[bug #42782] Crash when loading a gorm file

2014-07-21 Thread Fred Kiefer
Follow-up Comment #5, bug #42782 (project gnustep):

This looks like the image loadign is failing for you and then Gorm tries to
use the nil value to extract the size of the image. Because of a compiler bug
this then results in a segmentation fault. 
In the second init... method there was already a check for that case. I added
one in that method as well and cleaned up the code a bit. Please update SVN
and give it another try.

The more interesting question here is why does the image loading fail. Or the
even more basic one, which image is it trying to load? I could not find one in
the gorm file you attached to this bug report. And in gdb I don't see Gorm
calling this method at all when loading your Gorm file.
For this reason I leave this bug in the open state.


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Bug-gnustep mailing list

[bug #42782] Crash when loading a gorm file

2014-07-21 Thread Yavor Doganov
Follow-up Comment #6, bug #42782 (project gnustep):

Gorm doesn't crash now but it doesn't load the file either.  An alert panel is
shown with title "Alert" and "No information" as message.  The "image" file
is, oddly enough, data.info.  Here's the backtrace when this method is

Breakpoint 1, -[GormImage initWithData:withFileName:inWrapper:] (
self=0x9010440, _cmd=0xb7fae9a0 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+32>, 
aData=0x81a0498, aName=0x9028d60, flag=1 ' 01') at GormImage.m:84
84[smallImage setSize: NSMakeSize(70, originalSize.height / 
(gdb) po aName
(gdb) bt
#0  -[GormImage initWithData:withFileName:inWrapper:] (self=0x9010440, 
_cmd=0xb7fae9a0 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+32>, aData=0x81a0498, 
aName=0x9028d60, flag=1 ' 01') at GormImage.m:84
#1  0xb7f15136 in +[GormImage imageForData:withFileName:inWrapper:] (
self=0xb7faea60 <_OBJC_Class_GormImage>, 
_cmd=0xb7fd9238 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+952>, aData=0x81a0498, 
aName=0x9028d60, flag=1 ' 01') at GormImage.m:56
#2  0xb7f46a2b in -[GormWrapperLoader loadFileWrapper:withDocument:] (
self=0x8b1b310, _cmd=0xb2c26980 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+1216>, 
wrapper=0x9082728, doc=0x8544568) at GormWrapperLoader.m:87
#3  0xb2c1fd2f in -[GormGormWrapperLoader loadFileWrapper:withDocument:] (
self=0x8b1b310, _cmd=0xb7fa4208 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+3336>, 
wrapper=0x9082728, doc=0x8544568) at GormGormWrapperLoader.m:361
#4  0xb7f071eb in -[GormDocument loadFileWrapperRepresentation:ofType:] (
self=0x8544568, _cmd=0xb7dc22b8 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+696>, 
wrapper=0x9082728, type=0x8143480) at GormDocument.m:3373
#5  0xb7a7782f in -[NSDocument readFromFileWrapper:ofType:error:] (
self=0x8544568, _cmd=0xb7dc22d0 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+720>, 
wrapper=0x9082728, type=0x8143480, error=0xb53c) at NSDocument.m:723
#6  0xb7a77768 in -[NSDocument readFromURL:ofType:error:] (self=0x8544568, 
_cmd=0xb7dc20b8 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+184>, url=0x9082728, type=0x8143480,

error=0xb53c) at NSDocument.m:757
#7  0xb7a78d41 in -[NSDocument initForURL:withContentsOfURL:ofType:error:] (
self=0x8544568, _cmd=0xb7dc2108 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+264>, 
forUrl=0x99d4120, url=0x99d4120, type=0x8143480, error=0xb53c)
at NSDocument.m:163
#8  0xb7a78bf5 in -[NSDocument initWithContentsOfURL:ofType:error:] (
self=0x8544568, _cmd=0xb7dc4800 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+384>, url=0x99d4120,

type=0x8143480, error=0xb53c) at NSDocument.m:189
#9  0xb7a7d222 in -[NSDocumentController
makeDocumentWithContentsOfURL:ofType:error:] (self=0x8544568, _cmd=0xb7dc48d8
url=0x99d4120, type=0x8143480, err=0xb53c)
at NSDocumentController.m:446
#10 0xb7a7c76c in -[NSDocumentController
openDocumentWithContentsOfURL:display:error:] (self=0x8831348, _cmd=0xb7e5a688
url=0x99d4120, flag=1 ' 01', err=0xb53c) at
#11 0xb7ba748f in -[GSServicesManager application:openFile:] (self=0x81ca890,

_cmd=0xb7e5a6b0 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+560>, theApp=0x81f6ee8, 
file=0x811b3c8) at GSServicesManager.m:589
#12 0xb7ba7354 in -[GSServicesManager application:openFiles:] (self=0x81ca890,

_cmd=0xb7d93128 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+1960>, theApp=0x81f6ee8, 
files=0x816e008) at GSServicesManager.m:617
#13 0xb7a14c31 in -[NSApplication finishLaunching] (self=0x81f6ee8, 
_cmd=0xb7d93218 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+2200>) at NSApplication.m:1126
#14 0xb7a1886d in -[NSApplication run] (self=0x81f6ee8, 
_cmd=0xb7d89408 <_OBJC_SELECTOR_TABLE+904>) at NSApplication.m:1538
#15 0xb79fa9bb in NSApplicationMain (argc=2, argv=0xb754) at
#16 0x08049327 in main (argc=2, argv=0xb754) at main.m:30


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[bug #42717] Crash in -[NSBox(Private) calcSizesAllowingNegative:]

2014-07-21 Thread Fred Kiefer
Update of bug #42717 (project gnustep):

  Status:None => In Progress
 Assigned to:None => FredKiefer 


Follow-up Comment #10:

I now think that you did run into two independent issue, both being caused by
a compiler that crashes when calling a method on nil that returns a structure
type. It looks like gcc 4.9 has a new bug there and we need to prepare the
whole GNUstep code for this.

I tried to fix the two specific issues in the gui code, but if the above is
true we are going to expect more problems. Pleas ebe patient with us and we
may be able to squash all of them one by one.


Reply to this item at:


  Nachricht gesendet von/durch Savannah

Bug-gnustep mailing list

[bug #42717] Crash in -[NSBox(Private) calcSizesAllowingNegative:]

2014-07-21 Thread Yavor Doganov
Follow-up Comment #11, bug #42717 (project gnustep):

No crash if I apply your changes in r38003.

If it is a compiler bug, most probably it is present in earlier versions as
this bug was reported last year when 4.9 was not released yet.  However, it
may be that GCC is taking advantage of the "undefined behaviour" scenario and
is optimizing in a way that leads to a crash.  Very often code that works with
-O0 but fails with -O2 reveals a bug in the code, not the compiler.  In any
case, if it is a compiler bug, it should be haunted down and fixed rather than
the code adapted to cope with it.  IMHO.  It might be difficult to write a
self-contained example exposing the bug, though.


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[bug #42717] Crash in -[NSBox(Private) calcSizesAllowingNegative:]

2014-07-21 Thread Richard Frith-Macdonald
Follow-up Comment #12, bug #42717 (project gnustep):

> both being caused by a compiler that crashes when calling
> a method on nil that returns a structure type

My understanding is that the behavior when calling a method expected to return
a struct on a nil receiver is (and has always been) undefined.
Certainly I know that it has always crashed on sparc machines.

So I think it's a bit harsh to refer to a change in the undefined behavior as
a new compiler bug  I expect any code calling a method which returns a
struct ought to check that the receiver is non-null fist.


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[bug #42778] Frameworks with different SONAME cannot coexist

2014-07-21 Thread Yavor Doganov
Follow-up Comment #1, bug #42778 (project gnustep):

Actually, it is even more serious than that.  Installing a new version of the
framework will wipe out the old one completely, so there will only be one
Version, with Current pointing to it.  This is done unconditionally as the
first command of the internal_framework_install_ recipe.  The current behavior
defeats the whole idea of frameworks (not that I ever understood what
frameworks are for in the first place).

What I wrote in the first message (that the old libBar is still in Versions/0)
is true when the framework is packaged as it is installed in a tmp dir during
build and there's no previous framework version to delete there.

Steps to reproduce (with a random GNUstep framework):

$ make
$ make install DESTDIR=/tmp/foo
$ make clean
$ make install INTERFACE_VERSION=5 DESTDIR=/tmp/foo

And the shocking result:

$ ls -l /tmp/foo/usr/lib/
общо 20
drwxr-xr-x 3 yavor yavor 4096 юли 21 19:01 GNUstep
lrwxrwxrwx 1 yavor yavor   67 юли 21 19:02 libRSSKit.so ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 yavor yavor   69 юли 21 19:01 libRSSKit.so.0 ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 yavor yavor   71 юли 21 19:02 libRSSKit.so.0.4 ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 yavor yavor   69 юли 21 19:02 libRSSKit.so.5 ->

libRSSKit.so.0 is a broken symlink.  As a result applications that linked with
RSSKit cannot be started.

$ ls -l /tmp/foo/usr/lib/GNUstep/Frameworks/RSSKit.framework/Versions/
общо 4
drwxr-xr-x 4 yavor yavor 4096 юли 21 19:02 5
lrwxrwxrwx 1 yavor yavor1 юли 21 19:02 Current -> 5

There should be a "0" directory there with the old library.

Would you accept a patch that stops deleting the installed framework and also
creates symlinks directly to Versions/$ver instead of Versions/Current?  The
.so symlink must probably still point to Current for projects linking with an
internal framework to continue to work.


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