Tahukah teman-teman LIPPO itu singkatan dari apa? LIPPO = Lama-lama Indonesia Pasti Punya Oey.

Just intermezzo/joke only, biar diskusi di milist BT bisa lebih santai sedikit ..... he...he.....


Sent by: budaya_tionghua@yahoogroups.com

01/01/2006 09:22 PM

Please respond to

Re: [budaya_tionghua] Re: kenapa etnis Tionghoa dikangkangi kristen/katolik

Sedikit komentar:
Benny Murdani ditolak menjadi wakil presiden, mungkin karena disesuaikan
dengan konstusi RI. Bukankah dikatakan bahwa: "presiden dan wakil presiden
harus indonesia asli". Atau mungkin juga karena agama. Penduduk Indonesia
90% beragama Islam, Dasar agama Islam adalah Al Quran. Sesuai Al Quran  ayat
5:51 dikatakan bahwa  dilarang mengangkat orang Yahudi dan
Nasrani menjadi pemimpin dan dijadikan teman [dalam versi terjemahan bahasa
Indonesia dari Departemen Agama kata "teman" pada ayat ini dipertiadakan].
Ibu Murdani bukan orang Indonesia "asli" dan agaknya agamanya bukan Islam.

Untuk tambahan dikutib sebahagian survey dari majalah The Economist 17 April
1993, halaman 15: ........" From time to time Indonesia has suffered
anti­Chinese riots. Chinese-Indonesians suffered dis­proportionately in the
killings of the 1960s and the wealth of some Chinese continues to excite
resent­ment. The expansion of the economies of South­East Asia has added an
extra twist to the traditional charge that Chinese-Indonesians are not loyal
citi­zens. Some Indonesian-chinese conglomerates­the Lippo Group prominent
among them-have been expanding rapidly in China. Lippo, which is
particularly powerful in banking and property, has become an increasingly
visible presence in Hong Kong. The company slogan there is that Lippo is
"the Chinese bank". That is not an identitythey are keen to stress back
home. Mr Riady says that al­though Lippo may be involved in
multi-billion­dollar projects in China, "most of what we do in­volves
channelling American and European money there."
The accusation that Chinese-Indonesians are sucking money out of the country
is unfair. As one Chinese businessman puts it: "When we kept all our money
here we were accused of buying up the

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