
the combination of really weak searching, using POST for everything, and
rendering pages about as fast as my grandmother builds houses (actually,
my grandmother is pretty spry for her age) makes the word-of-mouth value

  Focusing on the small job market for Perl is a red herring. ...
 It isn't. And for the same reason that a glib comment posted to the list
 saying that most jobs in *any* field are entry level, in response to my
 comment that most available Perl jobs are entry level.

Agreed, but I find that a language that worries about its users and
their work doesn't need to worry about its users getting work.

There are those who will never be happy with the popularity of Perl
until no other language is used, but personally, I'm happy if Perl
continues to evolve and adapt to my needs, and enough people use it that
CPAN continues to be one of the most useful resources on the planet.
That requires a HUGE user-base, but there's plenty of room for the Javas
and the Rubys and the Pythons and the C#s of the world.

Boston-pm mailing list


2005-03-05 Thread Aaron Sherman
On Sat, 2005-03-05 at 02:08 -0500, Tom Metro wrote:
 Aaron Sherman wrote:
 * Help make CPANPLUS work well with all extant package managers
   * CPANPLUS - Better integration (platform bias removal)
 Could you expand upon CPANPLUS? I played around with it a while ago. I 
 tried out the Tk UI, but with a 50 MB memory footprint I found it a bit 
 sluggish, and haven't bothered to reinstall it since upgrading Perl.

I'm not directly involved, but as I understand it, the project aims to
resolve many of the platform integration, testing, and usability issues
that cropped up around CPAN. CPAN was an amazingly cool step forward,
and a first ever in terms of a language's support for its primary code
repository (AFAIK), but it has been showing its age, and platform
management issues have evolved. Enter the new guy: CPANPLUS.

Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] why popularity matters

2005-03-04 Thread Aaron Sherman
On Fri, 2005-03-04 at 07:54, Kate Wood wrote:

 [...] the barriers to learning and using Perl
 Managers, [...] expect you to have [available certification]

You do realize that those are orthoganal, right?

What's more, I GUARANTEE you that I could go learn Java (for which there
is a strong certification program), not get certified and get a job
within 5 weeks. This is because I have a significant amount of relevant
job experience, regardless of the language I'm programming in.

What you're describing is a situation where it would become costly to
break into the _professional_ Perl programming world as a _novice_
programmer. This is true, and that's just the way mature languages
are... more and more people start looking for employees with some
indication that they've been using the language for a long time. Try
being a novice programmer breaking into the world of C++! Wow, there's a
hard thing to do! And yet, C++ continues to thrive.

Side note: If you're looking to break into programming, start
contributing to open source projects. There's nothing more valuable than
saying, well, I might not be certified, but I did write the software
that runs your company.

Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] why popularity matters

2005-03-04 Thread Aaron Sherman
On Fri, 2005-03-04 at 14:02, Greg London wrote:
 andrew burke said:

  I never excluded people. I was asking them to play a different game.
  And I asked those who didn't want to play, to find a different game.
  This is said without realizing the irony?
 Hey, where were you as Irony-Identifier when
 Aaron called me exclusionary in the same email
 that he me to take the converation off the list?

Let's review what I did say:

You are free to ask the question, but not to expect others to
constrain themselves to your arbitrary lines of response. It's
not that people don't like you personally, it's just that we all
feel kind of put upon to be told, don't say what you think,
just let me noodle around on this list. It's exclusionary.
 I don't like being given a list of what is
 impossible when I'm trying to play.
Then form the play with Perl advocacy list, don't ask an
existing list to re-form around your idea of what a valid
discussion of certification and its value is.

Aaron called me exclusionary

No, he did not. He said that a specific act was exclusionary and it was.

he [told?] me to take the converation [sic] off the list

No, he did not. He told you that if you wanted a list with different
ground-rules, you should create your own. You can have this conversation
here, you just can't control the types of responses. For that, you need
your own list.

Can we stop tilting at straw men now and talk about Perl?

Oh, and while I'm thinking about dinner (don't ask), I want to mention
that there is an AWESOME new Chinese restaurant in Allston called
Shanghai Gate. If we can arrange an off-peak time to go (they get packed
around 7-9PM) that would be a very nice hang-out for the next informal ;-)

Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] why popularity matters

2005-03-03 Thread Aaron Sherman
On Thu, 2005-03-03 at 16:15 -0500, Greg London wrote:
 Ben Tilly said:
  I think responses are more along the lines of, certification
  introduces a lot of problems, and we don't see how you'll
  make a certification become accepted.
 I don't know how it can be done, so it must not be possible.

I don't see the so it must be possible, but rather a simple statement
that there's something lacking here. That's a fair observation.

  I think responses are more along the lines of, we don't think
  that the business world pays as much attention as you think.
  If you think that it does, then please explain the success,
  past and present, of C, C++, PHP and Perl.
 I don't know how it can be done, so it must not be possible.

You're repeating yourself, and in this case you're way off base. In
fact, there's 4 good examples presented for SUCCESS, just not down the
path that you suggest. It's a valid concern: why execute plan a, when
plan b (already being executed) has many observed successful outcomes?
It's a question you might answer many ways, but it's a valid question.

  I think that several have mentioned the cheap (used to be free)
  web-based certification at  You
  have not explained why we should expect another one to
  have significantly better uptake than that one.
 I don't know how it can be done, so it must not be possible.

Now you're getting quasi-religious with this mantra, and it's WAY off
base. Re-read the statement. This has been tried. It's still out there.
What's DIFFERENT about your model? If you say nothing, an obvious
response is: why not throw your lot in with those already doing this?

  But you don't seem to be trying to understand why,
  you're just frustrated that we are not acting on it.
 No, see, that exactly is were you are wrong.
 I'm not frustrated that you aren't acting on it.
 It's like a walkie talkie with a bunch of people on
 the same frequency. Every time I say Anyone out there
 want to talk about certification/advocacy/insert idea here?
 a bunch of people hit the push-to-talk button with an air-horn
 by their microphone.

You see, it's like you sent mail to a mailing list saying, hey, want to
talk about certification? and lots of people did. You, as it turns out,
didn't actually want to talk about certification. You wanted to talk
about how to make Perl more popular via certification and you
interpreted any other discussion of certification (especially if it
contradicted any assumption you held), as -- and I use this grotesque
tool of cheap rhetoric only because you insisted on over using it --

This is an OLD conversation, and to jump in with no plan, and only a
hey we could do this and it would be cool, is like posting to a
physics list, hey we could invent time travel, and it would be cool.
If you are likely to be upset when someone says, time travel almost
certainly is not possible, unless you're talking about moving very
discrete, possibly highly restricted packets of information, then you
might as well just skip the post because that's just a standard reply.
Either cope and continue with your thought or don't bother.

Check google, you'll see that there's even been a Perl Certification
Wiki which was created solely to divert certification-related arguments.
It's a hot-button topic, and to say that someone doesn't have a right to
reply to it the way they feel is reasonable seems just as unfair as your
airhorn metaphor.


The words you were looking for were cogent reply.

Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] why popularity matters

2005-03-03 Thread Aaron Sherman
On Thu, 2005-03-03 at 23:52 -0500, Greg London wrote:

 Did you ever get a cool idea for a problem
 and just dive into it, explore it, learn
 about it, try out different things, and play?

Yes. When I do that, I don't post to a public list saying, what if I
just take this line of code, and move it over here... and then... well,
perhaps I'll... I dunno ... it could... maybe it would run faster. If
DID, however, I would certainly respect those who said, Joe over here
tried exactly that on that section of code, and here are his

Your level of respect for those comments was summed up best in one word,

 But that's not what I'm talking about, I'm talking
 about the way JFK was a damned fool for saying he
 wanted to put a man on the moon before the decade
 was out. completely impossible at the time he
 said it. His speechwriters didn't want him
 to go public wiht it because they figured there was
 a good chance it wouldn't happen, and then he'd look bad
 for saying something so foolish and not having it
 come true.

Ah, but you're not talking about solving a problem, no matter how hard.
If you were, then you would have left certification out of it (at least
at first) and asked if people wanted to beat around the idea of how to
improve Perl popularity. You wanted to talk about a PARTICULAR MEANS.
JFK didn't deliver a spec for the rocket and say THIS will make it to
the moon, now let's talk about that. He stated a goal. These are VERY
different things.

If you want to talk about making Perl more popular, here are some ideas
ranked in order of how likely I think they are to succeed in terms of
large scale adoption.

* Help make CPANPLUS work well with all extant package managers
* Work on Perl 6 / Parrot / Pugs
* Write documentation
* Review / suggest edits to existing documentation
* Lobby more large companies to formally support local user groups

 So, my message has always been along the line of
 can I just play around with this idea foolishly,
 without all the reasons why it will never work?

Not on a public list, no. You are free to ask the question, but not to
expect others to constrain themselves to your arbitrary lines of
response. It's not that people don't like you personally, it's just that
we all feel kind of put upon to be told, don't say what you think, just
let me noodle around on this list. It's exclusionary. You have as much
a right to talk about certification's potential as someone else does to
say it's a lose.

 What if you had a way to do certification that
 was no cost to the programmer, but considered
 valuable by the corporate world?

 What if? not How?

The next, obvious, burning question is: how? I'm sorry, but we're
programmers. It's painful to see such a statement and not respond with a
request for well defined parameters.

And yet, I'll answer: such ways have existed for years, and they seem to
have little effect, so no, not really. There, that's an answer to a
what if / would it be, not a how. The question also begs the
question (in the rhetorical sense) of why it would be considered of
value to the programmer, and that too was discussed.

 So, no, neither you nor anyone on this list
 ever listened along the lines of my message,

Yeah, we did.

 I failed this time, that is clear. But I learned
 something about how I relate to people who relate
 to teh world as a list of what is impossible.

You're mis-characterizing the people on this list. No one is thinking in
those terms, as far as I've seen. We're just being very mildly

 I don't like being given a list of what is
 impossible when I'm trying to play.

Then form the play with Perl advocacy list, don't ask an existing list
to re-form around your idea of what a valid discussion of certification
and its value is.

 I didn't know
 that until this discussion. And I learned it
 because I got pulled into it and only at the end
 figured out what was going on. Hopefully, if
 nothing else good comes of all this, it will teach
 me not to get sucked into the what is impossible
 debate when I'm trying to come from what is possible,
 trying to come from play.

I think if you had avoided interpreting responses as a what is
impossible debate, then that would have worked out well too.

 No one ever heard the What if?
 they only heard Why not?

No, they (we) heard the what if. You didn't hear the in that case,
you get the following observed results.

Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] perl6/pugs

2005-02-28 Thread Aaron Sherman
On Mon, 2005-02-28 at 12:51, Benjamin Kram wrote:
 Has anyone had a chance to play with pugs?
 I just svned down a copy and was going to toy with it a bit.

Only a little bit. I am, however, sure that the correct way to boost the
popularity of your favorite niche language is to write a compiler /
interpreter in it for a popular language. Pugs will certainly boost
Haskell in this way ;-)


Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] certification

2005-02-28 Thread Aaron Sherman
On Mon, 2005-02-28 at 15:39, Tom Metro wrote:

 As others have argued on the list, as programmers we know certifications 
 are pointless as a technical qualification, but we're not the audience 
 that needs to be convinced otherwise.

I disagree. A certification says that you have a certain baseline of
knowledge about a subject. The fact that people routinely mis-use
certifications as a means to judge _applicable skill_ with some toolset
whose knowledge is tested in the certification process is NOT the
certification's fault.

If you came to me and said, I have a certification in X, but have no
other exposure to it, I would place your resume in the pile above the
people who have not encountered X and below those who have used it for
real work (assuming that the certification is one that I know and at
least superficially trust). If, on the other hand, two experienced
people applied and only one was certified in X, I would consider them to
be equal and let in-interview factors decide. I would never let
certification trump experience.

Treated this way, certifications are a useful measure of how much
ramp-up someone is going to have on a given technology, but NOT how good
they are at using it.


Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] short-listing languages for applications software development

2005-02-22 Thread Aaron Sherman
On Tue, 2005-02-22 at 17:38, Ranga Nathan wrote:
 Here is an email I received internally regarding the shortlist of 
 languages for future software development. I must add that this is a 
 corporate environment. I responded saying that Perl has one of the richest 
 data structures that I know of. Strong typing is actually a bad thing as 
 far as I am concerned. How can I rebut this arguement in a better way? 
 Actually, there is a hidden agenda to standardize on C# here!

On Type Safety and Perl

First, let's start with a definition. This one comes from
In computer science, a programming language is type safe when
the language does not permit the programmer to treat a value as
a type to which it does not belong.

In Perl, there is one data type and two containers. The data type is
called scalar. In so far as the definition goes, Perl is a type safe
language, since you can never treat a scalar as a not scalar in Perl.

Of course, what type safety is SUPPOSED to mean is that you have a
semantic hierarchy of types, and each one has some particular definition
which prevents abuse of that type. In Perl, we fundamentally deny
abuse of data. There is no such concept. If you wish to add the number
10 to the string five, then you may do so because Perl brings to the
table a set of tools that allow the free conversion of string and
numeric data.

The type safe programming languages instead force you to pre-declare
that a variable is a string or integer, and then to invoke a
function or method which explicitly converts one to the other, and thus
adding five to 10 would result in a compile-time error in most cases.

While Perl 6 will add features that allow for such type-safety,
ultimately Perl will always provide this facility. Why? Ease of use, and
rapid development. It is possible, for example, to read the raw text of
an HTTP response like so:

$response = http_request($details);
($proto,$status,$text) = split(/\s+/, $response, 3);
if ($status = 200  $status  300) {
print Success: $status $text\n;
} else {
print Failure: $status $text\n;

Notice that $status moves from string to number and back to string
without any explicit conversion being required. The savvy programmer
would point out that we run the risk of $response containing some
strange error message from the server. What would happen, for example,
if $status contained the word violation? Let's find out by running
this code:

$status = violation;
if ($status  200) {
print that's strange\n;
} else {
print Good news, violation isn't  200\n;

I run this by placing the text in a file, and typing perl -w filename.
I then get:

Argument violation isn't numeric in numeric gt () at - line
Good news, violation isn't  200

As you can see, Perl knows that I'm doing something that doesn't match
its understanding of valid string-to-numeric conversions, but it
proceeds anyway, after producing a warning message. This warning is
enabled by the -w flag, which is a critical flag to know about,
regardless of your preference for typing.

So, what else does dynamic typing give us? One useful feature is
free-form data structures. For example, take:

@employees = (
name = 'Bob',
id = 1,
title = 'Muckety Muck',
subordinates = [ 2, 3 ],
}, {
name = 'Alice',
id = 2,
title = 'Coffee Drinker',
subordinates = undef
}, {
name = 'Charlie',
id = 3,
title = 'Trouble Maker',
subordinates = undef

this is a complex data structure which contains 3 records for employees
of a company. There need be no forward declaration of how this data
structure behaves, however, since it is just a collection of arrays and
hashes of scalar values. Notice that subordinates is an anonymous
array of ids in the first case, but in the other two cases, it is the
special value undef. This is possible because references to arrays and
the undef value are both scalars, and hash values and array elements are
always scalar values.

This free-form data management is tremendously powerful, and while it
sacrifices the assurances of strongly typed languages, it is far easier
for modules and extensions to provide such safety where needed than it
is for a strictly typed language to provide dynamic typing.


Type safety is a powerful tool, but to confirm that high quality code
can be written and maintained without type safety, one need only look at
the CPAN repository where Perl modules and add-ons 

Re: [] short-listing languages for applications software development

2005-02-22 Thread Aaron Sherman
On Tue, 2005-02-22 at 19:32 -0500, Bob Rogers wrote:

The type safe programming languages instead force you to pre-declare
that a variable is a string or integer, and then to invoke a
function or method which explicitly converts one to the other, and thus
adding five to 10 would result in a compile-time error in most cases.
 This conflates type safety with static typing; type checks can also
 be done at run-time

Yes they can, but I'm speaking to a Java guy here, so I simplified and
abbreviated. Anything else would have taken far too long to explain.

Unfortunately, someone who doesn't like Perl is probably going to
 really hate Common Lisp . . .

Not so. I work at a company that uses Common LISP heavily, and I'm
strongly looked down on as just a Perl programmer.

Someone who doesn't like Perl, and DOES like statically typed languages,
will probably hate Common LISP, but never underestimate the power of a
Common LISP programmer to look down on other languages ;-)

 CPAN would be helped by dynamic type safety.  It probably owes its large
 size to the lack of static typing.

Not really. The size is mostly due to the thousands of packages, and
many versions of each. That's not to say that run-time type checking
would not be a win. I'm psyched about PUGS, as I'm finally looking
forward to a foreseeable future that has Perl 6 in it!

Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] control-c occurs during system() command

2005-01-25 Thread Aaron Sherman
On Tue, 2005-01-25 at 11:34, Uri Guttman wrote:
  GL == Greg London [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   GL After the system call, how do I test for a control-c
   GL as the cause for the command ending?
 look at $@ and check for why the process died. you can extract a signal
 number from it (shift 8 bits and mask IIRC, rtfm for details. i think
 perlvar covers it).

This is incorrect. $@ is for eval, $? is for system.

   GL Oh, and I can't simply say
   GL system('cp -r longtree dest')==0 or die $@;
   GL because some system commands will fail because the
   GL directory doesn't exist or something, and in those
   GL cases, I want the script to keep going.
 just check for SIGINT and handle that.

You're correct, but that's not clear to the uninitiated. Here's the

$? contains the exit status of the program. On POSIX-compliant systems
this is a number which is:

($exit  8) | $signal

Where $exit is the parameter that the program passed to exit(2), and
$signal is the signal that interrupted the process, if any.

You can check to see if the process was killed by:

if ($?  0xff) {
die Process killed by signal .($?  0xff);
} elsif ($?  8) {
die Process exited with status .($?  8);
} else {
# Worked fine

Make sense?

This is also a faq, so you can type:

perldoc -q control-c

to see what the lord of the FAQ says ;-)


Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] mind share

2005-01-18 Thread Aaron Sherman
On Tue, 2005-01-18 at 12:07, Uri Guttman wrote:
  DB == Dan Boger [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   DB I've been trying to be good, and seperate content from presentation.
   DB But since starting using Mason, I find that's much harder to do?  Yes

 in the templating world, there are two camps, code embedded in the text
 and code separated from the text. i have always been in the code outside
 the text camp and i have rolled my own tiny templaters in that way for

Template Toolkit makes this trivial. The code that you put in the
template is a pseudo-code that has only the tools you need in order to
integrate your variables with the page. The code all goes elsewhere. For
example, here's some CGI:

use CGI qw(:standard);
use Template;

my $stuff=param('stuff');
my $ttk = Template-new()
or die Failed to instantiate TTK engine;
print header();
{ stuff = $stuff, nums = [1,2,3] })
or die Cannot process template 'stuff';
exit 0;

And a template:

htmlheadtitle[% stuff %]/title/head
[% FOREACH n = nums; %]
pSay hello to the number [% n %]/p
[% END %]

Notice that while there's a loop in the template, it's nothing but a
simple iteration, and there's no complex flow control here. Thus, an
HTML editing tool could display this with a reasonable degree of
non-intrusiveness and allow you to change that to a table:

[% FOREACH n = nums; %]
trtdSay hello to the number/td
td[% n %]/td/tr
[% END %]

This is the way content and code should be combined... anything more
complex than the above should be used to construct the variables. The
only exception is conditional includes, which are a nice way to
conditionally insert an entire section of a page, based on the setting
of a variable without having to put HTML in your variables (e.g. are
you loogged in? Ok, you get the 'log out/manage my account' sidebar.)


Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] mind share

2005-01-18 Thread Aaron Sherman
On Tue, 2005-01-18 at 16:08, Uri Guttman wrote:
 templating is not rocket science. that is why there
 are so many template modules on cpan. they are trivial to do basic
 versions. whether they mature into large systems like tt2 is another

True, but the advantage of having a baseline way of templating (and this
is the BIG advantage of PHP) is that you can then abstract away from
that and develop second-derivative toolsets. This is what TTK has done
(look at the number of Template::* modules in CPAN that aren't part of
the core Template-Toolkit).

When you roll your own, you have to stop and think about how and if to
integrate each of these new tools, and I always find myself limiting the
scope of a project instead of tackling that kind of battle.

Some examples for TTK:


Those are just the Ss and Ts!

Mason too has a fair number of extensions (though fewer, I think, than

   AS This is the way content and code should be combined... anything more
   AS complex than the above should be used to construct the variables.
 please restate that last sentence in english. i think we are agreeing
 but i can't be for sure! :)

This is the way content and code should be combined (that is, by using
variables in simple HTML, with as little flow control as possible)...
anything (that is, code) more complex than the above (simple example)
should be used to construct the variables (in, say, Perl which are then
used by the templating system to search/replace the template).

Or another way of saying that is:

Your templates should never have a complex boundary between code and

Is that better? And, yes, I think we're agreeing on that point from the


Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] mind share

2005-01-14 Thread Aaron Sherman
On Fri, 2005-01-14 at 10:33, Sean Quinlan wrote:
 On Thu, 2005-01-13 at 21:58, Tom Metro wrote:

  This reminded me of something I've wondered about for a long time. Why
  did PHP become as successful and popular as it is, even though it mostly
  offers a subset of what Perl can do. (I'm aware of some of the
  historical reasons for PHP being created. What's less clear is why a
  Perl equivalent didn't address the need.)

 I certainly wouldn't mind this as a discussion topic for part of the
 meeting. I'd also be particularly interested in hearing from people who
 are working with PHP and other languages. What are the pro's and cons'?

Since I can't be there, I'd just like to explain why I think this

mod_perl is an amazing tool, and correctly combined with other tools
such as HTML::Mason, TTK, etc. it makes for a very usable content

However, PHP's arrival on the scene was important as it was the first
open source language (to my knowledge) which required exactly no
integration work between it and the HTML-based Web page. Inline PHP is
simple and easy to use. PHP's inlinability makes lots of things easier
when you're getting started, and so the language gained quick
popularity. It's also deadly as many PHP developers discover all too
late (see the various *Nuke projects and other PHP projects which have
done well to a point and then had to pour tons of engineering time into
separating presentation and code in order to move to a level of
abstraction that allowed the project to scale).

Currently working in TTK, I can see the echos of that. There's a strong
insistence in the docs that you not use the inline perl features (turned
off by default), for example. Having first experienced content
generation under StoryServer (a proprietary system using embedded TCL in
HTML, but with a simply awesome caching system that beats anything else
even today), I came into TTK already wary of this pitfall, but it's good
to see the reflective paint on the guard-rails


Boston-pm mailing list

[] Re: [] [ADMIN] Mailing list / Web site news

2005-01-05 Thread Aaron Sherman
On Wed, 2005-01-05 at 10:14, Ronald J Kimball wrote:

 The [EMAIL PROTECTED] address is currently invalid.  I do not know whether
 this is a permanent change or just a temporary side effect of the move.
 Our lovely new Kwiki is now inaccessible.  In order to restore it, we will
 most likely need to find a new host for our website.  Suggestions welcome.

I will make inquiries at work, and see if we can allocate a machine here
in the home office (we have decent bandwidth for a low-impact site like, with appropriate software installed. No promises.


Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] Max hash key length

2005-01-03 Thread Aaron Sherman
On Thu, 2004-12-30 at 20:45, Ben Tilly wrote:
 On Thu, 30 Dec 2004 18:02:07 -0500, Aaron Sherman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I understand risk assessment and the idea that nothing is 100% safe, but
  when you have a situation where you KNOW from day one that some keys
  will collide, and your data will be corrupted, you don't build that into
  your system if you have an easy out.
 Then I recommend that you never use rsync.  As for me, I'm
 sometimes willing to accept the possibility of algorithm failures
 which are less than the odds of my program going wrong
 because of cosmic radiation.

Take a look at rsync. It relies, by default, on four pieces of
information exactly because trusting a single checksum is far too risky
for a general-purpose tool. That information is: file size, timestamp,
large-scale checksum, block-level checksum. Moreover, rsync allows the
interpretation of each and every one of those to be tuned from the

And yes, while I usually just trust to the law of probability (which is
a very strange feature of our universe, if you stop to think about it),
when I'm doing something that requires certainty I do not rely on
rsync's block-for-block checksum strategy. Instead, I do one of two

 1. I force a full copy of files based on timestamp (costly, of
 2. I add one byte to the end of all files, rsync normally, remove
the byte and rsync again. This results in odds of correct
identification of changes that is an order of magnitude better,
but still not perfect. Again, this is a matter risk assessment.

  This is hashing 101. You hash, you bucket based on the hashes, and then
  you store a list at each bucket with key and value tuple for a linear
  search. There are other ways to do it, but this is the classic.
 Yes, I'm familiar with this, and outlined it in a previous email in
 this thread.

So, why were we discussing a module that would tie a hash to a lossy
checksumming operation, when standard practice in computer science
provides a simple solution?

  Of course, Perl does this for you. That extra time that I measured is
  almost certainly the time spent comparing the two strings, which your
  tie interface will also have to do because of collisions.
 Want to bet whether Perl spends more time in computing hash
 values or comparing strings?

I think you missed the point. I was not discussing a trade-off, but
rather suggesting why my example played out the way it did. If you're
suggesting pre-computing hashes, not just as a front-end to fetch/store,
but on a persistent basis, then you will get a very noticeable
performance win, but at the cost of having to perform some kind of
copy-on-write or other tainting check for modified keys (slowing all
other operations)... which of course, it turns out that Perl already
does for you, see sv.[hc] and hv.c in the standard Perl 5.8.x
distribution ;-)


Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] Max hash key length

2004-12-30 Thread Aaron Sherman
On Wed, 2004-12-29 at 18:10, Ben Tilly wrote:

 Under normal circumstances, to get non-miniscule odds of having
 a collision somewhere between MD5 keys, you'd need about 2**64
 keys.  If you have less than, say, a billion keys then you can ignore
 that possibility for all practical intents and purposes.

I understand risk assessment and the idea that nothing is 100% safe, but
when you have a situation where you KNOW from day one that some keys
will collide, and your data will be corrupted, you don't build that into
your system if you have an easy out.

This is hashing 101. You hash, you bucket based on the hashes, and then
you store a list at each bucket with key and value tuple for a linear
search. There are other ways to do it, but this is the classic.

Of course, Perl does this for you. That extra time that I measured is
almost certainly the time spent comparing the two strings, which your
tie interface will also have to do because of collisions.


Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] Max hash key length

2004-12-29 Thread Aaron Sherman
On Tue, 2004-12-28 at 13:46, Ian Langworth wrote:
 On 28.Dec.2004 01:14AM -0500, Tom Metro wrote:
  If you are concerned about the performance impact of long
  keys, and your application fits a write-once, read-many
  model, then you could always hash the hash keys. Say generate
  an MD5 digest of the key string, and then use the digest as
  the hash key.
 This might make a nice Tie:: module, if there already isn't
 one. But then again, tie itself is allegedly slow...

No, that would defeat the point

Or at least that's what I was going to say... I had a whole rationale
typed up, but then I went to benchmark my hypothesis and I get this:

$ perl -MBenchmark -e 'my $long=ax10_000;my %x;timethis(100_000,sub 
{$x{$long}++});print Final: $x{$long}\n'
timethis 10:  7 wallclock secs ( 6.54 usr +  0.00 sys =  6.54 CPU) 
@ 15290.52/s (n=10)
Final: 10
$ perl -MBenchmark -e 'my $long=ax10_000;my %x;timethis(100_000,sub 
{my $tmp=unpack(%32C*,$long) % 65535;$x{$tmp}++});my 
$tmp=unpack(%32C*,$long) % 65535;print Final: $x{$tmp}\n'
timethis 10:  2 wallclock secs ( 2.16 usr +  0.00 sys =  2.16 CPU) 
@ 46296.30/s (n=10)
Final: 10

Is there a bug in my code, or is there really that substantial a

Of course, there's a substantial problem with the above: hashes DO
conflict. Your module would have to do the same conflict resolution that
perl's built-in hashing would do, and that's probably where the extra
overhead comes in (though I admit I'm not seeing it... perhaps in
comparing the long value to the original?)

In a case where collisions wouldn't be a real problem, I guess that's a
non-issue, but those are rare cases.


Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] transposing rows and columns in a CSV file

2004-11-12 Thread Aaron Sherman
On Fri, 2004-11-12 at 13:22 -0800, Ben Tilly wrote:
 On Fri, 12 Nov 2004 10:05:27 -0500, Uri Guttman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   GS == Gyepi SAM [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  this talk about mmap makes little sense to me. it may save some i/o and
  even some buffering but you still need the ram and mmap still causes
  disk accesses.

Just to throw in my own two cents before I critique the reply: some
disk buffering can mean  a factor of 10-1000 performance improvement in
real world applications. This is my personal experience with real-world
programs. Of course, if all you want is linear access to a file once,
then mmap doesn't help. But, if you want random access to a file,
nothing beats mmap because people spend their LIVES tuning paging
strategies, and such code has knowlege of the hardware that you cannot
otherwise take advantage of in a general purpose IO layer.

 Um, mmap does not (well should not - Windows may vary) use any

You are confusing two issues. using RAM is not the same as allocating
process address space. Allocating process address space is, of course,
required for mmap (same way you allocate address space when you load a
shared library, which is also mmap-based under Unix and Unix-like
systems). All systems have to limit address space at some point. Linux
does this at 3GB up to 2.6.x where it becomes more configurable and can
be as large as 3.5, I think.

To be clear, though, if you had 10MB of RAM, you could still mmap a 3GB
file, assuming you allowed for over-committed allocation in the kernel
(assuming Linux... filthy habit, I know).

 mmap should not cause any more or less disk accesses than
 reading from the file in the same pattern should have.  It just lets
 you do things like use Perl's RE engine directly on the file

Actually, no it doesn't as far as I know (unless the copy-on-write code
got MUCH better recently).

Like I said, you probably won't get the win out of mmap in Perl that you
would expect. In Parrot you would, but that's another story.

Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] emergency social meeting

2004-11-12 Thread Aaron Sherman
On Fri, 2004-11-12 at 10:26 -0500, Uri Guttman wrote:
  bdf == brian d foy [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   bdf I'm in Boston from Nov 15-18.

 for those of you who don't know, bdf teaches for stonehenge (randal's
 biz) and is the founder of perl mongers (which you are a member of!) so
 let's give him his due props with a nice emergency social meeting.

Yeah, yeah... whatever. How cool is his camera?!

Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] transposing rows and columns in a CSV file

2004-11-11 Thread Aaron Sherman
On Wed, 2004-11-10 at 23:13 -0500, Uri Guttman wrote:

 sorry i missed the meeting but i have a nasty cold i am fighting off.

I just got over that one :-(

As for transposing a matrix that won't fit in ram... that's easy. Mail
it to someone who has more ram.

Aaron Gordian Knot Sherman, at your service ;-)

Seriously, while mmap is ideal in C, in Perl I would just build an array
of tell()s for each line in the file and then walk through the lines,
storing the offset of the last delimiter that I'd seen. That way, every
read looks like this:

# XXX WARNING, untested pseudo-code
next if $offsets[$thisline] == -1;
$bigbuf = '';
for($i=0;$i;$i++) {
# Proper CSV parsing left as an exercise...
if ($buf =~ /[,\n]/) {
$pos = length($`)+1;
$sep = $;
if ($sep eq \n) {
$offsets[$thisline] = -1; # Done here
} else {
$offsets[$thisline] += $i*$blocksz+$pos;
} else {
$bigbuf .= $buf;

Let the kernel file buffer do your heavy lifting for you.


Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] Inheriting documentation for inherited command-line options

2004-09-08 Thread Aaron Sherman
On Wed, 2004-09-08 at 00:17, Uri Guttman wrote:

 use warnings should be here too.
 i like _$method better.
 i don't like using = like that.

Uri, you're ripping the guy's code to shreds over minor points of
syntactic sugar... I seem to remember that Perl's moto isn't There's
only one way to do it.

 i can't get into the actual design or debugging but i hope my comments
 are useful.

He did ask for help specifically in two areas of the design, not a style
lecture. Usually I'm not this harsh, but man, that's gotta make a guy
feel like sending his code to this list is about the same as pulling his
pants down in public!


Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] Tech Meeting Followup

2004-08-05 Thread Aaron Sherman
On Thu, 2004-08-05 at 11:16, Ronald J Kimball wrote:
 We had about 20 people at Tuesday's tech meeting.  We started with a review
 of notable happenings at OSCON, including Dan Sugalski being hit in the
 face with a pie, and Jon Orwant receiving a White Camel award.

That former topic also showed up on Slashdot thanks to yours truly, but
it never showed up on the home page. Still, here it is:

I'm constantly amazed by the progress Parrot has made, and while I was
sad that we didn't make the deadline, I think the fact that Parrot was
able to run 6 out of 7 of the benchmarks and 5 of them faster than
CPython was well worth a hearty slap on the back for the Parrot devs,
Dan included!

I look forward to the day that my Python-happy co-workers can use my
in-house Perl module library as well as all of CPAN! What a day that
will be!


Boston-pm mailing list