Re: Regression caused by Commit: 5bd7ad2b225b ("Preserve the real value of -jN in MAKEFLAGS using jobserver.")

2017-10-31 Thread Eric Melski

On 10/30/2017 02:22 PM, Paul Smith wrote:

On Tue, 2017-10-31 at 07:39 +1100, NeilBrown wrote:

On Mon, Oct 30 2017, Tim Murphy wrote:

For my money -j is always a top-level setting.   To have it per makefile
and then let makefiles depend on that behaviour would open the door to lots
of scary bugs.

I don't see what scary bugs we might have; I've seen issues where
makefiles not intended to be used with -j will not work properly with
-j, but I'm not sure I've ever seen an issue with a makefile intended
to work with -j that fails when run without it, or with a different

Here's a trivial example that shows how a build could fail if -j is not 
specified, but work if -j is specified (with any value, in this case), 
assuming "output" does not exist to start:

all: reader writer

sleep 2
cat output

echo PASS > output

Of course "work" is used somewhat loosely here, as the build might 
appear to work but in fact pick up stale data if "output" happens to 
exist prior to the start of the run (eg, in an incremental build).

It's not a common scenario, to be sure, but I have encountered this "in 
the wild".  Just last week I worked with a large commercial build which 
exhibited this behavior, due to a missing dependency between the reader 
and writer jobs.


Eric Melski
Chief Architect
Electric Cloud, Inc.

Bug-make mailing list

Re: Using hash instead of timestamps to check for changes.

2015-04-11 Thread Eric Melski

On 04/11/2015 08:38 AM, Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult wrote:

On 07.04.2015 00:17, Eric Melski wrote:


This problem is relatively common when using an SCM system that
preserves *checkin* time on files rather than *checkout* time.

I'd consider that a misbehavious of the SCM (IMHO, that's the reason
why Git does not track the mtime). From the filesystem perspective,
the mtime represents the time when the actual file was changed in the
filesystem. So, resetting the mtime from some SCM repo actually is
tricking the filesystem - pretty obvious that the mtime then isn't
reliable anymore.

It doesn't necessarily require resetting or manipulating the mtime 
at all.  ClearCase has its own filesystem, MVFS, which simply behaves 
the way I described.  In any case, it's not an utterly irrational 
position to consider the last modification time of a file tracked by the 
version control system to be the time that a new revision of the file 
was created.  That *is* the last modification time, after all.

However, this is not the place for this type of philosophical debate. 
The question at hand is whether or not make would benefit from a 
non-timestamp-based notion of up-to-dateness, and the answer seems to 
be clearly yes, for this and other reasons mentioned elsewhere in this 


Eric Melski
Chief Architect
Electric Cloud, Inc.

Bug-make mailing list

Re: Using hash instead of timestamps to check for changes.

2015-04-06 Thread Eric Melski

On 04/04/2015 11:38 AM, Tim Murphy wrote:

My thinking is that the timestamp is in fact an overly conservative
   test.  We never have the case that the timestamp indicates something
   *has not* been changed when in fact it has (i.e. we always build if
   something has changed),

That's interesting, because in my experience the main reason people are
upset about timestamps these days is the exact opposite: with the
increase in capabilities of systems, in particular larger build servers,
it is possible to have situations where targets are updated too quickly
to reliably determine out-of-date-ness based solely on timestamps.

That may be a use case but I've not experienced it more than once, IIRC,
but I've often  experienced things which are automatically generated or
copied and which
trigger huge rebuilds for no ultimate purpose.

This problem is relatively common when using an SCM system that 
preserves *checkin* time on files rather than *checkout* time. 
ClearCase does this in various configurations, and Perforce will if your 
client spec has modtime set.  I'm sure other SCM systems can be setup 
this way too.

In such environments, the timestamp on a file may not change *enough* 
even when the content has changed.  For example, suppose the following:

1.  I have file foo.c with time A.
2.  My teammate modifies foo.c and checks in at time B.
3.  I build in my workspace, without sync'ing, generating foo.c with time C.
4.  I sync my workspace, updating foo.c but leaving it with time B.
5.  I try to rebuild but foo.o is not updated because C is later than B.

ClearCase's clearmake utility handles this, of course.  The problem 
occurs frequently enough that we added a feature to Electric Make called 
the ledger expressly to allow us to notice this type of out-of-dateness.


Eric Melski
Chief Architect
Electric Cloud, Inc.

Bug-make mailing list

Re: Patch to allow make to load plugins that add new functions.

2012-04-10 Thread Eric Melski

On 04/05/2012 11:59 PM, Tim Murphy wrote:

As for other tools like Electric Make, I want to be able to arm-twist
them to support plugins (politely of course, Eric :-) ) without them
being able to say it's impossible or unreliable or that it requires
them to simulate the volatile internals of make to some infeasible
degree.  I realise that this is just my interest but it makes the
difference between bothering to use a plugin mechanism and not
bothering at all since it couldn't offer me a uniform makefile that I
could use across systems - I'd solve all my worries on GNU make and
still be busted on emake and since GNU make doesn't offer that amazing
filesystem which tells you when you have parallelsim problems and
corrects them. In other words I can't give up on emake without
converting 100s of developers into experts in writing good parallel
makefiles and inventing a way to get make to work on clusters of
machines (without pvmgmake's horrendously complicated setup).   People
are so much more difficult than software.

So my vote, FWIW, is to define what one does expect make to offer
plugins (the nice bits of make) and define what it definitely
doesn't and won't in the near future.  Anyone who wants a lot more is
probably going to have to customise make itself anyhow.  I think the
plugin should say what environment it expects and make should decide
if it can offer that.  If make fails on something it claims to support
then it's a bug on make otherwise it's clearly a plugin problem etc.

As you say with expectations, one has to set them at some point.

Adding a plugin mechanism to ElectricMake has been on my wishlist for 
quite some time actually.  I'd love to collaborate with Paul, et al, on 
the design so that we come up with something that works for both gmake 
and emake.  In my wildest imaginings we could cook up something that 
would be binary-compatible, so we only have to compile a plugin once to 
use it with both tools, but I doubt that's really achievable.  The next 
best thing would be source-compatibility, so we at least don't have to 
tweak the plugin implementation to work with each tool (although I 
suppose that too could be manageable, in the same way that you see 
plugins for scripting languages with different 'bindings' for different 
languages -- still, we would need to agree on some fundamentals for that 
to work I think).

The single biggest issue in this regard is a difference in architecture 
between gmake and emake.  Fundamentally, gmake is one-make-per-process, 
and there are a lot of assumptions and shortcuts baked into the code 
because of that.  emake is many-makes-per-process.  In practical terms 
that means that we have to pass around additional context when doing 
expansions (eg, you have to know which make instance the expansion is 
part of, so that you use the right variable table).  I think to make 
something that would work for both gmake and emake we would have to 
abstract away this difference -- for example, rather than directly 
accessing data structures, we would define a set of API's for the 
various operations that are needed during expansion.

So there's definitely interest in collaboration on our end; is there any 
interest from the gmake devs?

Best regards,

Eric Melski
Electric Cloud, Inc.

Bug-make mailing list

Re: Prioritizing non-dependent targets in parallel make

2010-08-23 Thread Eric Melski

Eric Melski wrote:

ElectricAccelerator doesn't factor runtimes into scheduling decisions, 
although we have talked about doing so in the past.  I spent some time 
investigating the possibility, most recently a couple years ago.  ...

I ran the simulation on a variety of real-world builds.


I'll see if I can dig up the patch for ElectricInsight and maybe write 
it up in a blog. up that code, and maybe write it up in a blog.

Ugh, it took me a lot longer to put this together than I expected, but 
if anybody is still interested, I did finally do a write-up on the 
subject of a longest-job-first scheduler for make and why it doesn't 
work in practice:

Best regards,

Eric Melski

Bug-make mailing list

Re: insufficient debug info from gnu-make

2010-08-09 Thread Eric Melski

Peter Lawrence wrote:

great if you want to see what was actually executed,
not so great if you want to figure out where in the make sources you 
need to start looking,

both are realistic wants.

when things get as messy as gcc's makefiles, I'ld like to be able to see 
both the before and after macro substitutions

versions of the commands lines

.or, at least the line numbers (along with directory/filename)  so I 
know where to look in the original source

ElectricAccelerator, a gmake replacement, can produce an annotated build 
log that includes this information.  I've written about that feature here:

SparkBuild ( is a free version of Accelerator 
that also includes this feature.  It can be pretty handy in situations 
like the one you describe.

Best regards,

Eric Melski
Electric Cloud, Inc.

Bug-make mailing list

Re: [RFC]serialize the output of parallel make?

2010-08-04 Thread Eric Melski

Hambridge, Philip J (ODP) wrote:

I've not been following this thread too closely, but this may be

I wrote the linked article; for those not interested in reading it, the 
strategy described there is the same as that used by the talon shell 
wrapper described elsewhere in this thread.

Best regards,

Eric Melski
Electric Cloud, Inc.

Bug-make mailing list

Re: Fwd: [RFC]serialize the output of parallel make?

2010-08-03 Thread Eric Melski

Chiheng Xu wrote:

What I want is transparent parallel make.   Make can issue multiple
shells simultaneously, but print their outputs in the same order as in
a serial make.

ElectricAccelerator is a gmake replacement that does exactly this.  I 
wrote about this feature a while back:

You can read more about Accelerator on the blog, or here:

Eric Melski
Electric Cloud, Inc.

Bug-make mailing list

Re: Prioritizing non-dependent targets in parallel make

2010-01-05 Thread Eric Melski

Tim Murphy wrote:


I'm nobody official.  I have seen Electric Accelerator using history
files which may be doing something a bit like this.


So I, personally, want something that learns.  I would like to be able
to store the learned information into source control and use it as the
basis for the next attempt.  One would have to check for patents on
this, I think.

Hi Tim!

ElectricAccelerator doesn't factor runtimes into scheduling decisions, 
although we have talked about doing so in the past.  I spent some time 
investigating the possibility, most recently a couple years ago.  What I 
did was tweak the Simulator report in ElectricInsight to simulate this 
kind of scheduling, so each time it chooses the next job to run, it 
picks the longest job of those that are available to start.  I ran the 
simulation on a variety of real-world builds.

Unfortunately, the results were disappointing.  In my recollection, the 
best case gave a savings of about 5% of the total build time, and in 
general it was barely measurable -- maybe 1%.  It seems that in 
practice, most of the jobs in a build are about the same length.  The 
notable exception is the final link, which is of course much longer. 
But then -- of course -- that can't start until all the other jobs are 
done anyway, so the fancy scheduling doesn't help.

I'll see if I can dig up the patch for ElectricInsight and maybe write 
it up in a blog. up that code, and maybe write it up in a blog.


Eric Melski
Electric Cloud, Inc.

Bug-make mailing list

Re: Prioritizing non-dependent targets in parallel make

2010-01-04 Thread Eric Melski

Tim Murphy wrote:


I'm nobody official.  I have seen Electric Accelerator using history
files which may be doing something a bit like this.

Personally I don't like the idea of priorities very much.  Large
builds that I have done do have big targets but since we are building
5000 of the same kind of target (using a macro to define a generic
template and $eval to instantiate it for each specific target) it
becomes impossible for us to provide hints.  In the end we'd have to
force the users of our build system say  webkit.dll is pretty huge
or  euser.dll isn't.  Since this is all relative information, how
can we expect a build made up of components that various people
produce to have the right relative weights?

So I, personally, want something that learns.  I would like to be able
to store the learned information into source control and use it as the
basis for the next attempt.  One would have to check for patents on
this, I think.

Hi Tim!

ElectricAccelerator doesn't factor runtimes into scheduling decisions, 
although we have talked about doing so in the past.  I spent some time 
investigating the possibility, most recently a couple years ago.  What I 
did was tweak the Simulator report in ElectricInsight to simulate this 
kind of scheduling, so each time it chooses the next job to run, it 
picks the longest job of those that are available to start.  I ran the 
simulation on a variety of real-world builds.

Unfortunately, the results were disappointing.  In my recollection, the 
best case gave a savings of about 5% of the total build time, and in 
general it was barely measurable -- maybe 1%.  It seems that in 
practice, most of the jobs in a build are about the same length.  The 
notable exception is the final link, which is of course much longer. 
But then -- of course -- that can't start until all the other jobs are 
done anyway, so the fancy scheduling doesn't help.

I'll see if I can dig up the patch for ElectricInsight and maybe write 
it up in a blog. up that code, and maybe write it up in a blog.


Eric Melski
Electric Cloud, Inc.

Bug-make mailing list

Re: Prioritizing non-dependent targets in parallel make

2010-01-04 Thread Eric Melski

Tim Murphy wrote:


I'm nobody official.  I have seen Electric Accelerator using history
files which may be doing something a bit like this.


So I, personally, want something that learns.  I would like to be able
to store the learned information into source control and use it as the
basis for the next attempt.  One would have to check for patents on
this, I think.

Hi Tim!

ElectricAccelerator doesn't factor runtimes into scheduling decisions, 
although we have talked about doing so in the past.  I spent some time 
investigating the possibility, most recently a couple years ago.  What I 
did was tweak the Simulator report in ElectricInsight to simulate this 
kind of scheduling, so each time it chooses the next job to run, it 
picks the longest job of those that are available to start.  I ran the 
simulation on a variety of real-world builds.

Unfortunately, the results were disappointing.  In my recollection, the 
best case gave a savings of about 5% of the total build time, and in 
general it was barely measurable -- maybe 1%.  It seems that in 
practice, most of the jobs in a build are about the same length.  The 
notable exception is the final link, which is of course much longer. 
But then -- of course -- that can't start until all the other jobs are 
done anyway, so the fancy scheduling doesn't help.

I'll see if I can dig up the patch for ElectricInsight and maybe write 
it up in a blog. up that code, and maybe write it up in a blog.


Eric Melski
Electric Cloud, Inc.

Bug-make mailing list