Re: Evolution Debate Led to Ouster, Official Says

2007-12-03 Thread William T Goodall

Don’t mess with Texas education - November 30, 2007
Attitudes to education differ round the world, but things are looking  
pretty odd in Texas right now. The director of the state’s science  
curriculum is claiming she was forced out for forwarding an email. Its  
content was not a risqué joke or a sleazy photo: it was a note about a  
forthcoming lecture by a philosopher who has been heavily involved in  
debates over creationism.

The Statesman reports that the Texas Education Agency had recommended  
firing Chris Comer for repeated misconduct and insubordination (the  
details of which are unclear) before she resigned. But Comer and  
others are saying she was forced out for seeming to endorse criticism  
of intelligent design. An agency memo, according to the Statesman,  
said: “Ms Comer’s e-mail implies endorsement of the speaker and  
implies that TEA endorses the speaker's position on a subject on which  
the agency must remain neutral.”

In other news, a new international ranking of the science ability of  
15 year olds has been conducted by the OECD. The US is below average,  
a little under Latvia. Finland tops the chart. Those with spare time  
might find it interesting to compare this chart of the new OECD  
ranking, with this chart of belief in evolution.

[About the OECD study],3343,en_32252351_32235731_39701864_1_1_1_1,00.html

[The OECD data chart]

[Evolution acceptance chart]

The USA is at the bottom of the evolution chart between Latvia and  
Turkey - two countries that also rank statistically significantly  
below the OECD average for science education.

William T Goodall
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Two years from now, spam will be solved. - Bill Gates, 2004


Evolution Debate Led to Ouster, Official Says

2007-12-01 Thread William T Goodall
AUSTIN, Tex., Nov. 29 (AP) — The state’s director of science  
curriculum said she resigned this month under pressure from officials  
who said she had given the appearance of criticizing the teaching of  
intelligent design.

The Texas Education Agency put the director, Chris Comer, on 30 days’  
paid administrative leave in late October, resulting in what Ms. Comer  
called a forced resignation.

The move came shortly after she forwarded an e-mail message announcing  
a presentation by Barbara Forrest, an author of “Creationism’s Trojan  
Horse.” The book argues that creationist politics are behind the  
movement to get intelligent design theory taught in public schools.  
Ms. Comer sent the message to several people and a few online  

Ms. Comer, who held her position for nine years, said she believed  
evolution politics were behind her ousting. “None of the other reasons  
they gave are, in and of themselves, firing offenses,” she said.

Education agency officials declined to comment Wednesday on the  
matter. But they explained their recommendation to fire Ms. Comer in  
documents obtained by The Austin American-Statesman through the Texas  
Public Information Act.

“Ms. Comer’s e-mail implies endorsement of the speaker and implies  
that T.E.A. endorses the speaker’s position on a subject on which the  
agency must remain neutral,” the officials said.

The agency documents say that officials recommended firing Ms. Comer  
for repeated acts of misconduct and insubordination.

The officials said forwarding the e-mail message conflicted with her  
job responsibilities and violated a directive that she not communicate  
with anyone outside the agency regarding a pending science curriculum  

The documents criticize Ms. Comer for giving a presentation and  
attending an off-site meeting without approval. It also said she had  
complained that “there was no real leadership at the agency.”

William T Goodall
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