Re: dependancy bugs in installation

2004-12-19 Thread Bertalan Fodor
Udayan Kanade wrote:
I installed lilypond 2.4 in cygwin. the following
packages are required by lilypond, but it fails
to tell cygwin setup about it:

Really needed? How do you know? Libintl2 dependency is included in 
setup.ini Was cygintl-3.dll looked for?


libiconv2 dependency is included in setup.ini

I don't have this file, and works for me. Cygkpathsea-3.dll is in 
libkpathsea3 package, which is also included as dependency.

bug-lilypond mailing list

dependancy bugs in installation

2004-12-19 Thread Udayan Kanade

I installed lilypond 2.4 in cygwin. the following
packages are required by lilypond, but it fails
to tell cygwin setup about it:


also, after the install, lilypond asked for _both_
the following .dlls:


(I just copied one into the other and it worked...)

udayan kanade

bug-lilypond mailing list

Running trills are jagged

2004-12-19 Thread Dylan & Paula Nicholson
Lilypond draws running trills by using a series of "r" glyphs from the feta 
But these are jagged, like a mordent.  On all the scores I have access to,
trill lines are wavy/sinusoidal.
Is there a way of getting wavier trill lines?

Also, is there a way to get lilypond output at "actual size" (100%) 
magnification in Acrobat Reader to look good?  Certainly the default scaling it 
uses is pretty ugly.  At least on my machine, staff lines need to be exactly 
5.25 points apart to get even spacing and even staff line widths (it seems 
Reader uses 4 pixels for 3 points).

bug-lilypond mailing list

Re: Strange MIDI output bug

2004-12-19 Thread Mark Cookson
On Sat, 18 Dec 2004 11:41:51, Erik Sandberg wrote:

>>Thanks! I reduced it to the following & added it to
the bug database.

Thanks Erik - I got thoroughly confused trying to
simplify things without the bug disappearing on me -
you've made a much better job of it :-)

Incidentally, in the original file I attached, do you
think Lilypond should really be printing "Solo II" in
the flute line, since Flute I is still playing at that


Mark Cookson

Win a castle for NYE with your mates and Yahoo! Messenger

bug-lilypond mailing list

Re: Strange MIDI output bug

2004-12-19 Thread Alexandre B
I have strange MIDI output as well... lily 2.4.2

At the end of a \> \! decrescendo, the MIDI volume controls for notes is close 
to 0 ! With timidity, I can't hear anything :) It's kind of annoying

Example file is attached

Sorry if I'm not posting at the right place

Alexandre Bourget
\version "2.3.25"

\header {
title = "Le Sommeil de l'Enfant Jésus"
subtitle = "The Sleep Of The Child Jesus"
%subsubtitle = ""
%poet = ""
composer = "F.A. Gevaert"
meter = "Andantino"
%opus = ""
%arranger = ""
%instrument = ""
%dedication = ""
%piece = ""

sop = \context Voice = "sop" \relative c' {
\clef treble
\key fis \minor
\time 2/4

fis4\pp fis8 gis | a4 fis | cis'-- cis-- | cis2 \breathe |
fis\ppp \breathe | cis \breathe | cis8-- b a b | cis2 \breathe | fis,8\< 
gis a b\! | b2*3/4\> \breathe s8\! |
cis8\( b a gis | fis2 | fis8 gis a b | cis\) r16 a b8 cis | a2 ~ |
a4 gis8.([ fis16)] | fis2 ~ | fis^\markup{ \italic dim. } ~ | fis |
fis2^\markup{ \italic { poco rit. } } \breathe | fis\ppp\fermata 

\bar ":|"

alto = \context Voice = "alto" \relative c'' {
\clef treble
\key fis \minor
\time 2/4

R2*4 |
a2\ppp \breathe | fis ~ | fis | eis | cis4.(\( dis8 | e4) e |
e e | fis2\)\> | s4*0\! R2 | R2 | fis2(\pp |
eis) \breathe | cis | d(->^\markup{ \italic dim. } | cis) | d8^\markup{ 
\italic { poco rit. } } cis d b \breathe | cis2\ppp\fermata

\bar ":|"

tenor = \context Voice = "tenor" \relative c' {
\key fis \minor
\clef "G_8"
\time 2/4

R2*4 |
d2\ppp \breathe | a2( ~ | a4 fis) | gis2 | a(\( | gis4) gis |
a8[( gis]) cis[( b]) | a2\)\> | s4*0\! R2 | R2 | d2(\pp |
b) \breathe | a2 | fis->^\markup{\italic{ dim. }} ~ | fis | 
fis8^\markup{\italic{ poco rit. }} eis fis g\breathe | ais2\ppp\fermata

\bar ":|"

basse = \context Voice = "basse" \relative c {
\clef bass
\key fis \minor
\time 2/4

R2*6 |
d2\ppp | cis fis(\( | e4) e |
cis cis | d2\)\> | s4*0\! R2 | R2 | b(\pp |
cis) \breathe | fis2 | b,(->^\markup{\italic{ dim. }}  ais) | 
b^\markup{\italic{ poco rit. }} \breathe | \ppp\fermata

\bar ":|"

sopUn = \lyricmode {
\set stanza = "1. "
En -- tre le boeuf et l'â -- ne gris,

sopUnUn = \lyricmode {
\set stanza = "2. "
En -- tre les ro -- ses et les lys,

sopUnDeux = \lyricmode {
\set stanza = "3. "
En -- tre les pas -- tou -- reaux jo -- lis,
sopUnTrois = \lyricmode {
\set stanza = "4. "
En -- tre les deux bras de Ma -- rie,

sopDeux = \lyricmode {
   Dors, dors, dors, le pe -- tit Fils:
Mille an -- ges di -- vins,
mil -- le sé -- ra -- phins,
Vo -- lent à l'en -- tour
de ce grand Dieu __ d'a -- mour. __
   Dors, dors!

tenorAltoUn = \lyricmode {
%\set vocalName = "2."
%\set vocNam = "2."

Dors, dors, __
dors, dors, __
En -- fant di -- vin!
tenorAltoDeux = \lyricmode {
%\set vocalName = "4."
%\set vocNam = "4."

Dors, __ dors, dors, __
Roi des an -- ges, dors!
basseUn = \lyricmode {
%\set vocalName = "3."
%\set vocNam = "3."

Dors, dors, dors, __
En -- fant di -- vin!
basseDeux = \lyricmode {
Dors, __ dors, dors, __
dors, dors!

#(set-global-staff-size 17)
#(set-default-paper-size "letter")

collelyrics = \set Lyrics.minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-2 . 2)
collelyricsplus = \set Lyrics.minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-1 . 1)
collelyricsbas = \set Lyrics.minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-0.5 . 1.5)
collestaff = \set Staff.minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-0 . 0)
italique = {
\override Lyrics.LyricText #'font-shape = #'italic
\override Lyrics.LyricText #'font-series = #'medium
medium = {
\override Lyrics.LyricText #'font-series = #'medium
barnum = {
\override Score.BarNumber #'extra-offset = #'(0 . 0)
% Ici c'est pour mettre le nom de l'instrument a l'intérieur du staff. Merci! 
On l'insère dans les Lyrics.
vocalnamespace = {
\override Lyrics.VocalName #'break-align-symbol = #'key-signature
tenorbasse = {
\set Staff.instrument = \markup { \column < "Ténor" { "Basse" } > }
sopranoalto = {
\set Staff.instrument = \markup { \column < "Soprano " { "Alto" } > }

\score {

\new ChoirStaff  <<
 \barnum % pour replacer les bar nums au bon endroit dans le 
 \new Staff {
 \set Staff.instrument = "Soprano "
 \new Lyrics {
  \lyricsto "so

2.4.2: document detail weakness - bar numbering

2004-12-19 Thread John Sellers
I have searched most of the documentation and read the references to 
"bar number", and have not been able to find out to turn it off.  I 
found all-invisible but have no idea how to use it...if this is the 
right hook.
bug-lilypond mailing list

2.4.2: missing web site links

2004-12-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
There are a series of links such as the following lead to missing web 
pages in 2.4.2 documentation: 

bug-lilypond mailing list

2.4.2:Missing font

2004-12-19 Thread John Sellers
(note, it is not hard to fix links to fill in subjects of e-mails, you 
might fill in the version number of the context of the "Report errors" 

I am continuing to have problems finding correct font for 2.4.2.   
lilypond reports the following font is missing in the missfont.log  
which reads:  mktextfm ecrm1000

mktextfm when run with suggested argument fails to find the font.
I downloaded the lastest rpm from
which is ec-fonts-mftraced-1.0.8-1.noarch.rpm
I then repeated mktextfm without an argument as well as with ecrm1000 
argument without any better success.

install reported thus:
mktexlsr: Updating /usr/share/lilypond/2.4.2/ls-R...
mktexlsr: Updating /usr/share/texmf/ls-R...
mktexlsr: Updating /var/cache/fonts/ls-R...
mktexlsr: Done.
is this right???
bug-lilypond mailing list