Orrin Hatch on the USA PATRIOT act

2004-09-02 Thread Bryon Daly
I heard a short interview with Orrin Hatch this morning.  (He came
across as a pretty reasonable guy, which surprised me, given his
assorted nutty stances on copyright.)

Anyway, one thing that caught my attention was his claim that the
PATRIOT act was merely an extension of the existing anti-mafia laws to
apply to terrorists.   (ie: there's *nothing* really "new" or
unprecedented there).  Now it seems to me that extending stuff like
racketeering/conspiracy laws to cover terrorists (if they didn't
already) isn't a bad idea, but I can't imagine that doing so would
cause the kind of concerns and alarm the the PATRIOT act has caused.  
So I'm inclined to think his claim is probably disingenuous at best...
 But on the other hand, I wonder how much stuff there is in the
PATRIOT act that's actually worth keeping.  It's been so politicized
that its hard to tell what's what.

Anyone care to comment or have any good links to a balanced article?


Re: AIDs in Africa

2004-09-02 Thread Dan Minette

- Original Message - 
From: "Gautam Mukunda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, August 29, 2004 11:28 AM
Subject: Re: AIDs in Africa

> --- Dan Minette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Her sources seem pretty good to me.  She also is
> > interested in your
> > sources, Gautam.  I know that you are more
> > interested in the truth than any
> > particular program, and I know Neli feels the same
> > way.  I am honestly
> > curious to see what is going on here.  Maybe we can
> > actually push a little
> > towards a better plan.
> Dan - I' not in any sense claiming that the Bush
> Administration's position is ideal.  Very far from
> that, in fact.  I certainly agree with you that they
> aren't putting nearly enough effort on the C part.  My
> major point, though, is that before the Administration
> focused on "ABC" the international AIDS community was
> pretty much ignoring it, and I would hope that they
> would get some credit for actually being willing to
> back something that works, as opposed to the
> traditional NGO position of strongly supporting
> policies that have no chance whatsoever of being
> effective.

Neli hoped she had time before she left to get the documentation for her
position, but she's gone to Germany.  I've been trying to talk her into
joining the list.  She says she wants to, so I'll send her the website
location for joining in a day or two.

Concerning the traditional NGO position: she remembers NGOs supporting ABC
back in the mid-90s.  She has documentation from that time she thinks she
can access on the web.  Further, she said ABC was taught in her country
"when she was a kid."  This would pre-date Bush.

Second, on the funding.  She's pretty sure she can get the exact quotes.
But, she definately remembers Bush promising 3 billion in the first year on
a Friday, asking for about 2.1 billion in the first year the next
Wednesday, and then accepting <1.4 billion without a peep.  I think we
agree that saying that they found the difficulties in the infractructure
only after doing research between Friday and Wednesday is pretty shaky.  If
he wasn't ready to spend 3 billion in the first year, he should not have
promised it.

Further, on the NGO position, she has seen no evidence of NGO opposition to
ABC.  Working with the churches would have been the best way to reach
people, because of their contacts, but the Catholic church and some
evangelical churchs were opposed to C.  AB can't work when the husband has
already been affected.  Having women who were affected take birth control
to not have AIDs babies, before the drugs to improve the babies chances of
being HIV negative, also seemed quite reasonable.  Indeed, from her
perspective, the administration has put in more roadblocks to ABC than
existed before.

I think this discussion doesn't step on any propriatary toes, but if it
does, just yell.

Dan M.


Outta here

2004-09-02 Thread Sonja van Baardwijk-Holten
I'm gonne be out of here for a couple of days. A short holiday like 
thingy staying over at my moms for a couple of days, lounging in the 
sun, being pampered a bit. But my mom still doesn't know the first thing 
about computers and thus I'll be out of touch for a little while.

Have fun and play nice,
Sonja :o)
GCU: List mail
xGCU: Shutting down in three... two... one... power down is now 
commencing :o)
