The Top 100 April Fool's Day Hoaxes of All Time

2005-04-01 Thread Robert G. Seeberger

Fun Maru


Re: Scouted: Top 100 April Fool's Day Hoaxes of All Time

2003-04-03 Thread Bryon Daly
Top 100 April Fool's Day Hoaxes of All Time
My personal favorite is #26. :)

I just noticed this one:

   #48: Mount Milton Erupts
  In 1980 the Channel 7 news in Boston ended with a special bulletin 
announcing that a 635-foot hill
  in Milton, Massachusetts, known as the Great Blue Hill, had erupted, 
and that lava and ash were
  raining down on nearby homes. Footage was shown of lava pouring down 
a hillside. The announcer
  explained that the eruption had been triggered by a geological chain 
reaction set off by the recent
  eruption of Mount St. Helens in Washington. An audio tape was played 
of President Carter and the
  Governor of Massachusetts declaring the eruption to be a serious 
situation. At the end of the
  segment, the reporter held up a sign that read April Fool. But by 
that time local authorities had
  already been flooded with frantic phone calls from Milton residents. 
One man, believing that his
  house would soon be engulfed by lava, had carried his sick wife 
outside in order to escape. The
  Milton police continued to receive worried phone calls well into the 
night. Channel 7 was so
  embarrassed by the panicked reaction that they apologized for the 
confusion later that night, and the
  executive producer responsible for the prank was fired.

This one really cracked me up.  I have a prime view of the GBH out the window near my 
desk at work and
have oocasionally climbed it over lunch hour.  With Mt. St. Helens on people's minds, 
and the domish shape
of the hill, I can see how some people got fooled.


PS - if you've ever heard of WGBH, the PBS station here in Boston that creates a lot 
of programming; they
got their call letters from where their antenna was first located - the Great Blue 


Scouted: Top 100 April Fool's Day Hoaxes of All Time

2003-04-01 Thread Jon Gabriel
Top 100 April Fool's Day Hoaxes of All Time
My personal favorite is #26. :)
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