[bug #22923] option to prevent interspersed output in parallel builds

2014-05-04 Thread Paul D. Smith
Update of bug #22923 (project make):

  Status:None = Fixed  
 Assigned to:None = psmith 
 Open/Closed:Open = Closed 
   Fixed Release:None = 4.0


Follow-up Comment #10:

I'm not sure how I missed this bug, but this feature was implemented in GNU
make 4.0 (read about output synchronization).


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[bug #22923] option to prevent interspersed output in parallel builds

2010-01-18 Thread Ilguiz Latypov

Follow-up Comment #9, bug #22923 (project make):

I agree with comment #2 that polling pipes would incur unnecessary overhead
and that the generic solution would pair each spawned action against the
pre-defined template of a logger command.

Looking at the recipient of messages in the existing implementation, it's the
file system.  Perhaps, another generic approach could be a file system driver
that translates the open and write operations from separate processes
using a pre-defined template of a logger command and/or sending the contents
directly to an established network log service.

I agree that extra line buffering and line splitting may need to be


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[bug #22923] option to prevent interspersed output in parallel builds

2010-01-15 Thread Timothy N Murphy

Follow-up Comment #8, bug #22923 (project make):


My team do this with GNU make at the moment by using a replacement shell.  

It was proprietary until fairly recently and now it has been released under
the EPL.  It is hosted by the Symbian Foundation and you'd need a login but
since it's EPLd now there's nothing stopping me from mailing it to someone.

It's called Talon and you use it by setting


So make executes recipes in the Talon shell and Talon spawns them in Bash. It
buffers the full command output and finally tries to grab a system-wide
semaphore (not on clusters) before printing the output. 

There are some tricks. e.g. if you have multiline recipes then  you need to
join them up into one line to prevent the iondividual steps from interleaving

fred.exe: fred.o bob.o
link $^ -o $...@.sym
elf2e32 $...@.sym -o $@

. . .becomes . . .

fred.exe: fred.o bob.o
link $^ -o $...@.sym  
elf2e32 $...@.sym -o $@


It has some other nice features like:

* timeouts - don't let a single badly behaved command prevent you from
finding all the other issues in your 10 hour build.

* retries - being able to retry build commands (in case of intermittent
compiler license server failures or network problems). 

* easily-parsed logs - It is also able (optionally) to wrap each bit of
output in delimiters (XML actually) and print the exit  code of commands.  You
basically don't have to have hundreds of programs different error regexps in a
table to know what went wrong in the build.  You can also see clearly where
commands from one recipe stop and commands for the next recipe begin.

* performance data - it can print out the time taken by each command and
commands can be given a type e.g. link so that you can easily find out at
the end of the build how much time linking takes as a proportion and you know
if it's more critical than other types of task.

We used to do most of this in bash but had problems with implementing timeout
and retry.  Bash 4 seems to have those so it might be worth another look.  At
the moment Talon is in plain C, works on Windows and Linux and someone got it
going on a Mac with a small effort.

In Example Recipe 1, at the end of this post, I've listed the
de-interleaved output for one recipe. All most log parsers need to know is if
a recipe failed or not (in the status tag at the bottom) and which component
and project to blame for the build failure (in the start tag). The time is
also in the tag at the bottom,  


recipe name='postlink'
host='rhodes' layer='' component=''
config='arm.v5.urel.gcce4_4_1' platform='armv5' phase='ALL' source=''
+ /home/tmurphy/test-epocroot/epoc32/tools/elf2e32 --sid=0x10003a5c
--version=10.0 --capability=TCB+ProtServ+DiskAdmin+AllFiles+PowerMgmt+CommDD
'--linkas=test_pp2{000a}[0001].exe' --fpu=softvfp --targettype=EXE
--uid1=0x107a --uid2=0x100039ce --uid3=0x0001 --priority=Low
--stack=0x2000 --heap=0x5000,0x --debuggable --paged

]]time start='1262514094.06189' elapsed='0.014' /
status exit='ok' attempt='1' /

The various data about the target (e.g. which component the target belongs
to) is cuistomisable and can be added to the start tag through adding a
special prefix onto commands.

fred.exe: fred.o bob.o
|NAME='linknpostlink';COMPONENT=mycomponent;PROJECT=fred.prj;|link $^ -o
elf2e32 $...@.sym -o $@

# then we can tell Talon how to use these parameters we sent it:


which gives you somethig roughly like:

recipe name='linknpostlink' component='mycomponent' project='fred.prj'
+ link fred.o bob.o -o fred.exe.sym
+ elf2e32 fred.exe.sym -o fred.exe

]]time start='1262514064.04133' elapsed='0.023' /
status exit='ok' attempt='1' /

I'll put it up somewhere if anyone is actually interested.




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[bug #22923] option to prevent interspersed output in parallel builds

2010-01-14 Thread Ilguiz Latypov

Follow-up Comment #5, bug #22923 (project make):

Another idea mentioned in a Python bug discussion on file handles contention
is to have each spawned make process redirect stdout and stderr of its spawned
actions to a socket opened by the main make process.  (Perhaps, each make
process could do that by opening pipes to poll stdout and stderr from its
spawned actions and by sending the received messages over the client socket). 
The main make process would be able to read each message separately and save
it in stdout or stderr along with the sender's PID.


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[bug #22923] option to prevent interspersed output in parallel builds

2010-01-14 Thread Paul D. Smith

Follow-up Comment #6, bug #22923 (project make):

I don't really see the difference between comment #5 and the original
description.  I've addressed why this is hard to do in comment #2.


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[bug #22923] option to prevent interspersed output in parallel builds

2010-01-14 Thread Howard Chu

Follow-up Comment #7, bug #22923 (project make):

Reaching back 25 years again, this is basically what Alliant Concentrix
parallel make did. It prefixed each output line with the job number |1|, |2|
and so on. (This is also why in my original proposal for make -j, I used
different numbered job tokens, so that each make invocation could output its
own unique number.) Obviously the way that was done was by using a pipe for
each spawned jobs' stdout/stderr, so that the invoking make could attach the
prefix to any output lines. Of course, in the context of the current make -j
server, this would only allow us to handle 255 concurrent jobs. After working
on a Connection Machine with 1024 nodes, it became obvious that this wasn't a
perfect solution...

As a side note - stdout is always linebuffered by default. It's stderr that
may present problems, since by default it is unbuffered.

Just using each jobs' PID as a prefix isn't quite as pleasant, you get a much
noisier output since a single job can spawn a lot of processes and thus cycle
thru many PIDs in rapid succession.


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[bug #22923] option to prevent interspersed output in parallel builds

2009-10-27 Thread Erik Cumps

Follow-up Comment #4, bug #22923 (project make):

We have implemented output merging with a shell wrapper script. We ask make
to use this wrapper script via the SHELL variable.

The script itself is pretty simple, although it may be bash-centric:


# Simple shell wrapper for stdout and stderr buffering
# Created 2002, Erik Cumps
# Use with parallel makes to prevent confusing output.
# Run make SHELL=makesh ... or edit makefile.
# This version merges stdout/stderr.

cleanup() {
if [ -f /tmp/makesh-$$ ]; then
cat /tmp/makesh-$$
rm -f /tmp/makesh-$$
if [ ${RC} = beach ]; then
# interrupted before reaping child status or weird error
echo *** makesh: interrupted by signal before reaping child
status 12
exit 42
exit ${RC}

# Run command, redirect stdout/stderr to temp file
# Remember command's exit status
/bin/bash -c $@ 1/tmp/makesh-$$ 21



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[bug #22923] option to prevent interspersed output in parallel builds

2009-10-27 Thread Erik Cumps

Additional Item Attachment, bug #22923 (project make):

File name: makesh Size:0 KB
File name: makesh-split   Size:0 KB


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[bug #22923] option to prevent interspersed output in parallel builds

2009-03-26 Thread Brian Kustel

Follow-up Comment #3, bug #22923 (project make):

Thanks ipjrest and psmith for both replies. They are very appreciated. 

Responding to ipjrest's comments:
I agree some commands are long-running and that if watching progress is
important, the proposed behavior may not be desireable. This is one reason I
suggested the proposed new behavior be optional.

1) Line-buffering: While it would help in some cases, not intermixing lines
from different processes is only partially helpful. The fact that a single
line from process A might be interrupted by a line from process B is my
concern here. For example, instead of seeing
  Process A Fragment 1 was emitted and then fragment 2 was emitted.
  Process B Message
one might see 
  A: Process A Fragment 1 was emitted 
  B: Process B Message
  A: and then fragment 2 was emitted.
if the line for process A is emitted in 2 separate write operations. 
2) The VS line prefixing would be OK. In fact I like this idea. But it still
has the problem that single lines can be broken if the tool being run
sometimes emits lines in pieces. I have noticed that gcc has this problem in
some cases (at least the gcc version I am currently using, 4.1.0).

Responding to psmith's comments:

Thanks for pointing out that make is not multithreaded. I guess I was
assuming it was. I agree this complicates matters somewhat. Also, I see your
point about my original stdout/stderr marking idea. In both cases I assumed
make would have either an auxilliary thread or its main thread doing these
tasks but I now realize that this is not how make currently works. 

But I think something along the lines of your special variable idea could
be employed in a generic fashion. Perhaps this is what you intended your
second paragraph below to imply? Specifically, the proposed option could cause
all commands to have their output piped to a standard tool which stores
(its) stdin to a temp file and then writes it synchronously to stdout after
stdin is closed. Also, I think it could be reasonable to allow for an option
to either combine stdout/stderr here or to pipe them to separate processes (so
that stdout/stderr could be atomically emitted to stdout/stderr

While I have nothing against the special variable idea, I'd very much like
to see a way to accomplish this via a make command-line option and the
variable idea sounded as if it might require a makefile modification.


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Re: [bug #22923] option to prevent interspersed output in parallel builds

2009-03-26 Thread Howard Chu

Brian Kustel wrote:

Follow-up Comment #3, bug #22923 (project make):

Thanks ipjrest and psmith for both replies. They are very appreciated.

Responding to ipjrest's comments:
I agree some commands are long-running and that if watching progress is
important, the proposed behavior may not be desireable. This is one reason I
suggested the proposed new behavior be optional.

1) Line-buffering: While it would help in some cases, not intermixing lines
from different processes is only partially helpful. The fact that a single
line from process A might be interrupted by a line from process B is my
concern here. For example, instead of seeing
   Process A Fragment 1 was emitted and then fragment 2 was emitted.
   Process B Message
one might see
   A: Process A Fragment 1 was emitted
   B: Process B Message
   A: and then fragment 2 was emitted.
if the line for process A is emitted in 2 separate write operations.
2) The VS line prefixing would be OK. In fact I like this idea. But it still
has the problem that single lines can be broken if the tool being run
sometimes emits lines in pieces. I have noticed that gcc has this problem in
some cases (at least the gcc version I am currently using, 4.1.0).

Responding to psmith's comments:

Thanks for pointing out that make is not multithreaded. I guess I was
assuming it was. I agree this complicates matters somewhat. Also, I see your
point about my original stdout/stderr marking idea. In both cases I assumed
make would have either an auxilliary thread or its main thread doing these
tasks but I now realize that this is not how make currently works.

But I think something along the lines of your special variable idea could
be employed in a generic fashion. Perhaps this is what you intended your
second paragraph below to imply? Specifically, the proposed option could cause
all commands to have their output piped to a standard tool which stores
(its) stdin to a temp file and then writes it synchronously to stdout after
stdin is closed. Also, I think it could be reasonable to allow for an option
to either combine stdout/stderr here or to pipe them to separate processes (so
that stdout/stderr could be atomically emitted to stdout/stderr

While I have nothing against the special variable idea, I'd very much like
to see a way to accomplish this via a make command-line option and the
variable idea sounded as if it might require a makefile modification.

Just my 2 cents, the Alliant parallel make (which inspired my design of the 
make -j jobserver) also redirected all of the spawned processes' stdio to a 
set of pipes, so that all of their output was prefixed with |jobnum|. It was 
quite nice, but I never felt it was important enough to duplicate that 
behavior for gmake.

  -- Howard Chu
  CTO, Symas Corp.   http://www.symas.com
  Director, Highland Sun http://highlandsun.com/hyc/
  Chief Architect, OpenLDAP  http://www.openldap.org/project/

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[bug #22923] option to prevent interspersed output in parallel builds

2008-09-05 Thread Ian Prest

Follow-up Comment #1, bug #22923 (project make):

Some commands are long-running.  And while it would be useful for post-build
analysis to have the entire output of each command grouped together, it's much
less fun to watch.  :)

Perhaps something like MSFT did with parallel builds in Visual Studio?  That

1) Line-buffer (i.e., don't intermix output from multiple processes on the
same line); and
2) Prefix each line with a number to indicate which process generated the
message.  (Visual Studio uses 1, 2, etc.)


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[bug #22923] option to prevent interspersed output in parallel builds

2008-04-15 Thread Brian Kustel


 Summary: option to prevent interspersed output in parallel
 Project: make
Submitted by: bkustel
Submitted on: Wednesday 04/16/2008 at 03:26
Severity: 3 - Normal
  Item Group: Enhancement
  Status: None
 Privacy: Public
 Assigned to: None
 Open/Closed: Open
 Discussion Lock: Any
   Component Version: 3.81
Operating System: Any
   Fixed Release: None



In the Parallel Execution section of the manual, it accurately states: 

   One unpleasant consequence of running several commands
simultaneously is that output generated by the commands 
appears whenever each command sends it, so messages 
from different commands may be interspersed.

But it should be possible have the output of each parallel command/process
batch up its output and only write it to the primary stdout  stderr streams
when the process completes in a synchronized fashion. This seems like it
should be relatively simple to accomplish. The only downside I can see is that
for LONG processes with lots of output, the display would not be in real time
and there could potentially be some storage issues with holding onto that data
until the process completes. But I imagine one could spool the stdout and
stderr off to a temp file marking which blocks are stdout and which are stderr
and then this could be replayed back later to reproduce the proper ordering of
the stdout/stderr output. 

I suspect most users of the Parallel execution feature would prefer to have
the output of each individual command be contiguous, though perhaps some would

Thus, I propose that an option be added to force the output of each parallel
process to be made continguous in the primary stdout  stderr streams. 


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