Re: [Bug-gnupod] artwork support apparently (but not really) broken on ubuntu

2009-07-02 Thread H. Langos
Hi Chris,

On Thu, Jul 02, 2009 at 07:03:21AM +0200, wrote:
> Hello Henrik,
> The behaviour is not "intended" as you so nicely put it.
> It is/was a bug and has been corrected in the 6.4.9-9 version.
> From the ChangeLog:
> 2009-03-01  6.4.9-9 Cristy  
>   * Convert returns MagickFalse for the -version option (reference  

Thats good news. So I'll let this pass and I'll not invest any time into
working around it.

> I think "conversion -version" is a correct way to check whether  
> ImageMagick is installed.
> autoconf contains a macro AC_PATH_PROG that checks the existence of the  
> executable
> But there is no predefined macro as far as I can see that checks whether  
> a particular version is installed

Every program reports its version in a different format, so there is no
standard way of checking for a version. At least no way that would work 
on different Linux distributions, let alone different Unix versions.

> However I haven't been able to figure out what to do with the IMAGIC  
> variable.
> It seems indeed unused elsewhere.
> I'll try to figure that out next

Don't bother.. it realy isn't used anywhere else. There's only the check
and the output in "" which is translated by "autoconf" into the
"configure" script.

But if we ever decide to improve the error handling or even decide to change
the code according to autoconf's findings, it's good to know that we should
be able to rely on "convert -version".

Thank you very much for the research.


Bug-gnupod mailing list

Re: [Bug-gnupod] creates corrupt iTunesDB ?

2009-07-02 Thread H. Langos
G'day J,

Thank you very much for the examples and the insights.
It's good to know that I'm not completely off with my 
novice's views of code style.

On Thu, Jul 02, 2009 at 10:30:04AM +1000, Jacinta Richardson wrote:
> This practice is called named arguments and is a great way of calling
> subroutines because it removes the confusion of which order the arguments need
> to go in.  It also allows you to set and use defaults, for example:

I hadn't looked at it from the angle of providing defaults. But it looks
very intuitive and robust. Until now I had defaults assigned one by one 
to "my" variables in sub routines and then optionally overwritten by the 
arguments passed in the $args_ref. Assigning them in one go is way more 

>   state %defaults = ( # 5.10+ only, else "my %defaults"
>   foo => 'a', # or a closure
>   bar => 'b',
>   );

"state" seems more or less equivalent to "static" in C. Nice feature.

>   $args_ref = { %defaults, %{$args_ref} };

I hadn't tought of that way to merge hashes. I wonder if it is usable for
subroutines that are called very often or if "unrolling" both hashes and
merging them this way is slower than conditionally assigning one by one.

my $foo = 'a';
my $bar = 'b';
$foo = $args_ref->{foo} if defined($args_ref->{foo});

My first guess would be that merging the hashes is faster for bigger numbers
of arguments but slower if you are dealing with only a couple of arguments.
Anyway, I'll try both when the occasion arises and see what the profiler
has to say.

> It's not discussed in perlstyle, and perlsub because the maintainers of those
> files haven't really decided on a one-true way, or because they've been too 
> lazy
> to write it...  Damian Conway wrote bunch of good ideas about good Perl style 
> in
> his book called  Perl Best Practices, which is what most people point to when
> they talk about Perl style now.  These practices have been turned into
> requirements by the Perl::Critic system too, so you can get automated feedback
> on your code quality by using the Perl::Critic programs.

Thats a very good pointer. I'll try and see what Perl::Critic has to say about
the code in gnupod.

> Hope this helps.

A lot! Thank you very much. 


Bug-gnupod mailing list

Re: [Bug-gnupod] creates corrupt iTunesDB ?

2009-07-02 Thread H. Langos

Hi Richard,

On Wed, Jul 01, 2009 at 04:57:14PM +0200, Richard van den Berg wrote:
> On Wed, July 1, 2009 16:13, Jacinta Richardson wrote:
> > I suspect it's a matter of laziness.
> I claim ignorance. I didn't know there was a fundamental difference
> between the two ways of calling a subroutine. Thanks for the explanation.
> > I'd suggest applying the patch with this tidied up as
> > appropriate.


Could you check if it still does what it was is supposed to do? :-)

I merged the low_ram branch into master yesterday evening but I wanted 
to sleep over it before commiting.

Here are the changes that actually happend to master:

git diff 94462eb 25a4d8b


It was a bit tricky as the previous merges on low_ram made 
parts of the changes in master look outdated eventhough they 
were more current than than in low_ram.
I hope I didn't mess it up completely. :-)

It may be better to avoid merges among branches.


 -o---o---o---o---o---o---o  master
   \   \   \ /   /
o   o---o---o   / topic a
 \ /
  o---o---o---o---o topic b


 -o---o---o---o---o---o---o  master
   \   \   \ /   /
o   o---o---o   / topic a
 \   \ /
  o---o---o---o---o topic b

Also, if you need to merge several branches into one,
I suggest the usage of octopus merges instead of merging
step by step.

But I'm no git guru. So don't take my word for it.


Bug-gnupod mailing list

[Bug-gnupod] The docs are dead! Long live the docs! ;-)

2009-07-02 Thread H. Langos

Hi there,

Some minutes ago the doc branch was merged. Man pages are gone.
Now there's the pod style documentation within the perl files.
Not all of them but if somebody writes up an "undocument" mock 
up, there's an include mechanism that will allow to add it with
a single line to the script files that don't have their own 
documentation yet.
Hopefully this will be easier to maintain.

Apart from that, there is the info documentation that I don't
really know how to maintain. Volunteers welcome :-)

While working on the documentation, I took a look at the build
system and decided that it should be more modular than just
"make install". Currently you can't really test your changes
unless you install the whole thing. Now there is a rudimentary
"build" step where scripts, modules and documentation are
rendered into a separate directory where you can run them before
you decide to call "make install" as root.

It is rudimentary in many regards but it's a start. 
I want to get the functions of tools/ step 
by step out of there and into the Makefile/configure script.
"" should only prepare the files, do some 
substitutions and leave the real installation to standard 
posix tools like "cp" and "chmod" or maybe "install". 
(BTW: Is "install" a posix tool?)

Along the way I want to
a) make it configurable if you keep the .pl extension on 
   the installed perl scripts (and their man pages) or 
   if you'd rather strip them.
   (I'd rather strip the .pl but that's a 
   matter of taste and I will not fight about it.)
b) make the target directory for the gnupod modules 
   configurable via ./configure
   (I don't like the way gnupod messes around in /etc 
   to install its modules.)
c) Insert your wish here ;-)


Bug-gnupod mailing list