Re: \cadenzaOff and accidentals
On 3/5/2012 4:41 PM, David Kastrup wrote: James writes: Hello, On 5 March 2012 15:20, David Kastrup wrote: Neil Thornock writes: In my mind, the real bug is that \cadenzaOff does not seem to turn the cadenza off immediately, but rather one measure later. I'm not sure why it behaves as it does. It resets timing to normal, and "normal" does not mean the end of a measure. Normal from what perspective? Where it left off before \cadenzaOn or simply that it starts back at '0' immediately \cadenzaOff I'm wondering if we need something (a sentence of two) in the NR to avoid what is obviously something that does confuse people. I still have not figured out the exact reasoning behind this. But it does not seem to be much more than "stop advancing time in measure" "start advancing time in measure again". If there is no material left to fill the bar, the measure will not get full. I've tried a couple things: The first example uses Neil T's idea of setting \cadenzaOff a measure before it ends. It is intentionally awkward timing-wise. Note that it was necessary to used \cadenzaOff one note later than \cadenzaOn and that I also had to add a skip to be sure the barline was in the right place. It seems kludgy/ugly to me: %%% \version "2.14.2" { \time 4/4 c1 \cadenzaOn c4 ~ \cadenzaOff c8 s32 c16-[ c c c-] c4 c32-[ c c c c c c-] c8 \bar "|" c4 c4 c } %% This one tests David K's comment regarding %% time stops/time starts \relative c' { c1 c2 \cadenzaOn \teeny f32-[ a c f, a c f, a c-] \cadenzaOff \normalsize c2 c1 } %%% The result I get from the second one strongly indicates that \cadenzaOn means time stops but that \cadenzaOff means, "Once a full measure has passed *from this point* the next one starts." If it was as simple as time stops/starts (the way I'm intepreting it) then the first part of measure two of the second example would be counted and the last half would be counted and nothing inside the cadenza would be counted. This is not what happens, though. It would be necessary to use 'c2*2' at the end of that bar as David K suggested earlier. It works and is much less ugly than the top example but strikes me as less than satisfactory. I'm trying to avoid being a choosy beggar here as I certainly don't have the programming chops to dig in and fix this myself. I suspect, however, that "remembering" the portion of a measure preceding \cadenzaOn and then adding it to what comes after \cadenzaOff could be complicated. I can also easily imagine a situation where that approach would fail. Instead, would it not be useful to have some way to signal that the measure is over and a new measure is to begin, complete with barline and accidental behavior? I can also well imagine a scenario where having \cadenzaOff doing this would also fail. I'm thinking something like '\endMeasure' to accomplish this. I know that's only syntax and not a solution. I'm just wondering if leaving \cadenzaOn \cadenzaOff as they are and having another mechanism take care of initiating the next measure would be the solution. In the meantime, I'll just have to remember these workarounds. -David ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
\cadenzaOff and accidentals
I'm re-framing my query regarding accidental behavior following \cadenzaOff. After some discussion about this on bug- it is quite clear that '\cadenzaOff' *only* affects counting/timing and '\bar' *only* paints a graphic of a bar line. Currently, if an accidental appears in the cadenza it will be visibly canceled if the key signature value of the note is used in the next "measure" even if '\cadenzaOff \bar "|."' is present. Musically this should not happen. Since a bar line has gone by the key signature is back in force. This post in on -user to see if anyone has a solution; how do I suppress the accidental cancellation in the following example? I've posted this to bug- to suggest that LilyPond should probably understand this. Example: %%% \version "2.14.2" \relative c' { \key c \major \time 2/4 c2 ~ \cadenzaOn c4 \teeny d8-[ es f g-] \normalsize a4-\fermata \cadenzaOff \bar "|" e2 % how to suppress accidental cancellation here? } %%% -David ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
Re: \grace after \cadenzaOff suppresses auto-beams
On 3/4/2012 9:40 PM, David Bobroff wrote: On 3/4/2012 9:48 AM, -Eluze wrote: David Bobroff wrote: This is weird. Maybe known. I tried to search the issues database but did not find anything. It's possible I don't know how to effectively search it. Here goes; in the following example the auto-beaming is still off following \cadenzaOff if a \grace (or \appoggiatura) follows immediately after \cadenzaOff. Auto-beaming returns if either the \grace is removed or there is a whole measure of timed music before the \grace. Adding \autoBeamOn does not help. Automatic beaming remains off. In fact, just entering \cadenzaOn \cadenzaOff will trigger this behavior even without any music in the cadenza. the issue seems to be known (although I didn't search where to find it) I saw this solution on the German Lilypond Forum - after the cadenza add a \partial of the due (measure) length (this gives a warning but it works): \cadenzaOff \bar "|" \partial 2 \grace b8 … or put the grace inside of the cadenza: \relative c' { \time 2/4 c2 \cadenzaOn c2 \teeny d8-[ e f g-] \normalsize \bar "|" \grace b8 \cadenzaOff \normalsize a4. gis8 e'8 e e e } hth Eluze Thanks for the input. I ended up using the \partial solution (in this case, \partial 1 ). As noted above, I got a warning but the beams came back. I tried putting the \grace inside the cadenza but that put it on the wrong side of the bar line. -David And I just found a solution that works even better for me... %%% previous stuff \cadenzaOff \bar "|" \appoggiatura b4 \set Timing.measurePosition = #(ly:make-moment 0 4) %%% subsequent stuff setting the measurePosition *after* the grace/appoggiatura and before the first "beat" of the measure, the beams remain intact and the warning disappears. Huzzah. -David ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
Re: \grace after \cadenzaOff suppresses auto-beams
On 3/4/2012 9:48 AM, -Eluze wrote: David Bobroff wrote: This is weird. Maybe known. I tried to search the issues database but did not find anything. It's possible I don't know how to effectively search it. Here goes; in the following example the auto-beaming is still off following \cadenzaOff if a \grace (or \appoggiatura) follows immediately after \cadenzaOff. Auto-beaming returns if either the \grace is removed or there is a whole measure of timed music before the \grace. Adding \autoBeamOn does not help. Automatic beaming remains off. In fact, just entering \cadenzaOn \cadenzaOff will trigger this behavior even without any music in the cadenza. the issue seems to be known (although I didn't search where to find it) I saw this solution on the German Lilypond Forum - after the cadenza add a \partial of the due (measure) length (this gives a warning but it works): \cadenzaOff \bar "|" \partial 2 \grace b8 … or put the grace inside of the cadenza: \relative c' { \time 2/4 c2 \cadenzaOn c2 \teeny d8-[ e f g-] \normalsize \bar "|" \grace b8 \cadenzaOff \normalsize a4. gis8 e'8 e e e } hth Eluze Thanks for the input. I ended up using the \partial solution (in this case, \partial 1 ). As noted above, I got a warning but the beams came back. I tried putting the \grace inside the cadenza but that put it on the wrong side of the bar line. -David ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
\grace after \cadenzaOff suppresses auto-beams
This is weird. Maybe known. I tried to search the issues database but did not find anything. It's possible I don't know how to effectively search it. Here goes; in the following example the auto-beaming is still off following \cadenzaOff if a \grace (or \appoggiatura) follows immediately after \cadenzaOff. Auto-beaming returns if either the \grace is removed or there is a whole measure of timed music before the \grace. Adding \autoBeamOn does not help. Automatic beaming remains off. In fact, just entering \cadenzaOn \cadenzaOff will trigger this behavior even without any music in the cadenza. %%% \version "2.14.2" \relative c' { \time 2/4 c2 \cadenzaOn c2 \teeny d8-[ e f g-] \normalsize \cadenzaOff \bar "|" \normalsize % c2 % uncomment this measure and auto-beaming returns % \autoBeamOn % this will *not* turn beams on now or later \grace b8 % or \appoggiatura %comment out and auto-beaming returns a4. gis8 e'8 e e e } %%% -David ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
Re: unexpected accidental following cadenza
On 3/3/2012 10:17 AM, David Kastrup wrote: James writes: On 3 March 2012 09:11, David Kastrup wrote: No. It means that we start counting again, and so far, we have not counted a single beat because a cadenza does not count. The manual bar line does not change that. You can probably write something like << { \cadenzaOn fis4 g a b \cadenzaOff } \\ s1>> if you want timing to continue. Incidentally: your example does not look like a cadenza at all. No but it is a tiny example :) You can make it tinier by omitting a few notes. It is pointless and misleading to put exactly 4 quarters in a cadenza since a cadenza does not count. I may have mentioned it. But in case I forgot: a cadenza does not count. :) I am guessing then that the expectation of David B was that as soon as you turn off the cadenza, then it should act as if the (in this example) new measure would be like the first measure of the piece proper. Hence the question about why the natural sign is printed. Because the cadenza had a sharp here and this needs to get cancelled. I understand that cadenzas turn of 'everything' (so to speak) No. They turn off the counting. and that they 'don't count', but why would I expect a 'cancelling' sign at all for the first note after a cadenza? Because the cadenza contained a sharp? I guess what really is involved here is the expectation that a manually painted \bar "|" will be a bar threshold for the purpose of accidentals. That would make some sense and might be the topic of a feature request. But so far, \bar "|" paints a bar. Nothing else. If you think that a bar is missing for some reason and add it in that manner instead of correcting the timing, you get a picture of a bar. Not more, not less. It might be a reasonable expectation that the picture of a bar is enough for triggering accidental behavior. That would be an issue request. But everything else is just a misunderstanding of what a cadenza is, and what \bar "|" does. Only 'stuff' between \cadenzOn and \cadenzaOff should ignore the 'rules' but everything outside of the \cadenza[On|Off] should revert back. So f-natural in a cmajor key outside of the \cadenza[On|Off] would not be shown with a cancellation mark. It is counter intuitive. No, it is correct. Leave off the \bar "|" and look at the result. Do you still feel that the natural is "counterintuitive"? I bet you don't. So your purported bug report or issue or request has nothing to do with cadenzas. It is that you think that a manually placed bar line should trigger the accidental rules for a measure change. OK, I'm the one who posted the snippet and the original question: Is it a bug? Now, I have my answer to that. Yes, my snippet was short in order not to get yelled at for too long an example. Perhaps it was misleading. In the actual environment it is a real cadenza of some length which is beyond a full measure and does not occur in the first measure. I expected that adherence to the key signature and normal accidental rules would take over again once the cadenza had ended and I had "painted" a bar line. Obviously I was mistaken. My question now is: What is the proper incantation to issue so that LilyPond will understand that a bar line has been crossed and that the cadenza (which is now over) is now over? -David ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
unexpected accidental following cadenza
I got a surprise when a cancelling accidental was printed at the beginning of a measure. This happened following a cadenza. Short example below: %%% \version "2.14.2" \relative c' { \key c \major \cadenzaOn fis4 g a b \cadenzaOff \bar "|" f } %%% Is this a bug? -David ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
Re: complex-beam
On 2/27/2012 7:36 AM, Janek Warchoł wrote: On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 1:02 AM, Carl Sorensen wrote: On 2/26/12 2:10 AM, "David Bobroff" wrote: I'm looking for a way to achieve this beaming pattern: Can LilyPond do this? I suspect I'll have to use a combination of subdivideBeams and stemRightBeamCount/stemLeftBeamCount. Is there a known solution? Lilypond does not currently do "second-level" beam subdivisions. Please add this as a feature request. I have been looking for a good example of what it means to have multiple subdivision. Meanwhile you can take inspiration from this snippet - maybe it'll help you: \relative c'' { c32[ c %% WARNING: #'beaming is written, so this %% property can not be shared between objects. Always use %% \once. %% \once \override Stem #'beaming = #(cons (list 1 2) (list 0 2 4)) c \once \override Stem #'beaming = #(cons (list 0 2 4) (list 0 1 4)) c c c] } HTH, Janek Wow, That's interesting, Janek. Maybe I can use that in the future. I ended up using subdivideBeams and stemRightBeamCount/stemLeftBeamCount. I did that before seeing this. -David ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
Re: doubled accidental
On 9/5/2011 7:55 PM, Maxim Gawrilow wrote: I'm not top posting. If the initial key sets a note flat (b-flat minor) and I later change this note to sharp (ges to gis), in the score I get two accidentals in a row: first a natural and right to it the sharp. There is no need of the natural, it only disturbs. ___ bug-lilypond mailing list This is the default behavior of LilyPond and is, in fact, a standard practice. This is not a bug so I'm also posting to lilypond-user. You can change this. See: -David ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
beam/clef crash
I ran across this in a score I'm preparing. For the example to show the problem I actually had to raise the chord by a step. -David The beam passes through the clef: Bug? Known issue? I'm sure that extending the stem would fix this but should this be the kind of thing Lily figures our on her own? % BEGIN LILYPOND % \version "2.12.3" \relative c' { \clef F g8. \clef G 16 } % END LILYPOND % ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
Re: indent problem
On 3/9/2011 5:34 PM, Graham Percival wrote: On Wed, Mar 09, 2011 at 02:38:12PM +, David Bobroff wrote: On 3/9/2011 2:31 PM, Phil Holmes wrote: In this example the indentation is off. The second last '}' should be indented. The '--->' causes this. With just '--' or Which part of LilyPond produces this "bug"? Well, I suppose it's not LilyPond proper, but perhaps one of the *.el files packaged with LilyPond for use with emacs in conjunction with LilyPond. Since the aforementioned file is part of the LilyPond package I thought this would be the proper place to start. Good explanation, thanks! Most of us don't know anything about the emacs stuff, so it's not surprising that we didn't know what you were talking about. Bug squad: priority-low, type-other. Just copy his initial email into the tracker verbatim. Cheers, - Graham And...going through the Notation Manual a short while ago led me to a workaround: Use '\tenuto' instead of '--'. 'c4\tenuto->' does the same as 'c4--->' without disrupting the indentation. -David ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
Re: indent problem
On 3/9/2011 2:31 PM, Phil Holmes wrote: wrote in message I'm not top posting. In this example the indentation is off. The second last '}' should be indented. The '--->' causes this. With just '--' or '->' the indentation works fine. Also, with '--->' emacs complains of "mismatched parentheses" when the final '}' is entered. All indentation following '--->' is disrupted. Using '->--' instead avoids the indentation/parenttheses mismatch problem but then stacks the tenuto and accent in the opposite order (not what I want). -David %%% version "2.12.3" \score { \relative c' { c4---> } } %%% Which part of LilyPond produces this "bug"? Well, I suppose it's not LilyPond proper, but perhaps one of the *.el files packaged with LilyPond for use with emacs in conjunction with LilyPond. Since the aforementioned file is part of the LilyPond package I thought this would be the proper place to start. -David ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
Re: Software request
Did you visit this site?: On the right, under "Quick Links" there is a link to the download site. Also, this is the list for reporting bugs in LilyPond. At the top of the main LilyPond site (the link above) there is a link to "Help." That link has information for getting help on the user mailing list. Before asking for help on the user list, however, it is strongly recommended that you read the tutorial section of the documentation which is also listed under "Quick Links" by the download link. Happy LilyPonding, -David Luis Choque wrote: Dear Sirs I want to download this software to use as educational tool Regards Luis Choque ___ bug-lilypond mailing list ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
Re: Wrong bar line placement
Not sure why you coded \times 8/3 for the triplet. You seem to have gotten the others right. Change it to... \times 2/3 { g8 a''4 ~ } ...and I think that will do what you want. You want a regular eighth-note triplet, correct? -David Edward Caine wrote: Hello there, with the following code the quaver triplet defined by "\times 8/3 { g8 a''4 ~ }" seems to take up the whole bar of 4/4. I may be doing some thing wrong though - I am a new user. Here is the code: \version "2.13.3" \header { title = "Madrigale III" composer = "Edward Caine" subtitle = "for solo 'cello" } \relative c { \clef bass \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'() \time 4/4 r4 d2.\pp ~ \times 4/5 { d4 g,1 } \times 8/3 { g8 a''4 ~ } a2. ~ \times 8/5 { a4 bes,4. ~ } << bes2 cis, ~ >> << { \times 4/6 { cis4 g'' ~ g1 ~ } g1 r2. a,4 ~ a1 ~ a1 ~ a4} \\ { \times 4/5 { r2. gis2 ~ } gis1 ~ gis1 ~ s4 ~ a2. ~ a4} >> } Many thanks Edd Caine ___ bug-lilypond mailing list ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
Re: Getting started!
The best place to start is the documentation. Go to: Select a version under "Quick Links" and go to the documentation. Then go to the "Learning Manual." Quick tip; LilyPond will not start up with a blank page. There is no GUI. It is a batch program which operates on a text file you prepare. -David Kirk Davis wrote: Hi, I got Lily pond a long time ago but have never used it before. I can understand the manual but I can't start writing! What do I need to do to see a blank page? I'm sure this looks stupid! Thanks. With best wishes, Kirk ___ bug-lilypond mailing list ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
extraNatural and key changes
When using 'extraNatural = ##f' key cancellations at key changes are not complete. Key signature elements which change between sharp and flat on the same note names are not canceled. Feature? Known issue? Bug? -David \version "2.13.0" \score { \relative { \set Staff.extraNatural = ##f \key as \major s1 \key e \major s1 \key des \major } } ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
Re: multimeasure rest bug?
Trying it out myself it occurred to me that what you're possibly running into is that full bar rests need to occupy full bars. I haven't checked the docs on that matter but I'd bet that's the reason. If you change your R1*1/4 o r1*1/4 you'll get a whole rest. It won't be centered without some extra adjustments, though. Perhaps you could fake the first "measure" of the left hand with something like: s4*1/4 r1*1/8 s4*1/4 d2*1/4 d d a g a c b1*1/4 a c2*1/4 I tried this and it looks about centered. Shane Brandes wrote: Hello, I have found a peculiar thing concerning multi measure rests. In trying to use R1 to center a full rest in a partial bar of a piece the rest disappears when R1 is used as R1*1/4 in order to create the correct duration of the rest. Below is the relevant snippet. \version "2.12.0" global = { \key c \major \time 3/4 } right = \relative c'' { \global \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'mensural \partial 4*1 a4*1/4 g f g \bar":" a2*1/4 a b c b1*1/4 a g2*1/4 f1*1/4 e2*1/4 } left = \relative c' { \global \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'mensural R1*1/4 d2*1/4 d d a g a c b1*1/4 a c2*1/4 } \score { << \new PianoStaff \with { instrumentName = "Organ" } << \new Staff = "right"\right \new Staff = "left" \left >> >> } ___ bug-lilypond mailing list ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
Re: unbeamed 128th note is also unflagged
I'm getting this same problem on 2.12.2 with the PDF. I also get: warning: flag `d7' not found This is with version 2.12.2 -David Francisco Vila wrote: 2009/3/16 Werner LEMBERG : \relative c'' { g128 } That's very nice, but since there are no flags on it, it looks like a quarter note with a long stem. Am I missing something? Are you sure that you are actually using the new fonts from 2.12? It is not a font problem but a PNG on a web page. ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
Re: non working lilypond
Tom Haring wrote: Dear Mr, Mrs, I tried to install lilypond in my Ubuntu 8.10. I followed the instrutions and this was the result in my terminal. ´No version statement was found´ See the whole text below I have to add a new version (?) What to do next? hopefully You can help me. Tom Haring [snip] t...@tomscomputer:~$ lilypond test GNU LilyPond 2.10.33 Verwerken van `' Ontleden... 0: waarschuwing: no \version statement found, please add \version "2.10.33" This is just a warning. It is strongly recommended to put in a \version statement so that when you upgrade to a newer version of LilyPond that you can easily update your input files. LilyPond syntax changes from time to time. The convert-ly utility takes care of this (search docs for 'convert-ly'). for future compatibility Vertolken van muziek... Voorbewerken van grafische objecten... Opmaakuitvoer naar `'... Converteren naar `test.pdf'... t...@tomscomputer:~$ This looks to me like your test file ran just fine. It ended by creating a PDF of your test file. -David ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
jeannette riveros wrote: I want to use the program Great! Start by going to: Select the version to download from the links on the right. You posted to [EMAIL PROTECTED] This list is for reporting bugs. For questions regarding program usage please post to: Lilypond-User <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Be sure to have a look at the Learning Manual at the documentation link. LilyPond is unlike any other music notation program. -David ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
Re: Can't open LY File
Roger Whitworth wrote: I just installed 2.11.57-1 on my PC. When I try to open the LY file I downloaded nothing happens. My operating system is Windows Vista. Thank you in advance for your help. Sincerely, Roger Whitworth ___ bug-lilypond mailing list PS: Any inquiries about usage should be sent to: lypond-User <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ...rather than as this is for bug reports. -David ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
Re: Can't open LY File
Roger Whitworth wrote: I just installed 2.11.57-1 on my PC. When I try to open the LY file I downloaded nothing happens. My operating system is Windows Vista. Thank you in advance for your help. Sincerely, Roger Whitworth ___ bug-lilypond mailing list LilyPond won't "open" a *.ly file in the same manner that most music software opens its files. I suggest you start here: -David ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
zigzag causes TextScripts to be offset
%% Setting the TrillSpanner style to zigzag causes %% TextScripts on the same system prior to the spanner %% to be offset upwards. \version "2.11.55" \score { \relative c' { c1^"text" \break c2^"text" c2_"text" \override TrillSpanner #'style = #'zigzag c\startTrillSpan c^"text"\stopTrillSpan } } ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
Re: Augmentation dot problem in 2.11.55
No, sorry; it was 2.11.55-1. -David Mats Bengtsson wrote: David Bobroff wrote: I just tried it on XP and Fedora 8. Looks fine here. Dots are *not* on staff lines. Are you sure that you used exactly the same version (2.11.55-2)? These things shouldn't differ between platforms. I can repeat the problem on Linux and it's clearly a bug. /Mats -David Peter Johnson wrote: I'm on an Intel Mac, OS 10.5.4 using the PPC download. Augmentation dot placement seems to have broken between v2.11.54 and v2.11.55-2. In the latest version, dots are only placed on staff lines, as in the attached example. I ran both versions on the same file (and others). Has anyone seen this on different set-ups? Thanks. Peter %% tested input file \relative c'' { \clef treble \time 3/4 g2. a4. b c8. d e d c4. b a2. g } %% ends ___ lilypond-user mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
2.11.55 strange exit on XP/seg fault
I've encountered something I've never seen before with LilyPond. I was trying to create a markup containing some tied notes and in the process got a Windows dialog box which states: "LilyPond has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience." I'm then given the opportunity to report the problem to MicroSoft. I also get no output. Here is the offending code: %%% \version "2.11.55" \new Staff \with { \remove Staff_symbol_engraver } \relative c' { \time 5/8 f4 f4 % works %f4 ~ f4 % does not work %f4 f4. % does not work } %%% The little bit of experimentation I've done seems to indicate that the problem arises between \remove Staff_symbol_engraver and any elongation of a note, whether it be a dot or a tie (slurs do work). As an added note; I ran the same input with the same Lily version on a Linux machine. It seg faults: Preprocessing graphical objects...Segmentation fault -David ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
Re: when
anemona wrote: and when will i get this programm ___ As soon as you go to: ..and click on a download link. You can select between stable and current development versions there. Also, this is the bug list. I recommend you subscribe to the lilypond-user list for general user questions. This list is for bug reports. Regards, David bug-lilypond mailing list ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
beam subdivision broken?
In an effort to exert some control over beam subdivisions I went here: The fourth example on the page is, I believe, supposed to show how to control the subdivision of beams. Neither on that page nor on my machine (v2.11.49) does this work. In both cases all of the beams (32nd notes in this case) carry throughout each beat. -David ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
appoggiatura at beginning fouls clef
> I'm not top posting. I tried a search to see if this has been reported and did not find a report about this. The following example shows the problem. When the clef is given in the score block as simultaneous with the predefined music the appoggiatura causes the default clef (treble) to print before the indicated clef (in this case, "F"). It is possible to work around this by putting the clef in the music definition but this limits the flexibility of using the music in different transpositions/clefs without resorting to re-editing the music definition for each transposition/clef. %% BEGIN EXAMPLE %% The appoggiatura causes the default clef to print before %% the indicated clef prints. \version "2.11.47" \paper{ ragged-right=##t } music = { \relative c { \appoggiatura { c8[ d e] } f4 g a b } } \score { \context Staff << \clef "F" \music >> } %% END EXAMPLE ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
misleading warning
The following piece of LilyPond code produces a misleading warning. % BEGIN LILY % \version "2.11.42" \score { \relative { \time 4/3 c } } % END LILY % The warning is: warning: strange time signature found: 3/4 Now, plainly, 3/4 is *not* a strange time signature, but 4/3 is, and that's what the warning really means, of course. Somehow the numerator and denominator are inverted in the warning. -David ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
Re: key sig fouls slur
Graham Percival wrote: There's a couple of "ugly slur" issues in the tracker. If you want me to add another, please submit a minimal example. I don't realistically expect anybody to start fiddling with the slur code for at least half a year, though. Cheers, - Graham Ok, this is about as minimal as it gets: Bug description: When key signature is present (uncommented) the slur flattens out. Commenting out the key fixes the ugly slur. % Begin LilyPond % \version "2.11.35" \score { \relative c' { %\key f \major \time 2/4 f'2( bes4 f) } } \layout { ragged-right = ##t } % End LilyPond % ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
Re: \noPageBreak breaks MultiMeasure rests
Graham Percival wrote: In 2.11.35? Could you double-check? I can't verify this with 2.11.35 GUB on linux-i386. Cheers, - Graham David Bobroff wrote: In this example, uncommenting the line with the \noPageBreak causes LilyPond to print separate one-measure rests instead of the multimeasure rest. -David \version "2.11.35" \score { \relative c { \set Score.skipBars = ##t \context Staff << %\repeat unfold 2 {s1 \noPageBreak} R1*2 >> } } ___ bug-lilypond mailing list Wow, this is weird. I just tried to check it again and found that if I run LilyPond from the command line (I'm in XP on this machine) it was fine. Running LilyPond from jEdit would cause the rests to break. So it's *not* a LilyPond problem but something strange in the jEdit/LilyPondTool thing. -David ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
\noPageBreak breaks MultiMeasure rests
In this example, uncommenting the line with the \noPageBreak causes LilyPond to print separate one-measure rests instead of the multimeasure rest. -David \version "2.11.35" \score { \relative c { \set Score.skipBars = ##t \context Staff << %\repeat unfold 2 {s1 \noPageBreak} R1*2 >> } } ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
key sig fouls slur
In the following example, uncommenting the key signature causes the slur to flatten out with its ends far above the note heads. Without the key signature it looks fine. -David Bobroff %BEGIN LILYPOND % \version "2.11.34" \score { \transpose c d'{ \relative c { %\key as \major \clef F c8 es,( as c es) as,( c es as8 es c as es c as4) } } } % END LILYPOND % ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
Re: strange_exit
Joe Neeman wrote: On Fri, 16 Nov 2007 18:18:50 David Bobroff wrote: I had a strange exit from a LilyPond run. I've never seen this before. I was running a collection of nearly 70 etudes. It appeared to be running just fine. I got lots of "Preprocessing..." and "Interpreting..." etc. and then when it got to "Fitting music on 86 or87 pages..." it didn't progress any further for a long time. I let it run overnight to see if Lily just needed more time to think about it. When I got up in the morning I found this: As Hans said, the error means that you ran out of memory. Does it help if you use the minimal page-breaking algorithm as described in section 11.4.5 of the manual? Joe Uh..yuh. That did it. Thanks! After Hans commented about memory I tried running my file again with the Task Manager open showing performance stats. When LilyPond got to the page calculation and didn't progress further I saw the Page File Usage climb steadily upwards. This box has 2Gb of physical RAM and I shut down Lily when it got up to about 1.93Gb of usage. Then I used your suggestion about minimal page breaking and not only did it work but it cut down the processing time to under three minutes. -David ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
I had a strange exit from a LilyPond run. I've never seen this before. I was running a collection of nearly 70 etudes. It appeared to be running just fine. I got lots of "Preprocessing..." and "Interpreting..." etc. and then when it got to "Fitting music on 86 or87 pages..." it didn't progress any further for a long time. I let it run overnight to see if Lily just needed more time to think about it. When I got up in the morning I found this: Preprocessing graphical objects... Interpreting music... [8][16][24][32][40][48][48] [...cut for brevity...] Preprocessing graphical objects... Interpreting music... [8][16][24] Preprocessing graphical objects... Calculating line breaks... Drawing systems... Finding the ideal number of pages... Fitting music on 86 or 87 pages...terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc' what(): St9bad_alloc This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. Please contact the application's support team for more information. This happened with LilyPond v2.11.34 on Windows XP. -David ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
Re: regression?
Graham Percival wrote: Why would you expect this to work? You need to revert the previous settings. See the docs. I would expect it to work for three reasons: 1) Naïvly: it is represented as apparently working in the LSR 2) It doesn't work when only altering from default (i.e. not reverting from a previous override). 3) It *does* appear to work in 3/4 time: % Begin Lily % \version "2.11.34" \score { \relative c' { % default 3/4 \time 3/4 c8 c c c c c % six beamed eighths % modified 3/4 #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end * * 3 4) 1 2) c c c c c c % four + two beamed eighths %default 2/4 \time 2/4 c c c c % two + two beamed eighths % modified 2/4 #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end * * 2 4) 1 2) c c c c % two + two beamed eighths } } % End Lily % Now, either I'm failing to understand something or there is something amiss. -David Once you have it working, it would be nice if you could fix this in LSR. Cheers, - Graham David Bobroff wrote: In trying to work out how I was unable to get four beamed eighth notes automatically in 2/4 time I found the following code in the LSR. It also does *NOT* produce four auto-beamed eighth notes in 4/8 OR 2/4 time in version 2.11.34-1 (Windows, also in 2.11.33 on Linux). Bug/regression? -David % BEGIN LILY % \score{ \relative c''{ \time 4/8 %{ the default for 4/8 (see scm/auto-beam.scm) | | | |--| x| x| x| x| x| %} c8 c c c16 c %{ user override -- | | | |--| x| x| x| x| x| %} #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end * * * *) 2 4) c8 c c c16 c } } % END LILY % ___ bug-lilypond mailing list ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
In trying to work out how I was unable to get four beamed eighth notes automatically in 2/4 time I found the following code in the LSR. It also does *NOT* produce four auto-beamed eighth notes in 4/8 OR 2/4 time in version 2.11.34-1 (Windows, also in 2.11.33 on Linux). Bug/regression? -David % BEGIN LILY % \score{ \relative c''{ \time 4/8 %{ the default for 4/8 (see scm/auto-beam.scm) | | | |--| x| x| x| x| x| %} c8 c c c16 c %{ user override -- | | | |--| x| x| x| x| x| %} #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end * * * *) 2 4) c8 c c c16 c } } % END LILY % ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
Re: odd beaming in tuplets
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: [Sorry for doubles, but the image file wasnt included in the post sent from the web-interface. AV.] Hi there. Is the strange beaming inside the tuplet in the first 4/8 measure of this sniplet expected? Right now im overriding with manually setting stemBeamCount to correct values, but its very tedious. \version "2.10.20" \relative c' { \time 2/4 \times 4/5 { a32 a a16. } a8 a a | a32 a a16 a8 a a | \time 4/8 \times 4/5 { a32 a a16. } a8 a a | a32 a a16 a8 a a | } I'm having a similar issue with v2.11.32: %%% BEGIN LILYPOND %%% \version "2.11.32" \score { \relative c' { \times 2/3 {c8 c16 c c8} c4 c c } } %%% END LILYPOND %%% BUG: The two 16ths have beams, but they point in opposite directions rather than being joined between the two 16ths. -David Bobroff ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
confusing docs
In 11.1.2 in the docs: There are two entries for between-system-padding. It looks both confusing and somewhat redundant. -David ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
Re: umlaut trouble; was Weird output
Thanks, the italic umlaut problem turned out to be a problem with JPedal (jEdit's PDF viewer). When viewed with Acrobat Reader the italic umlauts were fine. As for the problem in the lyrics it turned out to be a file encoding issue. -David Fred Leason wrote: > David: > > Can't help you with windows. > > However on OS X (Lilypond 2.10.20) the italic umlauts printed fine. I > used TexShop which is a confirmed "UTF-8 Unicode" editor. > > Furthermore, your email (X-Enigmail-Version:; Content-Type: > text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit) came > through to my Apple Mail client including the umlauts. As long as this > was the original file you cut and pasted, I don't think your editor > mangled it. > > My SWAG: Check what fonts are available on your machine. > > On May 11, 2007, at 12:32 PM, David Bobroff wrote: > >> I'm post this to both bug- and -user as I'm not sure what's going on. >> The following file is essentially self-explanatory: >> >> >> %%% BEGIN LILYPOND FILE >> >> \version "2.10.20" %% On Windows >> >> \header { >> title = \markup { >> %% commenting out \italic allows proper rendering >> \italic >> "äëïöüÿ" >> } >> } >> >> \score { >> \relative c' { >> c1 >> } >> } >> >> %%% END LILYPOND FILE >> >> Leaving in '\italic' causes every umlaut to be rendered incorrectly. >> It's looks rather like a single curly quote on its side. >> >> I stumbled upon this problem in an odd way. My Linux laptop, where I >> prefer to do my Lily work had something go wrong. There's some problem >> with Xwindows. I was able to run it without X running and managed to >> upload some work I did not have duplicated elsewhere. I simply uploaded >> it to my web space and then downloaded it to another machine running >> Windows. I was making some minor edits (jEdit) and some test prints. >> All was well for a while. Then I noticed some anomalies. In a lyric an >> umlaut-a had become an upper case A with tilde followed by the universal >> currency symbol (I think). The lower case 'u' with grave was also >> different. This was obviously some sort of encoding issue. I would >> suppose something happened to these characters when they were placed on >> the web server, or on their way back to me. >> >> I was able to correct the 'u' with grave but not the umlaut-a nor any >> other umlauted vowel. It's puzzling as I have gone through and tried >> editing the input but in the case of the umlaut-a in the lyric line at >> prints as A-tilde currency in the PDF. >> >> Help? >> >> -David >> >> >> ___ >> lilypond-user mailing list >> [EMAIL PROTECTED] >> > > ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
Re: Weird output
I had begun to suspect that JPedal was the culprit. I was posting my "problem" PDF to a website and when I looked at it online it was fine. Although the italic umlaut-u (and other umlauted vowewls) was rendered properly, I still had an umlauted vowel in a lyric that was wrong. -David Mats Bengtsson wrote: > I seem to recall that there have been some reports on bugs > in JPedal, the PDF previewer used with jEdit. Why not check > the PDF file using Acrobat or some other PDF viewer and > report the bug to the JPedal developers (or upgrade to a > newer version) if that one turns out to be the culprit. > > /Mats > > David Bobroff wrote: > >> OK, this is getting weirder. I installed Lily v2.11.23. I got the same >> results and was going to post it on my website so anybody interested >> could take a look. BUT; when I checked it online, rather than in the >> previewer with jEdit...the umlaut-u was fine in the header. BUT; the >> umlaut-a in the line of lyrics was still 'A-tilde currency'. I had >> already edited this to be an umlaut-a. Furthermore, u-grave had >> reverted to 'A-tilde superscript 1'. >> >> This is looking less and less like a LilyPond problem. I realized this >> is now off-topic, but does anyone have a suggestion (perhaps off-list?) >> >> Thanks, >> >> David >> >> Thomas Scharkowski wrote: >> >> >>> Hi David, >>> >>> I have tested your example with LilyPond 2.11.23 (Windows), the >>> output is o.k.. >>> >>> Thomas >>> >>>> Something odd is going on. In the example below, if I try to make the >>>> subtitle print in italics I get a strange result on the umlaut-u. I >>>> don't get two umlaut dots. I get only the one on the right and it has >>>> extra something sticking out of the left side making it look rather >>>> like a single curly quote on its side. If I comment out the \italic >>>> the umlaut-u is fine...but not italicized, of course. >>>> >>>> -David >>>> >>>> \version "2.10.20" %% On Windows >>>> >>>> \header { >>>> title = \markup { >>>> %% commenting out \italic allows proper rendering >>>> \italic >>>> "Walküre" >>>> } >>>> } >>>> >>>> \score { >>>> \relative c' { >>>> c1 >>>> } >>>> } >>>> >>>> >>>> ___ >>>> bug-lilypond mailing list >>>> >>>> >>>> >>> >>> >> >> >> >> ___ >> bug-lilypond mailing list >> >> >> >> > > ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
Re: Weird output
OK, this is getting weirder. I installed Lily v2.11.23. I got the same results and was going to post it on my website so anybody interested could take a look. BUT; when I checked it online, rather than in the previewer with jEdit...the umlaut-u was fine in the header. BUT; the umlaut-a in the line of lyrics was still 'A-tilde currency'. I had already edited this to be an umlaut-a. Furthermore, u-grave had reverted to 'A-tilde superscript 1'. This is looking less and less like a LilyPond problem. I realized this is now off-topic, but does anyone have a suggestion (perhaps off-list?) Thanks, David Thomas Scharkowski wrote: > Hi David, > > I have tested your example with LilyPond 2.11.23 (Windows), the > output is o.k.. > > Thomas >> Something odd is going on. In the example below, if I try to make the >> subtitle print in italics I get a strange result on the umlaut-u. I >> don't get two umlaut dots. I get only the one on the right and it has >> extra something sticking out of the left side making it look rather >> like a single curly quote on its side. If I comment out the \italic >> the umlaut-u is fine...but not italicized, of course. >> >> -David >> >> \version "2.10.20" %% On Windows >> >> \header { >> title = \markup { >> %% commenting out \italic allows proper rendering >> \italic >> "Walküre" >> } >> } >> >> \score { >> \relative c' { >> c1 >> } >> } >> >> >> ___ >> bug-lilypond mailing list >> >> > > > ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
umlaut trouble; was Weird output
I'm post this to both bug- and -user as I'm not sure what's going on. The following file is essentially self-explanatory: %%% BEGIN LILYPOND FILE \version "2.10.20" %% On Windows \header { title = \markup { %% commenting out \italic allows proper rendering \italic "äëïöüÿ" } } \score { \relative c' { c1 } } %%% END LILYPOND FILE Leaving in '\italic' causes every umlaut to be rendered incorrectly. It's looks rather like a single curly quote on its side. I stumbled upon this problem in an odd way. My Linux laptop, where I prefer to do my Lily work had something go wrong. There's some problem with Xwindows. I was able to run it without X running and managed to upload some work I did not have duplicated elsewhere. I simply uploaded it to my web space and then downloaded it to another machine running Windows. I was making some minor edits (jEdit) and some test prints. All was well for a while. Then I noticed some anomalies. In a lyric an umlaut-a had become an upper case A with tilde followed by the universal currency symbol (I think). The lower case 'u' with grave was also different. This was obviously some sort of encoding issue. I would suppose something happened to these characters when they were placed on the web server, or on their way back to me. I was able to correct the 'u' with grave but not the umlaut-a nor any other umlauted vowel. It's puzzling as I have gone through and tried editing the input but in the case of the umlaut-a in the lyric line at prints as A-tilde currency in the PDF. Help? -David ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
Weird output
Something odd is going on. In the example below, if I try to make the subtitle print in italics I get a strange result on the umlaut-u. I don't get two umlaut dots. I get only the one on the right and it has extra something sticking out of the left side making it look rather like a single curly quote on its side. If I comment out the \italic the umlaut-u is fine...but not italicized, of course. -David \version "2.10.20" %% On Windows \header { title = \markup { %% commenting out \italic allows proper rendering \italic "Walküre" } } \score { \relative c' { c1 } } ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
doc bug(s)?/beam bug?
Not sure if I've spotted a documentation bug (at the very least there is a typo), a program bug, or some of each. Here goes: In section 8.6.2 "Setting automatic beam behavior" it says; #(override-auto-beam-setting '(be p q n m) a b [context]) be is either "begin" or "end". [OK] b/q is the duration of the note for which you want to add a rule. A beam is considered to have the duration of its shortest note. Set p and q to '*' to have this apply to any beam. [Should be p/q no?] n/m is the position in the time signature to which this rule should apply. Set n and m to '*' to have this apply in any time signature. [ the position in the time signature...? Or the time signature...? I infer from the example for 5/8 time which follows that n/m should *be* the time signature.] a/b is the position in the bar at which the beam should end. [OK, I think] So, shouldn't this code: \version "2.7.20" \score { \relative { #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end * * * *) 4 8) \time 2/4 c8 c c c } } ...produce a single beam across four eighth notes? Also, shouldn't: #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end * * 2 4) 4 8) ...mean that in 2/4 time four eights should be beamed together? Neither one does that for me on CVS 2.7.20. So, is this a bug, a doc bug, a failure on my part to understand, or some combination of the three? -David ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
slur bug
In current (or very recent) CVS the following code produces odd results. The first slur has its right end point essentially centered in the 'c' space while the second slur has its right end point on the 'f' line. -David \version "2.7.13" \score { \relative c' { \clef F a2-( e a,1-) as'2-( es as,1-) \bar "|." } } ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
tenor clef key cancellation bug
The following snippet in (CVS v2.7.8 ChangeLog 1.4090) produces odd output. The key cancellation is printed on the first space above the staff whereas the sharp in the initial key signature appeared on the second line as it should. 1) Shouldn't the cancellation be printed in the same octave as the original sharp/flat? 2) This just looks plain wrong to me. 3) It only seems to be happening in tenor clef (NOT alto, mezzosoprano, etc.) and it only seems to be affecting the cancelled f-sharp. I have not done extensive testing. -David \version "2.7.8" \score { \relative c' { \clef "tenor" \key g \major g1 \key c \major g } } ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
'\pitchedTrill' anomaly
On this page: The output from the \pitchedTrill example does not display a trill, but rather c fis f, all quarter notes. If I try the input myself (CVS v2.7.3) I get a trill but auxiliary note appears one octave too low. It seems that the pitch on the auxiliary note is not "observing" \relative mode. -David ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
Re: slurs/accidentals across barlines
On Fri, 2005-06-10 at 00:03 +0200, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote: > Erik Sandberg wrote: > >>The output looks like a pair of tied 'a's but is, in fact a slur from an > >>a to an a-flat. To be sure, LilyPond *does* make a visual difference > >>between slurs and ties, but when reading music the output from the above > >>will not clearly communicate that the second note is an a-flat. I think > >>LilyPond should recognize such situations and force a courtesy > >>accidental. > > > > > > I think this is one of the rare situations where the user should realise > > that > > a reminder would be a good idea, & add a ! to the as. > > I agree with David on this one. This is not a blatant error, but very > insidious: you cannot tell from the output there is an error in the part. > > Just wanted to be clear on a point about this. I said "courtesy accidental" in my original post. Bad choice of words on my part as it could be misleading. I think it should be a '!' accidental and not a '?' accidental. If I were to see '()' around the accidental in the situation I gave in my example I would say it was wrong. -David ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
slurs/accidentals across barlines
The following code illustrates what I believe is a bug: \version "2.5.30" \score { \relative c'' { \key as \major a1-( as-) } } The output looks like a pair of tied 'a's but is, in fact a slur from an a to an a-flat. To be sure, LilyPond *does* make a visual difference between slurs and ties, but when reading music the output from the above will not clearly communicate that the second note is an a-flat. I think LilyPond should recognize such situations and force a courtesy accidental. -David ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
grace/appoggiatura + key change bug
This is a refinement of a bug report I recently made. In the current CVS version the following code (assuming it is "legal" input) produces defective output. The \grace note appears before the key change. This happens at key change points rather than at \bar "||" points as I originally thought. -David \version "2.5.25" keys = \relative { \key bes \major s1 \key c \major } mus = \relative c' { f4 f f f \bar "||" \grace g8 f4 f f f } one = \context Staff << \keys \mus >> two = \relative c' { c4 c c c c4 c c c } \score { \relative { \one } } ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
appoggiatura and \bar
In the following example the appoggiatura note appears in its own measure. It should appear after the double bar. -David \version "2.5.25" mus = \relative c' { R1 \appoggiatura c8 c'1 } bars = { s1 \bar "||" } \score { \context Staff << \mus \bars >> } ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
grace/appoggiatura slur problem
This may not be considered a bug, but it produces non-optimal output: \version "2.5.24" \score { \relative c { \clef F r4 \appoggiatura {a16-[ b c-]} d4 d,8 r \grace {a'16-[-( b c-]} d4-) d,8 r \grace {a'16-[-( b c-]-)} d4 d,8 r r4 } } The \appoggiatura creates a slur but it is attached to the head of the first appoggiatura note and the stem of the main note. The slur slopes down while the notes go up. If I try to work around it by using \grace and putting in the slurs "by hand" I still get the same output. If I include only the grace notes in the slur it looks ok, but isn't exactly what I wanted. I would like the slur to be attached to the head of the first grace note and the head of the main note. I can use \slurUp and it puts the slur on top and it's better than having it go the opposite direction that the notes are going, but it looks a bit odd to me (maybe because the score I'm working from has the slurs down in these cases). Can \appoggiatura be made smart enough to always slope in the same direction as the notes? Is there a plan to re-introduce tweakable slur attachment? -David ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
Re: multimeasure rest at beginning
I neglected to mention that this can be confirmed by looking at the online docs: measure-rests.html#Multi-measure-rests In each instance when a multimeasure rest (even a single measure multimeasure rest) occurs in the first measure it is blank. -David On Wed, 2005-05-11 at 02:23 +0200, Erik Sandberg wrote: > my cvs version of lily is broken right now, so I can't verify this now. The > code works fine in 2.5.19. > > Han-Wen, this bug should be considered release-critical. > > Erik > > On Tuesday 10 May 2005 22.45, David Bobroff wrote: > > I sent in a bug report a few days ago. This is a repeat report. I'm > > sending a repeat to be sure that my first one didn't get lost in the > > shuffle or something as I have seen no response to it yet. In this > > example: > > > > \version "2.5.24" > > > > \score { > > \relative c { > > \set Score.skipBars = ##t > > R1*2 > > } > > } > > > > I get this console output: > > > > GNU LilyPond 2.5.24 > > Processing `' > > Parsing... > > Interpreting music... [1] > > Preprocessing graphical objects... > > Calculating line breaks... > > programming error: Multi_measure_rest::get_rods (): I am not spanned! > > continuing, cross fingers > > [2] > > Calculating page breaks... > > Layout output to `'... > > Converting to `test.pdf'... > > > > The resulting PDF simply contains a clef, default time signature and a > > staff. If I comment out the skipBars line I get a completely blank > > first measure followed by a normal single bar rest. This seems to be > > affecting only multimeasure rests at the beginnings of \score {} blocks. > > This behavior occurs with current CVS (ChangeLog 1.3589) > > > > -David > > > > > > > > ___ > > bug-lilypond mailing list > > > > ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
multimeasure rest at beginning
I sent in a bug report a few days ago. This is a repeat report. I'm sending a repeat to be sure that my first one didn't get lost in the shuffle or something as I have seen no response to it yet. In this example: \version "2.5.24" \score { \relative c { \set Score.skipBars = ##t R1*2 } } I get this console output: GNU LilyPond 2.5.24 Processing `' Parsing... Interpreting music... [1] Preprocessing graphical objects... Calculating line breaks... programming error: Multi_measure_rest::get_rods (): I am not spanned! continuing, cross fingers [2] Calculating page breaks... Layout output to `'... Converting to `test.pdf'... The resulting PDF simply contains a clef, default time signature and a staff. If I comment out the skipBars line I get a completely blank first measure followed by a normal single bar rest. This seems to be affecting only multimeasure rests at the beginnings of \score {} blocks. This behavior occurs with current CVS (ChangeLog 1.3589) -David ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
starting with multimeasure rest bug
The following *.ly snippet: \version "2.5.24" \score { \relative c { \set Score.skipBars = ##t R1*9 } } Produces this console output: Interpreting music... [1] Preprocessing graphical objects... Calculating line breaks... programming error: Multi_measure_rest::get_rods (): I am not spanned! continuing, cross fingers [2] Calculating page breaks... Layout output to `'... Converting to `test.pdf'... And there is no multimeasure rest displayed when the score starts with a multimeasure rest. Subsequent multimueasure rests are fine -- even if one is added immediatley after the first one. This is with recent CVS (ChangeLog 1.3560) -David ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
number font still wrong
I reported earlier that the multi-measure rest numbers were wrong. It's not just the rest numbers. It is also time signatures as well. Same story; a sans-serif font is being substituted. This is happening in latest CVS (ChangeLog 1.3413). -David ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
mm rest font bug
With current CVS (ChangeLog 1.3411) I'm getting the wrong font for multi-measure rests. I'm getting a large sans-serif font instead of the feta number font. -David ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
Re: Documentation 2.5.18
On Wed, 2005-04-06 at 15:20 +0200, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote: > [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: > > Please, will you check the documentation of the last version of Lilypond > > (2.5.18) because I think that all notheads are disappeared. > > which "the documentation" ? on the website? in the rpm? > > I suspect he may be talking about the PDF docs. On the LilyPond 2.5 website docs, the PDF documentation is exhibiting exactly the problem I reported having with lilypond-book, i.e. missing noteheads, clefs and maybe some other elements (key sigs?). -David ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
Re: \break not working when grouped
Thanks Erik. I realize that what happened was that I was moving some things around and ended up moving \break out of a grouping of its own. It's working now. -David On Wed, 2005-04-06 at 01:51 +0200, Erik Sandberg wrote: > > The missing >> was probably due to my mail program. What I tried to say, was > that you could try > { s1 \break } > iso. > s1 \break > > When you write > << > \mus > s1 \break > >> > it does what you would expect this code to do: > << > \mus > s1 > \break > >> > > I.e., lily will do all 3 things at the same time. ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
Re: \break not working when grouped
Strange, I see the closing '>>' in my message (and in the input file), but not in your quote of my message. I *do* get output. Without the closing '>>' I would expect error messages and no output. The output I get, however, is all on one line rather than having a break. This was working a day or three ago. -David At 11:06 PM 4/5/2005 +0200, Erik Sandberg wrote: >On Tuesday 05 April 2005 20.23, David Bobroff wrote: >> Just noticed that the following construction no longer works. Shouldn't >> I see a single measure on each line with this? >> >> -David >> >> \version "2.5.18" >> >> mus = \relative c' { >> c d e f g a b c >> } >> >> \score { >> \context Staff << >> \mus >> s1 \break >> >> } >> > >perhaps you just forgot brackets? > >\score { > \context Staff << >\mus >{ s1 \break } > >> >} > >Erik > ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
\break not working when grouped
Just noticed that the following construction no longer works. Shouldn't I see a single measure on each line with this? -David \version "2.5.18" mus = \relative c' { c d e f g a b c } \score { \context Staff << \mus s1 \break >> } ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
barcheck bug?
When I run Lily 2.5.16 on the following example I get barcheck failures. %% file \version "2.5.16" oboeOne = \relative c'' { \key d \major r8 R2.*3 r4. e8-\p-( d cis-) } oboeTwo = \relative c'' { \key d \major r8 R2.*4 } \score{ \relative c''{ \partial 8 \time 6/8 \context Staff<< \set Score.skipBars = ##t \partcombine \oboeOne \oboeTwo >> } } %% end file Interpreting music... warning: barcheck failed at: 1/8: R2.*4 Interpreting music... warning: barcheck failed at: 1/8: R2.*3 warning: barcheck failed at: 3/8: R2.*3 The output, however, look ok. Also, if I run the parts separately I get no barcheck errors. If I run the parts together in a score it's ok. It is only when I use \partcombine. Is this a false barcheck failure or am I overlooking something in my input? -David ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
doc bugs
Just recently compiled Lily 2.5.16. As I was going through the "Tips and Tricks" (/usr/src/lilypond/input/test/out-www/collated-files.html) section of my locally built Lily website I saw something odd: Piàforte dynamics is produced using \markup [Instead of a 'u' with a grave accent there is an upper case 'A' with an overbar and a superscript '1'.] The same thing from www/collated-files.html : Pià forte dynamics is produced using \markup [In this case the 'u' with grave accent is rendered correctly.] In *both* cases, however, the markup text in the example is rendered literally as: pi\`u Encoding problem? And why the PiÃÂ/Pià difference between my machine (Fedora Core 3) and Also, I was looking through the locally generated lilypond.pdf and saw some music examples which lacked everything but staffs lines, stems, and barlines. I checked the online version at and found the same thing there. This is the same appearance I was getting the other day when I was trying out lilypond-book (maybe this is a problem with lilypond-book?). -David ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
Re: lilypond-book
On Wed, 2005-03-16 at 14:40 +0100, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote: > [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: > > > > > > /usr/local/share/lilypond/2.5.15/dvips/map/ > > > > > > being opened. > > > > If I do > > > > strace dvips -o book.dvi >& log > > > > I get nothing. Just a prompt. > > well duh. The output is redirected to log, which you can grep for > Yeah, duh. Sorry to be a bit slow at times. I *do* have large gaping fissures in my knowledge of getting around in Linux. # grep log execve("/usr/bin/dvips", ["dvips", "", "-o", "", "book.dvi"], [/* 35 vars */]) = 0 access("./", R_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory) access("/usr/local/share/lilypond/2.5.15/dvips/map/", R_OK) = 0 stat64("/usr/local/share/lilypond/2.5.15/dvips/map/", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=1791, ...}) = 0 open("/usr/local/share/lilypond/2.5.15/dvips/map/", O_RDONLY) = 3 -David ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
Re: lilypond-book
On Wed, 2005-03-16 at 14:32 +0100, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote: > [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: > > Yep, I sure did. Tried again with the dot and got the same thing. I > > also ran 'texhash' as per Mats' suggestion. It appeared to add: > > > > # texhash > > texhash: Updating /usr/local/share/lilypond/2.5.15/ls-R... > > texhash: Updating /usr/share/texmf/ls-R... > > texhash: Updating /var/lib/texmf/ls-R... > > texhash: Done. > > > > But: > > > > # dvips -o book.dvi > > This is dvips(k) 5.92b Copyright 2002 Radical Eye Software > > ( > > ' TeX output 2005.03.16:1325' -> > > dvips: Font Emmentaler-20 used in file lily-891535562-1.eps is not in > > the mapping file. > > . [1 > > ] > > > double check: > >strace dvips -o book.dvi >& log > > does this also show > > /usr/local/share/lilypond/2.5.15/dvips/map/ > > being opened. If I do strace dvips -o book.dvi >& log I get nothing. Just a prompt. -David ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
Re: lilypond-book
On Wed, 2005-03-16 at 14:23 +0100, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote: > [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: > > On Wed, 2005-03-16 at 13:40 +0100, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote: > > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: > > > > > > > > > > dvips foo.dvi > > > > > > > > > > complain? > > > > > > > > Yep: > > > > > > And this is with TEXMF setting, and dvips is actually opening the > > > correct .map file (as evidenced by strace?) > > > > Here is my procedure: > > > > . /usr/src/lilypond/buildscripts/out/lilypond-profile > > # strace dvips lbook-latex-test >& log > > # grep log > > execve("/usr/bin/dvips", ["dvips", "", "lbook-latex- > > test"], [/* 35 vars */]) = 0 > > access("./", R_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or > > directory) > > access("/usr/local/share/lilypond/2.5.15/dvips/", R_OK) = -1 > > ENOENT (No such file or directory) > > access("/usr/local/share/lilypond/2.5.15/dvips/map/", R_OK) > > = 0 > > stat64("/usr/local/share/lilypond/2.5.15/dvips/map/", > > {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=1791, ...}) = 0 > > open("/usr/local/share/lilypond/2.5.15/dvips/map/", > > O_RDONLY) = 3 > > # set | grep TEXMF > > TEXMF='{/usr/local/share/lilypond/2.5.15, > > {/root/texmf,!!/usr/local/share/texmf,!!/usr/share/texmf}}' > > # lilypond-book --output=out book.lytex > > #cd out > > #latex book > > # dvips -u+lilypondmap -o book.dvi > . > > you forgot a . Yep, I sure did. Tried again with the dot and got the same thing. I also ran 'texhash' as per Mats' suggestion. It appeared to add: # texhash texhash: Updating /usr/local/share/lilypond/2.5.15/ls-R... texhash: Updating /usr/share/texmf/ls-R... texhash: Updating /var/lib/texmf/ls-R... texhash: Done. But: # dvips -o book.dvi This is dvips(k) 5.92b Copyright 2002 Radical Eye Software ( ' TeX output 2005.03.16:1325' -> dvips: Font Emmentaler-20 used in file lily-891535562-1.eps is not in the mapping file. . [1 ] ??? -David ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
Re: lilypond-book
On Wed, 2005-03-16 at 13:40 +0100, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote: > [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: > > > > > > dvips foo.dvi > > > > > > complain? > > > > Yep: > > And this is with TEXMF setting, and dvips is actually opening the > correct .map file (as evidenced by strace?) Here is my procedure: . /usr/src/lilypond/buildscripts/out/lilypond-profile # strace dvips lbook-latex-test >& log # grep log execve("/usr/bin/dvips", ["dvips", "", "lbook-latex- test"], [/* 35 vars */]) = 0 access("./", R_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory) access("/usr/local/share/lilypond/2.5.15/dvips/", R_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory) access("/usr/local/share/lilypond/2.5.15/dvips/map/", R_OK) = 0 stat64("/usr/local/share/lilypond/2.5.15/dvips/map/", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=1791, ...}) = 0 open("/usr/local/share/lilypond/2.5.15/dvips/map/", O_RDONLY) = 3 # set | grep TEXMF TEXMF='{/usr/local/share/lilypond/2.5.15, {/root/texmf,!!/usr/local/share/texmf,!!/usr/share/texmf}}' # lilypond-book --output=out book.lytex #cd out #latex book # dvips -u+lilypondmap -o book.dvi This is dvips(k) 5.92b Copyright 2002 Radical Eye Software ( ' TeX output 2005.03.16:1315' -> dvips: Font Emmentaler-20 used in file lily-891535562-1.eps is not in the mapping file. . [1 ] # -David ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
Re: lilypond-book
On Wed, 2005-03-16 at 12:46 +0100, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote: > [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: > > On Wed, 2005-03-16 at 10:48 +0100, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote: > > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: > > > > > > > > > > the last line says that it opened > > > > > /usr/share/lilypond/2.5.15/dvips/map/ for reading. > > > > > > > > > > > > > Hmmm, this is what I get: > > > > > > > > # strace dvips lbook-latex-test >& log > > > > # grep log > > > > execve("/usr/bin/dvips", ["dvips", "", "lbook-latex- > > > > test"], [/* 33 vars */]) = 0 > > > > access("./", R_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or > > > > directory) > > > > access("./", R_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or > > > > directory) > > > > > > > > (...and yes, Jan, I'm running an installed version) > > > > > > what does say > > > > > > set | grep TEXMF > > > > > > I get > > > > > > > > > TEXMF='{/usr/share/lilypond/2.5.15,{/home/hankwang/texmf,!!/usr/local/share/texmf,!!/usr/share/texmf}}' > > > > > > > I got nothing. Then: > > > > > > > > (did you source lilypond-profile?) > > > as a crutch, you may copy into the working directory. > > > > > > > I tried sourcing lilypond-profile and got: > > > > TEXMF='{/usr/local/share/lilypond/2.5.15, > > {/root/texmf,!!/usr/local/share/texmf,!!/usr/share/texmf}}' > > but then: did > > dvips foo.dvi > > complain? Yep: dvips: Font Emmentaler-20 used in file lily-891535562-1.eps is not in the mapping file. And the printed output was the same; just stems and staff lines. Is this indicating a problem local to me, or is this something in Lily that's going wrong? -David ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
Re: lilypond-book
On Wed, 2005-03-16 at 10:48 +0100, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote: > [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: > > > > > > the last line says that it opened > > > /usr/share/lilypond/2.5.15/dvips/map/ for reading. > > > > > > > Hmmm, this is what I get: > > > > # strace dvips lbook-latex-test >& log > > # grep log > > execve("/usr/bin/dvips", ["dvips", "", "lbook-latex- > > test"], [/* 33 vars */]) = 0 > > access("./", R_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or > > directory) > > access("./", R_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or > > directory) > > > > (...and yes, Jan, I'm running an installed version) > > what does say > > set | grep TEXMF > > I get > > > TEXMF='{/usr/share/lilypond/2.5.15,{/home/hankwang/texmf,!!/usr/local/share/texmf,!!/usr/share/texmf}}' > I got nothing. Then: > > (did you source lilypond-profile?) > as a crutch, you may copy into the working directory. > I tried sourcing lilypond-profile and got: TEXMF='{/usr/local/share/lilypond/2.5.15, {/root/texmf,!!/usr/local/share/texmf,!!/usr/share/texmf}}' ...but the next time I logged in I had to source it again. That doesn't sound right, because: make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/lilypond' *** Before using LilyPond, the contents of one of the login scripts *** buildscripts/out/lilypond-{profile,login} should be sourced. *** LilyPond should have been installed to do that automatically *** when you log in. So, please log out now and log in again. *** For more information see Invoking LilyPond in the manual. make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/lilypond' I've been logging in again after building/installing Lily as per the above. Also, even when I source lilypond-profile I still get the same results with lilypond-book (i.e. nothing displayed in ggv etc.). Now, I don't have an urgent need for lilypond-book. I had gone back to a project I was working on over 18 months ago (ca. v1.7.x) when lilypond-book was needed for some layout issues. When I started having these weird problems with it I thought I should let you know (canary in the mine). -David ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
Re: lilypond-book
On Wed, 2005-03-16 at 10:30 +0100, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote: > [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: > > On Wed, 2005-03-16 at 00:12 +0100, Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote: > > > David Bobroff writes: > > > > > > > /usr/local/share/lilypond/2.5.14/fonts/map/ > > > > /usr/local/share/lilypond/2.5.15/fonts/map/ > > > > /usr/src/lilypond/mf/out/ > > > > > > > > I'm using 2.5.15 so I didn't think that 2.5.14 stuff would interfere. > > > > > > Try kpsewhich to see which one is used. > > > > Doing 'kpsewhich' returned nothing. (???) > > yes, that's possilbe. Over here it also returns nothing. > try > > strace dvips lbook-latex-test >& log > > then > > grep log > > over here this gives > > execve("/usr/bin/dvips", ["dvips", "", "lbook-latex-test"], > [/* 24 vars */]) = 0 > access("./", R_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or > directory) > access("/usr/share/lilypond/2.5.15/dvips/", R_OK) = -1 ENOENT > (No such file or directory) > access("/usr/share/lilypond/2.5.15/dvips/map/", R_OK) = 0 > stat64("/usr/share/lilypond/2.5.15/dvips/map/", > {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=1791, ...}) = 0 > open("/usr/share/lilypond/2.5.15/dvips/map/", O_RDONLY) = 3 > > the last line says that it opened > /usr/share/lilypond/2.5.15/dvips/map/ for reading. > Hmmm, this is what I get: # strace dvips lbook-latex-test >& log # grep log execve("/usr/bin/dvips", ["dvips", "", "lbook-latex- test"], [/* 33 vars */]) = 0 access("./", R_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory) access("./", R_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory) (...and yes, Jan, I'm running an installed version) -David ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
Re: lilypond-book
On Wed, 2005-03-16 at 10:05 +0100, Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote: > David Bobroff writes: > > > Ah, so I *am* the canary in the mine! > > Probably. kpsewhich did not turn up anything here, > when running from builddir. Are you running an installed version? > > Fixes for builddir run in CVS. > > Jan. > Following Mats' suggestion I also tried: kpsewhich --format=map ..which also produced nothing. My teTeX version is 2.0.2-21.3. I'll update from CVS and see if there's any change. -David ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
Re: lilypond-book
On Wed, 2005-03-16 at 00:12 +0100, Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote: > David Bobroff writes: > > > /usr/local/share/lilypond/2.5.14/fonts/map/ > > /usr/local/share/lilypond/2.5.15/fonts/map/ > > /usr/src/lilypond/mf/out/ > > > > I'm using 2.5.15 so I didn't think that 2.5.14 stuff would interfere. > > Try kpsewhich to see which one is used. Doing 'kpsewhich' returned nothing. (???) > > > Am I doing something really ignorant, or do I just attract strange > > problems? > > Either that, or you are often one of the first trying out development stuff. Ah, so I *am* the canary in the mine! -David ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
Re: lilypond-book
On Tue, 2005-03-15 at 22:51 +0100, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote: > [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: > > > Emmentaler-11 Emmentaler-11 > > Emmentaler-13 Emmentaler-13 > > Emmentaler-14 Emmentaler-14 > > Emmentaler-16 Emmentaler-16 > > Emmentaler-18 Emmentaler-18 > > Emmentaler-20 Emmentaler-20 > > Emmentaler-23 Emmentaler-23 > > Emmentaler-26 Emmentaler-26 > > Aybabtu Aybabtu > > > > > > Umm, ok. I changed both: > > > > /usr/local/share/lilypond/2.5.15/fonts/map/ > > /usr/src/lilypond/mf/out/ > > > > ...just to be sure. It did the same thing, i.e.: > > > > dvips: Font Emmentaler-20 used in file lily-891535562-1.eps is not in > > the mapping file. > > Are you sure that these are the only .map files around? Well: #updatedb # locate /usr/local/share/lilypond/2.5.14/fonts/map/ /usr/local/share/lilypond/2.5.15/fonts/map/ /usr/src/lilypond/mf/out/ I'm using 2.5.15 so I didn't think that 2.5.14 stuff would interfere. But, just to be a bit anal retentive I changed the 2.5.14 *.map...and got the same result: dvips: Font Emmentaler-20 used in file lily-891535562-1.eps is not in the mapping file. Am I doing something really ignorant, or do I just attract strange problems? -David ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
Re: lilypond-book
On Tue, 2005-03-15 at 21:44 +0100, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote: > [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: > > > user/out-www/lilypond/Invoking-lilypond_002dbook.html > > > (section 11.6 of devel manual) > > > > > > Try this: > > > latex yourfile.tex > > > dvips -Ppdf yourfile.dvi > > > ps2pdf > > > > > > Cheers, > > > - Graham > > > > Still nothing displayed in ggv. Xpdf shows and prints only staff lines > > and stems. > > opps. Please remove thet emmentaler-X and aybabtu lines from > and replace by > > > Emmentaler-11 Emmentaler-11 Emmentaler-13 Emmentaler-13 Emmentaler-14 Emmentaler-14 Emmentaler-16 Emmentaler-16 Emmentaler-18 Emmentaler-18 Emmentaler-20 Emmentaler-20 Emmentaler-23 Emmentaler-23 Emmentaler-26 Emmentaler-26 Aybabtu Aybabtu Umm, ok. I changed both: /usr/local/share/lilypond/2.5.15/fonts/map/ /usr/src/lilypond/mf/out/ ...just to be sure. It did the same thing, i.e.: dvips: Font Emmentaler-20 used in file lily-891535562-1.eps is not in the mapping file. I ran 'texhash' and did 'login' after each editing just to be sure. No dice. Same story. Question: Should the capitalization carry over to the *.ps name as well? Emmentaler-11 Emmentaler-11
Re: lilypond-book
On Tue, 2005-03-15 at 10:32 -0800, Graham Percival wrote: > On 15-Mar-05, at 7:56 AM, David Bobroff wrote: > > > On Tue, 2005-03-15 at 14:57 +, David Bobroff wrote: > >>>> dvips -o book > > See? It's not just me! :) > > > dvips: Font Emmentaler-20 used in file lily-891535562-1.eps is not in > > the mapping file. > > > user/out-www/lilypond/Invoking-lilypond_002dbook.html > (section 11.6 of devel manual) > > Try this: > latex yourfile.tex > dvips -Ppdf yourfile.dvi > ps2pdf > > Cheers, > - Graham Still nothing displayed in ggv. Xpdf shows and prints only staff lines and stems. Urgh. -David ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
Re: lilypond-book
On Tue, 2005-03-15 at 14:57 +, David Bobroff wrote: > On Tue, 2005-03-15 at 15:52 +0100, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote: > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: > > > At 10:58 AM 3/15/2005 +0100, you wrote: > > > >> A bug in Lily? A bug in the docs? A bug in my head? Some combination > > > >> of the three? > > > > > > > >try viewing the PS file > > > > > > % File: book.lytex > > > \documentclass[a4paper]{article} > > > \usepackage{graphics} > > > \begin{document} > > > > > > \begin{lilypond} > > > \relative c''{ > > > d4 c b a > > > } > > > \end{lilypond} > > > \end{document} > > > > > > If I take the above input and do: > > > > > > lilypond-book --output=out book.lytex > > > cd out > > > latex book > > > dvips -o book > > > ggv > > > > > > ...I see exactly nothing displayed on the page in ggv. Printing it from > > > ggv gives me a set of staff lines with stems but no note heads or clef. > > > This is the same thing I see with xdvi. > > > > try > > > > dvips > > > > > > No difference. Still not getting anything to appear in the ggv display > and when printed I get only staff lines and stems. > > -David Additionally, I saw this output in the console: dvips: Font Emmentaler-20 used in file lily-891535562-1.eps is not in the mapping file. Is this part of the problem? -David ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
Re: lilypond-book
On Tue, 2005-03-15 at 15:52 +0100, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote: > [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: > > At 10:58 AM 3/15/2005 +0100, you wrote: > > >> A bug in Lily? A bug in the docs? A bug in my head? Some combination > > >> of the three? > > > > > >try viewing the PS file > > > > % File: book.lytex > > \documentclass[a4paper]{article} > > \usepackage{graphics} > > \begin{document} > > > > \begin{lilypond} > > \relative c''{ > > d4 c b a > > } > > \end{lilypond} > > \end{document} > > > > If I take the above input and do: > > > > lilypond-book --output=out book.lytex > > cd out > > latex book > > dvips -o book > > ggv > > > > ...I see exactly nothing displayed on the page in ggv. Printing it from > > ggv gives me a set of staff lines with stems but no note heads or clef. > > This is the same thing I see with xdvi. > > try > > dvips > > No difference. Still not getting anything to appear in the ggv display and when printed I get only staff lines and stems. -David ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
Re: lilypond-book
At 10:58 AM 3/15/2005 +0100, you wrote: >> A bug in Lily? A bug in the docs? A bug in my head? Some combination >> of the three? > >try viewing the PS file % File: book.lytex \documentclass[a4paper]{article} \usepackage{graphics} \begin{document} \begin{lilypond} \relative c''{ d4 c b a } \end{lilypond} \end{document} If I take the above input and do: lilypond-book --output=out book.lytex cd out latex book dvips -o book ggv ...I see exactly nothing displayed on the page in ggv. Printing it from ggv gives me a set of staff lines with stems but no note heads or clef. This is the same thing I see with xdvi. Weird. -David ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
With Lily v2.5.15 I'm finding a problem with lilypond-book. According to the docs in '3.9.1 LaTeX' the following should work: \documentclass[]{article} \usepackage{graphics} % <---I have to add this line \begin{document} Normal LaTeX text. \begin{lilypond} \relative c'' { a4 b c d } \end{lilypond} More LaTeX text. \begin{lilypond} \relative c'' { d4 c b a } \end{lilypond} \end{document} As I note in the input, I have to add '\usepackage{graphics}' or LaTeX chokes. Furthermore, even when I do add it, I get no noteheads in the output. A bug in Lily? A bug in the docs? A bug in my head? Some combination of the three? -David ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
Re: number font
At 12:12 AM 3/10/2005 +, you wrote: > >David Bobroff wrote: >> I've got version 2.5.14 up and running (with the exception of the emacs >> mode issue I posted to the user list) and I found something odd. In >> this example: >> >> \version "2.5.14" >> >> \score{ >> \relative c{ >> \time 3/4 >> \set Score.skipBars = ##t >> R2.*2 >> } >> } >> >> I'm getting an inappropriate font for the time signature as well as over >> the multimeasure rest. I'm getting a rather large sans serif font >> rather than the \number font I would normally expect. > > >I'm having precisely the same problem, using the 2.5.14 Fedora 3 rpm. >Incidentally, I compiled 2.5.13 before that (which eliminated the >"Segmentation fault" I was getting with the 2.5.13 rpm), but I had >essentially the same font problem, the only difference being that it was >a serif font being used for the time signature. I thought 2.5.14 would >fix it, but apparently not. > >I installed mftrace 1.1.5, and subsequently ec-fonts-mftraced-1.0.9-1 (I >hope these don't conflict), before either Lilypond install. > >Marcus Macauley This bug has been fixed in CVS. I don't know if an updated RPM has been prepared or not. -David ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
Re: number font
Well, on your advice earlier I upgraded to mftrace 1.1.5 when you told me I needed potrace or autotrace. So, no, I don't think mftrace 1.1.5 fixes this. On Mon, 2005-03-07 at 17:10 -0800, Daniel Johnson wrote: > I've heard that mftrace-1.1.5 may fix this. Is this correct? > > David Bobroff wrote: > > >I've got version 2.5.14 up and running (with the exception of the emacs > >mode issue I posted to the user list) and I found something odd. In > >this example: > > > >\version "2.5.14" > > > >\score{ > > \relative c{ > > \time 3/4 > > \set Score.skipBars = ##t > > R2.*2 > > } > >} > > > >I'm getting an inappropriate font for the time signature as well as over > >the multimeasure rest. I'm getting a rather large sans serif font > >rather than the \number font I would normally expect. > > > >-David > > > > > > > >___ > >bug-lilypond mailing list > > > > > > > > > ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
number font
I've got version 2.5.14 up and running (with the exception of the emacs mode issue I posted to the user list) and I found something odd. In this example: \version "2.5.14" \score{ \relative c{ \time 3/4 \set Score.skipBars = ##t R2.*2 } } I'm getting an inappropriate font for the time signature as well as over the multimeasure rest. I'm getting a rather large sans serif font rather than the \number font I would normally expect. -David ___ bug-lilypond mailing list
Re: Transposed Chord name "F flat"
On Thu, 2004-10-28 at 07:46, Matthias Neeracher wrote: > On Oct 28, 2004, at 12:27 AM, David Bobroff wrote: > > > I'm not a developer, but this looks right to me. In your example you > > have a chord which is a diminished step above the tonic of the key. > > When you transpose this down one whole step it remains the same > > relative > > to the key. > > Thanks for explaining this logic. My music theory is not overly sound, > so I'm perfectly willing to accept that there is a sound theoretical > justification for this. Nevertheless, I'd still argue that on a > practical level, "E" might be preferable here. It may indeed be more convenient to read 'e' than 'fes', but LilyPond is simply maintaining an internal consistency. > > > f ges > > > > es fes > > > > If you were to do: > > > > \transpose f' dis' > > > > You would likely get 'e' instead of 'fes' and this would be consistent > > with the above logic. > > Sure, but Jazz pianists tend to take a dim view of singers showing up > with a lead sheet transposed into D sharp major :-) > I'm sure they do, and I'm certainly not suggesting that you do this. > However, I could (and probably will) transpose the song into D or E > instead. > > > Likewise, if you had written a fis chord, it would have come out as an > > e > > chord after your transposition. > > Yes, but it seems somewhat counterintuitive that in order to avoid > "weird" chord names in chords with flats, I have to transpose into a > key with sharps, and vice versa. > It could be argued that a ges chord in f major is already a "weird" chord for the key. Yes, I do understand that jazz uses a lot of altered chords. As a further example, I recently did a transposition of an orchestral part. It was written in bass clef and transposing, sounding a whole step lower than written. This is a somewhat archaic German/Austrian practice. The part needed to be written a step lower. I did it using LilyPond. I entered the part as written and then used \transpose. At one point there was a 'fes' in the original. In the transposition it came out as 'ees'. In a hand-written copy of the transposed part this had been rendered as 'd'. I eventually found my copy of an engraved transposed part and it was rendered as 'ees' --- the same as LilyPond. The developers of LilyPond strive to recreate the look of European engraving of the 19th century. This pre-dates jazz notation. To deal with things like your 'ges' chord in 'f' becoming a 'fes' chord in 'es', you will probably have to call it 'fis' in your input file to get what you want (i.e. 'e' in 'es'). I see this not as a shortcoming of LilyPond, but a difference between the two practices. -David ___ bug-lilypond mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: Transposed Chord name "F flat"
I'm not a developer, but this looks right to me. In your example you have a chord which is a diminished step above the tonic of the key. When you transpose this down one whole step it remains the same relative to the key. f ges es fes If you were to do: \transpose f' dis' You would likely get 'e' instead of 'fes' and this would be consistent with the above logic. Likewise, if you had written a fis chord, it would have come out as an e chord after your transposition. Hope this helps. -David On Thu, 2004-10-28 at 07:19, Matthias Neeracher wrote: > In all version of lilypond I tried (including CVS), the following > program prints an "F flat" chord. Is this a bug, or intentional > behavior? I would have thought this should print E instead. Same > behavior with "C flat" vs. B. > > Matthias > > \version "2.3.23" > > melody = \relative c' { > \key f \major > c1 > } > > accompaniment = \chordmode { ges1 } > > \score { > \simultaneous { >\context ChordNames \transpose f' es' \accompaniment >\context Voice = "mel" \transpose f' es' \melody > } > > } > > > > ___ > lilypond-devel mailing list > [EMAIL PROTECTED] > ___ bug-lilypond mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: multimeasure rest + text
Yes Mats, you're absolutely right. The docs have been updated to reflect the current behavior of LilyPond. Now my problem is that I would like to set the number of measures rest below a multimeasure rest from time to time. Before, Lily would replace the number with the \markup text and the number of measures would need to be added manually. A minor inconvenience, but one that allowed a certain flexibility. There must be a way of overriding this, no? -David On Tue, 2004-10-12 at 08:37, David Bobroff wrote: > Hmm, well the docs at were built on October 10th, the day > before yesterday. My local build of the web was built yesterday, but > perhaps before your change. > > If you go here: > > > > You can see the problem I'm describing in the last music example on the > page. > > I'll rebuild my local web docs and take a look at what it says now. > > -David > > On Tue, 2004-10-12 at 08:19, Mats Bengtsson wrote: > > I fixed the docs in CVS yesterday! > > > > /Mats > > > > David Bobroff wrote: > > > I just compiled the latest CVS ChangeLog 1.2711 and got a surprise. I > > > checked the docs at and found in section 5.15.8: > > > > > > Texts can be added to multi-measure rests by using the note-markup syntax > > > (see Text markup). In this case, the number is replaced. If you need both > > > texts and the number, you must add the number by hand. A variable > > > (\fermataMarkup) is provided for adding fermatas > > > > > >\set Score.skipBars = ##t > > >\time 3/4 > > >R2.*10^\markup { \number 10 }_\markup { "Ad lib" } > > >R2.^\fermataMarkup > > > > > > It says "In this case, the number is replaced," but it is not. Both in my > > > .ly file and in the online docs the number is *not* replaced, but is > > > doubled. The multimeasure rest is producing a rest number as well as the > > > \markup version. It is always placing it above the staff, too. > > > > > > -David > > > > > > > > > > > > ___ > > > bug-lilypond mailing list > > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > > > > > > ___ > bug-lilypond mailing list > [EMAIL PROTECTED] > ___ bug-lilypond mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: multimeasure rest + text
Hmm, well the docs at were built on October 10th, the day before yesterday. My local build of the web was built yesterday, but perhaps before your change. If you go here: You can see the problem I'm describing in the last music example on the page. I'll rebuild my local web docs and take a look at what it says now. -David On Tue, 2004-10-12 at 08:19, Mats Bengtsson wrote: > I fixed the docs in CVS yesterday! > > /Mats > > David Bobroff wrote: > > I just compiled the latest CVS ChangeLog 1.2711 and got a surprise. I > > checked the docs at and found in section 5.15.8: > > > > Texts can be added to multi-measure rests by using the note-markup syntax > > (see Text markup). In this case, the number is replaced. If you need both > > texts and the number, you must add the number by hand. A variable > > (\fermataMarkup) is provided for adding fermatas > > > >\set Score.skipBars = ##t > >\time 3/4 > >R2.*10^\markup { \number 10 }_\markup { "Ad lib" } > >R2.^\fermataMarkup > > > > It says "In this case, the number is replaced," but it is not. Both in my > > .ly file and in the online docs the number is *not* replaced, but is > > doubled. The multimeasure rest is producing a rest number as well as the > > \markup version. It is always placing it above the staff, too. > > > > -David > > > > > > > > ___ > > bug-lilypond mailing list > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > ___ bug-lilypond mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: convert-ly bug
On Mon, 2004-10-11 at 23:15, Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote: > David Bobroff writes: > > > Yes, it did. It had \version "2.3.18" and still does. > > Interesting. Can you send the .ly file? Um, I just tried running convert-ly again and it updated the \version statement to 2.3.22. I had run it with v2.3.20 and it only updated the statement to 2.3.18. But, I was sure I had run it earlier and had it failed. For the moment, never mind. > > I did a make-clean; make all. Would that rebuilt convert-ly? > > Yes. > > > conversions.append (((2, 3, 22), > > So the conversion rule is there. > > Jan. It seems that maybe it's ok. [But see my earlier bug report about texts and multimeasure rests] -David ___ bug-lilypond mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: convert-ly bug
On Mon, 2004-10-11 at 22:48, Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote: > David Bobroff writes: > > > A few hours ago I built LilyPond from CVS sources. That was at ChangeLog > > 1.2711. I ran convert-ly on a file and Lily choked on it. I had to change > > an instance of \bookpaper to \paper. Shouldn't convert-ly have taken care > > of that for me? > > Yes it should. Did your input file have a \version statement, Yes, it did. It had \version "2.3.18" and still does. > and did > you rebuild convert-ly? I did a make-clean; make all. Would that rebuilt convert-ly? > > > I just update my LilyPond sources from CVS again and did > > not see any changes to convert-ly. > > Changes were made yesterday. What does > >grep -3 bookpaper scripts/ > > say? [EMAIL PROTECTED] lilypond]# grep -3 bookpaper scripts/ def conv (str): str = re.sub (r'\\paper', r'\\layout', str) str = re.sub (r'\\bookpaper', r'\\paper', str) str = re.sub (r'paper-set-staff-size', r'layout-set-staff-size', str) return str conversions.append (((2, 3, 22), conv, '''paper -> layout bookpaper -> paper''' )) # END OF CONVERSIONS [EMAIL PROTECTED] lilypond]# -David ___ bug-lilypond mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
convert-ly bug
A few hours ago I built LilyPond from CVS sources. That was at ChangeLog 1.2711. I ran convert-ly on a file and Lily choked on it. I had to change an instance of \bookpaper to \paper. Shouldn't convert-ly have taken care of that for me? I just update my LilyPond sources from CVS again and did not see any changes to convert-ly. -David ___ bug-lilypond mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
multimeasure rest + text
I just compiled the latest CVS ChangeLog 1.2711 and got a surprise. I checked the docs at and found in section 5.15.8: Texts can be added to multi-measure rests by using the note-markup syntax (see Text markup). In this case, the number is replaced. If you need both texts and the number, you must add the number by hand. A variable (\fermataMarkup) is provided for adding fermatas \set Score.skipBars = ##t \time 3/4 R2.*10^\markup { \number 10 }_\markup { "Ad lib" } R2.^\fermataMarkup It says "In this case, the number is replaced," but it is not. Both in my .ly file and in the online docs the number is *not* replaced, but is doubled. The multimeasure rest is producing a rest number as well as the \markup version. It is always placing it above the staff, too. -David ___ bug-lilypond mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
convert-ly 2.3.20
I just ran convert-ly on a file with \version "2.3.17" and the output had \version "2.3.18" rather than "2.3.20" I'm running latest CVS (ChangeLog 1.2681). -David ___ bug-lilypond mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: TeX capacity exceeded
On Sun, 2004-09-19 at 08:29, Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote: > David Bobroff writes: > > > I've been having trouble with this error showing up on the last several > > updates to CVS: > > Did you use tex output before? Do you see anything unusual about the > piece when you use -fps output? Well, I had been simply doing 'lilypond '. I tried it just now with -fps (force PostScript?) and it's fine. Perhaps it started giving me trouble when TeX was made the default backend again. Thanks for the help, -David ___ bug-lilypond mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
TeX capacity exceeded
I've been having trouble with this error showing up on the last several updates to CVS: Runaway argument? {001.5865 004. ! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [main memory size=350001]. ...putscale \embeddedps {001.5865 004.8 960 002.4975 004.7046 003 l.3007 } \vss I finally tracked it down to some \pageBreak(s) in my file. If I take them out I do not get the above error, and I also don't get the page breaks I want either. I have not yet produced a short example which reproduces this error. The offending *.ly file is about 14k. I can shorten it a bit and still produce the error. Should I send in a truncated version that still produces the error? -David ___ bug-lilypond mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Weird error
With CVS ChangeLog 1.25601 I got this exit error when compiling a Lily file which before was working fine: Backtrace: In unknown file: ?: 0* [lilypond-main ("helden-part")] In /usr/local/share/lilypond/2.3.17/scm/lily.scm: 595: 1* (let* ((failed #) (handler #)) (for-each (lambda # #) files) ...) 597: 2* [for-each # ("helden-part")] In /usr/share/guile/1.6/srfi/srfi-1.scm: 652: 3 (if (null? rest) (letrec ((lp #)) (lp list1)) ...) ... 656: 4 (begin (f (car l)) (lp (cdr l))) 657: 5* [# "helden-part"] In /usr/local/share/lilypond/2.3.17/scm/lily.scm: 599: 6 [catch ly-file-failed # #] In unknown file: ?: 7* [#] In /usr/local/share/lilypond/2.3.17/scm/lily.scm: 599: 8* [ly:parse-file "helden-part"] In unknown file: ?: 9* [ly:parser-print-book # #] /usr/local/share/lilypond/2.3.17/scm/lily.scm:599:42: In procedure ly_scm2int in expression (ly:parse-file f): /usr/local/share/lilypond/2.3.17/scm/lily.scm:599:42: Wrong type argument: #t [EMAIL PROTECTED] helden]# -David ___ bug-lilypond mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
'make all' fails on CVS
CVS ChangeLog 1.2527 exits thusly on 'make all': DEPENDENCIES_OUTPUT="./out/simple-spacer.dep ./out/simple-spacer.o" g++ -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DSTRING_UTILS_INLINED -Iinclude -I./out -I../flower/include -I../flower/./out -I../flower/include -O2 -finline-functions -g -pipe -I/usr/include/python2.2 -O2 -finline-functions -g -pipe -I/usr/include/python2.2 -W -Wall -Wconversion -o out/simple-spacer.o In function `scm_unused_struct* ly_solve_spring_rod_problem(scm_unused_struct*, scm_unused_struct*, scm_unused_struct*, scm_unused_struct*)': `scm_is_number' undeclared (first use this function) (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears in.) `scm_to_double' undeclared (first use this function) `scm_to_int' undeclared (first use this function) `scm_from_double' undeclared (first use this function) make[1]: *** [out/simple-spacer.o] Error 1 make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/lilypond/lily' make: *** [all] Error 2 -David ___ bug-lilypond mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: 'make all' fails CVS ChangeLog 1.2496
Latest CVS, ChangeLog 1.2497 seems to have corrected this. -David ___ bug-lilypond mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
'make all' fails CVS ChangeLog 1.2496
Here's the end of the output of the latest CVS 'make all' attempt on RedHat 9: Backtrace: In unknown file: ?: 0* [primitive-load-path "documentation-generate.scm"] In /usr/src/lilypond/share/lilypond/scm/documentation-generate.scm: 29: 1* [map # #] In unknown file: ?: 2* [ly:load "document-backend.scm"] In /usr/src/lilypond/share/lilypond/scm/lily.scm: 377: 3* (let ((fn #)) (if (ly:get-option #) (format # "[~A]" ...)) ...) 380: 4 [primitive-load "/usr/src/lilypond/share/lilypond/scm/document-backend.scm$ In /usr/src/lilypond/share/lilypond/scm/document-backend.scm: 155: 5* [map # #] In /usr/share/guile/1.6/srfi/srfi-1.scm: 637: 6 (if (null? rest) (map1 f list1) ...) ... 628: 7 (begin (set-cdr! p (list (f #))) (lp (cdr ls) (cdr p))) 629: 8* [set-cdr! (#) ... 629: 9* [list ... 629: 10* [check-dangling-properties slur] In /usr/src/lilypond/share/lilypond/scm/document-backend.scm: 152: 11(if # #) In unknown file: ... ?: 12[scm-error misc-error #f ...] : In procedure scm-error in expression (scm-error (quote misc-error) #f ...): : define-grob-properties.scm: Can't find interface for property: slur make[2]: *** [out/lilypond-internals.texi] Error 2 make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/lilypond/Documentation/user' make[1]: *** [all] Error 2 make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/lilypond/Documentation' make: *** [all] Error 2 -David ___ bug-lilypond mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: [bug] CVS version of lilypond-book.itely has a wrong command
At 10:51 AM 8/24/2004 +0200, you wrote: >The latest CVS version of Lilypond does not compile under RedHat Linux >8.0 with Texinfo 4.6. > >The "makeinfo" program complains about a @LaTeX{} command in file >"Documentation/user/lilypond-book.itely" (line 65). >By replacing it with [EMAIL PROTECTED] all works. > >Maurizio Tomasi I had a similar problem with RedHat 9. Hen-Wen directed me to upgrade to texinfo 4.7. It's fine now. -David ___ bug-lilypond mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
accidental bug --> gone
Han-Wen, Your fix for the accidental bug seems to have worked. I'm getting normal looking results now. -David ___ bug-lilypond mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]