Re: unguarded Iraqi nuclear facilities

2004-04-22 Thread Deborah Harrell
> Robert Seeberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> > From: "Julia Thompson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Deborah Harrell wrote:

> > > Debbi
> > > who probably ought to ask somebody to show her
> how to
> > > make those shorter-link thingies, as others have
> been
> > > chastised for such awkward URLs   }:-}

> > 1)  Open a browser window and go to the
> link-shortener site of your
> > choice.  I like, myself.
> >
> > 2)  Cut & paste the link into the space provided.
> >
> > 3)  Hit the button provided to hit after you've
> entered the URL.
> >
> > 4)  Cut & paste the new short URL into your post.
> >
> > Pretty simple, just a bit of extra time.

> There is another alternative also.
> If you go to there are instructions for
> putting A tinyurl!
> feature in your browsers toolbar.
> This feature lets you make a tinyurl from what ever
> page you happen to
> be visiting and saves you a step or two.

Thank you both -- will try it out sometime soon.
And if I don't skedaddle *now*, I'm gonna get stuck
down here 'cause of the snow storm in the mountains!

Procrastinator Extraodinaire Maru  ;)

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Re: unguarded Iraqi nuclear facilities

2004-04-22 Thread Robert Seeberger

- Original Message - 
From: "Julia Thompson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2004 4:22 PM
Subject: Re: unguarded Iraqi nuclear facilities

> Deborah Harrell wrote:
> > Debbi
> > who probably ought to ask somebody to show her how to
> > make those shorter-link thingies, as others have been
> > chastised for such awkward URLs   }:-}
> 1)  Open a browser window and go to the link-shortener site of your
> choice.  I like, myself.
> 2)  Cut & paste the link into the space provided.
> 3)  Hit the button provided to hit after you've entered the URL.
> 4)  Cut & paste the new short URL into your post.
> Pretty simple, just a bit of extra time.
There is another alternative also.

If you go to there are instructions for putting A tinyurl!
feature in your browsers toolbar.

This feature lets you make a tinyurl from what ever page you happen to
be visiting and saves you a step or two.

I use it.

With Frequent Gusto Maru


Re: unguarded Iraqi nuclear facilities

2004-04-22 Thread Julia Thompson
Deborah Harrell wrote:

> Debbi
> who probably ought to ask somebody to show her how to
> make those shorter-link thingies, as others have been
> chastised for such awkward URLs   }:-}

1)  Open a browser window and go to the link-shortener site of your
choice.  I like, myself.

2)  Cut & paste the link into the space provided.

3)  Hit the button provided to hit after you've entered the URL.

4)  Cut & paste the new short URL into your post.

Pretty simple, just a bit of extra time.


Re: unguarded Iraqi nuclear facilities

2004-04-22 Thread Deborah Harrell
> Robert Seeberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > From: "Gautam Mukunda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > --- "Robert J. Chassell" wrote:

> > > Does anyone know more about this?  If true, this
> > > means that terrorists
> > > in Iraq have or had relatively easy access to
> > > materials for building a
> > > `radiological' or `dirty' bomb.

> > Everyone willing to spend a few million bucks
> buying _smoke detectors_ has the capacity to build a
> >dirty bomb - it is, worryingly, not all that hard.
> What exactly do you mean about it being easy?
> The amount of Americium in a smoke detector is quite
> small. (Though
> there was more in older detectors.) And acquiring
> enough to make a
> "practical" dirty bomb would require an ungodly
> number of manual labor man hours.

Why bother with smoke detectors when there's plenty of
missing concentrated radioactive material around the
world?  I think the former USSR is the worst WRT this,
but as Rob pointed out, medical sources are a
relatively unrecognized source, and are quite poorly
guarded in general.  There's even missing fuel rods
here in the USA [entire article pasted]:

>>Vt. Nuclear Plant Looks for Missing Parts 
Thu Apr 22,12:43 PM ET  
By WILSON RING, Associated Press Writer 

MONTPELIER, Vt. - Engineers at a Vermont nuclear plant
searched Thursday for two missing pieces of a highly
radioactive fuel rod while experts acknowledged they
may never be found. 

The operators of the Vermont Yankee nuclear power
plant reported the missing pieces Wednesday, saying
they were not where they were supposed to be in the
large pool used to store fuel rods.  One of the
missing pieces is about the size of a pencil. The
other is about as thick but is 17 inches long. 

The spent fuel rods are highly radioactive and would
be fatal to anyone who came in contact with them
without being properly shielded, Nuclear Regulatory
Commission spokesman Neil Sheehan said. Spent nuclear
fuel could be used by terrorists to construct
so-called dirty bombs that would spread deadly
radiation with conventional explosives. 

"We do not think there is a threat to the public at
this point. The great probability is this material is
still somewhere in the pool," Sheehan said. The pieces
could also have been sent years ago to a testing
laboratory or a low-level nuclear waste disposal

The pieces were part of a fuel rod that was removed in
1979 from the Vermont Yankee reactor, which is
currently shut down for refueling and maintenance. 

The pool where used fuel rods are stored is 40 feet
deep and contains 2,789 fuel assemblies.  The
pencil-thin fuel rods are 12 feet long and filled with
uranium pellets. Sheehan said that the missing pieces
might have been cut from longer rods for testing or
could have broken when they were removed from the fuel

The search for the missing pieces was going to include
the use of a remote controlled camera in the pool as
well as review of the documents dating back decades
that cover shipments and movements of radioactive
material.  Sheehan cited the heightened awareness of
the need to control nuclear material that followed the
Sept. 11 terror attacks. "We don't want this falling
into the wrong hands," he said. "This is something we
would never take lightly." 

Gov. James Douglas, after speaking Wednesday afternoon
with the head of the NRC, said he was "very concerned"
about the missing fuel at the plant, run by Entergy
Nuclear.  "This situation is intolerable," he said. 

In 2002 a Connecticut nuclear plant was fined $288,000
after a similar loss. That fuel was never accounted

Vermont Yankee is located in the southeastern town of
Vernon, on the state lines with Massachusetts and New
Hampshire.  The state's Public Safety Department and
Homeland Security Unit also were notified of the
missing fuel.<<

who probably ought to ask somebody to show her how to
make those shorter-link thingies, as others have been
chastised for such awkward URLs   }:-}

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Re: unguarded Iraqi nuclear facilities

2004-04-20 Thread Robert Seeberger

- Original Message - 
From: "Gautam Mukunda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2004 9:48 AM
Subject: Re: unguarded Iraqi nuclear facilities

> --- "Robert J. Chassell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Does anyone know more about this?  If true, this
> > means that terrorists
> > in Iraq have or had relatively easy access to
> > materials for building a
> > `radiological' or `dirty' bomb.
> Everyone willing to spend a few million bucks buying
> _smoke detectors_ has the capacity to build a dirty
> bomb - it is, worryingly, not all that hard.

What exactly do you mean about it being easy?
The amount of Americium in a smoke detector is quite small. (Though
there was more in older detectors.) And acquiring enough to make a
"practical" dirty bomb would require an ungodly number of manual labor
man hours.

The same amount of money would likely be spent more effectively on the
black market, where you can get anything you want because the black
market is capitalism unleashed.

Rob A Hospital Maru


Re: unguarded Iraqi nuclear facilities

2004-04-20 Thread The Fool
From: Gautam Mukunda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

--- "Robert J. Chassell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does anyone know more about this?  If true, this
> means that terrorists
> in Iraq have or had relatively easy access to
> materials for building a
> `radiological' or `dirty' bomb.

Everyone willing to spend a few million bucks buying
_smoke detectors_ has the capacity to build a dirty
bomb - it is, worryingly, not all that hard.


Perhaps, but why spend all that money when the Shrub administration will
let you steal copious amounts of nuclear material from Iraq for free?

One has to wonder if things like this is not just sheer incompetence on
the part of the Shrub-Clown show, but are parts of a right-wing strategy
to let terrorist have nuclear materials.  Indeed, the leaders of the GOP
(all Dominionists to a man) would like nothing better than to declare
martial law, suspend elections, and set up concentration/reeducation
camps.  A major dirty-bomb terrorist attack fits in very nicely with
their Dominionist plans.

"As long as people believe in absurdities they will continue to commit
atrocities." - Voltaire


Re: unguarded Iraqi nuclear facilities

2004-04-20 Thread Gautam Mukunda
--- "Robert J. Chassell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does anyone know more about this?  If true, this
> means that terrorists
> in Iraq have or had relatively easy access to
> materials for building a
> `radiological' or `dirty' bomb.

Everyone willing to spend a few million bucks buying
_smoke detectors_ has the capacity to build a dirty
bomb - it is, worryingly, not all that hard.

Gautam Mukunda
"Freedom is not free"

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Photos: High-quality 4x6 digital prints for 25¢

unguarded Iraqi nuclear facilities

2004-04-20 Thread Robert J. Chassell
According to a report from the Associated Press on 2004 Apr 15:

UNITED NATIONS (AP) - Some Iraqi nuclear facilities appear to be
unguarded, and radioactive materials are being taken out of the
country, the U.N.'s nuclear watchdog agency reported after
reviewing satellite images and equipment that has turned up in
European scrapyards.  ...,1280,-3981804,00.html

Does anyone know more about this?  If true, this means that terrorists
in Iraq have or had relatively easy access to materials for building a
`radiological' or `dirty' bomb.

Do you think we going to see consequences like that described in
Heinlein's science fiction of the early 1940s called `Solution

Robert J. Chassell Rattlesnake Enterprises
As I slowly update it, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I rewrite a "What's New" segment for