Re: Gravitational Waves

2014-03-31 Thread William Taylor

2. Come close to disproving the cyclical (oscillating 
universe) and ekpyrotic (colliding branes) theories.

Um... does this replace the colliding brains theory?

When all else in the universe collapses, the only things left will be 
Bluebottle and Eccles.

Who will immediately hit each other in the head.

Owww.   me nut.

You dirty rotten swine, you


Shouldn't that be the Ecclrotic theory?

Never you mind what's under me nightshirt!

Bluebottle is famous for the absolute first string theory.

Without string, my trousers fall down.

Re: Introducing Myself

2014-03-06 Thread William Taylor

Wouldn't that be nice! Heaven's Reach ended on gigantic 
cliffhangers, such as WILL HUMANITY GO EXTICT!? :p

Heaven's Reach ended with a giant rocket made of boo lifting off of Jijo.
A long time had passed since Streaker had left.

The cliffhangers of Jijo:

The Jophur were in control the Great Library. 
How do you get rid of them without destroying the books?
The Great Library is NOT the largest collection of books on Jijo.

The Rothen ship inside of the time goop has a Library unit.

The Uplift Library units store memory in the 4th dimension. 

The 4th dimension is going to close down as the galaxy that Jijo is in breaks 
away from the other four galaxies.

How do you get into the Rothen ship, get access to the Library unit, and 
download as much data onto Jijo compatible data storage devices as possible 
before the Great Split occurs?


How does one build and launch a rocket ship made from boo?

Those are the cliffhangers I know. 


Re: Introducing Myself

2014-03-06 Thread William Taylor

-Original Message-
From: Ellen S.
To: Killer Bs (David Brin et al) Discussion
Sent: Thu, Mar 6, 2014 11:38 am
Subject: RE: Introducing Myself

And then Temptation introduced a bunch more cliffhangers
to the situation on Jijo, via the Buyur.

I think the Buyur will prevent the Jophur from winning, but
I doubt they have any incentive to prevent the destruction
of any part of the Commons civilization.


What if the Commons defeat the Jophur by using Buyur technology?


Re: Introducing Myself

2014-03-04 Thread William Taylor

-Original Message-
From: Charlie Bell
To: Killer Bs (David Brin et al) Discussion
Sent: Tue, Mar 4, 2014 6:22 am
Subject: Re: Introducing Myself

I doubt it’ll ever reach the volumes of The Old Days again (unless DB WRITES 
MORE UPLIFT BOOKS…) but there’s always room for discussion. Cheers,Charlie.

At one point, there was Between a Grok and a Hard Pace on the net. My fanfic 
set 100 years beforeBrightness Reef. A Qheuen challenges a G'Kek to a downhill 
race--and wins. Then for the sake of continued peace, it's all hushed up.

Only worth being a fanfic when written.


Re: Uplift questions

2014-03-03 Thread William Taylor

Well, since I have joined this mailing list I can ask 
some questions that I've wondered about. I haven't 
read Heaven's Reach in a while, but I don't remember 
the book answering these questions. Maybe some list 
members might know.

Spoiler warning to anyone who hasn't read Heaven's 

1. When Gillian traded things with Uriel, did she take
 any rewqs? They'd be very valuable both for Earthclan
 and for that colony Alvin and Huck moved to.

You ask a` question that would most likely be answered
by our good Dr. Brin with, Of course they did--just
as soon as I write in the need for them in a later story.

It ain't always completely thought out beforehand.
Authors do get surprised by their own future plot twists.

And that's 
Alvin, Mudfoot, and Huck on Harathrurptra.
 (Correct spelling anyone?)
Mudfoot can become VERY important if Harathrumta (Sp?)
has Rousit.
Does anybody remember the Rousit?
Contacting Aliens didn't.
(The above is subject, of course, to Dr. Brin actually
making the Rousit clients of the Hoon. It wasn't that 
clear in Heaven's Reach.)

2. Did we ever find out why Gillian wanted a herd of 
They speak to hydrogen breathers, IIRC.

I doubt they're legally available for uplift 
yet, (RE-Uplift, as they're on the downward slope.)
but Contacting Aliens does say they haven't been 
spotted (in the other Galaxy 2) in 2000 years. Did she
 figure they might be the last of their kind, and want
 to prevent the Jophur from killing them all? (It 
would also have made it possible for Dwer to take a 
few back to Jijo, but I doubt David Brin would make 
things so narratively easy for Jijo.)

3. When Streaker and Polkjhy exchanged people and 
chunks of hull, did Lark and Ling give any of the red 
rings to Gillian? Those things are a potent biological 
weapon against Jophur, even if used only as a 
defensive measure.
And Alvin could use the bio-life preservers in
his sailing business.

4. Lark saw an Urs on Polkjhy, stuck in an air bubble. 
Why would any Urs accept such a watery/confined fate? 
Better than having some er pop the bubble?

She'll be stuck in that little bubble for the rest of 
her life. Why didn't she go onto the Streaker while 
all those Dolphins were going onto Polkjhy?

~A new person without a screen-name   

OK, any name but Smurfette.


Re: Heaven's Reach

2013-05-16 Thread William Taylor

1. When Gillian traded things with Uriel, did she takeany rewqs? 
They'd be very valuable both for Earthclanand for that Hoon colony 
Alvin and Huck moved to.

Not mentioned. Could go either way if our good Dr. has anything planned. 
And you forgot to mention Mudfoot.

(Then again, Contacting Aliens forgot to mention the Rousit.)

2. Did we ever find out why Gillian wanted a herd ofGlavers?
 I doubt they're legally available for upliftyet, but Contacting 
Aliens does say they haven't beenspotted (in the other Galaxies) 
in 2000 years. Did shefigure they might be the last of their 
kind, and wantto prevent the Jophur from killing them all?

IIRC, Glavers still had a knack for talking to hydrogen breathers.

3. When Streaker and Polkjhy exchanged people andchunks of hull, 
did Lark and Ling give any of the redrings to Gillian? Those rings 
are a potent biologicaldefense against Jophur invasions, so it'd be 
nice forEarthclan to have some.(It would hypothetically also have 
made it possible forDwer to take a few back to Jijo, but I doubt 
David Brinwould make things so narratively easy for Jijo.)

This I know: The red rings are not being used for the retaking of 
the Jijo Library.

And the Jijo Library is not the biggest souce of books on Jijo. 
That's the Rothen ship--at least until the 4th dimention closes down.

4. Lark saw an Urs on Polkjhy, stuck in an air bubble.
Why would any Urs accept such a watery/confined fate?
She'll be stuck in that little bubble for the rest ofher life. 
Why didn't she go onto the Streaker while allthose Dolphins were 
going onto Polkjhy?


Urs is not to reason why.
