Tab auto-completion removes quotes from variables even when it shouldn't

2021-06-25 Thread Pedro Gimeno

Bash Version: 4.4
Patch Level: 12
Release Status: release

Tested also in the last version from this unofficial mirror: so I guess it's still a problem.

Tab auto-completion removes quotes from variables even when it shouldn't.

Test case:
$ mkdir 'a b'
$ touch 'a b'/c
$ i='a b'
$ ls "$i"/

After pressing tab, the last line becomes:

$ ls $i/c

When pressing enter, the expected result happens:

ls: cannot access 'a': No such file or directory
ls: cannot access 'b/c': No such file or directory

I expected quoted variables to preserve the quotes when auto-completing with 

Problem with list of aliases

2017-03-14 Thread Pedro Gimeno
When using the 'alias' command without parameters, or with the '-p' parameter, 
a list of aliases is displayed. This list has the form:

  alias name='value'

'help alias' states that this form is 'reusable', thus implying, if I 
understand it correctly, that it can be fed back to bash.

But that's not always the case. I have an alias called '-' that resolves to 'cd 
-'. This alias needs to be entered as follows:

  alias -- -='cd -'

However, it is output by the 'alias' command as:

  alias -='cd -'

And when that line is input to bash, it produces an error:

  bash: alias: -=: invalid option
  alias: usage: alias [-p] [name[=value] ... ]

This can be easily fixed with sed to ensure the output is compatible with bash:

  alias -p | sed 's/^alias -/alias -- -/'

Therefore, either the docs need to be fixed (by adding a caveat, perhaps 
suggesting the 'sed' workaround, or by omitting 'reusable'), or the output of 
'alias -p' should include '--' when the alias name starts with '-'.

Re: Sourcing a file ending in \ disables aliases for 1 command

2015-04-03 Thread Pedro Gimeno
John McKown wrote, On 2015-04-03 14:19:
> Note that does end in a LF, at least if I did it correctly.

I've noticed that actually the LF is not important, only the final
backslash is:

$ alias hi=echo\ hello

Without final LF:

$ echo -n true\\ >
$ .
$ hi
bash: hi: command not found
$ hi

With final LF (same case as initially submitted):

$ echo true\\ >
$ .
$ hi
bash: hi: command not found
$ hi

But if there is one more LF it doesn't reproduce:

$ echo true\\ >
$ echo >>
$ .
$ hi

In the first case the file is malformed, so that's not a problem. I
think the second case should act as if the last command was in a line by
itself without a terminating newline, but that's not what happens. It
can also be argued that in that case the file is malformed too.

In my real use case, the last lines were a set of options to which I was
constantly adding or removing, with a backslash at the end of each line.
At one point I wasn't careful and didn't remove the backslash from the
last line. As I said, the next thing I did was to delete a file, and
that's how I noticed it didn't prompt me for confirmation.

I can easily add a ; in one line alone at the end of the file and insert
the options before it. That'd work around this.

> Since terminates with a \, it appears that the BASH shell
> is "seeing" your second command as \hi. Which _appears to me_ is what
> BASH would call a "quoted value". And it is documented that aliases
> are not expanded when quoted.

On the other hand, this works as expected:

$ echo true\\ >
$ .
$ "hi"
bash: hi: command not found

My point with this last example is that it's not quoting the double
quotes as if they were prefixed with a backslash. This is what happens
when that's the case:

$ \"hi"

So it's not as simple as "it acts as if preceded by a backslash".

Also, it doesn't reproduce if the aliased command is inside the sourced

$ echo true\\ >
$ echo hi >>
$ .
bash: truehi: command not found

(which is expected).

$ echo true\\ >
$ echo >>
$ echo hi >>
$ .

(which is expected too).

Sourcing a file ending in \ disables aliases for 1 command

2015-04-03 Thread Pedro Gimeno
Bash Version: 4.2
Patch Level: 37
Release Status: release

If a file with a command that ends in \ is sourced, the next
command issued in the command line does not interpret aliases but
subsequent ones do. It's a minor issue easy to work around, but since
it's surprising behaviour and some aliases are important, I thought I'd
report it. In the real case where I used it, the command was 'rm' which
was an alias to 'rm -i' to ask for confirmation, and it didn't ask.

$ alias hi=echo\ hello
$ echo /bin/true\\ >
$ hi
$ source
$ hi
bash: hi: command not found
$ hi

Sourcing a file ending in \ disables aliases for 1 command

2015-04-03 Thread Pedro Gimeno
Bash Version: 4.2
Patch Level: 37
Release Status: release

If a file with a command that ends in \ is sourced, the next
command issued in the command line does not interpret aliases but
subsequent ones do. It's a minor issue easy to work around, but since
it's surprising behaviour and some aliases are important, I thought I'd
report it. In the real case where I used it, the command was 'rm' which
was an alias to 'rm -i' to ask for confirmation, and it didn't ask.

$ alias hi=echo\ hello
$ echo /bin/true\\ >
$ hi
$ source
$ hi
bash: hi: command not found
$ hi