Julia Thompson wrote:
>Jim Sharkey wrote:
>>I had to fix a number of those when I was prepping the transcript 
>>for the book I told you about in my LJ. Which, BTW, I hope you 
>>downloaded for your friend, Julia.  Otherwise, I might be forced to 
>>make the sad face.  :)
>I hadn't yet.  I'd been all set to do so, and then things started >heading 
>south in baskets carried by hand....  Thank you for the 

I hope things are better now.  You're welcome for the reminder.  It looks like 
it's selling well enough that they may do a print version near year-end, but 
I'm not going to put too many eggs in that basket until I actually have a copy 
in my hand.

On the bright side, it looks like I'm going to get paid for the work after all, 
which I had given up on.


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