Re: Undocumented behaviour - parameter expansion ${par-word}

2012-09-04 Thread Jan Schampera

On 04.09.2012 13:13, Roman Rakus wrote:

Petr, adding to cc: list, found behaviour not documented, neither in man
page nor bash ref manual:
${par-word} will do expansion of par, and if the par is unset it is
substituted by word. It is different from ${par:-word}, where word is
used when par is unset or null.

Is it undocumented and deprecated, like $[]? Or just undocumented?

Hi Roman,

it actually is documented (and it's more general, not limited to "-")

When not performing substring expansion, using the forms documented 
below, bash tests for a parameter that is unset or null.  Omitting the 
colon results in a test only for a parameter that is unset.


Be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others.
- jbp, master of the net, in RFC793

Re: Massive recursion -> SEGV

2012-07-02 Thread Jan Schampera

On 02.07.2012 20:57, Chet Ramey wrote:

On 7/2/12 2:36 PM, Jan Schampera wrote:

The origin of this all was a "bugreport" to me about the manual lying about
no limits on recursion

That's funny.

Aye. A bit of confusion.

Be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others.
- jbp, master of the net, in RFC793

Re: Massive recursion -> SEGV

2012-07-02 Thread Jan Schampera

On 02.07.2012 15:57, Eric Blake wrote:

Look for FUNCNEST variable. In recent release it is available.

I more meant the shell interpreter, less the code I can write.

It would be possible to link bash with libsigsegv to install a graceful
stack overflow handler that allows a nicer exit message on failure;
other GNU projects that have done so include awk and m4.  But short of
introducing arbitrary limits (which goes against GNU philosophy), it is
not possible to detect stack overflow until after it happens, and the
only recovery possible after detecting stack overflow is a graceful
message and exit unless you go to extreme lengths to block signals
around every call to malloc or any other library function that grabs a lock.

Hi Eric,

yes, it's more about helpful messages (not neccesarily a recovery), less 
about limits in Bash or application (script, etc.).

The origin of this all was a "bugreport" to me about the manual lying 
about no limits on recursion - it turned out it was massive recursion 
and little stack - and a resulting SEGV.

I'm interested in people's thoughts there, like is it okay to just crash 
or would a message be better?

libsigsegv - I'll have a look.


Be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others.
- jbp, master of the net, in RFC793

Re: Massive recursion -> SEGV

2012-07-01 Thread Jan Schampera

On 01.07.2012 14:37, Roman Rakus wrote:

Look for FUNCNEST variable. In recent release it is available.

I more meant the shell interpreter, less the code I can write.

Be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others.
- jbp, master of the net, in RFC793

Massive recursion -> SEGV

2012-07-01 Thread Jan Schampera

Hi folks,

a suggestion about recursive function calls (and not only that, of course).

Do you see a way for Bash to pull the emergency break before it runs out 
of stack here (to provide an error to the user, rather than a crash):

f1() {


Currently it runs into a SEGV, where the number of recurions depends on 
the stack limit.

On a fast search I found no portable way, but there are ways for 
specific platforms, like getrusage() when stack is reported there.

Be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others.
- jbp, master of the net, in RFC793

Re: sorry--this is my question

2011-07-23 Thread Jan Schampera

On 22.07.2011 18:12, the mad doctor kaeding wrote:

is this a bug?

echo goodbye\ cruel\ world\!

goodbye cruel world!

echo "goodbye cruel world!"

bash: !": event not found

echo "goodbye cruel world\!"

goodbye cruel world\!

No, this is a specific history expansion in interactive shells.

Execute ''set +H'' and try again (it's disabled in non-interactive shells).

Be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others.
- jbp, master of the net, in RFC793

Re: printf treats arguments of "%c" not as expected

2011-06-23 Thread Jan Schampera

Yunfeng Wang wrote:

Perhaps bash should clarify this issue in its documents such that users like me
would not be misguided again.

Since the reference to printf(3) is misleading sometimes, I made some 
document [1] for Bash's printf only. It's far from perfect, but at least 
 it mentions %s and "first character" ;-)



Be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others.
- jbp, master of the net, in RFC793

Re: printf treats arguments of "%c" not as expected

2011-06-23 Thread Jan Schampera


I agree this is not a bug. %c works as described.

However, Mr. Wang may want to read one of Greg's brilliant FAQ entries [1].

In general it's a bit of a pity that printf can do character->number 
conversion, but not (directly) back. But it is like it is and the 
"workarounds" are not really complicated.



Be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others.
- jbp, master of the net, in RFC793

Re: Permission denied to execute script that is world executable

2011-06-18 Thread Jan Schampera

John Williams wrote:

I find that I cannot execute world-executable scripts when they are in
a directory which is mounted on a drive on an HBA (host bus adapter

Can you show the mount options of the filesystem?

Be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others.
- jbp, master of the net, in RFC793

Re: Question about testing with variable operators

2011-06-10 Thread Jan Schampera

Andreas Schwab wrote:

"Steven W. Orr"  writes:

As a work around, I can use eval or the builtin test, but my question is
this: Is this a bug or is there a reason that it should work for
arithmetic but not for the test [[ operator?

[[ is a reserved word like if, which triggers special parsing rules, so
you cannot use it like this.

However, it should work for the good ol' test command ([ ... ])

Be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others.
- jbp, master of the net, in RFC793

Re: documentation bug re character range expressions

2011-06-02 Thread Jan Schampera


just as side note, not meant to touch the maintainer discussion.

This is not only a "Bash problem". The programmer/user mistake to use 
[A-Z] for "only capital letters, capital A to capital Z" is a very 
common one.

But I'm not sure if every official application-level documentation 
should cover those kind of pitfalls. There would be many topics around 
"bad programming habbits" that should be documented.

Be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others.
- jbp, master of the net, in RFC793

Re: Bash source repository

2011-05-31 Thread Jan Schampera

Bradley M. Kuhn wrote:

I humbly suggest that be
replaced with this repository above that I've created.  The new
repository contains everything that the current Savannah one does, but I
put much more effort into making commits fine-grained, rather than
merely importing the public releases blindly.  (For example, I did 'git
mv' where it was obvious a move occurred, so that changes in file
movements were properly tracked historically).

A good work. I agree with using this as a base to reflect future 

Be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others.
- jbp, master of the net, in RFC793

Re: Here strings and pathname expansion

2011-02-14 Thread Jan Schampera

Roman Rakus wrote:

It is noted in Here Documents (and Here Strings is a variant of here 
documents). And there is:
No parameter expansion, command substitution, arithmetic expansion,  or 
pathname expansion is performed on word.

This is not true for here strings (infact, it wouldn't make sense  for 
here strings to disallow for example parameter expansion).

I see the relation to here documents. I just tried to point out that 
either thze documentation or the behaviour should be revised.

Be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others.
- jbp, master of the net, in RFC793

Here strings and pathname expansion

2011-02-13 Thread Jan Schampera

Hello world,

I recently answered a question about using the asterisk mixed with 
redirection and other words. This also lead me to the documentation that 
states (REDIRECTION section):

The  word  following  the  redirection  operator in the following 
descriptions, unless otherwise noted, is subjected to brace expansion, 
tilde expansion, parameter expansion, command substitution, arithmetic 
expansion, quote removal, pathname expansion, and word splitting.  If it 
expands to more than one word, bash reports an error.


This is true, for here documents the exceptions are mentioned. However, 
for here strings no exceptions are mentioned ("The WORD is expanded 
[...]]", but the WORD is at least not subject to pathname expansion:

$ cat <<< *

This is EITHER
(a) a documentation mistake OR
(b) a bug

Case (a) is clear, the exception is not mentioned.

Case (b) is also possible, because it COULD be intended to 
pathname-expand WORD:

(1) error out if pathname expansion results in more than one word OR
(2) use the first word of the result OR
(3) pass all results (as a special case)

I would expect the thing to either be (a) or (b)(2).

Be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others.
- jbp, master of the net, in RFC793

Re: for; do; done regression ?

2011-01-10 Thread Jan Schampera

Marc Herbert wrote:

seq is not exactly Linux-only but GNU-only.

GNU-specific versus bash-specific, which is worse? I'd say it
depends... on which mailing-list you post :-)

I'd say a script interpreted by the GNU shell must not rely blindly on 
GNU tools being installed or on running on a GNU OS. It can, however, 
rely on Bash features, of course.

Be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others.
- jbp, master of the net, in RFC793

Re: 'help set' missing '--'

2011-01-10 Thread Jan Schampera

Dennis Williamson wrote:

I think this distinction from the man page is what's missing in the help:

> [...]

Exactly. Thanks for pointing it out, I thought it was clear :)

Be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others.
- jbp, master of the net, in RFC793

Re: 'help set' missing '--'

2011-01-10 Thread Jan Schampera

Greg Wooledge wrote:


  set [-abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [--] [arg ...]


set [-abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [-] [--] [arg ...]

Plus: Describe '--' the same way '-' is described (with an extra part in 
the full help message below the synopsis).

Be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others.
- jbp, master of the net, in RFC793

'help set' missing '--'

2011-01-09 Thread Jan Schampera


the help output for the set builtin command misses '--'.

The manpage is ok.

(recognized by 'yitz' on irc://

Be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others.
- jbp, master of the net, in RFC793

Re: Huge execution time in 4.2, WAS: for; do; done regression ?

2011-01-07 Thread Jan Schampera

Chet Ramey wrote:

I can't imagine this is just some debugging code still active (it's a beta).

Imagine.  Anything that doesn't have a version tag of `release' has DEBUG
enabled for the preprocessor, which enables MALLOC_DEBUG.  If you're using
the bash malloc, MALLOC_DEBUG turns on extensive memory checking and
allocation tracing.  All active allocations are kept in a hash table with
8K entries, and when you fill up that hash table, each new allocation has
to search the entire table before throwing away an old entry.  That quickly
degenerates.  This can be fixed, but it hasn't become a priority yet.

Wow. A huge difference. Anyways, if you tell me how I'll try to track it 
down, but I read in the other thread you already try to gprof it.

Be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others.
- jbp, master of the net, in RFC793

Huge execution time in 4.2, WAS: for; do; done regression ?

2011-01-07 Thread Jan Schampera

Alexander Tiurin wrote:

~$ time for i in `seq 0 1`  ; do echo /o/23/4 | cut -d'/' -f2 ; done > /dev/null 

To track this a bit, I ran the exact command several times in a Bash 
3.2, seeing increasing execution times (40s up to ~2min), as reported.

I knew there were several bugs about filedescriptors and leaks fixed 
since then, so I tested it in 4.2 beta. The first run took about 27 
minutes(!), the second run still goes on.

I can't imagine this is just some debugging code still active (it's a beta).

Anybody else able to reproduce this?

Be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others.
- jbp, master of the net, in RFC793

read builtin and readonly variables

2011-01-03 Thread Jan Schampera

Hello list,

the read builtin command, when trying to assign to a readonly variable 
after reading the data, spits an error message. This is fine.

But the return status is 0. It "always" (down to 2.04 was tested) has 
been like that, and it's like that in upcoming 4.2.

For me, this doesn't make sense. The read may have been successful, but 
the data is gone. It would make sense to return !=0 here, IMHO.

I also quickly cross-read POSIX, since such weirdness usually comes from 
there ;-) but I didn't see anything obvious.


Be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others.
- jbp, master of the net, in RFC793

Re: Word splitting and arithmetic expansion

2010-12-29 Thread Jan Schampera

Chet Ramey wrote:

Arithmetic expansion is a Posix invention.  It's treated just like every
other expansion: split unless double quoted.  There's no compelling
reason to make it behave differently.

I don't want it to behave differently :)

Okay, so it's just "as is", because by consistent design all expansions 
are subject to WS (with some exceptions).

Pathname expansion happens after word splitting.  Tilde expansion is the
one that's not subject to word splitting.

This is clear, it was an unlucky example (pathname expansion's location 
in the processing is where it is to prevent WS, but tilde expansion is a 
better example since it happens before WS and is excluded from WS).


Be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others.
- jbp, master of the net, in RFC793

Word splitting and arithmetic expansion

2010-12-28 Thread Jan Schampera

Hello list,

maybe something for old stagers.

Bash (and POSIX, and Korn, ...) do field/word splitting on the result of 
arithmetic expansions. This is fine, the behaviour per se is not a 
problem at all.

However, I wonder about the original thought behind it: Is there a 
specific reason or need to let the shell split an arithmetic expansion 
result? Or was it just consistency for Korn, "everything is splitted, 
except the expansions where it makes no sense, like pathname expansion" 
- should I just take it "as is"? Or even older shells that split everything?

Neither the POSIX rationale nor older Korn or shell portability 
documents I found had any hint about the background - maybe you have?

Be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others.
- jbp, master of the net, in RFC793

Re: Referencing empty array with "set -u" active throws error

2010-12-20 Thread Jan Schampera wrote:

-u  Treat unset variables as an error when substituting.

I think the behaviour is consistent with the documentation.

The question is rather when to consider a variable set or unset.

I'm not sure about the intended meaning here, but I don't consiter $@ as 
a variable (but a special parameter).

Though regarding what Chet said to this topic before, maybe the 
documentation should be rephrased.

Be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others.
- jbp, master of the net, in RFC793

Re: quotes invade positional parameters

2010-12-19 Thread Jan Schampera wrote:

Well anyway, it would be 'no skin off of bash's back' if it just
reported what it was given.

If it was given
'  'a b c
it should report
'  'a b c

and not just 'assume' we prefer
'  a' b c
'  a' 'b' 'c'

Just as legitimate and doesn't cause calls in the middle of the night
from the old folks home.

Wait, that stage of the program doesn't know it was given that, and to
make it know would just increase complexity. As would reporting
\ \ a b c
or would it... OK, never mind.

Yea, that's it. It doesn't report what's given, it reports the result of 
the processing. This is hopefully similar, but definitely not the same.

Be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others.
- jbp, master of the net, in RFC793

Re: nounset option does not work with array in arithmentic expressions

2010-12-18 Thread Jan Schampera

Joerg Boehmer wrote:

The value of variable ar[1] is expanded to 0 although it was not set.
The full syntax produces the expected behavior:

The value of y is 0, since you operate in arithmetic context. This is 
fine. But I definitely agree it should bail out here.

Be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others.
- jbp, master of the net, in RFC793

Re: quotes invade positional parameters

2010-12-18 Thread Jan Schampera wrote:

$ cat 201012contract
#!/bin/sh -eux
set a b c d e f
: ''$@''
: '  '$@'  '
: ''$*''
: '' $* ''
: " "$* " "
$ ./201012contract
+ set a b c d e f
+ : a b c d e f
+ : '  a' b c d e 'f  '
+ : 'a' b c d e 'f'
+ : '' a b c d e f ''
+ : ' a' b c d e f ' '
$ apt-show-versions bash
bash/unstable uptodate 4.1-3

OK, the problem may only be -x deep, affecting the -x reporting output,
but not the actual functionality, thank G.O.D.

I'd say this is expected (and by the way it's not only on set -x).

Be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others.
- jbp, master of the net, in RFC793

Re: Referencing empty array with "set -u" active throws error

2010-12-18 Thread Jan Schampera wrote:

  For an empty "$@" this does not throw an "unbound" error, which seems to be 
an inconsistent behaviour to me.

-u  Treat unset variables as an error when substituting.

I think the behaviour is consistent with the documentation.

Be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others.
- jbp, master of the net, in RFC793

Re: ionice bash pid in bash_profile Fails

2010-11-22 Thread Jan Schampera

Roger wrote:

If you want the PID of the current shell process, use $$ instead.

Yes I do.  It's only me on this computer, unless you're speculating on
prioritizing a snooper. :-O

This is (in this context) not related to the number pf "bash" processes 
running. Not at all.

Be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others.
- jbp, master of the net, in RFC793

Re: Bug report

2010-11-11 Thread Jan Schampera wrote:

It is possible to make input with the keyboard before bash is fully 
initialized. This problem is critical on password inputs like the linux login.

$input is now shown before and after sworddra...@ubuntu:~$. Example: 
testsworddra...@ubuntu:~$ test

I think bash should lock all input until it is fully initialized and 
maybe draw all locked input after unlocking.

What makes you think Bash is initialized WHILE you login (and not AFTER)?

Be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others.
- jbp, master of the net, in RFC793

Re: static vs. dynamic scoping

2010-11-09 Thread Jan Schampera

Eric Blake wrote:

In static scoping, function f2 does not shadow a declaration of a, so
references to $a within f2 refer to the global variable.  The local
variable a of f1 can only be accessed within f1; the behavior of f2 is
the same no matter how it was reached.

If it matters (I already know Chet's answer): I agree with Mr. Korn here 
about sanity. Infact, for some reason, I always intuitively relied on it 
(without any problem for now - I didn't hit a case), maybe I intuitively 
expected the C behaviour from Bash.

In Bash practise, now as I know it, I can code accordingly.

Be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others.
- jbp, master of the net, in RFC793

Re: Bash bug with ints beyond 2147483646

2010-11-03 Thread Jan Schampera

Greg Wooledge wrote:

On Tue, Nov 02, 2010 at 03:48:49PM -0400, Pete Gregory wrote:

echo {2147483640..2147483647}
dies with a malloc error

In bash 4.1.9 under HP-UX 10.20, it consumes all available CPU until
I kill it with SIGKILL.  (I suppose there's a chance it might eventually
have died due to malloc errors or whatever, but after several minutes
of waiting, I got impatient.)

Maybe as an additional hint for Chets debugging: In 3.2.39(1)-release it 
works, in 4.1.2(1)-release it fails (yes, Bonsai just came back from 
paging...). It drives crazy and mallocs like hell... 32bit int overflow?

Be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others.
- jbp, master of the net, in RFC793

Re: declare overrides errexit

2010-09-23 Thread Jan Schampera

Sascha Ziemann wrote:

The following code prints "a". The second false terminates the script
but the first does not.
set -e
declare a="a"$(false)
echo $a
echo $b

The first operation succeeds, the second doesn't.

The first operation is the "declare" command, and it works (and will 
seit its exit code to 0).

The second operation is a variable assignment, the status of the 
variable assignment is != 0.

- first declare a
- then set a


Re: pwd does not update when path component is renamed

2010-09-20 Thread Jan Schampera

Krzysztof Zelechowski wrote:

The text of pwd and the value of $PWD return a cached value, regardless 
of the actual current path.

mkdir '-p' 'a' && cd 'a' && mv '../a' '../b' && enable '-n' 'pwd' && builtin 
'pwd' && pwd

cd '-P' '.'

I think it's the same mechanism that catches symlinked directory names, 
i.e. the shell has its own "view" to the filesystem.

For symlinked directories this is not a bug.

For this case, I don't think there's a reliable and portable way to 
catch it. The open directory is valid (since it's open) for the shell 
process, but $PWD given to other programs will make them fail. But i 
don't think a getcwd() after every command or every now and then is 

The"no solution provided"Bonsai

Re: RFE: request for quotes as grouping operators to work in brackets as elsewhere.

2010-09-17 Thread Jan Schampera
I'm sorry to not answer a message directly, but I didn't get the mails 
of this list during the last day - no idea why. Quoting text from the 
pipermail archive.

>> After initialÄy introducing =~, Chet made it consistent with =/==
>> in a second version, means: =/== doesn't do pattern matching for parts
>> inside quotes, =~ doesn't du regexp matching for parts inside quotes.

>Except this isnt' true.   Quoting example C:
> t='one two three'
> a='one two three'
> 1) if [[ $t == $a ]]; then echo 'Matches'; fi
> 2) if [[ $t == "$a" ]]; then echo 'Matches'; fi examples.
> The above does match.  the pattern in $a matches the pattern
> in $t whether it is in quotes or not.
> But with =~ it is different:
> t='one two three'
> a='one t.. three'
> 3) if [[ $t =~ $a ]]; then echo 'Matches'; fi
> 4) if [[ $t =~ "$a" ]]; then echo 'SHOULD Match'; else echo 'BUG, 
double quotes

> disable match'; fi

Test with a='one t?? three', i.e. use a pattern matching special 
character. Or for the regex case, use NO regex special character.

Then both should behave the same:

Patter matching:

$ t="one two three"
$ a="one t?? three"
$ [[ $t = $a ]]; echo $?
$ [[ $t = "$a" ]]; echo $?

Regular expression matching:

$ t="one two three"
$ a="one t.. three"
$ [[ $t =~ $a ]]; echo $?
$ [[ $t =~ "$a" ]]; echo $?


Re: RFE: request for quotes as grouping operators to work in brackets as elsewhere.

2010-09-16 Thread Jan Schampera

Linda Walsh wrote:

Why do (or should) double quotes lose their normal meaning inside
double brackets?

After initialĺy introducing =~, Chet made it consistent with =/== in a 
second version, means: =/== doesn't do pattern matching for parts inside 
quotes, =~ doesn't du regexp matching for parts inside quotes.

My personal opinion is: This makes sense. Can't speak for others.

That's also the reason you have 2 different =~ behaviours. Please, 
whatever the reasonable result of this discussion is, do not make up yet 
the next =~ variant that's incompatible with the others ;)

I would like to see double quotes and single quotes NOT disable
RE functionality when used with =~.  I would like to suggest that to
disable RE functionality, that the user use '==', instead.

== is the same as =, my suggestion is to NOT touch that. It would be 
even better to introduce a new operator instead of touching =~ (see 
above) or the pattern matchers. Maybe you don't care for compatiblity, I 
do, since I'm operating the same scripts on systems with Bash 2.05b to 
the newest 4.x without changes - so please don't suggest anything that 
will break compatiblity with very common things that were there for ages 
(like the pattern matchers in the conditional expression).

Wouldn't it be reasonable to do RE matching when one does =~ and not
do it when one uses ==?

For ==, see above. For the behaviour of =~: It was adjusted in 3.2 to be 
consistent with =/==. As far as I remember there was a lot of 
discussion, maybe Chet can say something about it.

The whole point of the =~ was to allow regex matching.  If you don't
want it, why would you have to create special, asymmetric functionality
for quotes?

I don't really see your problem with regex matching at the moment, maybe 
I misunderstand you.

Maybe you think this means you can not match quotes in a regex at all, 
this would be totally wrong, of course you can. Just with a small syntax 
speciality (like for pattern matching, too).

The "portable" way for =~ in Bash is putting the RE into a variable, 
anyways. Not nice. Such things come up when you break compatiblity (see 
above, changed between 3.0 and 3.2).


Re: discrepancy with variable assignments and simple commands between sh and bash

2010-08-24 Thread Jan Schampera

Mike Frysinger wrote:

On Wednesday, August 25, 2010 00:59:58 Jan Schampera wrote:

Mike Frysinger wrote:

the difference here being the value in variable "a" after function "f"
finishes executing.  i was expecting the behavior of `bash`, not of `sh`.
 i cant seem to find anything covering this in the man page except for
perhaps interpreting the meaning of some sections to mean this behavior
is allowed. but i certainly didnt locate anything that would imply
behavior of this would differ across bash and sh ...

I'd expect "VAR=VAL " to behave like in your "bash"
example, in any case (i.e. also for functions!). Just intuitively, I
mean. I don't know any standard documents about it, maybe it is
"implementation defined", as so often.

Dash behaves the same way as your "sh" example, Korn too. Z behaves like
the "bash" example here. So I fear it actually isn't standardized and
you can't operate with functions the same way you operate with separate

unfortunately, ive relied on this bash behavior in the past in bash-specific 
scripts because it's an easy way of tweaking a variable's value for a specific 
command without having to save/restore context.  which is why i was surprised 
when it didnt work in a #!/bin/sh script (which had sh->bash).  not that 
standards bodies care about the pains they inflict upon me ;).


Okay, I think I found something

[POSIX excerpts]
- When a function is executed, it shall have the syntax-error and 
variable-assignment properties described for special built-in utilities 
in the enumerated list at the beginning of Special Built-In Utilities .
- Variable assignments specified with special built-in utilities remain 
in effect after the built-in completes; this shall not be the case with 
a regular built-in or other utility.

[Bash docs about POSIX mode]
 24. Assignment statements preceding shell function calls persist in the
 shell environment after the function returns, as if a POSIX
 special builtin command had been executed.

Conclusion (still waiting for the Austin Group undercover guy):
- POSIX specifies this behaviour
- Bash in Bash-mode overrides this (which results in intuitive 
behaviour, IMHO)

- Bash in POSIX-mode respects it


Re: discrepancy with variable assignments and simple commands between sh and bash

2010-08-24 Thread Jan Schampera

Mike Frysinger wrote:

the difference here being the value in variable "a" after function "f" 
finishes executing.  i was expecting the behavior of `bash`, not of `sh`.  i 
cant seem to find anything covering this in the man page except for perhaps 
interpreting the meaning of some sections to mean this behavior is allowed.  
but i certainly didnt locate anything that would imply behavior of this would 
differ across bash and sh ...


I'd expect "VAR=VAL " to behave like in your "bash" 
example, in any case (i.e. also for functions!). Just intuitively, I 
mean. I don't know any standard documents about it, maybe it is 
"implementation defined", as so often.

Dash behaves the same way as your "sh" example, Korn too. Z behaves like 
the "bash" example here. So I fear it actually isn't standardized and 
you can't operate with functions the same way you operate with separate 

What does Chet, our secret agent in Austin Group, say about this ;-) ?


Re: read -d'' -n1

2010-08-11 Thread Jan Schampera

Jan Schampera wrote:

1) Why doesn't this print anything

while read -d'' -n1 ch; do
  echo "$ch"
done <<< $'hello\nworld'

2) Why does this print something, but only up to the hyphen?

while read -d'' -n1 ch; do
  echo "$ch"
done <<< $'hello\nwor-ld'

Please ignore this question. 2 minutes after sending it, I saw my stupid 
mistake :(



read -d'' -n1

2010-08-11 Thread Jan Schampera


don't ask about the detail how I originally invented this code, but I 
stepped over something I really can't explain:

1) Why doesn't this print anything

while read -d'' -n1 ch; do
  echo "$ch"
done <<< $'hello\nworld'

2) Why does this print something, but only up to the hyphen?

while read -d'' -n1 ch; do
  echo "$ch"
done <<< $'hello\nwor-ld'

Verified on 2.04, 3.2.39, 4.1, so I wonder if I have a misunderstanding 


Re: RFE? request for an "undefined" attribute for functions

2010-08-02 Thread Jan Schampera

Linda Walsh wrote:

On 8/2/2010 1:13 PM, Chet Ramey wrote:

There are several versions of `autoload' in examples/functions.


I've been using 'man bash' as my reference.  I don't see a reference
to examples or autoload, and finding 'functions' doesn't show me any examples.
Is there another manpage I should be regularly consulting?

It's a directory in the Bash distribution.


Re: function grammar

2010-07-18 Thread Jan Schampera

Linda Walsh wrote:

The curly brackets are suposed to be optional.
They are line "2" of the Compound commands list below...

Don't ask me why, but it works when you don't use the "function" 
keyword, but "()" instead:

foo() [[ 1 ]]

Might be a parsing bug, though you shouldn't use "function" at all.

Substitution PE parsed wrong or doesn't work correctly

2010-07-15 Thread Jan Schampera


Tested versions:
- 4.1.2(1)-release
- 3.2.39(1)-release

Reproduce by:
  string="1/2 3="
  echo ${string//[= /]}

Expected result:

Actual result:
  1/2 3=

Workaround: Escape the "inner" slash with a backslash.

Within a bracket expression, the slash should lose its special meaning. 
It looks like the construct is incorrectly parsed (because it uses 
slashes itself), but I may be wrong, I didn't inspect the code.


Re: Bash cannot kill itself?

2010-06-29 Thread Jan Schampera

Clark J. Wang wrote:

Running a cmd in background (by &) would not create subshell. Simple


function foo()
echo $$

echo $$
foo &


The 2 $$s output the same.

This doesn't mean that it doesn't create a subshell. It creates one, 
since it can't replace your foreground process.

It just shows that $$ does what it should do, it reports the relevant 
PID of the parent ("main") shell you use. As far as I can see, this 
applies to all kinds of subshells like

- explicit ones (...)
- pipeline components
- command substitution
- process substitution
- async shells (like above, running your function)
- ...


Re: Bash cannot kill itself?

2010-06-29 Thread Jan Schampera

Chris F.A. Johnson wrote:

  $$ refers to the subshell.

There's no subshell here, I think.

   The background process invoked by &.

$$ is meant to always report the "main shell", I'd guess this is true 
for this case, too.


Re: RFE: 'list of vars' = split VAR

2010-06-29 Thread Jan Schampera

Linda Walsh wrote:

I suppose I'm presuming these features are not already implemented in
some fashion -- did I overlook them, or would they be 'new'?

I know it's not applicable for all cases, but I usually use read to 
split strings into variables/an array.


Re: A note for read builtin

2010-06-18 Thread Jan Schampera


Britton Kerin schrieb:

Which in a pipeline is supposed to be the output of the previous command, right?
Its not at all obvious to me why it behaves as it does.

The other subthread of this thread is about it: In Bash, all parts of a
pipeline are executed in an own subshell. This means that the read in
the subshell reads the data, sets the variable, and then the subshell is


Re: A note for read builtin

2010-06-18 Thread Jan Schampera

Dr. Werner Fink wrote:

The question rises: Why does the bash require a sub peocess/shell
for the final command of a pipe sequence.

I'd think this is more or less a design choice at first (with one or the 
other issue, maybe for both solutions - though I can't construct a 
failing case for the Korn way at the moment).

From my daily work with automation scripts & Co. (OT: and yes, Werner, 
we have SLES ;-) ) I can say this is not a big deal. You have enough 
other ways in Bash to give ("pipe") data to the read builtin on the fly. 
You don't have any big problems with this behaviour.


Re: A note for read builtin

2010-06-18 Thread Jan Schampera

Britton Kerin wrote:

How so?  It seems that read always reads from the terminal even when its in a
shell pipeline.

This isn't correct. Read reads from STDIN by default.


Re: A note for read builtin

2010-06-17 Thread Jan Schampera

Marc Herbert schrieb:

From section 2.12 and from messages posted here in the past I
understand that POSIX allows either one. This ambiguity reinforces the
need for documentation IMHO.

I agree with Greg here, it's a well known "don't". What should be 
documented is (maybe it is?) how pipelines are implemented in general, 
the behaviour of read is just a plain consequence of that.

Infact I mean that reading a reference manual doesn't avoid learning a 
language and its behaviours.

just my 2ct

Re: Input line length

2010-06-06 Thread Jan Schampera

Oh, and to be complete:

uname -rms yields:
* Linux 2.6.26-2-amd64 x86_64

The C library is a:
* GNU libc 2.16.6-3

The crashed Bash is a:
* ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically 
linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.8, not stripped

Jan "TheBonsai"

Re: Input line length

2010-06-06 Thread Jan Schampera

Chet Ramey wrote:

How about a stack traceback?

I'm so sorry, I thought this was clear and easy to reproduce/verify.

I'm using this to generate the script. The number of commands varies 
between shell versions (and likely other platform stuff), so you might 
need to play around with the values a bit:

  printf "#!/bin/bash\n"
  for ((x=0; x<5; x++)); do printf ":;"; done
} >
chmod +x

Attached [] is an excerpt of the backtrace from a 
Bash 4.1. The missing middle is always 

The original finding was with a Bash 3.2, where the BT looks accordingly.

Jan "TheBonsai"
#0  internal_malloc (n=16, file=0x4adee3 "execute_cmd.c", line=289, 
flags=) at malloc.c:739
#1  0x0046d827 in sh_xmalloc (bytes=16, file=0x4adee3 "execute_cmd.c", 
line=289) at xmalloc.c:183
#2  0x00433174 in new_fd_bitmap (size=32) at execute_cmd.c:289
#3  0x00434c4f in execute_command (command=0x2bf61c8) at 
#4  0x004348cb in execute_command_internal (command=0x2bf6308, 
asynchronous=0, pipe_in=-1, pipe_out=-1, 
fds_to_close=0x43ef388) at execute_cmd.c:2229
#5  0x00434c7f in execute_command (command=0x2bf6308) at 
#6  0x004348cb in execute_command_internal (command=0x2bf6488, 
asynchronous=0, pipe_in=-1, pipe_out=-1, 
fds_to_close=0x43ef2a8) at execute_cmd.c:2229
#7  0x00434c7f in execute_command (command=0x2bf6488) at 
#8  0x004348cb in execute_command_internal (command=0x2bf65c8, 
asynchronous=0, pipe_in=-1, pipe_out=-1, 
fds_to_close=0x43ef1c8) at execute_cmd.c:2229
#9  0x00434c7f in execute_command (command=0x2bf65c8) at 
#87280 0x004348cb in execute_command_internal (command=0x3a9c548, 
asynchronous=0, pipe_in=-1, pipe_out=-1, 
fds_to_close=0x3a9cc48) at execute_cmd.c:2229
#87281 0x00434c7f in execute_command (command=0x3a9c548) at 
#87282 0x004348cb in execute_command_internal (command=0x3a9c6a8, 
asynchronous=0, pipe_in=-1, pipe_out=-1, 
fds_to_close=0x3a9cb68) at execute_cmd.c:2229
#87283 0x00434c7f in execute_command (command=0x3a9c6a8) at 
#87284 0x004348cb in execute_command_internal (command=0x3a9c808, 
asynchronous=0, pipe_in=-1, pipe_out=-1, 
fds_to_close=0x3a9ca88) at execute_cmd.c:2229
#87285 0x00434c7f in execute_command (command=0x3a9c808) at 
#87286 0x004348cb in execute_command_internal (command=0x3a9c968, 
asynchronous=0, pipe_in=-1, pipe_out=-1, 
fds_to_close=0x3a9c9a8) at execute_cmd.c:2229
#87287 0x00434c7f in execute_command (command=0x3a9c968) at 
#87288 0x004216d2 in reader_loop () at eval.c:152
#87289 0x004212d9 in main (argc=2, argv=0x7fffe8469e48, 
env=0x7fffe8469e60) at shell.c:749

Re: Input line length

2010-06-05 Thread Jan Schampera

Jan Schampera schrieb:

The result of these tests was a SEGV (after some 78K line length). 
Shouldn't this be sanely catched somehow by the parser? I didn't look 
deeper, but it looks like a blindly filled buffer or something like that.

Sorry, I should make clear that the test case was a bunch of 
";"-concatenated echo commands. The line length alone is not a problem 
(in this test).

Jan "TheBonsai"

Input line length

2010-06-05 Thread Jan Schampera

Hello list,

somebody in chat just asked about the maximum input line length, I know 
(and told him) that this might be very platform dependent, but I did 
some tests.

The result of these tests was a SEGV (after some 78K line length). 
Shouldn't this be sanely catched somehow by the parser? I didn't look 
deeper, but it looks like a blindly filled buffer or something like that.


Jan "TheBonsai"

Re: Wrong alignment in select lists

2010-05-31 Thread Jan Schampera

Bernd Eggink wrote:

Select lists are sometimes displayed with incorrect vertical alignment 
if an item contains one or more German umlauts. Examples:

select x in äöü blah{1..20}; do :; done# wrong
select x in amöbe blah{1..20}; do :; done# wrong
select x in amöb blah{1..20}; do :; done# wrong
select x in amö blah{1..20}; do :; done# OK

Bash version is 4.1.7(1)-release, LANG is de_DE.UTF-8.


It's long ago I since inspected the select code, but I think it's 
because it counts bytes for the space calculations. The last one 
succeeds because there's a minimum width reached.


Weird behaviour of 'hash' builtin

2010-05-30 Thread Jan Schampera

Hello Chet,
hello list,

during some discussion in the IRC #bash channel on freenode we found a 
weird behaviour of the 'hash' builtin command.

The command exits true if the operand in question contains a /, no 
matter if that makes sense or not:

$ hash 
echo $?


$ hash 'meow/foo/baz'; echo $?

This alone is weird enough. When you add the -t option (if available) to 
print the pathname, it fails:

$ hash -t 
echo $?
bash: hash: 
not found


$ hash -t 'meow/foo/baz'; echo $?
bash: hash: meow/foo/baz: not found

This happens on a 2.04 (no -t option to check the other case) aswell as 
on a 4.1.

If this is not a bug, what's the reason behind this? Is it to blindly 
report success when an operand "looks like a pathname"?

Jan "TheBonsai"

Re: Feature request: Can bash provide some mechanism for locking/unlocking?

2010-04-15 Thread Jan Schampera
Clark J. Wang schrieb:

> And if the script crashes the dir will be left unlocked.

System crashes and kill -9 are the problem. The rest is none.

If the area isn't too complex, noclobbered redirection serves well. But
if you have other options, they should be used, of course.

(doing this on a cluster with a shared fs - does like a charm)


Re: Feature request: Can bash provide some mechanism for locking/unlocking?

2010-04-15 Thread Jan Schampera
Clark J. Wang schrieb:
> In C code I can use lockf(), flock(), semaphore and mutex for locking /
> unlocking. Can bash provide some similar mechanisms?

For simple things, which don't need to be 1000% rocksolid, you can use
atomic operations like mkdir or noclobbered redirection for mutex purposes.

Accessing the file locking mechanisms of the kernel isn't possible so
far, but Bash has a plugin framework.


Re: Undocumented usage of printf?

2010-04-15 Thread Jan Schampera
Clark J. Wang schrieb:
> I saw a printf usage from a Linux forum's post:
> # printf "%d\n" "'a"
> 97
> #
> It's really cool but I found no info in bash's manual. Are there any other
> undocumented interesting features? :)

I "documented" it, though I don't remember where I first heard about it.
Maybe I stumbled over it in POSIX (it's specified there).


Re: bash exit command should be unconditional

2010-04-07 Thread Jan Schampera
Vadym Chepkov schrieb:

> I would expect never see "Continue" printed

The 'exit' command exits the subshell you just created.

There's also a FAQ about it, E4.


Re: Crash on completion

2010-03-09 Thread Jan Schampera
Chet Ramey schrieb:

> This was reported about five weeks ago, and there's a patch in the pipeline.
> I've attached a version for the curious; try it out and let me know.

Ah, I had a feeling I alredy read about it somwhere, but I didn't find
it quickly, so I thought I was wrong.


Crash on completion

2010-03-09 Thread Jan Schampera
Hello list,
hello Chet.

Bug reported on freenode's IRC #bash by: Satgi

There is a crash somewhere in completion (the last commandline is
completed using TAB):

  mkdir -p the/?/directory
  ./the/\?/Segmentation fault (core dumped)

These completions DO NOT crash there (maybe that's a hint for you):
  cd the/\?/directory/
  cd ./the\?/directory/

Bash was invoked with the --norc option.

Tested versions:
- 4.1.2: SEGV
- 4.1 alpha: SEGV
- 4.0.0: SEGV
- 3.2.39: OK
- 3.2.25: OK

So it looks like this was introduced with 4.0. Here's a backtrace I got
from a coredump:

#0  0x00460fde in command_word_completion_function
(hint_text=0x16cd028 "./the/\\?/", state=1) at bashline.c:1692
#1  0x0048c7cb in rl_completion_matches (text=0x16cd028
entry_function=0x460ad0 ) at
#2  0x004617a2 in bash_default_completion (text=0x16cd028
"./the/\\?/", start=0, end=9, qc=0, compflags=1)
at bashline.c:1414
#3  0x00462bba in attempt_shell_completion (text=0x16cd028
"./the/\\?/", start=0, end=9) at bashline.c:1363
#4  0x0048c867 in gen_completion_matches (text=0x16cd028
"./the/\\?/", start=207, end=0,
our_func=0x48bff0 ,
found_quote=-808464433, quote_char=1) at complete.c:1023
#5  0x0048db70 in rl_complete_internal (what_to_do=9) at
#6  0x00485c63 in _rl_dispatch_subseq (key=9, map=0x6d8d80,
got_subseq=0) at readline.c:769
#7  0x00486447 in readline_internal_char () at readline.c:548
#8  0x0048685d in readline (prompt=) at
#9  0x004292ea in yy_readline_get () at
#10 0x00423708 in shell_getc (remove_quoted_newline=1) at
#11 0x00425d45 in read_token (command=) at
#12 0x0042985e in yyparse () at
#13 0x00421102 in parse_command () at eval.c:228
#14 0x004211e6 in read_command () at eval.c:272
#15 0x00421434 in reader_loop () at eval.c:137
#16 0x00420f56 in main (argc=1, argv=0x7fff6ad3f768,
env=0x7fff6ad3f778) at shell.c:741


Re: command not put into history if it starts with space

2010-02-06 Thread Jan Schampera
Mike Frysinger schrieb:

>> When using the bash shell in an xterm or rxvt terminals at least,
>> commands executed which start with a space, eg " ls" are not added to
>> the command line history and so are not accessible by ctrl-p.
> this is by design
> -mike

This is controlled by the HISTCONTROL and probably HISTIGNORE variables.
Unless I misunderstood the question.


Re: Error when script uses CRLF line endings w/ if stmt

2010-02-05 Thread Jan Schampera
Andreas Schwab schrieb:

>> It's a character like 'A' or 'B'.
> 'A' and 'B' are letters, $'\r' is whitespace.

Yes... :)

Re: Error when script uses CRLF line endings w/ if stmt

2010-02-05 Thread Jan Schampera
Evan Driscoll schrieb:

> Then, many programs don't handle them per se, but *not* handling them
> doesn't cause much problem. grep, cat, and echo probably fall in this
> category.

Bash doesn't handle it. It's a character like 'A' or 'B'. It causes
problems :)


Re: Error when script uses CRLF line endings w/ if stmt

2010-02-04 Thread Jan Schampera
Evan Driscoll schrieb:

>   echo a
>   echo b
> seemed to work with both CRLF and LF endings. However, further
> experimentation confirmed what you probably already know, which is that
> it only appeared to work; in fact what was happening is that the CR
> character was being passed to echo as part of the argument, and it
> didn't affect the output. In fact, if you put a space after the 'a' and
> 'b', echo receives two arguments beyond the command name: the 'a' or 'b'
> as the first and ^M as the second.)

Yes, that's exactly what will happen.

Personally, I have no problem with the \n-only behaviour (which - in
fact - is not Bash specific. Most programs that use text files have
trouble when you change to the other world), but that doesn't matter
since Chet is the maintainer of Bash, not me ;-)

Moreover, POSIX talks about "" here, which is a \n. Though I
didn't read through all the rationales, I just took a quick look, maybe
it's not limited to \n.


Re: Error when script uses CRLF line endings w/ if stmt

2010-02-04 Thread Jan Schampera schrieb:

>   Some of the time, using CRLF line endings cause syntax errors
>   in Bash scripts ("unexpected end of file").
>   This problem shows up on Bash 4.1 on Linux, Bash 3.2 on Linux,
>   and Bash 3.2 on Cygwin (where I first noticed it).

Normal. Though I don't know how to treat the Cygwin case, since the
underlying platform uses \r\n anyways. But the rest: Simply don't mix
UNIX and Windows text.

Re: Selecting out of an array

2010-01-25 Thread Jan Schampera
Jon_R schrieb:


You have a misunderstanding about select here, I guess.

Select is supposed to display a list of given words and take user input
(index to these words). It more or less is the same as a for loop, it
just doesn't iterate through the words, it lets the user select one of them.

If you want to make more sophisticated menus, consider to use a
dialog(1) or similar:


Re: $(pwd) != $(/bin/pwd)

2010-01-03 Thread Jan Schampera
Leonid Evdokimov schrieb:

> This problem may be fixed if bash does not optimise number of getcwd() calls,
> but I'm not sure if the bug is really a _bug_, but not a sort of strange
> feature.

Sorry, I didn't read carefully enough :)


Re: $(pwd) != $(/bin/pwd)

2010-01-03 Thread Jan Schampera
Leonid Evdokimov schrieb:

> This problem may be fixed if bash does not optimise number of getcwd() calls,
> but I'm not sure if the bug is really a _bug_, but not a sort of strange
> feature.

Depends what 'bar' is above, assuming it's a (sym-)link or a bind here:
IMHO this is not a bug. There simply is no "one and only absolute path".

There's also a nice paper about it from the Plan 9 guys from Bell Labs.


Re: command_not_found_handle not called if "command" includes a slash

2009-12-29 Thread Jan Schampera
Ken Irving schrieb:

> That's up to that function to determine, since bash passes control over
> to it.  It should be able to handle whatever it gets.  My use case is
> to take things that look like 'object.method' -- which are not likely
> to collide with normal executables -- and run them under a special handler.
> That handler emits an error message and exit code if it can't make sense
> of its argument.

Yea okay, I just wondered. Of course it's up to the coder. Never mind :)


Re: command_not_found_handle not called if "command" includes a slash

2009-12-29 Thread Jan Schampera
Ken Irving schrieb:

>> This patch is not sufficient, as it leaves the error message, but it
>> does call the hook function in the problem cases:

I'm just not sure if it makes sense. I mean, if the user requests the
execution of a *specific file*, what should the hook function do if it

Re: command_not_found_handle not called if "command" includes a slash

2009-12-27 Thread Jan Schampera
Ken Irving schrieb:

> Description:
> I'm not sure this is a bug, but I notice that the
> command_not_found_handle function is not called if the "command" has a
> slash in it.  I can't find anywhere in the bash source producing the
> "No such file ..."  error message, so I guess this is being caught
> somewhere else before bash gets the command line to process.
> The behavior is not new; a second example is included below from v3.2,
> showing the same error message when the bad command looks like a path.
> I'd like to dig into this, to see if there's any hope of hooking into
> this case in order to provide a handler, but have no idea where to look.
> Is there any hope for this?

>From what I can see, the hook function is only triggered when a PATH
search returns no result. A given relative or absolute filename doesn't
trigger a PATH search.

Re: Query regarding ${parameter:-word} usage

2009-12-23 Thread Jan Schampera
Mun schrieb:

> nounset on

Something sets -u in your startup scripts (or in the script or whatever)

Re: have bg, fg, but lack stop

2009-12-19 Thread Jan Schampera schrieb:

> OK, never mind. Market demand too low to add...

I rather think you could just define a stop()

Re: IFS handling and read

2009-11-30 Thread Jan Schampera
Lhunath (Maarten B.) schrieb:

> My bad.  I was under the impression `read` was a Bourne shell-only
thing and not standardized under POSIX.

(not personal for you only, I see that very often)

It would be nice if people actually read POSIX before they talk about it.


Re: <( error

2009-11-28 Thread Jan Schampera
Antonio Macchi schrieb:
> $ hd <(echo -en \\0{0..3}{0..7}{0..7})
> it breaks the console.

It doesn't "break the console", it crashes the shell (here with a
subshell to get the text):

bon...@core:~$ bash
bon...@core:~$ hd <(echo -en \\0{0..3}{0..7}{0..7})

malloc: ../bash/subst.c:4198: assertion botched
realloc: start and end chunk sizes differ
last command: hd <(echo -en \\0{0..3}{0..7}{0..7})
Aborting...Abgebrochen (core dumped)

Re: caller builtin returns wrong lineno when sourced

2009-11-23 Thread Jan Schampera
Just for completeness: Same with 3.2.39, 4.1 alpha and beta.


Re: Bash source repository

2009-11-22 Thread Jan Schampera
Chet Ramey schrieb:

> That's how I prefer it.  I don't do public development on savannah, and
> I do controlled test releases.

The official patches should be there as individual commits. Though, I
admit it's not a small amount of work to do all that for the past
releases. Such a GIT or SVN repository technically is easy to do, but
who feeds it :(


Re: for i in {1..100000...

2009-11-12 Thread Jan Schampera
Antonio Macchi schrieb:
> what's the rasonable limit in using this "compact" contruct, after which
>  the for (( i=0; i<1000...; i++ )) became better?

Hardware/OS limits.


Re: Test -a and -e

2009-11-09 Thread Jan Schampera
Chet Ramey schrieb:

>> Code:
>> $ [ ! -a /bin/bash ] && echo "Doesn't exist"; [ -a /bin/bash ] && echo
>> "Exists"
>> Output:
>> Doesn't exist
>> Exists

> Please read the Bash FAQ, question E1.  The behavior of test depends on
> the number of arguments; the rules are in the manual page.
> Chet

"The operators -a and -o are considered binary operators for the purpose
of the 3 Arg case."

Forgive my ignorance :)


Re: [PATCH] silent job monitor when 'set +m'

2009-11-09 Thread Jan Schampera
Chet Ramey schrieb:

> redirect stderr
> kill pid
> wait pid
> restore stderr
> It seems to me that this sequence forces the necessary synchronicity.

Interesting. And sad that I never thought of that.


Test -a and -e

2009-11-09 Thread Jan Schampera
Hello list,

$ [ ! -e /bin/bash ] && echo "Doesn't exist"; [ -e /bin/bash ] && echo


$ [ ! -a /bin/bash ] && echo "Doesn't exist"; [ -a /bin/bash ] && echo

Doesn't exist

It seems there's a difference between -a and -e, though they are (as far
as I can see) documented to do the same thing.

Anybody knows what's going on? May it be confused by the test
functionality to default to "non-empty string" and a AND (-a)?


Re: Error handling question

2009-11-08 Thread Jan Schampera
Ciprian Dorin, Craciun schrieb:

> Thus if I say: `set -e ; { false ; true ; }` it works, but when I
> put the `||`, it doesn't...

I think it's because { ...; } isn't a simple command (however, its
components are).


Re: [PATCH] silent job monitor when 'set +m'

2009-11-07 Thread Jan Schampera
Jeff Chua schrieb:

> The man page mentioned that 'set -m' should print 'a line containing
> their status upon their completion' ... which should imply 'set +m'
> should NOT print the status.
> Attached is a patch to 'silent' bash so that it won't print the status
> when 'Monitor mode' is off (set +m).
> If this is not the right place to do this, please suggest an alternative
> to silent bash when 'kill %!' is executed.
> Thanks,
> Jeff

A workaround is to diswon the monster. But yes, I also stumbled over
this once. See


Documentation issue: Increments in brace expansion

2009-10-30 Thread Jan Schampera
Good morning,

The brace expansion increment syntax is shown wrong.


A sequence expression takes the form {x..y[incr]}, where x and y are
either integers or single characters, and incr, an optional increment,
is an integer.


A sequence expression takes the form {x..y[..incr]}, where x and y are
either integers or single characters, and incr, an optional increment,
is an integer separated by `..'.

Sorry if this already is fixed in the base documents, I didn't have time
to check deeply.


Re: 100% cpu with: while true ;do read < /dev/null ;done

2009-10-21 Thread Jan Schampera
Jo King schrieb:

> Fix:
>   [ bash/the read code could
>  detect there's no stdin and sleep for 1-2 seconds]

If you consider this as a bug, the bug is not in Bash (but in the

In short you request that read should wait a second, once it got a
end-of-file signalled, I don't think this is the way to 'fix' this
'bug'. It has far too many side effects or impacts to other uses of
read. Fix your application instead, query the exit code of read
(non-zero on EOF, timeout or error) and insert a conditional sleep yourself.

By the way (not really serious, but it fits): A CPU constantly below
100% is wasted money ;-)


Re: Infinite loop on clearing PWD

2009-10-13 Thread Jan Schampera
Marc Herbert schrieb:

>> Repeat-By:
>>  $ unset PWD
> Fix = readonly PWD  ?

This is not a fix, this is a workaround.

Anyways, I can't reproduce it.


Re: $() parsing still broken

2009-09-20 Thread Jan Schampera

Jan Schampera schrieb:

It was a "fresh" install. Unpacking source + applying pathces, then 
build *scratches beard*.

And it was done without bison - my bad. Works now.


Re: $() parsing still broken

2009-09-20 Thread Jan Schampera

Andreas Schwab schrieb:

Jan Schampera  writes:

I can reproduce it. What can I do to help tracking it down?

Make sure the parser was regenerated after applying patch 1.

It was a "fresh" install. Unpacking source + applying pathces, then 
build *scratches beard*.

Jan aka TheBonsai

Re: $() parsing still broken

2009-09-20 Thread Jan Schampera

Hey Chet,

I can reproduce it. What can I do to help tracking it down?

bon...@core:~/devel/bash-4.0$ ./bash -c 'echo $(echo \|)'
./bash: command substitution: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `)'
./bash: command substitution: line 1: `echo \|)'
bon...@core:~/devel/bash-4.0$ ./bash -c 'echo $BASH_VERSION'

Jan aka TheBonsai

Re: bug or undocumented feature

2009-08-22 Thread Jan Schampera
Mitch Frazier wrote:

> The close appears to be a special case of (from the man page):
>> Similarly, the redirection operator
>>   [n]>&digit-
>> moves the file descriptor digit to file descriptor n,
>> or the standard output (file descriptor 1) if n is not
>> specified.
> Not sure if that's a bug or a feature but it should be a feature and
> probably should be documented.

It's not a bug. It's not undocumented per se, it's in the description of
the corresponding input duplication mechanism. It applies to both
duplication methods.


Re: bash 4.x filters out environmental variables containing a dot in the name

2009-06-27 Thread Jan Schampera
Christian Krause wrote:

> Given all of these facts I still tend to say that the bash shouldn't
> filter them...

There's always the following argument:

"Other characters may be permitted by an implementation; applications
shall tolerate the presence of such names."

I agree with Christian here. As far as technically possible, Bash should
respect every environment variable name.


Re: [Feature Request]export extglob from environment

2009-05-10 Thread Jan Schampera
Hello Chet,
hello Raph,

I was involved in the discussion on IRC (Freenode / #bash) yesterday,
maybe I can give one or the other comment.

It took a while for us to find out why it happens. When we knew it, and
after some discussion, we agreed that the easiest way would be to make
Bash able to initialize the shopts from the environment, similar to

We discussed other ways, also non-Bash solutions, but they're all more
workarounds than solutions.

>> - the environment needs extglob
> Not really.  In this particular case, you could have used `xterm -e'
> to run bash with the -O extglob option.

This isn't always possible, easy or even wanted. One of those
"workarounds" from above, IMHO.

> None of these are compelling.  Maybe a BASHOPTS analog to SHELLOPTS
> for `shopt' options.  It might be useful to provide a configuration
> option that defaults extglob to on, also.

I'd prefer some own transport variable in environment, like you said.
It's not only extglob that isn't transported, though for the rest it
doesn't result in syntax errors. Transporting these options would make
the behaviour more consistent and less surprising.

If a configure option exists or not is more a matter of taste I'd say.
But this particular problem would have been solved, yes :)

Jan "TheBonsai" Schampera

Re: Memory leak in for loops

2009-04-30 Thread Jan Schampera
Sandino Araico Sánchez wrote:

>   #!/bin/bash
>   for i in {0..15000} ; do
>   echo $i > /dev/null
>   done
> Repeat-By:
> Run the script above and the process starts leaking memory very
> fast.

You know what a memory *leak* is, yes? mallocs() without proper free()s.

What you mean is that your memory is used. Feel free to calculate the
memory that is needed to store the string representation of
{0..15000}, I think you will get a number near your RAM size.


Re: Brace expansion

2009-04-05 Thread Jan Schampera
Ray Parrish wrote:

> bash: printf: 08: invalid number
> 0
> bash: printf: 09: invalid number

Arithmetic expression/base specifications:

Seems to apply for all numerical formats for printf, too.


Re: feature-request: brief syntax for $(type -p somecommand)

2009-04-02 Thread Jan Schampera
Mike Coleman wrote:
> [Oops--I sent that incomplete.]
> It would be nice if there was some really brief syntax for
> $(type -p somecommand)
> I find myself using this all day long with 'ls', 'file', 'ldd',
> 'strings', 'nm', etc., and the current incantation is just long enough
> to be annoying.
> Mike

Why do you need to get the path of a program that's in PATH?

If you only need to check if it's in PATH then you can use other things,
and these in a loop.


Re: arithmetic + > + subshell might not be documented

2009-04-01 Thread Jan Schampera wrote:
> Might not be documented:
> $ cat q
> for i in : :; do :|: > x$((++a)); echo =$a=; done; ls x?; rm x?
> for i in : :; do :   > x$((++b)); echo =$b=; done; ls x?; rm x?
> $ bash q
> ==
> ==
> x1
> =1=
> =2=
> x1  x2

I don't think it's specific to arithmetics.

I rather think the redirection (since it's part of the simple command,
not the pipeline) happens in the subshell. The side effects affect the
arithmetics, of course.


PS: I don't know if that's worth to document, I would have epxected that
behaviour. But I may be wrong anyways.

Re: [bash-bug] contents of whole arrays dissapears leaving while read loop

2009-03-26 Thread Jan Schampera
Dr. Werner Fink wrote:

>> This is not a bug, this is a consequence of Bash's design.
> Yep ... nevertheless a side mark: ksh can do ;)

Which is: A consequence of Korn's design ;-)

*waves the 80km to Nuremberg*

Re: contents of whole arrays dissapears leaving while read loop

2009-03-26 Thread Jan Schampera
Lennart Schultz wrote:

> In the construct
> cat file|while read line
> do
> done
> the content of any arry assignments in the loop dissapears leaving the loop:

This is logic, since every part of the pipe runs in an own subshell (the
first one runs in the "current shell"). This behaviour is also *not*
limited to arrays.

This is not a bug, this is a consequence of Bash's design.

You might find hints here:


How to do it instead?


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