bug#38082: 'tr' question passing tr delete chars argument coded in hex into script as $varable

2019-11-05 Thread Owen Townsend

To: bug-coreutils.org
From: Owen Townsend, o...@uvsoftware.ca
Date: Nov.05/2019
Subject: 'tr' question passing tr delete chars argument coded in hex 
into script as $varable

I am attaching 2 scripts renameLNX & renameLNX1
renameLNX  - delete characters hard-coded on tr - works OK
renameLNX1 - delete characters passed as $variable from cmdline argument 
- does not work

   - is this a bug OR is something wrong with my coding ???

renameLNX1 dirxx '\x20\x21\x27\x28\x29\x2C'  #<-- passing hex delete 
chars cmdline argument

fn2=$(echo $fn1 | tr -d $"$chars")   #<-- does not work
See test results coded as #comments at end of attached renameLNX1 script

fn2=$(echo $fn1 | tr -d $'\x21\x24\x26\x27\x28\x29\x2A\x2C') #<-- 
hard-coded hex deletes OK

See script renameLNX OK

Is this a bug OR is something wrong with my coding ???
Thanks, Owen

# renameLNX - Korn shell script from UVSI stored in: /home/uvadm/sf/util/
# renameLNX - rename all files in directory to Linux filenaming conventions
#   - Deleting characters in filenames that must be escaped on Linux 
#   - also removing LowBit & HiBit characters using complement option & 
octal codes
# renameLNX1 - original script did not work trying to use "$chars" on the 'tr' 
# renameLNX - this HARD-CODEs the HEX chars to be deleted on the 'tr' command & 
it works
#   - can anyone tell me how to make "$chars" work on the 'tr' command 
echo "rename files in subdir - deleting characters that must be escaped on 
dir="$1"; chars="$2";
if [[ -d "$dir" ]]; then :
   else echo "usage: renameLNX directory "
echo "   "
echo " - arg1=directory, arg2=CharactersToDelete "
echo " - arg2 removed for renameLNX, hard-coded on 'tr' comamnd below"
echo "space \! \"  \$  \&  \'  \(  \)  \*   ,   :   ;   <   >  \?   [  
\\   ]   {   |   }"
exit 1; fi
until [ "$reply" = "y" ]
do echo "enter to rename files ? y/n"
   read reply
x=0; y=0
for dfn in $dir/*
do fn1=${dfn##*/}
   fn2=$(echo $fn1 | tr -cd '\12\40-\176') #remove LowBit&HiBit chars (octal, 
hex bug optn 'c')
   fn3=$(echo $fn2 | tr -d \
   # echo "Debug: fn1=$fn1 fn3=$fn3"
   let x=x+1
   if [[ $fn1 == $fn3 ]]; then continue; fi
   mv -i "$dir/$fn1" "$dir/$fn3"
   let y=y+1
   echo "file# $x $dir/$fn1 - renamed to: $dir/$fn3"
echo "total $x files, $y renamed (deleting $chars)"
exit 0
# test renameLNX deletes hardcoded (vs renameLNX1 deletes arg2 & $chars 
on tr) ---
# renameLNX dirxx  
#- input -
# file#1=comma=,leftparen=(,rightparen=),exclamation=!
# file#2=blanks comma=, leftparen=(, rightparen=), exclamation=!
# file#3-exclam=!,dollar=$,amp=&,quotes='",parens=(),star=*,comma=,
#  - renameLNX output OK if deletes hardoded -
# file#1=comma=leftparen=rightparen=exclamation=
# file#2=blankscomma=leftparen=rightparen=exclamation=  <-- renameLNX 
hard-coded OK
# file#3-exclam=dollar=amp=quotes=parens=star=comma=
#Note - Also see "renameLNX1" alternate script, deletes as arg2, coded on tr as 
#   - renameLNX1 output BAD when deletes on arg2 & $chars on tr 
# file#3-eclam=!,dollar=$,amp=&,quotes='",parens=(),star=*,comma=,
# file#=blanks comma=, leftparen=(, rightparen=), eclamation=! <-- 
renameLNX1 NOT working
# file#=comma=,leftparen=(,rightparen=),eclamation=! - $arg2 
passed to tr ???
#Note - characters 1,2,x are removed - why is HEX not recognized 
# - BUT it works if I hard code  the 'tr' line as follows:
#  fn2=$(echo $fn1 | tr -d $'\x21\x24\x26\x27\x28\x29\x2A\x2C')
#  #===
# Why Hard-Coding on 'tr' works, but not substituting as in renameLNX1 ???
# renameLNX1 dirxx '\x20\x21\x22...etc...'  <-- renameLNX1 deletes arg2 (tr -d 
#fn3=$(echo $fn1 | tr -d \$"$chars")<-- $arg2 on tr does NOT work ???
# renameLNX1 - Korn shell script from UVSI stored in: /home/uvadm/sf/util/
# renameLNX1 - rename an entir

bug#38080: 'tr' BUG using complement option with delete chars in HEX vs OCTAL

2019-11-05 Thread Owen Townsend

To: bug-coreutils.org
From: Owen Townsend, o...@uvsoftware.ca
Date: Nov.05/2019
Subject: 'tr' BUG using complement option with delete chars in HEX vs OCTAL

fn2=$(echo $fn1 | tr -cd '\12\40-\176')  #<-- OCTAL works, but HEX 

fn2=$(echo $fn1 | tr -cd \$'\x0A\x20-\x7E')  #<-- HEX does not work

See attached scripts renameOK & renameOKx
renameOK  - octal coding, works OK
renameOKx - HEX coding does NOT work
  - see test results coded as #comments at end of script

Please let me know if you confirm this is a bug and when it might be fixed ?
I am using Ubuntu 16.04 & plan to upgrade to 20.04 when available

Thanks, Owen

# renameOK - Korn shell script from UVSI stored in: /home/uvadm/sf/util/
# renameOK - rename all files in directory, using tr -cd & OCTAL characters 
(works OK)
#  - Deleting all LowBit (except LineFeed) & HighBit characters 
# renameOKx <-- Alternate script specifies delete chars in HEX, but does NOT 
work ???
#   --> see $UV/sf/util/renameOKx with test results as #cmts at bottom
#Note - must use 'bash' shell for HEX to work at all, but complement option not 
working in hex
echo "$0 - rename all files in directory Deleting LowBit (except LineFeed) & 
HighBit characters"
if [[ ! -d "$dir" ]]; then 
   echo "usage: renameOK directory "
   echo "   ==="
   echo " - arg1 must be a directory"
   exit 1; fi
until [ "$reply" = "y" ]
do echo "enter to rename files ? y/n"
   read reply
x=0; y=0
for dfn in $dir/*
do fn1=${dfn##*/}
   fn2=$(echo $fn1 | tr -cd '\12\40-\176')   #<-- OCTAL works, but HEX 
   # fn2=$(echo $fn1 | tr -cd \$'\x0A\x20-\x7E') #<-- HEX disabled, see 
renameOKx to test
   #Note - option 'c' of '-cd' COMPLEMENTS (deletes all characters not 
   # echo "Debug: fn1=$fn1 fn2=$fn2"
   let x=x+1
   if [[ $fn1 == $fn2 ]]; then continue; fi
   mv -i "$dir/$fn1" $dir/$fn2
   let y=y+1
   echo "file# $x $dir/$fn1 - renamed to: $dir/$fn2"
echo "total $x files, $y renamed deleting LowBit (except LineFeed) & HighBit 
exit 0
# renameOKx - Korn shell script from UVSI stored in: /home/uvadm/sf/util/
# renameOKx - rename directory of filenames <-- delete chars in HEX, does NOT 
work ???
#   - Deleting all LowBit (except LineFeed) & HighBit characters 
# renameOK  <-- Alternate version specifies delete chars in OCTAL & does work 
# renameOKx <-- This script specifies delete chars in HEX, but does NOT work - 
#   --> see test input/output at bottom
#Note - must use 'bash' shell for HEX to work at all, but complement option not 
working in hex
echo "$0 - rename all files in directory Deleting LowBit (except LineFeed) & 
HighBit characters"
if [[ ! -d "$dir" ]]; then 
   echo "usage: renameOKx directory "
   echo "   ==="
   echo " - arg1 must be a directory"
   exit 1; fi
until [ "$reply" = "y" ]
do echo "enter to rename files ? y/n"
   read reply
x=0; y=0
for dfn in $dir/*
do fn1=${dfn##*/}
   # fn2=$(echo $fn1 | tr -cd '\12\40-\176')  #<-- octal obsolete & stupid
   fn2=$(echo $fn1 | tr -cd \$'\x0A\x20-\x7E') #<-- hex preferred, but has bugs 
   #Note - option 'c' of '-cd' COMPLEMENTS (deletes chars not specified) 
   # - does NOT work if chars specified in HEX, but OK if OCTAL - WHY diff 
   # echo "Debug: fn1=$fn1 fn2=$fn2"
   let x=x+1
   if [[ $fn1 == $fn2 ]]; then continue; fi
   mv -i "$dir/$fn1" $dir/$fn2
   let y=y+1
   echo "file# $x $dir/$fn1 - renamed to: $dir/$fn2"
echo "total $x files, $y renamed deleting LowBit (except LineFeed) & HighBit 
exit 0
# renameOKx tmp1
# ==
# Original filenames in directory tmp1
# -rw-r- 1 uvadm apps   84335 Nov  5 08:09 Another.jpg
# -rw-r- 1 uvadm apps 1500403 Nov  5 08:10 IMG_20170121_142512.jpg
# -rw-r- 1 uvadm apps   48151 Nov  5 08:11 Mia - tomato% +head art.jpg
# -rw-r- 1 uvadm apps   92384 Nov  5 09:11 My art: at^ _vsb |offices.jpg
# Resulting filenames after --> renameOKx tmp1
# -rw-r- 1 uvadm apps   84335 Nov  5 09:14 Anotherjpg
# -rw-r- 1 uvadm apps 1500403 Nov  5 09:14 IMG_20170121_142512jpg
# -rw-r- 1 uvadm apps   92384 Nov  5 09:14 Mart:at^_vsbofficesjpg
# -rw-r- 1 uvadm apps   48151 Nov  5 09:14 Miatomatoheadartjpg
# renameOK tmp1  <-- Alternate script specifies delete chars in Octal works OK
# =- why don't renameOKx HEX chars work ???

bug#12421: Issue of the cp on Ubuntu 10.10

2012-09-12 Thread owen . zhao

Dear Sir,

A strange issue happens when I use the cp tool on two directory.

1  I have an empty directiry
owen@linux-b2-ali:~/work/ALi_SDK/DailyBuild/linux_20120911$ ls 
images/fs.install/ -a
.  ..

2  Then I cp an directory in this directory with -rf
owen@linux-b2-ali:~/work/ALi_SDK/DailyBuild/linux_20120911$ cp 
extern/fs_install/* images/fs.install/ -rf

We can find the file busybox size is 998K now.

owen@linux-b2-ali:~/work/ALi_SDK/DailyBuild/linux_20120911$ ls 
images/fs.install/bin/busybox -lh
-rwxr-xr-x 1 owen owen 988K 2012-09-11 21:37 images/fs.install/bin/busybox

3  In another directory, we have a same file with the same size
owen@linux-b2-ali:~/work/ALi_SDK/DailyBuild/linux_20120911$ ls 
extern/fs.install/bin/busybox -lh
-rwxr-xr-x 1 owen owen 988K 2012-09-11 15:02 extern/fs.install/bin/busybox

4  Copy the content of the extern/fs.install/bin/busybox to 
owen@linux-b2-ali:~/work/ALi_SDK/DailyBuild/linux_20120911$ cp 
extern/fs.install/* images/fs.install/ -rf

5  Check the size of busybox
owen@linux-b2-ali:~/work/ALi_SDK/DailyBuild/linux_20120911$ ls 
images/fs.install/bin/busybox -lh
-rwxr-xr-x 1 owen owen 526K 2012-09-11 21:39 images/fs.install/bin/busybox

Anything I missed when I copy ? The size is changed dramatically.

Best Regards
Yours (Owen)

*8652  *
*18928021899   * 
*   Just do it!* 

bug#7320: 'group' command gives wrong/extra group

2010-11-02 Thread owen

  It appears that the 'groups' command doesn't get the list of groups
for a currently-running process quite right.  The conditions I tested
were where the UID and EUID of the process were different, and the GID
and EGID were both set to the primary group of the EUID.  The groups
command looked up the real user and added the primary group from
/etc/passwd to the list of groups the user was in, even though the
process had no permissions for this extra group.

So, for example say /etc/passwd has at least these 2 entries:


and /etc/group has at least these 3 entries:

If a process as UID=0, EUID=1000, GID=1000, and EGID=1000 and no
supplemental groups, the correct list of groups should be


but the groups command shows

user root

If the passwd file is changed like so:


then the output of groups is

user other

Tested on Debian Slink

groups (GNU coreutils) 8.5
Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.

Written by David MacKenzie and James Youngman.

<>  Brynnen Owen( this space for rent  )<>
<>  o...@illinois.edu   (  )<>