In Guile 3.0.4, the program below results in the error:

/home/mwette/zz.scm:5:2: In procedure bar:
Wrong number of arguments to 1

In Guile 2.2.4, the same program results in the error:

;;; /home/mwette/zz.scm:11:14: warning: wrong number of arguments to `bar'
;;; compiled /home/mwette/.cache/guile/ccache/2.2-LE-8-3.A/home/mwette/zz.scm.go

However, once compiled, Guile 3.0.4, will repeat the same error message,
while Guile 2.2.4, will not report any error.

I consider reporting "1" as the name of a procedure a bug.

Here is the program:
(define (foo)

  (define (bar a b)
    (+ a b))

  (define (baz)
    (let* ((a 1)
       (b 2)
       (r (bar a b a)))



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