Robert Shiller has been championing GDP-linked bonds for years. I agree
that they are a good idea, both for developing countries and for mature

GDP-linked bonds also provide a partial answer to the question
I posed some time ago, "how does an entire generation save for
retirement"? Buying GDP-linked bonds may be the closest we can come to
quantifying the assertion that an older generation deserves to be taken
care of by the next generation since the older generation helped build
the country into something beneficial to the next generation. If the
assertion is true, even if the said benefits were primarily social, it
would seem some economic benefit would also accrue over the years.  If
so, GDP would be significantly higher and the GDP-linked bonds would
pay significantly higher interest. The older generation gets their fair
share of the economy they helped build but does not unfairly burden the
next generation.

If the SS trust fund held *MARKETABLE* GDP-linked bonds (and there were
a highly-liquid market for such bonds) then I think the future of SS
would be much more clear today. It would also take a lot of argument
out of the SS solvency question -- if the collective opinion of the
market were that future growth would be higher, then the GDP-linked
bonds would be worth more and SS would be automatically solvent. On
the other hand, lower growth expectations would result in the trust
fund being worth less and a simple accounting calculation would show
that either SS benefits would need to be cut or SS revenues increased,
and by how much. This could be implemented with only minor changes to
the current system, provided a liquid market for GDP-linked bonds were
created. However, I would prefer to see more of a private-account like
system where the investment choices consist of US GDP-linked bonds,
a global index of GDP-linked bonds, and a global stock index -- make
everyone a stake-holder in the growth and well-being of the entire
world. What a wonderful incentive to make the world better!

Well, most of my thoughts above are only loosely based on Shiller's
ideas. But here is Shiller's article for the background:


Create Growth-Linked Bonds by Robert J. Shiller

A year ago, at the Summit of the Americas, 34 western hemisphere
heads of state agreed to promote the creation of government-issued
growth-linked bonds whose payout is tied to gross domestic product
(GDP). But progress has mostly stalled. Only one major proposal related
to such bonds, from Argentina, is on the table. A unique opportunity to
strengthen the world.s financial infrastructure and increase economic
efficiency for many years to come could be slipping away.

I have argued for growth-linked bonds since my 1993 book Macro Markets.
GDP is the most comprehensive measure we have of an economy.s success.
The simplest form of growth-linked bonds would be a long-term government
security that pays a regular dividend proportional to the GDP of the
issuing country.

Suppose that the Argentine government issued perpetual bonds that paid
an annual dividend equal to one ten-billionth of Argentine GDP, payable
in pesos. Because Argentina.s annual GDP now runs at about 500 billion
pesos, one of these bonds today would pay a dividend of 50 pesos (about
$17 or .13) a year. The dividend would rise or fall as the success of
Argentina.s economy is revealed through time.

The market for GDP-linked bonds would arrive at a price that makes them
attractive to investors, reflecting expectations and uncertainties about
the issuing country.s future. Until there is a market for such bonds, we
cannot know what the price will be. But we can expect that the market
for long-term GDP-linked bonds from countries like Argentina, where the
future of the economy is uncertain, would be volatile, as investors
adjust their expectations of future GDP growth up and down in response
to new information.

What will happen to Argentina in the next 25 years?

Argentina.s long-term GDP growth has been disappointing. In fact, real
GDP per capita declined 15% over the 25-year period from 1965 to 1990 .
a period that saw some Asian economies quintuple in size.

But the 8% real GDP growth recorded in 2004 might encourage some to
expect a surge in economic performance, as has occurred elsewhere in the

Could there be another decline in Argentina? Or a huge growth
breakthrough? Nobody knows.

The economic costs implied by this uncertainty could be reduced if there
were a market for growth risk. Indeed, Argentina.s economy would be
better off today if Argentina had borrowed in terms linked to its GDP
decades ago rather than at an interest rate denominated in dollars. Its
foreign debt would have declined in line with its GDP, thus sheltering
the economy from default and economic disaster. To be sure, investors
would have then lost on their bet on Argentina.s growth, but they would
still have been protected against inflation, even if their bonds had not
been denominated in dollars (because Argentina.s nominal GDP would have
moved up with inflation).

Can we engineer new debt contracts for countries like Argentina?

The stumbling block has been potential investors. fear that accounting
fiascos in emerging countries would render the bonds unsafe. If you
don.t trust the numbers, you can.t trust the debt.

Clearly, more work is needed to improve the quality of the numbers. In
the meantime, we should not give up on trying to create these bonds.
Instead, advanced countries should issue them first.

True, advanced economies are relatively more stable, which means that
the bonds would have a less distinctive risk-management advantage. But
the demonstration effect would be immediate. Once any major country
develops a market for GDP-linked debt, the concept will be established,
making it much easier for other countries to join in.

The spread of inflation-indexed bonds serves as a historical precedent.
Finland was the first to issue national inflation-indexed bonds, in
1946, in response to massive wartime price growth. Israel and Iceland
were next, in 1955, followed by Brazil, Chile, Columbia, Argentina, the
UK, Australia, Mexico, Canada, Sweden, New Zealand, the US, France,
Japan, and Italy. It took a long time, but the contagion of a sound
financial idea has been unmistakable. GDP-linked bonds would also allow
hedging the risk of inflation, plus respond to GDP growth.

Some will object that there is little point in creating GDP-linked
bonds in advanced countries, because there is little uncertainty about
GDP growth there. However, even in the relative calm of the post-war
era, long-term real GDP growth in advanced countries has been rather

For example, US real per capita GDP grew by a factor of 1.87 . that is,
nearly doubled in size . from 1961 to 1986, but by a factor of only
1.58 from 1978 to 2003. Such differences in 25-year growth rates are
important: if US GDP grows by a factor of 1.87 over the next 25 years,
annual GDP will be $3.6 trillion ($10,000 per person) higher than if it
grows by a factor of only 1.58.

Much of today.s debates about the future of old-age pensions hinges
on this uncertainty. If the economy grows rapidly, there will be no
problem; if it does not, a pension crisis looms. Creating a marketplace
where such uncertainties are traded and hedged would be a fundamental
step toward managing the risks involved.

If personal pension accounts or provident funds are invested in
GDP-linked bonds, the payments that retirees receive in 25 years will
reflect the growth rate of the economy . and that of the tax base . to
that date, which all makes good sense. Sweden.s pension system recently
created a link between national income growth and benefits, but the
reforms did not include creating GDP-linked bonds, a natural adjunct to
such a scheme.

At a time when many advanced countries run government deficits,
GDP-linked bonds would improve risk management and bring down financing
costs. They might also spur developing countries to do what it takes to
join that market.


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