Re: Free will and physics

2003-07-19 Thread Dan Minette
 On Sat, Jul 05, 2003 at 11:19:43PM -0500, Dan Minette wrote:

  As a useful fiction to persuade people, certainly (actually persuade
  assumes free will,

 If you say so. Of course, that is a meaningless statement.

  But, ought is rather meaningless without free will.

 That's okay. Free will is rather meaningless.

Morality is about ought.  This leads one to conclude that, since morality
is meaningless without ought,  morality is rather meaningless.

  I'll be happy to admit that the causal chain in people's actions
  includes hearing words.  But, that doesn't seem all that critical to

 I see. So humans would behave the same as they do if they never learned
 to communicate with each other?

No, just as a star would not be the same if the origional density in that
part of space were a factor of 100 lower.  What is critical to may
arguement is that, as long as one is a naturalist,  human behavior is
determined by the actions of nuclei and electorns obeying the laws of QED.

  I think your argument relies on complexity changing the fundamentals.

 You think wrong. We've been through this before. I guess you forgot.

No, you stating something is false doesn't make it false.  Fundamentally,
lighting and human interaction are simply QED at work with the exact same
building blocks.  So, unless complexity changes the fundamentals, they are
inherently the same.

   It is absurd to compare a mind -- which is complex in a way
   that cannot be modeled by a few simple equations, is capable of
   abstraction, logic, and calculation -- to something like a star or
   a lightning bolt which can be modeled and predicted accurately by a
   few equations.

  No, it is not absurd. I chose lightning and stars for a reason, not
  just because I was grasping for metaphors. It is impossible to predict
  where lightning will strike at a given time on a given day. I'm rather
  surprised you claim that it is simple; the inability to ever predict
  popup thunderstorms is classic. It is one of the best examples of
  macroscopic indetermancy.

 Your exact words were:

   It makes no more sense saying a man ought not to kill another man in
   cold blood than would make sense to argue that a lightning bolt ought
   not to have killed that golfer.

 No, it IS absurd. Following your lead, I was not discussing predictions
 of WHERE a lightning bolt would strike. I was discussing how the
 lightning bolt behaves when it strikes a golfer.

Oh, then I wasn't clear in defining my origional example.  I was thinking
of all the factors involved.  Sorry for the lack of clarity. The point is
that, in each case, all that is involved is the behavior of protons,
neutrons, electrons, virtual photons and photons according to QED.

 I have a good chance of being able to make a difference in what the
 policeman will do by my actions (assuming I am nearby).  I'm rather
 surprised that you didn't understand this simple concept, Dan.

Have you ever thought that I'm not stupid and actually understood your
points.  There is the possibility that I'm trying to make a point that is
not being communicated clearly. My point is that if all human behavior is
reduced to QED, then anything that is true about QED is true about human
behavior. Anything that is not true about QED is not true about human

Just as the actions of a machine governened by simple mechanical laws may
not be intuitive at a glance, the results of QED are not always intuitive.

  Indeed, the behavior of stars, humans, and lightning bolts are all
  dependant on gravity and the physics of the standard model.  One could
  even argue that the star takes more physics to explain than humans,
  since one may have to consider QCD as well as the standard model.

 No, Dan, you are making a couple mistakes. First, it is not necessary
 to model the star so precisely to be able to make useful predictions of
 what it will do. A few equations give a lot of useful results.

But the question wasn't is there a simple phenomenological model that
allows us to bypass a full theoretical analysis?  The question is what
the consequences of assuming that human behavior is simply a product of the
physics underlying biochemistry?

and, even if you do use QCD, you are still basically simulating a
 bunch of atomic (or sub-atomic) particles, each of which is obeying the
 same equations. So the number of lines of code is fairly small, even if
 you need a lot of memory and number crunching power. In contrast, to
 model a mind you will need millions or billions of lines of code.

I thought we were talking about modeling a brain.  In that case, we have
simply protons, neutrons, electrons, etc.  following QCD.  One can ignore
strong force and probably ignore the weak force in modeling the brain.  One
cannot ignore the weak force and probably cannot ignore the strong force in
modeling a star.

That is one reason why we still don't have very smart programs, but we can
 describe stars much better.

Or, it 

Re: Free will and physics

2003-07-19 Thread Erik Reuter
On Sat, Jul 19, 2003 at 04:47:12PM -0500, Dan Minette wrote:

 Morality is about ought.  This leads one to conclude that,
 since morality is meaningless without ought, morality is rather

No, that does not follow. Rules govern a system. They have meaning in
that system. Free will, as you use it, has no real meaning.

   I think your argument relies on complexity changing the fundamentals.
  You think wrong. We've been through this before. I guess you forgot.
 No, you stating something is false doesn't make it false.

Whatever, Dan. I'm sure you know what my argument is better than I do
(even though you have clearly forgotten what we discussed in the past).
Why don't you just state what my argument is and then you can argue
against it? Then I don't have to waste my time replying to you? You can
just reply to yourself.

 Fundamentally, lighting and human interaction are simply QED at work
 with the exact same building blocks.  So, unless complexity changes
 the fundamentals, they are inherently the same.

This is obviously true, as we discussed before. But it is not very
useful. It is absurd to say that a star behaves similarly to a mind.
They do not.

 Have you ever thought that I'm not stupid and actually understood your

Have you? You seem to have missed that I was simply replying to you in

 There is the possibility that I'm trying to make a point that is not
 being communicated clearly. My point is that if all human behavior is
 reduced to QED, then anything that is true about QED is true about
 human behavior. Anything that is not true about QED is not true about
 human behavior.

You have communicated it numerous times, and I have caught it every
single time. You can stop now. 

 But the question wasn't is there a simple phenomenological model that
 allows us to bypass a full theoretical analysis?  The question is
 what are the consequences of assuming that human behavior is simply a
 product of the physics underlying biochemistry?

It seems we disagree on what questions are relevant. I mentioned at the
beginning of the discussion that I didn't think we would get anywhere.
How can I experimentally determine whether something possesses the
phenonmena you call free will? Unless you can answer that, we won't
get anywhere.

 Or, it could be that the actions of the mind is consistant with but
 not reducable to phenomenon.  There is no emperical evidence against
 this, you know.

There is no empirical evidence directly disproving a lot of things. That
doesn't mean they aren't extremely unlikely. Do you claim that the human
mind follows different physical rules of interaction than all other
matter and energy in the universe? If so, I claim the opposite, and my
claim is falsifiable -- show me the new physics.

 If you are the Eric Reuter at

No Eric Reuter there.

 then this is a very pedantic arguement, based on my saying you have a BA
 instead of BS.

You apparently like pedantic arguments.

 I always thought it helpful to deal with the ideas that someone wishes
 to put forth insteads of watching for i's that are not dotted just so.
 We appear to differ on this.

Nope, you totally missed the point.

 Proof by insult again?

You started it. I'll stop when you stop.

 Since it makes no sense to argue that protons, electrons, etc. ought
 not to behave according to QED, it makes no sense to either say that
 lightning bolts or human beings should behave in a certain manner.

Well, we disagree then. A lightning bolt should behave in a certain
manner, it should not strike my house, so I'll put up a lightning rod
and ground it. Likewise, humans should behave in a certain manner, so we
should come up with rules that work towards our common goals.

 Right, but common usage assumes something you consider useless.  If
 you don't accept free will; persuade is no more than a convenient

Simply not true. Persuasion is a process which occurs. It is not
fiction. Teaching is a process which occurs. Building is a process which
occurs. These are not fiction.

 OK, that means that there is no reason to accept any internal
 experiences as more than convenient fictions, or at most,
 interpretations of theory.

Sure. That's why we need repeatable experiments to verify or falsify our


Re: Free will and physics

2003-07-06 Thread Erik Reuter
On Sat, Jul 05, 2003 at 11:02:26PM -0500, Dan Minette wrote:

 From: Erik Reuter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  On Mon, Jun 23, 2003 at 07:46:46PM -0500, Dan Minette wrote:

  At some level, yes. But all moralities aren't created equal. Some
  are clearly better than others, in that some will almost surely lead
  to a society that almost no one would want to live in.

 It depends on what is desired from morality.  Some are better than
 others for reaching particular goals, certainly.  But, that naturally
 leads to the question what goals?  It's easy to label your goals
 rational and another's goals as irrational.

I did not label goals rational and irrational -- in fact, in this thread
I specifically stated that my stated goal was subjective. Your reply
does not address my comment...I was just watching the Godfather. If
everyone behaved as the dons in that movie, almost no one would want
to live in the resulting world. And sure enough, the crime bosses are
largely gone now. Most people realized what would happen if such a
system were allowed to expand. This is not rational or irrational, it
is just that most people don't like to live in such a world. As I said
previously, this is mostly an accident of evolution and environment,
but it is certainly true that most people share some of these basic
sensibilities about what is desirable and what is not.

 I'll agree if you show that the conflict between the goals of
 different people is an illusion (i.e. you show that rational self
 interest is served by considering the needs of others as just as
 important as one's own), then you will have reduced the question of
 morality to a question of accurately gauging one's own self interest.

 But, that premise really doesn't match observation.  The question is
 complicated enough, so that it is probably not possible to actually
 falsify that hypothesis, but the overwhelming amount of evidence is
 against it.

Actually, the overwhelming amount of evidence is for it. That is why
humans have progressed from animal-like apes, to tribes, feudalism,
and finally liberal democracy with the rule of law. And progress has
accelerated, especially with the transition to liberal democracy and
rule of law.

 Part of the reason for that is the fact that, by the nature of the
 premise, you have set yourself a very high standard for proof.  The
 existence of win-win situations, where the predominant strategy
 for the individual benefits all is not sufficient.  Rather, it
 is necessary to show that win-lose scenarios do not exist to any
 significant extent.

No, you are thinking much too small. There are indeed many win-lose
scenarios if you look at thing myopically. But if you consider both
the long-term and the interaction of others if they all followed a
similar strategy, then the world is a big win-win scenario. I mentioned
this previously, but again you failed to address it. Surely you don't
think we could have made as much progress as we did in the 20th century
with everyone acting myopically in their own self interest? How do you
explain the huge growth in GDP per capita in the Western world in the
last 150 years?

 Let me give just one counter example now.  (Only one for space
 limitation, not for lack of examples.)  Tonight, on the local news,
 there was an apartment fire.  One man was taken to the hospital for
 smoke inhalation. He was at risk because, instead of just yelling fire
 and getting out of the complex, he went door to door knocking on the
 doors telling people to get out.

 He is up for a hero's award, which I think is reasonable. From a
 Christian standpoint, his actions are an example of the greatest
 form of love possible.  But, from the standpoint of enlightened
 self-interest, his actions were irrational.  On a cost/benefits basis,
 it was the wrong decision to make.

Not necessarily. If I thought my neighbor(s) would be likely to take
the same risks for me in the future, I would do it, and it would be
in my self-interest, unless I could trick my neighbors (or they could
trick me) into thinking I (they) would do it but really would not. Of
course, then honesty and trustworthiness comes into it. If I didn't
think my neighbors were honest and trustworthy in these matters, then
I would be less likely to do it since it would be much less in my own

 Sure, there are actions that can be identified as beneficial for the
 whole community if everyone does this. But, this begs the question
 why worry about what benefits others?

Because if you don't (and enough others don't), they won't, and everyone

 This can make for an interesting game theory problem, but in general
 the golden rule strategy is frequently the best game theory tactic.

 I looked up game theory, and found what seems to be a pretty decent source
 for it at:

That site is incomplete. Here are some key words for you: repeated
Prisoner's Dilemma Robert Axelrod Tit-for-Tat

Free will and physics

2003-07-05 Thread Dan Minette
 We've had this discussion before -- the concept of free-will as you use
it is just as useless a concept as god. But morality, as I've argued
above, is quite useful in progressing towards goals.

As a useful fiction to persuade people, certainly (actually persuade
assumes free will, the uttering of the word morality has been correlated
with behavior changes consistent with other words that were uttered...that
might do.)But, ought is rather meaningless without free will.  I'll
be happy to admit that the causal chain in people's actions includes
hearing words.  But, that doesn't seem all that critical to me. It happens
to be a complex reaction the evolution of which is predictable in only a
statistical sense.  The inherent difference between this and less
complicated systems that can only be predicted in a statistical sense is
not apparent. I think your argument relies on complexity changing the
fundamentals.  I've yet to see a real example of this. Indeed, if it were
to exist, it would spark an overwhelming scientific revolution. The
falsification of reductionism would be a remarkable occurrence.

 It is absurd to compare a mind -- which is complex in a way that cannot
be modeled by a few simple equations, is capable of abstraction, logic,
and calculation -- to something like a star or a lightning bolt which can
be modeled and predicted accurately by a few equations.

No, it is not absurd. I chose lightning and stars for a reason, not just
because I was grasping for metaphors. It is impossible to predict where
lightning will strike at a given time on a given day. I'm rather surprised
you claim that it is simple; the inability to ever predict popup
thunderstorms is classic. It is one of the best examples of macroscopic

Indeed, the behavior of stars, humans, and lightning bolts are all
dependant on gravity and the physics of the standard model.  One could even
argue that the star takes more physics to explain than humans, since one
may have to consider QCD as well as the standard model.  I really expected
you to know this, since you have a BA in physics.

Complexity doesn't add anything; it just makes it harder to calculate.  A
very complex perpetual motion machine is no more likely to work than a
simple one.  There are occasions, indeed, where complexity results in
counter-intuitive results.  There has never been a verified case where
complexity introduces something truly new.

  accurately predict what a mind will do with a simple model: you need to
 simulate it in its full complexity, essentially creating another copy of
 the mind. Furthermore, you can persuade a person not to do something;
 but you cannot persuade a lightning-bolt not to strike.

That is a convenient fiction.  You do what you are forced to do, they do
what they are forced to do. Persuade is a convenient shorthand

You are allowing
 yourself to be afflicted by the dreaded physics-cyst spherical-cow
 disease (modelitis), thinking that a simplistic model is an accurate
 representation of a complex phenomenon.

 I know you like to try out models until they stick (you tried equating
 a mind to a star last time, now you are trying a lightning bolt) but the
 last time this came up I mentioned about as useful a model as you're
 likely to get: humans have free will in the same sense as Chamlis
 Amalk-ney (or Mawhrin-Skel) has free will. No doubt you will complain
 that that is not a very useful model.

No, I'd complain that stars and lightning bolts and people are real,
Chamlis Amalk-ney is a fictional creation.
Yes! That is the point! Free will  as you bandy the term around is a poor
concept and mostly useless.

So, you are willing to give up any description of human beings that is not
directly reducable to QED?  Anything that is added on is no more than a
convenient fiction, like reduced mass?

Dan M.
