Problem with last rest in 3/4 section

2009-03-02 Thread Problem with last rest in 3/4 section
%% Last Rest is not in the supposed beat in PDF. Should be in the c beat

\version "2.12.0"  % necessary for upgrading to future LilyPond versions.

\header {
title = "FLORA"
subtitle = "Fantasia per orchestra mandolinistica"
composer = "G. Sartori"
instrument = "MANDOLE"

staffViola = \new Staff  {
\override Score.MetronomeMark #'stencil = ##f
\tempo 4 = 52 
\set Staff.midiInstrument="viola"
\key d \major
\clef treble
\relative c'' { 
   \time 9/8
   d4.->\ff^\markup {Adagio maestoso} cis4.-> h8->\( cis ->d-> \) cis4 
\( cis16\) h a4. r4 r8 h4.-> a4.-> fis8-> \( g8-> a8-> \) fis4\( fis16\) e16 d4 
r8 r4 r8 r4 r8 r8 g8 \(a8 cis8 e8 a8\) 
   r4 r8 r8 fis,8 \(a8 cis8 e8 a8\)
   \partial 1 r1 \f a,16-. h-. cis-. d-. e-. d-. cis-. h-. a-. h-. cis-
. h-. a-. h-. a-. g-. fis-. e-. d4.->\ff cis'4.-> h8->\( cis-> d\) cis4 \( 
cis16\) h a4. r4 r8 
   h4.-> a4.-> fis8-> \( g8-> a8-> \) fis4\( fis16\) e16 d4 r8 r4 r8 
b'8 f b d f d b r8 r8
   a8-. fis-. a-. d-. fis-. d-. a-. r8 r8 gis8-. f-. gis-. h-. d-. h-. 
gis-. \bar "||" \tempo 4=113 \time 3/4 a8^\markup {Allegretto} \p r8 r4 r 
   r16 a16-.[ cis-. e-.] a8 -. r8 r4 r16 b,16-.[ d-. f-.] b8-. r8 r4 
c,2\( c8\) r8


\score {

\midi {
\layout  {

\paper {
#(set-paper-size "a4")
print-page-number = ##t
system-count = 10

bug-lilypond mailing list

Re: Problem with last rest in 3/4 section

2009-03-02 Thread Mats Bengtsson

This is not a problem with LilyPond, but with you input.
I strongly recommend you to use bar checks (see
Then, you will quickly figure out that the problem appears already in 
the first measure of the 3/4 section. The reason is your last bar before 
the 3/4 section, which is incomplete. Adding two r8 rests to make it a 
full bar, solves all your problems. If the composer indeed wrote it this 
way, you can insert a \partial 1*0 just before the \bar "||", but this 
will unfortunately give the wrong bar numbering. A better solution is 
described in

(with a followup that should appear in the mailing list archives soon).


Problem with last rest in 3/4 section wrote:

%% Last Rest is not in the supposed beat in PDF. Should be in the c beat

\version "2.12.0"  % necessary for upgrading to future LilyPond versions.

\header {
title = "FLORA"
subtitle = "Fantasia per orchestra mandolinistica"
composer = "G. Sartori"
instrument = "MANDOLE"

staffViola = \new Staff  {
\override Score.MetronomeMark #'stencil = ##f
	\tempo 4 = 52 
	\set Staff.midiInstrument="viola"

\key d \major
\clef treble
	\relative c'' { 
	   \time 9/8
	   d4.->\ff^\markup {Adagio maestoso} cis4.-> h8->\( cis ->d-> \) cis4 
\( cis16\) h a4. r4 r8 h4.-> a4.-> fis8-> \( g8-> a8-> \) fis4\( fis16\) e16 d4 
r8 r4 r8 r4 r8 r8 g8 \(a8 cis8 e8 a8\) 
	   r4 r8 r8 fis,8 \(a8 cis8 e8 a8\)
	   \partial 1 r1 \f a,16-. h-. cis-. d-. e-. d-. cis-. h-. a-. h-. cis-
. h-. a-. h-. a-. g-. fis-. e-. d4.->\ff cis'4.-> h8->\( cis-> d\) cis4 \( 
cis16\) h a4. r4 r8 
	   h4.-> a4.-> fis8-> \( g8-> a8-> \) fis4\( fis16\) e16 d4 r8 r4 r8 
b'8 f b d f d b r8 r8
	   a8-. fis-. a-. d-. fis-. d-. a-. r8 r8 gis8-. f-. gis-. h-. d-. h-. 
gis-. \bar "||" \tempo 4=113 \time 3/4 a8^\markup {Allegretto} \p r8 r4 r 
	   r16 a16-.[ cis-. e-.] a8 -. r8 r4 r16 b,16-.[ d-. f-.] b8-. r8 r4 
c,2\( c8\) r8


\score {

\midi {
\layout  {

\paper {
#(set-paper-size "a4")
print-page-number = ##t
system-count = 10

bug-lilypond mailing list

Mats Bengtsson
Signal Processing
School of Electrical Engineering
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 
   Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260

bug-lilypond mailing list