Re: [botnets] mocbot spam analysis

2006-08-17 Thread virendra rode //
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J. Oquendo wrote:
> virendra rode // wrote:
>> - ---
>> Just curious, are you addressing this via IPs & port(s) ? If so, what
>> happens if these IPs are doing port hopping? Are you doing any sort of
>> L7 monitoring? What happens if it is a virtual IP?
>> How you guys doing any bogon filtering?
>> regards,
>> /virendra
> Me personally, I have zero tolerance for bs. The scenario I described would
> be for my own network and probably should not be used in a WAN scenario.
> Again I did mention I no longer work at the ISP level nor do I work in
> academia land any longer, so my notions don't apply to those types of
> industries. However I will give you a better scenario if you do work in
> those industries...
- ---
I'm sorry I somehow missed that.

> Firstly, I again no noone on the planet who should come knocking on those
> port doors so my reaction is to block them out. They're infected machines
> so I see no reason to allow them anywhere on your network, traversing your
> network, heck even wasting a ping on your network. What you could do is
> flush your rules every twenty four hours or so, rinse and repeat. I fail
> to see your logic in wondering what happens if they can't connect. Maybe
> I'm misconstruing your response, but if it is a "well what happens if
> they can't connect", good for them. They should take their infested traffic
> elsewhere. To be fair, a script to flush your rules would be nice sure.
> Me? On my personal network, I don't care if they re-connect or blow up.
- --
I try and implement aggressive filters
(bogon/flood-blocking/nbar/URPF/anti-spoof, etc.) for my customer
networks. Yes it works for the most part but we occasionally run into
buffer/congestion issues and this is where qos comes to our rescue.

We monitor (proactive approach) our qos policies very closely because
they can possibly work against us given certain (white-list)
application-level data rate that are in use.


> =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
> J. Oquendo
> sil infiltrated . net
> "How a man plays the game shows something of his
> character - how he loses shows all" - Mr. Luckey 
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Re: [botnets] mocbot spam analysis

2006-08-17 Thread J. Oquendo
To report a botnet PRIVATELY please email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

virendra rode // wrote:
> - ---
> Just curious, are you addressing this via IPs & port(s) ? If so, what
> happens if these IPs are doing port hopping? Are you doing any sort of
> L7 monitoring? What happens if it is a virtual IP?
> How you guys doing any bogon filtering?
> regards,
> /virendra

Me personally, I have zero tolerance for bs. The scenario I described would
be for my own network and probably should not be used in a WAN scenario.
Again I did mention I no longer work at the ISP level nor do I work in
academia land any longer, so my notions don't apply to those types of
industries. However I will give you a better scenario if you do work in
those industries...

Firstly, I again no noone on the planet who should come knocking on those
port doors so my reaction is to block them out. They're infected machines
so I see no reason to allow them anywhere on your network, traversing your
network, heck even wasting a ping on your network. What you could do is
flush your rules every twenty four hours or so, rinse and repeat. I fail
to see your logic in wondering what happens if they can't connect. Maybe
I'm misconstruing your response, but if it is a "well what happens if
they can't connect", good for them. They should take their infested traffic
elsewhere. To be fair, a script to flush your rules would be nice sure.
Me? On my personal network, I don't care if they re-connect or blow up.

J. Oquendo
sil infiltrated . net

"How a man plays the game shows something of his
character - how he loses shows all" - Mr. Luckey 
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All list and server information are public and available to law enforcement 
upon request.

Re: [botnets] mocbot spam analysis

2006-08-17 Thread virendra rode //
To report a botnet PRIVATELY please email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hash: SHA1


J. Oquendo wrote:
> To report a botnet PRIVATELY please email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> --
> Gadi Evron wrote:
>> To report a botnet PRIVATELY please email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> --
>> I'd like to quote Joe, for historical purposes:
>> Obviously there is money being made here - the economics of exploiting
>> end-user systems for the purposes of spam has been an established business
>> model for at least four years now.
> Perhaps its been longer than that. Maybe its just been noticed within the 
> past four who knows.
> Anyhow, its surprising that some software vendor hasn't upped the ante here 
> and begun to block offending IP addresses associated with these C&C's. How 
> difficult would it be to say create a scripted module that "greps" out the IP 
> addressing from these bots, and takes that IP address, firewalls it out from 
> their subnet.
> Eg:
> Supposing my logfiles alert me with an IP and port which looks like:
- ---
Just curious, are you addressing this via IPs & port(s) ? If so, what
happens if these IPs are doing port hopping? Are you doing any sort of
L7 monitoring? What happens if it is a virtual IP?

How you guys doing any bogon filtering?


> awk '/18607/{gsub (/:/," ");print "iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -j DROP -s", $1}' 
> logfiles|xargs exec 
> Or pick your favorite script... Anyhow, I'm sure most understand what I'm 
> getting to. Sure this only works on networks where ipchains is used, but I 
> can think of plenty of ways to filter these issues before they infest your 
> network...
> What I still find strange, and I guess I will be an odd man out is, why 
> providers are so reluctant to get off their rears and address these issues. 
> Let's be realistic who on the planet is using port 18607. I know if I was 
> still in the ISP business and I saw these obscure ass ports, they'd be 
> filtered. Last thing I need would be some crazy ass code red like worm taking 
> my network down. It's surprising most engineers (and you lazy bums know who 
> you are) allow stupidity. I guess the Forest Gump rule applies stupid is as 
> stupid does. 
> Gadi by the way, I know a few years back (I don't know maybe 2 or so around 
> the SDBot days... Hell I don't even know if you recall) I had intended on 
> helping with this project (Botnet). Apologies I've been off and on, but I 
> relocated, etc., etc. If you need anything give a holler. 
> J. Oquendo
> sil . infiltrated @ net
> 26:0608031813:J. Oquendo::fNaE6zH/HDTggYKS:005zLMj
> The happiness of society is the end of government.
> John Adams
> ___
> To report a botnet PRIVATELY please email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> All list and server information are public and available to law enforcement 
> upon request.
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