Re: Have var+func sourced in a subroutine but they don't seem to end up in same scope

2019-07-29 Thread Ilkka Virta

On 29.7. 09:25, L A Walsh wrote:

The library-include function allows me to source a library file
that is in a relative path off of PATH (a feature not in bash,


I tried putting exporting the data and the function with export
but it ended up the same.  The variables weren't defined in the
same scope as the function.

Are you sourcing some other script, or running it as a regular program?

Because above, you say 'source', which would indicate running code from 
another file in the same shell, but then you talk about exporting, which 
really only matters when starting a new process (as far as I know).

An example that would actually run and demonstrate the issue might make 
it easier to see what's actually going on.

Ilkka Virta /

Re: Have var+func sourced in a subroutine but they don't seem to end up in same scope

2019-07-29 Thread Greg Wooledge
On Sun, Jul 28, 2019 at 11:25:24PM -0700, L A Walsh wrote:
> util_fn () {
>   declare [-x] foo=1
>   declare [-x] bar=${foo}2
>   real_util_fn() {
> makes use of bar to get 'foo2'
>   }
>   real_util_fn "$@"
> }

You do realize that despite your indentation, and despite the definition
of real_util_fn being executed inside the body of a second function, both
of these functions are equal.  Right?

There's only one function namespace in bash.  All functions are global.
There's no such thing as a function that only exists while executing a
different function, unless of course you bring subshells into the picture.
Which so far you haven't.

> Now 'real_util_fn' behaves like the data, i.e. if I export them
> (export bar & export -f util_fn real_util_fn)
> only 'util_fn' is accessible in the file doing the include --
> i.e. 'real_util_fn' appears to be local to util_fn.

Nonsense.  Functions are not "local" to other functions.  All functions
are global.

> Without the extra function for encapsulating the data+func
> it appears that real_util_fn ends up in the scope of
> "include's" parent while the variables end up in 'include's
> scope because of the declare (the -x seems to be relatively ignored).

All functions are global.  Always.

> Why does bash disallow this?:
> declare -f util_fn
> util_fn() { :;}
> or
> declare util_fn() { :; }
> which, it seems would declare util_fn local to a subs

There is no such thing as a function being "local" to anything.
All functions are global.

Have var+func sourced in a subroutine but they don't seem to end up in same scope

2019-07-29 Thread L A Walsh

I have a shell script that includes a util script via a library-include

The library-include function allows me to source a library file
that is in a relative path off of PATH (a feature not in bash,

What I just noticed was a problem where the included file has
local data needed by the included functions.

I wanted the function and its data to be defined in the original
script, but what it looks like happens, is that the data are
defined as being local to the include, but the function does not.

I tried putting exporting the data and the function with export
but it ended up the same.  The variables weren't defined in the
same scope as the function.

Only when I put the function and the data in a wrapper and call
the wrapper instead do I get them in the same scope.  I.e. --
like this:

util_fn () {

  declare [-x] foo=1
  declare [-x] bar=${foo}2

  real_util_fn() {
makes use of bar to get 'foo2'

  real_util_fn "$@"

Now 'real_util_fn' behaves like the data, i.e. if I export them

(export bar & export -f util_fn real_util_fn)

only 'util_fn' is accessible in the file doing the include --
i.e. 'real_util_fn' appears to be local to util_fn.

Without the extra function for encapsulating the data+func
it appears that real_util_fn ends up in the scope of
"include's" parent while the variables end up in 'include's
scope because of the declare (the -x seems to be relatively ignored).

I tried throwing a declare in front of the sub, but bash didn't like
that or allow pre-declaring it so as to give it local context.

Why does bash disallow this?:

declare -f util_fn
util_fn() { :;}


declare util_fn() { :; }

which, it seems would declare util_fn local to a subs
in the same way:
declare foo=val

does?  Seems rather awkward to need to enclose a sub/within a sub to
achieve same scope.

Note, -g does work to put the vars in the same scope in this case because
the including file is at top scope, but if the included file wasn't at
top scope
I don't think it would.  Even if it did, though, I'd prefer not to make
use of it so the routines would work in older bashes.

So main question, I suppose is why does bash prevent using
declare in front of a function (or predeclaring it and using
the '-f' form).

older bashes might work.