what is wrong here?

2012-03-28 Thread Francky Leyn


consider the following code:


if [ -z $INPUT_FILES ]; then
  echo No .$EXTENSION input files in this directory
  exit -1

Consider a dir with some .jpg files.
the if close is not executed.
This is correct.

Consider now a dir without .jpg files.
Then the if close also isn't executed, while it should.
The script isn't exited and runs further with all wrong
actions as consequence.

What is wrong here?

Best regards,

Francky Leyn

Re: what is wrong here?

2012-03-28 Thread mhenn
Am 08.08.2011 14:17, schrieb mhenn:
 Am 08.08.2011 11:33, schrieb Francky Leyn:
 echo $INPUT_FILES #obviously wrong
 #instead maybe

That actually wasn't such a good advice:

Better use find or or a for loop like this:

for file in *.$EXTENSION; do
#but attention here: if no such a file exists,
# $file is *.jpg (with a literal asterisk)

#maybe break after the first found file?

Re: what is wrong here?

2012-03-28 Thread mhenn
Am 08.08.2011 15:22, schrieb Francky Leyn:
 On 8/8/2011 2:17 PM, mhenn wrote:
 Am 08.08.2011 11:33, schrieb Francky Leyn:

 consider the following code:


 echo $INPUT_FILES #obviously wrong
 #instead maybe
 I tried something similar:
 This worked when there were files.
 But when there were no matching files, it didn't.
 In that case the words of the ls error message were
 considered as files, which is obviously wrong.
 I'm new to bash, and have never seen a construct like yours.
 Could you briefly explain what the dollar and the () mean (subshell)?

`stuff` also creates a subshell :)
and $(stuff) actually does the same. See
man bash | less -p '\$\(command'

 Btw: how can I get rid off the ls error message in your construct?
 I tried already by postponing with /dev/null, and 2/dev/null, but
 that all doesn't help. Is ls writting to /dev/tty? and in that case,
 how can I suppress the ls error message?

INPUT_FILES=$(ls *.$EXTENSION 2/dev/null)
if [ -z $INPUT_FILES ]; then echo no such file; fi

 Anyway, your construct works fine for files without spaces or newlines.
 Now up to the link you have me.
 Thanks for the help!


I/O bug with big file?

2012-03-28 Thread Erwan
Hi all,

Here is a small test which shows what happens:

limit=5; x=1; while [ $x -le $limit ]; do printf %010d\n $x;
x=$(( $x + 1)); done bigfile.txt
while read line; do echo -e TEST\t$line; done bug.txt

Basically the first line creates a big 5Gb text file containing 500
millions numbered lines (no problem here). Then the second line reads
this file line by line and adds a prefix 'TEST' to each.
The problem is that after the line 0195225788, it goes wrong and loops
on the following sequence:

TEST 0195225788
TEST 225778
TEST 0195225779
TEST 0195225780
TEST 0195225781
TEST 0195225782
TEST 0195225783
TEST 0195225784
TEST 0195225785
TEST 0195225786
TEST 0195225787
TEST 0195225788
TEST 225778

(so don't forget to stop the script, the bug.txt file will grow

tested on an Ubuntu 11.04:
uname -a
Linux bloom 2.6.38-8-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Mon Apr 11 03:31:50 UTC
2011 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
bash --version
GNU bash, version 4.2.8(1)-release (i686-pc-linux-gnu)

I posted this issue yesterday in the Ubuntu forums, the problem was
confirmed by another user:


Behavior of calling return from a trap

2012-03-28 Thread dave reisner
Hi all,

I'm noticing some odd behavior in an ERR trap with errtrace. It's
present in bash 3.2 and as well as 4.2. The simplest reproduction is
as follows:


somefunc() {
  echo shouldn't see this

set -E
trap -- 'return 1' ERR

echo should see this

Both versions of bash throw an error, though fwiw the line number
differs: bash4 blames the line of where the trap is fired versus bash3
which blames the line where the trap is declared. The entire output of
the script is:

foo: line 4: return: can only `return' from a function or sourced
should see this

So, both versions give the intended behavior of returning from the
function despite the error. imo, there's a bug here somewhere, I'm
just not sure if it's the faulty error being thrown or if I shouldn't
be expecting the trap to work as it is when it's declared outside of a


Re: Edit vs delete a running script. Why difference?

2012-03-28 Thread David Thomas
On Jan 18, 5:22 am, Greg Wooledge wool...@eeg.ccf.org wrote:
 On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 01:19:20PM +0900, Teika Kazura wrote:
  If the
  entire script is read at invocation, then why should / does
  modification affect? Is it a bug?

 The entire script *isn't* read at invocation.  Bash just reads a little
 bit at a time, as needed.

Interestingly, on many Linux systems this allows one to check
(crudely) how far a script has progressed by looking at /proc/pid/

Re: what is wrong here?

2012-03-28 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Mon, Aug 08, 2011 at 03:41:52PM +0200, mhenn wrote:
 Am 08.08.2011 15:22, schrieb Francky Leyn:
  On 8/8/2011 2:17 PM, mhenn wrote:
  Am 08.08.2011 11:33, schrieb Francky Leyn:
  consider the following code:
  echo $INPUT_FILES #obviously wrong
  #instead maybe

They are both incorrect.  If you want a list of all the files that match
a glob, use an array to hold them:


Parameter expansion ($extension) happens before globbing (*.jpg), and
the results will be placed into an array.  Filenames with whitespace
will be handled correctly.

  This worked when there were files.
  But when there were no matching files, it didn't.

If you want the array to be empty when there are no matching files, then
you must enable bash's nullglob option:

shopt -s nullglob

See also http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ/004 (checking/counting files)
 and http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ/005 (arrays)
 and http://mywiki.wooledge.org/glob(globs)

Using ls in a script is almost always wrong, unless you're simply dumping
its output to a terminal for a human to read.  Use globs instead.

initialisation bash variables

2012-03-28 Thread Francky Leyn


if you have a variable, say VAR,
and you don't assign it a value,
and afterwards you test it,
what is the value of $VAR then?

random, or an empty string?

Best regards,


Re: shopt can't set extglob in a sub-shell?

2012-03-28 Thread Davide Baldini
On 02/26/12 12:41, John Kearney wrote:
 I updated that wiki page
 Hopefully its clearer now.

Valuable information. I wonder if some of it should be included in the
user manual, at least to point out some possible misbehaviours one
wouldn't expect.

Re: Syntax Question...

2012-03-28 Thread Patrick

On 18.08.2011 12:44, Stephane CHAZELAS wrote:

2011-08-17, 08:24(-04), Greg Wooledge:

On Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 03:41:19PM -0700, Linda Walsh wrote:

Ken Irving wrote:

Maybe this?
today_snaps=( ${snap_prefix} )

   but as you mention, that will put them into an arraysorry imprecise
terminology list for me is some number of objects in a string
separated by some

This is an extremely bad idea.  Legacy Bourne shell code from the
1980s kind of bad -- from the horrible days before we *had* arrays
in shells.  How are you going to handle filenames with spaces in them?
With newlines in them?  With commas in them?  With colons in them?  Tabs?
DEL characters?  Those are all valid in filenames.  Any delimiter you
can *put* in a shell string is also a valid character in a filename (or
at least in a pathname, which eliminates the possibility of using slash).

In this code:

today_snaps=( ${snap_prefix} )

With the default value of IFS in bash and without globbing
disabled, the problematic characters are SPC, TAB, NL, *, ?, [
and potentially more if you have extended globbing enabled.

I think this works! You're missing the context or something. 
snap_prefix is a shell glob pattern here, ending in *.

$ touch ' ' $'\t' $'\n' '*' '?' '['
$ snap_prefix=*  # no glob happening here!
$ today_snaps=( ${snap_prefix} ) # glob happening here and
 # the results are assigned to the
 # elements of the today_snaps array
$ for e in ${l[@]}; do stat -c%N $e; done
` '

I don't see a problem...

Writing to bash's tty too fast: workarounds?

2012-03-28 Thread George
I'm the maintainer of a terminal emulator on Mac OS and a user
reported that if he pastes a large string of the form:

cat  EOF  whatever.txt
blah blah blah
blah blah blah
... etc for 100k ...

That the output is badly mangled. I can reproduce this consistently
with a smallish test program. Having traced into readline, the culprit
seems to be that readline fiddles with the terminal between lines of
input (I'm pretty sure the things done in set_tty_settings() are
responsible, but I haven't proved it yet). This seems to cause it to
drop some or all of the input that's in the input buffer.

Is this a known issue? I can reproduce it on Linux as well, but it's
much less severe. The test case can be found here:


To build on Mac, compile with
gcc bug.c -o bug -DMACOS

To build on Linux:
gcc bug.c /usr/lib/libutil.a -o bug

It should produce a file in your home directory called mytestfile.txt
that looks like this:

On Linux, you get the occasional short line. On Mac OS, you get only a
few lines and they're very long.

I can reproduce this on Mac OS with the latest bash source build with
default settings.

Thanks for your help,

Re: incompatibility in regex

2012-03-28 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 08:06:17PM +0200, Peter Schreiber wrote:
 - [[ a =~ a|b ]]  echo true
 -bash: syntax error in conditional expression: unexpected token `|'
 - [[ a =~ a\|b ]]  echo true   # that one works in version 3
 - [[ a =~ a\|b ]]  echo true   # ... but not in version 4
 - [[ a =~ a|b ]]  echo true
 Do I really need to check BASH_VERSION first?

Always store the regular expression that you intend to use on the
right hand side of =~ in a variable.

if [[ $a =~ $re ]]; then ...

That is the only way to be sure it will work in whatever version of bash
you happen to be using.

print function in bashsource/examples/functions/kshenv

2012-03-28 Thread Paul Tibbitts
This is not a bug in bash itself, but I was wondering if there are any
updates to the ksh-compatibility print function provided with bash in
the source distribution (in the examples/functions/kshenv file),
specifically with regards to ksh-compatible handling of -R.

Using ksh:

$ print -R -z

Using bash 4.2.10 with the kshenv file:

$ print -R -z
bash: illegal option -- z

My understanding is that the -R should disable further option
processing except for -n, and display any additional arguments,
including those beginning with -

I have worked around the problem to some extent by modifying the
function, but was wondering if anyone has a more accurate/efficient/
official/distributed version.



Re: {varname} for redirection does not work with arrays

2012-03-28 Thread Bash M'head
On Nov 5, 12:34 pm, Stephane CHAZELAS stephane_chaze...@yahoo.fr
 2011-11-2, 12:01(-06), unkn...@vmw-les.eng.vmware.com:
 [...] Description:
     If {varname} is an assoc. array in a redirection the exec will fail
     The [] should not be confused with pathname expansion just like ${}.

     $ declare -A array
     $ exec {array[key]}file


 In the documentation, it's {VARNAME}file, so bash works as

 zsh doesn't support {array[key]}file either.

 ksh does though it's not documented (documented the same as

 The work around is easy though:

 $ declare -A array
 $ exec {var}file
 $ array[key]=$var


Hello Stephane,
The workaround is trivial, its just inconsistent (with other parts
of bash).
I can say:

$ declare -A array
$ read -r 'array[key]'  'foo'

This also makes arrays more directly useful.

$ declare -A fd
$ local fifo
$ exec {fifo}${fifo_path}
$ fd[fifo]=${fifo}
$ unset fifo


$ declare -A fd
$ exec {fd[fifo]}${fifo_path}

Syntax coloring/highlighting in gnu-readline

2012-03-28 Thread LanX

From my understanding of 
it's OK to ask gnu-readline questions in this list.

I'm trying to interactively add colors while typing in readline and
using rl_event_hook to change rl_line_buffer seems to work.

Alas the ANSI escape codes for formatting which are allowed in the
prompt are not interpreted and shown as they are.

I learned from the old discussions I googled entering formatting code
would confuse cursor point and history entries.

Any other approach to achieve this?

Maybe a hook which does the final printing when a line is displayed,
where I could inject colors?


Re: how to write this in bash

2012-03-28 Thread mhenn
Am 05.08.2011 17:47, schrieb Maverick:

 I also tried already
 $CMD || echo 'Error...'  exit -1

man bash | less -p Compound

$CMD || { echo 'Error...'; exit -1; }

Re: excess braces ignored: bug or feature ?

2012-03-28 Thread Davide Baldini
On 02/17/12 20:51, Mike Frysinger wrote:
 FOO= BAR=bar
 : ${FOO:=${BAR}
 echo $FOO

Why should this be a bug? Your second line performs a parameter
expansion, all the remaining characters are joint into the token and
passed to ':'.
No bug.

Re: initialisation bash variables

2012-03-28 Thread Francky Leyn

On 8/15/2011 9:24 PM, Stephane CHAZELAS wrote:

2011-08-15, 17:15(+02), Francky Leyn:


if you have a variable, say VAR,
and you don't assign it a value,
and afterwards you test it,
what is the value of $VAR then?

random, or an empty string?


Upon startup, the shell makes one shell variable per environment
variable whose name is compatible with shell variable names.

So for instance, if bash receives VAR=foo in its environemt,
$VAR will expand to foo. If it's passed 1=bar, $1 will not be
affected, and it's the same for a few special variables of the

If passed A+B=C or =D for instance, that obviously won't be
mapped to shell variables. Some shells do discard variables from
the environment that can't be mapped to shell variables. That's
not the case of bash.

If you don't initialise a sh/bash variable, and ask it up
afterwards, which value does it have then? Is that random
or the empty string?

At the moment I'm doing the following:

# some command line procesing, that can set VAR to TRUE
if [ $VAR = TRUE ]; then

Must I effectively write that VAR=FALSE?
Or will the script work fine without?

Also, can't I write the test as

if [ $VAR ]; then



Re: bash-4.2, crosscompiling and job control compile failure

2012-03-28 Thread bigbigboy
On Sep 15, 9:20 am, Chet Ramey chet.ra...@case.edu wrote:
 On 9/14/11 4:57 PM, Maciej Grela wrote:

  In which tarball will your fix be released ? I don't understand the
  code flow between the tarballs and git on savannah, the git repo
  contains only imports from tarballs until 4.0, and the newest tarball
  is 4.2.

 It will come out as part of bash-4.3.  It may be released as a patch to
 bash-4.2, but, based on the number of reports, it's not a high-priority


 ``The lyf so short, the craft so long to lerne.'' - Chaucer
                  ``Ars longa, vita brevis'' - Hippocrates
 Chet Ramey, ITS, CWRU    c...@case.edu    http://cnswww.cns.cwru.edu/~chet/

I tried to cross compile with arm toolchain.
Would you please have a check if the following patch is proper?

diff --git a/execute_cmd.c b/execute_cmd.c
index 485b0c7..20be69a 100644
--- a/execute_cmd.c
+++ b/execute_cmd.c
@@ -2202,7 +2202,11 @@ execute_pipeline (command, asynchronous,
pipe_in, pipe_out, fds_to_close)
   /* If the `lastpipe' option is set with shopt, and job control is
  enabled, execute the last element of non-async pipelines in the
  current shell environment. */
+#if defined (JOB_CONTROL)
   if (lastpipe_opt  job_control == 0  asynchronous == 0 
pipe_out == NO_PIPE  prev  0)
+  if (lastpipe_opt  asynchronous == 0  pipe_out == NO_PIPE 
prev  0)
   lstdin = move_to_high_fd (0, 0, 255);
   if (lstdin  0)

Please... No Racing with the Planes

2012-03-28 Thread Myra Perry
'Philadelphia International Airport shut down temporarily Thursday
morning after a civilian drove onto the runway.'... More on story

Re: String behaviour

2012-03-28 Thread Michael Witten
On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 10:38, BX daide...@gmail.com wrote:
 # file1
   source file2


 echo v1=$v1, v2=$v2, v3=$v3

 # file2
 declare -x v2=v2
 declare v3=v3

 Run above script by
 $ bash file1

 Expected result: v1=v1, v2=v2, v3=v3
 Real result: v1=v1, v2=, v3=

From the documentation here:

  info '(bash)Shell Functions'

we have:

  When the name of a shell function is used as a
  simple command name, the list of commands
  associated with that function name is executed.
  Shell functions are executed in the current shell
  context; no new process is created to interpret


  The BODY of the function is the compound

and from:

  info '(bash)Command Grouping'

we have:

  Placing a list of commands between curly braces
  causes the list to be executed in the current
  shell context.  No subshell is created.

and from:

  info '(bash)Bourne Shell Builtins'

we know that the `source' builtin works as follows:

  Read and execute commands from the FILENAME
  argument in the current shell context

and from:

  info '(bash)Bash Builtins'

we have

  When used in a function, `declare' makes each
  NAME local, as with the `local' command, unless
  the `-g' option is used.

So, basically, the results are as expected: You execute the function
`import', which executes `source file2' in the current shell context,
which creates the variable `v1' in the current shell context, but
creates the variables `v2' and `v3' local to the function being
executed in the current shell context, so that by the echo statement,
only `v1' is defined.

Michael Witten

Re: bash-4.2, crosscompiling and job control compile failure

2012-03-28 Thread Chet Ramey
On 9/16/11 12:35 PM, bigbigboy wrote:
 On Sep 15, 9:20 am, Chet Ramey chet.ra...@case.edu wrote:
 On 9/14/11 4:57 PM, Maciej Grela wrote:

 In which tarball will your fix be released ? I don't understand the
 code flow between the tarballs and git on savannah, the git repo
 contains only imports from tarballs until 4.0, and the newest tarball
 is 4.2.

 It will come out as part of bash-4.3.  It may be released as a patch to
 bash-4.2, but, based on the number of reports, it's not a high-priority

This came out as bash-4.2 patch 18.

``The lyf so short, the craft so long to lerne.'' - Chaucer
 ``Ars longa, vita brevis'' - Hippocrates
Chet Ramey, ITS, CWRUc...@case.eduhttp://cnswww.cns.cwru.edu/~chet/

Re: print function in bashsource/examples/functions/kshenv

2012-03-28 Thread Chet Ramey
On 8/20/11 11:17 PM, Paul Tibbitts wrote:
 This is not a bug in bash itself, but I was wondering if there are any
 updates to the ksh-compatibility print function provided with bash in
 the source distribution (in the examples/functions/kshenv file),
 specifically with regards to ksh-compatible handling of -R.
 Using ksh:
 $ print -R -z
 Using bash 4.2.10 with the kshenv file:
 $ print -R -z
 bash: illegal option -- z
 My understanding is that the -R should disable further option
 processing except for -n, and display any additional arguments,
 including those beginning with -
 I have worked around the problem to some extent by modifying the
 function, but was wondering if anyone has a more accurate/efficient/
 official/distributed version.

If you have improvements to the function, please send them to me and I will
incorporate them into the bash distribution.  There's nothing official
about those functions; they're just examples.

``The lyf so short, the craft so long to lerne.'' - Chaucer
 ``Ars longa, vita brevis'' - Hippocrates
Chet Ramey, ITS, CWRUc...@case.eduhttp://cnswww.cns.cwru.edu/~chet/

Re: Bug fix for $((x**y)) algorithm on 64+ bits machines.

2012-03-28 Thread Chet Ramey
On 9/19/11 2:35 PM, Stephane CHAZELAS wrote:

 FYI, ksh93 uses pow(3). So does zsh, but only in floating point
 Probably better and more efficient than reinventing the wheel.

Maybe, but since bash doesn't use floating point arithmetic, probably

``The lyf so short, the craft so long to lerne.'' - Chaucer
 ``Ars longa, vita brevis'' - Hippocrates
Chet Ramey, ITS, CWRUc...@case.eduhttp://cnswww.cns.cwru.edu/~chet/

Re: COMP_POINT is not set correctly when there is non-ascii characters in the command line.

2012-03-28 Thread Yichao Yu
On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 10:48 PM, Chet Ramey chet.ra...@case.edu wrote:
 On 3/27/12 2:17 PM, Yichao Yu wrote:
 So is it possible to set COMP_POINT as the number of characters
 between 0 and rl_point (if it is also bad to break libreadline api by
 setting rl_point as that.) without screwing up other part of the code?
 (I hope this fix would be no more than searching for rl_point and
 replace wherever necessary.)

 I was going to respond that to break the relationship between COMP_POINT
 and rl_point makes it very difficult, if not impossible, to identify the
 character under the cursor when completion is attempted, but I'm not
 sure how much that actually matters.  You can't assign rl_point using
 this, so that's not an issue either.

Sorry didn't get it. Bash can always internally access rl_point (to
identify the character under the cursor) whether or not it is the
same with COMP_POINT and the script CANNOT identify the character
under the cursor using current value of COMP_POINT since
${COMPLINE:blah:blah} substitution count character instead of byte.
And this really matters, see the bash-completion bug report I link
(Agree that rl_point should be kept the locale independent byte
counting value as what it is now.)

 Pretty much everything else in bash uses characters, which may be bytes
 depending on the locale.

 Can someone who's more familiar with the bash completion package tell me
 whether or not it uses COMP_POINT at all?  That's about that only thing
 I can think of that would use it.

It DOES use COMP_POINT. And this is the most annoy thing and also how
I notice the issue. I reported a bug for bash-completion here
and soon discovered this is a bush issue.

Yichao Yu

 ``The lyf so short, the craft so long to lerne.'' - Chaucer
                 ``Ars longa, vita brevis'' - Hippocrates
 Chet Ramey, ITS, CWRU    c...@case.edu    http://cnswww.cns.cwru.edu/~chet/