Re: Bitter Fruit

2005-12-13 Thread Gary Denton
On 12/11/05, Robert Seeberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> - Original Message -
> From: "Gary Denton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > I am a member of another particular email group.  When a discussion
> > thread was getting too long and verbose we opened up a new group and
> > referred those threads to Hou-SF-Verbose.  It opened up a new
> > meaning
> > to "you want to take it outside."  The Verbose group never became
> > that
> > active as it wasn't clear when a discussion was getting too long and
> > verbosity spoiled and when someone should make the call.  (It became
> > more a OT group for subjects not really connected with the club.)
> >
> Heh!
> I was also a member of that family of mailing lists for a while. I
> quit when it became plain that the listmanager was a bit singleminded
> and overbearing IMO.
> I can think of nothing more boring than a mailing list that consists
> of little more than amateur book and story reviews by people who think
> nothing worthwhile has been written since 1960.
> I'm glad to see they got the Con going, that was the only thing of

Still a very right wing, somewhat overbearing NASA subcontractor
manager running Clear Lake.  He has been shut out of ApolloCon
leadership roles for his lack of ability to work nicely with others.

No book reviews in a very long while and then it was not usually just
about books from the 60's.  Anita does keeps posting repeats of
articles she gets from the SF Book Club to the verbose and InnerLoop
group lists.

Most posts are connected to parties, activities, and meetings.

The Houston Saturday SF Ritual Breakfast probably has more people only
interested in SF from the 60's.

Big Houston party the 17th at David Forbus's video warehouse loft.

Gary Denton  June 23-25, 2006
"hiccup, hiccup"
Easter Lemming Liberal News Digest -

Re: Cocoa additives

2005-12-13 Thread Reggie Bautista
Debbie said:
> >  Sorry, I have tried mole several times and
> >found it very unpalatable; maybe it just wasn't
> >prepared correctly.

Ron replied:
> A cat keeps them out of the garden, but AFAIK they generally eat them
> raw (whatever part of them they do eat).  I don't know how to prepare
> them so humans will enjoy them.  I suspect that the first step would
> be to remove the dirt . . .

Ronn, I realize you are kidding here (please tell me you are kidding?), but
as the list's token Latino, I feel obligated to at least post a link or

Reggie Bautista
Relurking Maru


Re: Cocoa additives

2005-12-13 Thread Gary Denton
On 12/12/05, Mauro Diotallevi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 12/12/05, Deborah Harrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Mauro "the gourmand" Diotallevi
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >   Sorry, I have tried mole several times and
> > found it very unpalatable; maybe it just wasn't
> > prepared correctly.  But mango-chipotle salsa sounds
> > delicious!
> Mangoes are one of my favorite foods in the world, but mole comes in a close
> second.  I believe turkey mole is more traditional, but chicken mole is made
> much more commonly these days.  I've even eaten a nice pork mole.  A recent
> contestant on Iron Chef America made a sauce that was more or less mole and
> called it "Aztec Love Potion."  I believe there is a Colorado company that
> actually makes a Cocoa Mole food bar, with no meat in it but with raisins,
> almonds, walnuts, dates, chili powder... I'm missing an ingredient or two
> here...

I have been wanting to try the 888 Chinese restaurant in Houston that
has Mango Shrimp and other mango dishes.  Part of the revitalized
Gulfgate retail area.  Last night I went to the Boudreaux near there
and had gator for the first time.  Their blackened gator is delicious,
they also have a good etouffee.

A good etouffee recipe is here:

> But certainly, everyone's tastes are different.  For example, despite their
> similarities, I enjoy a good haggis but am not much fond of menudo.

Menudo is supposedly comfort food for hangovers.

> > > If you are adventurous, try a dash of Trappey's Red
> > > Devil Sauce in your
> > > cocoa.  Or a mixture of green chillies, ginger,
> > > coriander, and cumin, like
> > > you might find in an Indian curry -- I would leave
> > > out the onions, garlic, tomato, and ghee :-)
> >
> > You *are* skating on the edge of sanity, sir; I wish
> > to _enhance_ the flavor of cocoa, not mangle it.  ;)
> >

Often a bit of pepper - a good black pepper or hot pepper - enhances
other flavors.

Also a sweet fruit - jalapeno glaze on meats can be very good.  Sweet,
tangy and really goes well with pork and turkey.

I used to think that black pepper was just black pepper until I tasted
black pepper from Watkins.  (Unless it was Adam's black Malabar I
tasted first? Damn it,  now I am going to have to do a taste

> > My years-ago trial of fresh ginger in tea with milk
> > was tongue-curdling; how do you mix ginger and milk
> > without that?  Or is it a matter of amount, or using
> > powdered ginger instead of fresh?

I really like chai.  When refiling my glass at a restaurant a year ago
I  noticed the coffee fixings were out and I added half and half and
brown sugar to their iced currant tea.  Now I always do that there.

This seems to have been all odds and ends on food,  I suppose skipping
breakfast and lunch can do that to your train of thought.

Gary Denton  June 23-25, 2006
"I need some eggnog"
Easter Lemming Liberal News Digest -

Re: Another New Front in the War-on-Mithrasmas Opens up on Fox News

2005-12-13 Thread Dave Land

It just keeps getting better.

Fux has a *HOLIDAY* gift guide:



Re: Another New Front in the War-on-Mithrasmas Opens up on Fox News

2005-12-13 Thread Nick Arnett
On 12/13/05, The Fool <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Image:
> <>

All hail Bob.

Didja hear about the couple walking down the street, who came to a church
that had a Nativity scene up out front.  "Sheesh," said the man, "Now even
CHURCHES are trying to horn in on Christmas!"

No, I'm sorry, they couldn't have been walking.  Surely they were driving.


Nick Arnett
Messages: 408-904-7198

Re: House Project

2005-12-13 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
On 12/11/05 11:06 AM, "Nick Arnett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What's all that white stuff?

It's the reason I am using every energy saving technology possible.  Proof
positive that even conservatives are environmentally conscious.  If you want
to help out hucking shingles this week, just let me know :).

This house would look good even in California.  I got some inspiration
walking around the bungalows near the Naval base in San Diego.  Wonderful
place, but I can't afford to live there.  You got to write books that sell
to live in a place like that!

Not dropping names,
Matthew Bos
> Nick (in California)
Who doesn't know what he's missing!

Re: Another New Front in the War-on-Mithrasmas Opens up on Fox News

2005-12-13 Thread Ronn!Blankenship


 December 13, 2005


  The pundit world has been buzzing lately
about liberal plots to secularize Christmas.
 We got to thinking the "War on Christmas"
  might escalate a bit.

The Top 15 Weapons in the War on Christmas

15> Frag-incense

14> Nog & Awe

13> Season's beatings

12> The Jewtron bomb

11> Sleighpalm

10> Bowl full of gelignite

 9> Intercontinental Ballistic Missiletoe

 8> Weapons of Midnight Mass Destruction

 7> White Christmas flag (France only)

 6> Multiple Independently-targeted Reentry Sleighs

 5> Anti-myrrh grenades

 4> RPGs: Reindeer-Propelled Grenades

 3> Seven snipers a-sniping

 2> Dasher, Dancer, Prancer and Blitzkrieg

and the Number 1 Weapon in the War on Christmas...

 1> Heathen-seeking missiles

  [   Copyright 2005 by Chris White]
  [   ]

Selected from 44 submissions from 12 contributors.
This week's list authors are:
Marcelo Rinesi, Buenos Aires, Argentina -- 1
Scott Witmer, Hanover, PA   -- 2, 8, 9 (Hat trick!)
Bill Muse, Seattle, WA  -- 2, 3, 10 (Hat trick!)
Slick Sharkey, Miami, FL-- 4
Tom Velasco, Alexandria, VA -- 5, 12, Topic
Bob Van Voris, New York, NY -- 6, 11, 15 (Hat trick!)
Allan Rousselle, Redmond, WA-- 7, 8
Peg Warner, Exeter, NH  -- 8, 13
Martin Bredeck, Hybla Valley, VA-- 9
Bill Livingston, Decatur, AL-- 9
Steve Spradlin, Sand Springs, OK-- 14
Davis Spenser, Ashokan, NY  -- Banner tag
Chris Urich, Poughkeepsie, NY   -- Stuck in the Middle
 With You

  Weapons in the War on Christmas
RUNNERS UP list  --  The Fruit-cular Option

  (Steve Spradlin, Sand Springs, OK)

The combined-effects fruitcake
  (Tom Velasco, Alexandria, VA)

Rocket-propelled fruitcakes
  (Peg Warner, Exeter, NH)

M-19 Tactical Field Fruitcake
  (Bill Muse, Seattle, WA)

  (Martin Bredeck, Hybla Valley, VA)

 Weapons in the War on Christmas
HONORABLE MENTIONS list  --  Tad Offensive

Hanukkah ambush
  (Allan Rousselle, Redmond, WA)

Boughs of Holocaust
  (Martin Bredeck, Hybla Valley, VA)

The Coal-ashnikov Fully Automatic Stocking Stuffer
  (Bill Livingston, Decatur, AL)

  (G. Griebenow, Johannesburg, S. Africa)

And a cartridge in a .23
  (Slick Sharkey, Miami, FL)

Silent night vision goggles
  (Scott Witmer, Hanover, PA)

Barbed tinsel
  (Scott Witmer, Hanover, PA)

Rudolph the Condition RED Early Warning Reindeer
  (Bill Livingston, Decatur, AL)

Fa-la-la-la-land mines
  (Scott Witmer, Hanover, PA)

Suicide carolers
  (Steve Spradlin, Sand Springs, OK)

Santa Claws
  (Peg Warner, Exeter, NH)

Red fur-lined flak jackets
  (Scott Witmer, Hanover, PA)

Kamikwanzi jets
  (Steve Spradlin, Sand Springs, OK)

Honorable Mentions list name
  (Allan Rousselle, Redmond, WA)

["Top 10" lists on a variety of subjects ]
[ ]
[  Copyright 2005 by Chris White   All rights reserved.  ]
[   Do not forward, publish, broadcast, or use   ]
[  in any manner without crediting "" ]
[ To complain to the moderator: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
[ Have friends who might like to subscribe to this list? ]
[ Refer them to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]]


Fwd: Hiring Tech Support (Politically Incorrect, With Apologies Beforehand to Ritu)

2005-12-13 Thread Ronn!Blankenship
Mujibar was trying to get a job in India. The Personnel Manager said, 
"Mujibar, you have passed all the tests, except one. Unless you pass 
it you cannot qualify for this job."

Mujibar said, "I am ready."

The manager said, "Make a sentence using the words Yellow, Pink and Green."

Mujibar thought for a few minutes and said, "Mister manager, I am ready."

The manager said, "Go ahead."

Mujibar said, "The telephone goes green, green, green, and I pink it 
up, and say, 'Yellow, this is Mujibar.'"

Mujibar now works as a technician at a call center for computer 
problems.  No doubt you have spoken to him.


Bush Admin: Sex = Terrorism

2005-12-13 Thread The Fool

In 2005 the Bush Administration spent $168 million dollars on
"abstinence education" to teach young adults enlightening stuff like

While a man needs little or no preparation for sex, a woman often needs
hours of emotional and mental preparation. 

5 Major Needs of Women: Affection, Conversation, Honesty and Openness,
Financial Support, Family Commitment 

5 Major Needs of Men: Sexual Fulfillment, Recreational Companionship,
Physical Attractiveness, Admiration, Domestic Support


It is hard for many of us to understand terrorism and why someone would
have such hatred in their heart that they would deliberately kill
innocent people. Today I would like to introduce you to another form of
terrorism that gets little, if any, attentionâ€"the terrorism that our
youth face each and every day. 

At one time the definition of an adult was someone who had left
childhood behind and taken on the responsibilities of life. In
contrast, today “adult” means being able to view and participate in
any and all types of perverse activities that depraved minds can
imagine. We actively seek to eliminate terrorism from our land; please
help us actively seek to eliminate this corruptive terrorism that is
stealing our children’s future.

"The meaning of words had no longer the same relation to 
things, but was changed by them as they thought proper. 
Reckless daring was held to be loyal courage; prudent delay 
was the excuse of a coward; moderation was the disguise of 
unmanly weakness; to know everything was to do nothing. 
Frantic energy was the true quality of a man."
--Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War 

Another New Front in the War-on-Mithrasmas Opens up on Fox News

2005-12-13 Thread The Fool


If the last and worst act of the whole regime had come 
immediately after the first and the smallest, thousands, 
yes, millions would have been sufficiently shocked – if, let 
us say, the gassing of the Jews in "43" had come immediately 
after the "German Firm" stickers on the windows of 
non-Jewish shops in "33". But of course this isn't the way 
it happens. In between come all the hundreds of little 
steps, some of them imperceptible, each of them preparing 
you not to be shocked by the next. Step C is not so much 
worse than Step B, and, if you did not make a stand at Step 
B, why should you at Step C? And so on to Step D.
--They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933-45
--by Milton Mayer