Re: [Bug-gnupod] release 0.99.8 nearing completion

2009-07-14 Thread Jacinta Richardson
H. Langos wrote:

> Sorry, but I delayed that to the next release. Moving the documentation 
> into the perl files required some changes to the build/install mechanics 
> of gnupod. Those changes triggered some even deeper changes to the 
> build process that are not yet complete.

Making the documents the primary documentation would.  I can see that.  However
merely adding it in to the .pm files themselves shouldn't require any build
process changes.  Still, I agree that getting the bug fixes out as soon as
possible is a noble goal, and the new documentation should probably be careful
reviewed before being stamped as official.

> Your changes are however in the master branch and will be in the
> next release after 0.99.8.

Do you have an anticipated release date?


   ("`-''-/").___..--''"`-._  |  Jacinta Richardson |
`6_ 6  )   `-.  ( ).`-.__.`)  |  Perl Training Australia|
(_Y_.)'  ._   )  `._ `. ``-..-'   |  +61 3 9354 6001|
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 (il),-''  (li),'  ((!.-' |   |

Bug-gnupod mailing list

Re: [Bug-gnupod] release 0.99.8 nearing completion

2009-07-14 Thread Jacinta Richardson
H. Langos wrote:

> This release is mostly a bugfix release. Ubuntu users in 
> particular should no longer see mktunes hanging on auto 
> detection of the fwguid and 4gen nano users will enjoy 
> complete artwork support. 

Will the documentation I provided or something like it be added?  I couldn't
spot it in a cursory glance over the coloured diff.


   ("`-''-/").___..--''"`-._  |  Jacinta Richardson |
`6_ 6  )   `-.  ( ).`-.__.`)  |  Perl Training Australia|
(_Y_.)'  ._   )  `._ `. ``-..-'   |  +61 3 9354 6001|
  _..`--'_..-_/  /--'_.' ,'   | |
 (il),-''  (li),'  ((!.-' |   |

Bug-gnupod mailing list

Re: [Bug-gnupod] creates corrupt iTunesDB ?

2009-07-01 Thread Jacinta Richardson
H. Langos wrote:

> Speaking of readability and code style. Is there a consensus among the
> experienced and community-minded folks in regard to the passing of 
> parameters to subs? Especially when writing subs in modules?
> I nowadays prefer to pass parameters as one hashref
>   subname({foo => "x", bar => "y"});
> instead of as a naked list:
>   subname("x", "y");
> or (heaven help)
>   subname(foo => "x", bar => "y");
> which looks like a hash but is only a list.
> I took a look at perlstyle(1) and perlsub(1) but I didn't see any hints in
> regard to this. 

This practice is called named arguments and is a great way of calling
subroutines because it removes the confusion of which order the arguments need
to go in.  It also allows you to set and use defaults, for example:

subname({foo => "x", bar => "y"});
subname({foo => "x"});
subname({bar => "y"});


my %defaults = (
foo => 'a',
bar => 'b',

sub subname {
my ($args_ref) = @_;

state %defaults = ( # 5.10+ only, else "my %defaults"
foo => 'a', # or a closure
bar => 'b',

$args_ref = { %defaults, %{$args_ref} };

# Now you know for sure that "foo" and "bar" have values
# for all the above calls.


It's not discussed in perlstyle, and perlsub because the maintainers of those
files haven't really decided on a one-true way, or because they've been too lazy
to write it...  Damian Conway wrote bunch of good ideas about good Perl style in
his book called  Perl Best Practices, which is what most people point to when
they talk about Perl style now.  These practices have been turned into
requirements by the Perl::Critic system too, so you can get automated feedback
on your code quality by using the Perl::Critic programs.

Anyway, Damian advises:

Use a hash of named arguments for any subroutine that has more than 3   

and agrees entirely with your preference:

subname({foo => "x", bar => "y"});

rather than the alternatives you give.

This has the advantage that mistakes in how you call the subroutine may be
spotted at compile time rather than run time:

subname({foo => "x", bar => "y", cols => 1..4});

Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at line 2

He also says it's okay to mix positional and named arguments if you don't have
many but some are always mandatory.  For example:

padded($string, {cols => 20, centered =>1, filler=>$SPACE});

sub padded {
my ($text, $args_ref) = @_;

# pad the string.

Hope this helps.


   ("`-''-/").___..--''"`-._  |  Jacinta Richardson |
`6_ 6  )   `-.  ( ).`-.__.`)  |  Perl Training Australia|
(_Y_.)'  ._   )  `._ `. ``-..-'   |  +61 3 9354 6001|
  _..`--'_..-_/  /--'_.' ,'   | |
 (il),-''  (li),'  ((!.-' |   |

Bug-gnupod mailing list

Re: [Bug-gnupod] creates corrupt iTunesDB ?

2009-07-01 Thread Jacinta Richardson

H. Langos wrote:

One more question:

Why did you use
instead of 


I know the former doesn't pass an empty @_ array for the called sub but 
passes the existing argument list. But you don't do anything with @_ in 
resetxml(). So why bother passing the current arguments list on to it?

I imagine that the author didn't intend that effect of calling the 
subroutine that way.  I suspect it's a matter of laziness.  FWIW,



resetxml(@_);   # if necessary

are both many,  many times preferable to:


and the latter is generally shunned by experienced, community-minded 
Perl folk.  I'd suggest applying the patch with this tidied up as 


Bug-gnupod mailing list

[Bug-gnupod] Documentation

2009-06-21 Thread Jacinta Richardson

G'day folk,

Although the documentation in the current CVS version is much improved 
vs the release late last year, it strikes me that so much more could be 

I'm not a huge fan of the info way of navigating data and I've never 
learned how to write info files, so I've been writing in POD.  My 
thought is that the POD could be included in the relevant files (where 
possible) as well as creating other .pod files as required to provide 
all the necessary documentation.  I've certainly typed "perldoc" enough times without thinking about it.

As such I've written documentation for and as well as some documentation for GNUtunesDB.xml. 
This still needs all the installation advice, using firewire and Macs 
advice, and other similar parts.  However, I doubt I'll have a chance to 
do those soon, so I thought I'd make this part available.

It would be awesome if we could improve the documentation to show how to 
add videos and TV Shows, but I'm not 100% sure that gnupod_addsong could 
handle that yet.

Feel free to mercilessly edit what I've written and coerce it into an 
info format if you'd prefer.

=head1 Name  - Adds files to the iPod


# Mount the iPod
mount /mnt/ipod

# Sync changes made by other tools (such as iTunes)
# only necessary if you are using other tools in addition to these -m /mnt/ipod

# Add a song -m /mnt/ipod /tmp/foo.mp3

# You can also use wild cards and add more than one song at a time -m /mnt/ipod /mnt/mp3/seiken_densetsu2_ost/* 

# Convert to mp3 on the fly -m /mnt/ipod myfile.flac myfile.ogg --decode=mp3

# Add songs with artwork -m /mnt/ipod /mnt/mp3/amos/* --artwork=amos.jpg

# Add songs into playlists -m /mnt/ipod --playlist=Party --playlist=Driving 

# Add a podcast (not the same as a regular song) -m /mnt/ipod -p "Podcast Title" --playlist-is-podcast 

# Add more than one podcast -m /mnt/ipod -p "Podcast Title" --playlist-is-podcast 

# Fetch podcasts online and add to iPod -m /mnt/ipod -p "Heute Morgen" --playlist-is-podcast

# Record the changes to the iTunes database (this is essential) -m /mnt/ipod

# Unmount and go
umount /mnt/ipod


C copies songs onto the iPod and updates the GNUtunesDB.xml
database.  For these changes to be visible to the iPod, C must be run.

=head1 OPTIONS

=head2 Generic Program Information

=over 4

=item -h, --help

Lists out all the options.

=item --version

Output version information and exit.

=item -m, --mount=directory

iPod mount point, default is C<$IPOD_MOUNTPOINT>.


=head2 Disaster recovery

=over 4

=item -r, --restore

Restore the iPod (create a new GNUtunesDB from scratch).  This will
rediscover all the songs on the iPod, but will lose playlists and
data not stored in the mp3 header information.


=head2 Duplicate management

=over 4

=item -d, --duplicate

It isn't possible to add the same MP3 multiple times, detects
duplicates (Duplicate = same filesize/time and ID3Tag name). You can disable
the duplicate-detection with the '--duplicate' switch.


=head2 Playlists

=over 4

=item -p, --playlist=string

Add songs to this playlist, can be used multiple times.  Playlists can also be
added manually, as covered later.


=head2 Podcasts

See also the later section on podcasts.

=over 4

=item --playlist-is-podcast

Set podcast flag for playlist(s) created using '--playlist'.

=item --podcast-artwork

Download and install artwork for podcasts from their channel.

=item --podcast-cache-dir=string

Set a directory in which podcast media files will be cached.

=item --podcast-files-limit=int

Limit the number of files that are downloaded.
0 = download all (default), -X = download X oldest items, X = download X newest 


=head2 Decoding

MP3/WAV (RIFF) and M4A (Apple AAC) files can be added directly.  FLAC and
OGG files can be decoded and also added.  C attempts to
'auto-detect' the encoding.

(Note: To use all features of --decode, you will have to install
Audio::FLAC::Header, Ogg::Vorbis::Header::PurePerl, lame, flac, oggenc and

=over 4

=item -x, --decode=pcm|mp3|aac|aacbm

Convert FLAC Files to WAVE/MP3 or AAC 'on-the-fly'. Use '-e' to specify a

=item -x, --decode=video

Convert .avi Files into iPod video 'on-the-fly' (needs ffmpeg with AAC

=item -x, --decode=alac

Convert FLAC Files into Apple Lossless 'on-the-fly' (needs ffmpeg with ALAC

=item -e, --reen

Re: [Bug-gnupod] Re: problem with gnupod

2009-06-20 Thread Jacinta Richardson

H. Langos wrote:

Hi Adam,

As you already figured out, the trouble was caused by gnupod 
trying to find the devices serial number (aka fwid).

The problem is that gnupod used a rather crude way to look for
the device in /sys/block and ubuntu has recently made some big 
changes there. 

The problem you describe has been reported before:

It would be great if you could check out the current CVS version 
of gnupod to see if it works any better:

sudo su -
apt-get remove gnupod-tools
apt-get -y install cvs
apt-get -y install autoconf
cvs -z3 co gnupod
cd gnupod
make intall

I can confirm that this version does fix the problem.


Bug-gnupod mailing list

[Bug-gnupod] Documentation on dealing with podcasts

2009-03-24 Thread Jacinta Richardson
First of all, thank-you so very much for this tool, it is absolutely awesome
that I can manage my iPod via scripts and on the command-line.  As a Perl
programmer, I find it much easier to knock up a script to rename titles than to
work out how to automate that through a GUI!

The documentation for 4.8 Dealing with podcasts is very slim.  I was trying to
add podcasts for the first time today, and found that when I added podcast files
using gnupod_addsong:

gnupod_addsong -m /mnt/usb podcasts/*

that my 4th Gen Nano iPod would refuse to see them as Podcast files even after I
had created a playlist as recommended in the documentation.  This turned out to
be because the media value (and possibly some other flags) was set incorrectly.
   It took me several hours of mounting and unmounting to finally spot what was
going on.

I think it would be helpful if the documentation was expanded, as below:

4.8 Dealing with podcasts

Do not add podcast files in the same way as you add regular songs.  In order for
your iPod to distinguish between Podcasts and songs, we need to make sure the
media type is set correctly.  To add a single podcast do the following: -p "Podcast Title" --playlist-is-podcast podcast.mp3

You can add multiple podcasts to the same title as well: -p "Podcast Title" --playlist-is-podcast podcasts/*

This also tells the iPod to skip this file when shuffling files.  See -h for more options.

If you want to create additional podcast playlists you just need to set the
podcast flag to '1':


Such a playlist will show up as a Podcast after running can also download podcasts and create such playlists itself: -p "Heute Morgen" --playlist-is-podcast

Running this command will create a Playlist called 'Heute Morgen' (-p) and set
podcast="1" (--playlist-is-podcast). will then fetch the
podcast from, download all (new) files and
add them to the 'Heute Morgen' playlist!


All the best,


   ("`-''-/").___..--''"`-._  |  Jacinta Richardson |
`6_ 6  )   `-.  ( ).`-.__.`)  |  Perl Training Australia|
(_Y_.)'  ._   )  `._ `. ``-..-'   |  +61 3 9354 6001|
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 (il),-''  (li),'  ((!.-' |   |

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