2001-07-20 Thread Dan Kaminsky

> Some stock machines which have default locked accounts
> running SSH Secure Shell 3.0 are vulnerable to
> arbitrary logins.  This is a serious problem with
> Solaris, for example, which uses the sequence "NP" to
> indicate locked administrative accounts such as "lp",
> "adm", "bin" etc.  Some Linux machines which have
> accounts with !! in the etc/passwd or /etc/shadow such
> as xfs or gdm are also vulnerable. Since it is relatively
> easy to become root after gaining access to certain
> accounts, we consider this a potential root exploit.

Since on Solaris all the standard binaries(sh, ls, rm, etc.) are bin owned,
all systems with SSH-3.0 should be considered to be completely rootable by
even basic unix-aware attackers.  Worse, the nature of the SSH protocols is
that the exact version of the SSH server shows up upon initial connection to
the SSHD port.  This means a mass scan, combined perhaps with minor TCP
property analysis, will reveal both the vulnerable SSHD and the specific OS
whose accounts are to be attacked.

Mass SSH scanners are available; it may be worthwhile as an administrator to
search and cleanse your network before someone else does.  While you're at
it, watch for OpenSSH 2.2.0p2 in particular, as there apparently exist Linux
root exploits for that obscure deattack.c bug found several months ago.

The big issue here, of course, is not that sshd incorrectly checks the
cryptographic hash of an inadequately sized password but that it checks it
at all.  NP, as far as I know, specifically stands for No Password
(acceptable, *not* needed), and !! I believe has the same meaning for
Linux(! for "no").  SSHD has traditionally when possible directly tested its
passwords straight through most available interfaces, be them a raw password
file or a PAM call.  But when the SSHD checked the cryptography of NP or !!,
it failed to successfully parse the critical message in the password
database:  Let Nothing At All, No Matter What, In.

When such a message exists, it deserves immediate servicing.  They expected
the cryptography to fail; it was an implicit assumption that an explicit
security-critical demand would be serviced automatically.  The assumption
was incorrect, and now a reasonably major hole exists.

Yours Truly,

Dan Kaminsky, CISSP


2001-07-20 Thread Stephanie Thomas

Hash: SHA1

Dear Secure Shell Community,

A potential remote root exploit has been discovered 
in SSH Secure Shell 3.0.0, for Unix only, concerning 
accounts with password fields consisting of two or 
fewer characters. Unauthorized users could potentially 
log in to these accounts using any password, including 
an empty password.  This affects SSH Secure Shell 3.0.0
for Unix only.  This is a problem with password 
authentication to the sshd2 daemon.  The SSH Secure 
Shell client binaries (located by default in 
/usr/local/bin) are not affected.   

SSH Secure Shell 3.0.1 fixes this problem.

Please note that if using a form of authentication 
other than password, AND password authentication 
is disabled, you are NOT VULNERABLE to this issue. 

Red Hat Linux 6.1 thru 7.1 
Solaris 2.6 thru 2.8 
HP-UX 10.20 
HP-UX 11.00 
Caldera Linux 2.4 
Suse Linux 6.4 thru 7.0 

Please note that other platforms not listed here 
may also be vulnerable. 


Tru64 4.0.G, NetBSD, and OpenBSD are not vulnerable. 

Please note that other platforms not listed here 
may also be immune.


Some stock machines which have default locked accounts 
running SSH Secure Shell 3.0 are vulnerable to 
arbitrary logins.  This is a serious problem with 
Solaris, for example, which uses the sequence "NP" to 
indicate locked administrative accounts such as "lp", 
"adm", "bin" etc.  Some Linux machines which have 
accounts with !! in the etc/passwd or /etc/shadow such 
as xfs or gdm are also vulnerable. Since it is relatively 
easy to become root after gaining access to certain 
accounts, we consider this a potential root exploit.


During password authentication, if the field containing 
the encrypted password in /etc/shadow, /etc/password, 
etc. is two or less characters long, SSH 3.0.0 will 
allow anyone to access that account with ANY password.
The bug is in the code that compares the result of calling 
crypt(pw, salt) with the value of the encrypted password 
in the /etc/shadow (or /etc/password) file. SSH Secure Shell 
Server 3.0.0 does a bounded string compare bounded to the 
length of the value stored in aforementioned file (2 
characters in this case) against the return value of 
crypt(). The return value of crypt() is 13 characters, 
with the first two characters being the salt value itself.  
The salt value used is the first two characters of the 
encrypted password in /etc/shadow (or /etc/password). A 
2 character string comparison between the 2 character 
encrypted password in /etc/shadow, and the 13 character 
crypt() return value, whose first two characters ARE the 
2 characters from the password in /etc/shadow. The strings 
match, and the 3.0.0 daemon then accepts the password, no 
matter what is input. 



Immediately upgrade to SSH Secure Shell 3.0.1 
which will be available on our e-commerce site shortly, and is available 
on the ftp site now -
A patch for 3.0.0 source code is also available there.

Alternative work-arounds 
Disable password authentication to the SSH Secure Shell 
daemon (sshd2) in the /etc/ssh2/sshd2_config and use 
another form of authentication such as public key, 
SecurID, Kerberos, certificates, Smart Cards, or 
hostbased to authenticate your users.  These alternative 
authentication methods are NOT VULNERABLE.  Please see 
our SSH Secure Shell support web pages for more 
information on how to enable these authentication methods. 


If you cannot disable password authentication fully, 
limit access to the sshd2 daemon to allow only users 
with entries in the /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow which 
exceed two characters.  This can be done using the 
AllowUsers, AllowGroups, DenyUsers, and DenyGroups 
keywords in the /etc/ssh2/sshd2_config file.  See 
our SSH Secure Shell support web pages and man sshd2_config 
for more information. 


Assign a valid password for each account.  Because 
it is possible that assigning a password to some 
system accounts could cause problems on some operating 
systems, this work-around is limited and is provided 
only as a last-resort alternative.


Use the following patch in the source code:

File /lib/sshsession/sshunixuser.c
Function ssh_user_validate_local_password
Location near line 953, before 
/*Authentication is accepted if the encrypted 
passwords are identical. */

Add lines

if (strlen(correct_passwd) < 13)
return FALSE;


We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. 
SSH Communications Security takes security issues very 
seriously, and a CERT advisory and submission to Bugtraq 
regarding this issue have been submitted.  Please make 
every effort to ensure that your systems are protected 
using one of the above methods as quickly as possible.  
As this information becomes widely known, your systems could 
be at even greater risk 

Tool released to scan for possible CodeRed infected servers

2001-07-20 Thread Marc Maiffret

In an effort to help administrators find all systems within their network
that are vulnerable to the .ida buffer overflow attack, which the "Code Red"
worm is using to spread itself, we have decided to release a free tool named
CodeRed Scanner. It can scan a range of IP addresses and report back any IP
addresses which are vulnerable to the .ida attack, and susceptible to the
"Code Red" worm.

The program will allow you to either scan a single IP address or a Class C
(254) set of IP addresses. It will output a list of IP addresses which can
be double clicked on to get information on how to patch your system from the
.ida vulnerability and to eradicate the "Code Red" worm from your system.
Also this is a program you get to install on your own computer so you do not
have to go to a website and register to scan 1 IP address at a time etc...
like some of the other scanners we have seen that scan for the CodeRed Worm.

We are able to remotely scan IP addresses (web servers) for the .ida
vulnerability (CodeRed Worm) without having to test your system via a buffer
overflow, which can bring your web server down. Instead we use a technique
which we have taken from Retina that allows CodeRed Scanner the ability to
test a web server remotely, without causing any harm to it. This allows us
to see if the .ida patch is installed or not (if the server is infected or
susceptible to infection).

To download CodeRed Scanner go to:

Marc Maiffret
Chief Hacking Officer
eEye Digital Security
F.949.349.9538 - Network Security Scanner - Network Traffic Analyzer - Stop known and unknown IIS vulnerabilities

RE: RED-CODE WORM PATCH possibly not working ????

2001-07-20 Thread Steve Halford

On Friday, July 20, 2001 5:36 tigerblue wrote

> i have got some IIS4-and some IIS5-servers. I was checking the logfiles =
> to get a short info about the red-code worm. The IIS4-servers were =
> respondig to the get default.ida with a http 40x code, but the IIS5 on =
> w2k machines were all responding with an http 200 code. Hmmm strange =
> =B4cause all the servers have been patched in the last month against =
> this idq-vulnerability (MS01-033).
> I=B4m really a wondering, is it normal, that the w2k servers reponding =
> with an 200-Code or is mabe the patch not working at all... does anybody =
> had this effect 

The 404 code will return only when you have ida mapping disabled. The patch
fixes the buffer overrun problem; it does not disable the mapping. To test
for whether the patch is applied, you should look at the file date of the
idq.dll; if it is 5/24/2001, the patch has been applied.

Steve Halford

Re: [BUGTRAQ] Full analysis of the .ida "Code Red" worm.

2001-07-20 Thread Jerome Alet

On Fri, 20 Jul 2001, Nick FitzGerald wrote:

> No -- it is "constrained" because it has reached the *UTC date* (not 
> time as initially reported) when it is programmed to switch from 
> "spread like crazy" mode to "DoS one of the IPs that was part of 
>" mode.  In about ten days it will flick back to 
> the "spread like crazy" mode.

I've just done a quick check of my Apache logs, we have something like 20
virtual hosts each with a different IP address but in the same block, and
while all the others have only received something like 20 attacks, one of
them has received more than 3500, coming from 2150 different hosts.

FYI I've split attacks by top level domains, when the IP was resolvable,
and it gives:

net :  447
com :  377
edu :   70
jp  :   65
tw  :   39
de  :   27
fr  :   25
ca  :   25
nl  :   22
es  :   18
uk  :   17
se  :   17
it  :   15
dk  :   15
at  :   12
gr  :   10
cn  :   10
ch  :   10
be  :   10
ru  :9
us  :8
no  :8
fi  :8
cz  :8
au  :8
pl  :7
org :7
br  :5
za  :3
si  :3
is  :3
hu  :3
hr  :3
cl  :3
cc  :3
arp :3
ua  :2
pt  :2
nz  :2
nu  :2
mx  :2
kr  :2
ie  :2
hk  :2
tr  :1
th  :1
sg  :1
mil :1
int :1
il  :1
bn  :1
bg  :1
ar  :1

the remaining is unresolvable, this was the majority.

Jerome Alet - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
Fac de Medecine de Nice 
Tel: (+33) 4 93 37 76 30 Fax: (+33) 4 93 53 15 15
28 Avenue de Valombrose - 06107 NICE Cedex 2 - FRANCE

Re: "Code Red" worm - there MUST be at least two versions.

2001-07-20 Thread Ryan Russell

On Fri, 20 Jul 2001, Don Papp wrote:

>   I wonder if I have seen this variant - a person I emailed has a
> server whose web pages served looks a lot like the Code Red worm's output
> (1 line of simple html) displaying
>   and p0isonb0x (or something like that)
>   On a black background.  The web files themselves are untouched.
>   Actually I have the source of what it spits out:
>  align="center">fuck CHINA
> Governmentfuck
> PoizonBOx color=red>contact:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

I would tend to assume that isn't a variant of the worm.  It's certainly
not CRv1 or CRv2.  The HTML is about 40 bytes longer than that in Code
Red, so it would be a bit more than simply changing the HTML code in the
worm and relaunching; you'd have to adjust the content length reference,
and a number of other items.  I would think it's non-trivial.

I would think this was a hand-done response to Code Red.


RE: "Code Red" worm - there MUST be at least two versions.

2001-07-20 Thread Kuo, Jimmy

>   I wonder if I have seen this variant - a person I emailed has a
>server whose web pages served looks a lot like the Code Red worm's output
>(1 line of simple html) displaying


More likely, USA Government.

>   and p0isonb0x (or something like that)

and PoizonBOx

>From Sadmind worm.
(named BoxPoison)


Re: "Code Red" worm - there MUST be at least two versions.

2001-07-20 Thread Jon-o Addleman

On Fri, Jul 20, 2001 at 12:15:46PM -0600, Don Papp spake thusly:
>   I wonder if I have seen this variant - a person I emailed has a
> server whose web pages served looks a lot like the Code Red worm's output
> (1 line of simple html) displaying
>   and p0isonb0x (or something like that)
>   On a black background.  The web files themselves are untouched.

I think this was something else - maybe a similar worm, but it used
a different attack:

shell.exe" 404 -

The machine that sent that to me had that same web page up, and I
also got one from a different IP (on the same subnet) a few hours
before that. That was a week ago though - July 13... 

Jon-o Addleman

Full analysis of the .ida "Code Red" worm - solve the problem

2001-07-20 Thread Frank Steinert

To protect your IIS against it you can do this:

Remove the ".ida" entries in ISAPI-assignments of each site. There for you
can use the management console -> basic directory -> (application settings)
-> configuration.

A simple other way is to remove idq.dll from your system32 directory, if you
don't use the index server.

Since we've done this, our servers are immune.

* Frank Steinert
* proTime GmbH
* Josef-von-Fraunhofer-Str. 9
* D-83209 Prien
* Tel: 08051-6916-25
* Fax: 08051-6916-11

Re: "Code Red" worm - there MUST be at least two versions.

2001-07-20 Thread Adam

Nope. Different worm altogether.

>   I wonder if I have seen this variant - a person I emailed has a
>server whose web pages served looks a lot like the Code Red worm's output
>(1 line of simple html) displaying
>   and p0isonb0x (or something like that)

"fuck USA Government" 
"fuck PoizonBOx ">

Sadmind worm a few months ago...but they all look the same.

RED-CODE WORM PATCH possibly not working ????

2001-07-20 Thread tigerblue


i have got some IIS4-and some IIS5-servers. I was checking the logfiles =
to get a short info about the red-code worm. The IIS4-servers were =
respondig to the get default.ida with a http 40x code, but the IIS5 on =
w2k machines were all responding with an http 200 code. Hmmm strange =
=B4cause all the servers have been patched in the last month against =
this idq-vulnerability (MS01-033).

I=B4m really a wondering, is it normal, that the w2k servers reponding =
with an 200-Code or is mabe the patch not working at all... does anybody =
had this effect 

best regards


MCSE systemadministration

Re: Two birds with one worm

2001-07-20 Thread Tom Perrine

We seem to be seeing similar printer problems with Xerox Docuprint N32

It appears to be yet another example of a badly-written embedded web


Tom E. Perrine ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) | San Diego Supercomputer Center | Voice: +1.858.534.5000
"Libertarianism is what your mom taught you: 'Behave yourself
and don't hit your sister."' - Kenneth Bisson of Angola, Ind.

Origin of Code Red worm?

2001-07-20 Thread Bugtraq Account

Hi all.

Now that the infectiong from code red seems to have slowed down, has
anybody had a chance to look at where it originated?  It would certainly
seem to be Chinese in origin, but has anybody claimed
responsibility?  Do any of the early victims want to contribute web server
log entries that point to a source?

Dave Taylor

Coverage on Code Red worm

2001-07-20 Thread Berislav Kucan

As the Code Red worm is one of the security issues BugTraqers and
media is talking about a lot these days, we did a detailed coverage
with Code Red alerts, news clips, AV vendor comments and solutions.

It is available on the following URL in few formats (html, txt, pdf): 


Berislav Kucan
Help Net Security -
IP-Solutions -
Phone: +385 91 513 9159

Re: "Code Red" worm - there MUST be at least two versions.

2001-07-20 Thread Don Papp

Hash: SHA1

On Fri, 20 Jul 2001, Chris Paget wrote:

> Secondly, can someone capture a copy of this second variant and
> dis-assemble it?
> I intend to add egress filters to one of my servers and allow it to
> become infected; if anyone wants to volunteer to help me pick it apart
> afterwards it would be appreciated.

I wonder if I have seen this variant - a person I emailed has a
server whose web pages served looks a lot like the Code Red worm's output
(1 line of simple html) displaying

and p0isonb0x (or something like that)

On a black background.  The web files themselves are untouched.

Actually I have the source of what it spits out:

fuck CHINA
PoizonBOxcontact:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

I've asked that he do a few things (including check for
outbound connections to port 80s of random IPs, patch, reboot, etc) but
haven't heard from him yet - his site is no longer up either.

Don P
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


RE: Two birds with one worm

2001-07-20 Thread Berger, Randy

I can verify an issue with HP JetDirect as well.  We have two HP LaserJet
4000N printers that started doing the exact same thing yesterday, the
printer itself crashes, dumping a page of exception data from the card and
freezing with an "EIO 2 ERROR" message.  I see no information (yet) on the
HP web site regarding any connection to the Code Red Worm.  Anybody heard
anything different?

Randall Berger '91
Systems Analyst
Department of Student Financial Aid
Texas A&M University
(979) 862-1539  FAX (979) 847-9061

 -Original Message-
Sent:   Friday, July 20, 2001 2:26 AM
Subject:Re: Two birds with one worm

I can confirm that this worm is killing JetDirect cards. The HP 
JetDirect Card in our HP LaserJet 4000N has been steadily crashing as 
infection attempts hit it; the result is that, every ten to thirty 
minutes or so, the printer itself crashes, dumping a page of exception 
data from the card and freezing with an "EIO 2 ERROR" message. A hard 
reset of the printer is required to make it operational again.

Patrick Chipman
System Administrator
University of Memphis Cognitive Science Lab

- Original Message -
From: "Brian.J.Mauter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, July 19, 2001 11:10 pm
Subject: Re: Two birds with one worm.

> Hi,
> Testing various other devices on my subnet, I found that my 3Com 
> WirelessLAN Access Point was not affected, but my HP 4500 was 
> because it has an HP
> Jet Direct Card in it.  I do not have conclusive evidence that it 
> was Code
> Red, but the printer has never acted strangely before.  When I 
> call the
> printer's webserver, I get a "Device is not attached" error along 
> with "HP
> JetDirect [Not available:SNMPException: no response]" at the top 
> of the
> page.  All of the admin functions fail and I cannot determine if the
> printer is even functioning.  (It's remote, or else I'd walk over 
> to it
> and look.)
> I don't know, but this may get any HP device with JetDirect.  Can 
> anyonequalify that?

Re: Full analysis of the .ida

2001-07-20 Thread mardy . hutchinson

  This is hogwash.

  When Microsoft issued the bulletin, it was quite clear that it
was to fix an Index Server problem.  

  Since we, among others, had not been running the Index Server because 
of its historical security flaws, the patch did not appear to be
required.  You don't blindly apply patches that have no apparent
bearing on your system -- it may break other things.

  Surprise!  It was.

  This was truly a misleading security release.  In effect, there was
no notification.  You can't expect harried sysadmins to read between 
the lines.  Even Microsoft themselves did not feel the need to apply 
the patch to some servers, probably for much the same reasons.

-- Mardy

> > This DOES raise some pretty fundamental questions about the security of
> > all the infrastructure, because, in theory the compromised servers
> > _could_ have been exploited more extensively and _could_ be delivering
> > nastily compromised stuff around. I have no reason to believe it has
> > happened, but still...
> I have to disagree.  Microsoft released a patch for this issue on 6/18/2001.
> Here we are, a tad over a month later, and the issue is being exploited en
> masse.  This calls to question the attention of systems administrators to
> their networks.  The days of selective application of security patches are
> long since over.  IMHO, systems affected by this recent outbreak are being
> administered by techs that need to pay closer attention to their
> installations and keeping them up to date.
> As the world reliance on computer systems continues to increase, it become
> more and more imperative that people learn these are not simply toasters
> that sit on the kitchen counter.  Regular maintenance and attention is
> required and an irresponsible or ignorant attitude towards these things is
> the true threat to the infrastructure.  The only security issue here is the
> human element as always.  Microsoft has already come up with a tool that
> automagically notifies users/admins of the need to update their system
> within moments of a patch being released.  What should they do next --
> auto-patch the systems for the user/admin to ensure the security of the
> infrastructure?  Maybe the user/admin needs to learn about that toaster on
> the countertop.
> James

RE: Mitigating some of the effects of the Code Red worm

2001-07-20 Thread Linda Custer

Microsoft has been so good about locking people out of using Windows XP
and Office XP if they don't activate their product.  How about locking
people out of using IIS if they don't keep their patches up to date.
Microsoft has the technology to expire unpatched versions, say, every
30-to-60 days.  These computers would then revert to "reduced
functionality" mode where they couldn't connect to the Internet.

-Original Message-
From: Ryan Russell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2001 02:45
Subject: Re: Mitigating some of the effects of the Code Red worm


Having done my usual lecturing, I will say that this is the first time
I've even been willing to entertain the idea of a good worm... I just
don't know what else can fix a problem of this scale.  You will never,
ever come to agreement on how it should be done.  Either some government
will decide for you, or some hacker who is willing to take one for the
team.  I'm not real comfortable with either of those two setting policy
for the Internet.


RE: Safe(?) testing for idq.dll vulnerability

2001-07-20 Thread Chris St. Clair

While the hfcheck utility is a great thing to have you must have netbios 
access to the
system as well as an account.

It will not help when trying to assess the risk posture of a system remotely 
over HTTP
and HTTPS alone.


Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

Re: Safe(?) testing for idq.dll vulnerability

2001-07-20 Thread Matt Scarborough

On Fri, 20 Jul 2001 01:59:28 +, Chris St. Clair wrote:

>I had to come up with a way to test a server remotely for this
>vulnerability without actually killing it and running the plerthora
>of exploit code that is out. This is what I have, hopefully someone
>can use it.

Good ideas.

Marc Maiffret discusses just such a test at
(may reqire registration)

McAfee is offering "CyberCop WormScan" free

Matt Scarborough 2001-07-20

>Known Vulnerable Testing Platform
>The first round of tests was run on a Windows 2000 Server running
>IIS 5.0 (if anyone has similar analysis for IIS 4.0 I'd love to
>see it) with AND without SP1 (no difference) not patched for MS01-033.
>Sending 1-219 bytes yields the error:
>The IDQ file NULL.ida could not be found.
>Nothing written to the event log.
>Sending 220-231 bytes we get:
>File .
>Error 0xc005 caught while processing query
>Nothing written to the event log.
>Sending 232-??? bytes we get:
>No response from web server.
>System event log event ID 7031 from Service Control Manager.
>IIS services are then stopped and restarted.
>Known Invulnerable Testing Platform
>Another system running Windows 2000 Server, IIS 5.0 with SP1 and
>the patch for MS01-033.
>Sending 1-199 bytes yields the error:
>The IDQ file NULL.ida could not be found.
>Nothing written to the event log.
>Sending 200-??? bytes we get:
>File .
>Error 0x80040e14 caught while processing query
>Nothing written to the event log.
>So, in summary, to test do the following:
>send 200 bytes
>if response = "Error 0x80040e14 caught while processing query" the
>sytem is patched.
>if response = "The IDQ file NULL.ida could not be found." the system
>is not patched.
>I can't take all the credit for figuring this out. Like most people,
>I owe it all to the following bit of code:
>export SIZE
>while [ $SIZE -lt 201 ]; do
> BUFF="`perl -e 'print \"x\" x $ENV{SIZE}'`"
> echo -e "GET /NULL.ida?$BUFF=X HTTP/1.1\nHost: iluvpaul\n\n" | \
>  nc host port
> SIZE=`expr $SIZE + 1`

Get free email and a permanent address at

Code Red / Microsoft Patch Q300972i / NT Service Packs

2001-07-20 Thread Boyce, Nick

Microsoft's Security Bulletin MS01-033 (the one announcing the vulnerability
being used by Code Red, and the patch availability) states :

   "The Windows NT 4.0 patch can be installed on systems 
   Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 6a."

bulletin/ms01-033.asp, and click "Additional information about this patch".)

And the relevant KB article says

   "NOTE: Due to file dependencies, this hotfix requires 
   Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 6a."

Can anyone provide any experience of successfully using the patch
("Q300972i.exe") on an NT4 Server running *earlier* service packs ?   A
statement from Microsoft would be nice (like: What is the impact of applying
the patch to a server running an earlier SP ?  What would be broken ?)

[ We have a couple of NT4 servers stuck with earlier SPs (one with SP4, and
one with SP5) due to alleged non-certification of their major application
with any later service pack.  I've set up a test NT4/SP5/IIS4 server, and
installed Q300972i, and IIS is back up & running without apparent sickness

Thanks for any light anyone can shed.

Nick Boyce
EDS, Bristol, UK

Program and Source for Removal of IDA/IDQ Script Mappings (in response to Red Code Worm)

2001-07-20 Thread Critical Watch Bugtraqqer

Hello everyone

This is in response to the sheer numbers of web server that got pummeled by
this new worm.  While many people and firms created
exploit/checks/Advisories for this Dangerous exploit, we have yet to see a
"helping hand" program...until now!   Having previously worked at a site
with a huge server farm I experienced how painful it can be to go to 175
machines to install a single hot fix.  This program will allow you to sit at
your desk and simply yank the script mappings from the web server altogether
and eliminate some 6 or so vulnerabilities that are associated with Index

This is a very simple program that you can use to remove the .IDA and .IDQ
script mappings from the root of a web server and from all its sub-web
sites.  We have included the source code as well as the setup packages. (the
metautil.dll has to get installed) for your perusal.

You may retrieve the 1.43 meg download from our web site at

Nelson Bunker, CISSP
V.P. of Security
Critical Watch

Code Red worm address generator pattern

2001-07-20 Thread Ken Eichman

I posted this chart before showing non-legitimate http syn scans
targeting my class-b address space on 07/19 broken down by hour (EDT,
GMT-4); probable code red probes.  However I did some further
crunching and added an additional column showing the number of
destination addresses within my class-b address space being targeted
by non-legitimate http syn scans during that 60 minute timeframe.

Note that the number of addresses being targeted held steady and then
suddenly jumped until it covered nearly the entire class-b range.
This jump coincides with the increase in source addresses scanning.
Worm variant? Or sudden increase in efficiency?

  # Unique Source# Unique Dest
Hour   # Code Red Worm ScansAddresses Scanning   Addresses being
EDT Scanned
-  -     ---
 00  126992450562
 01  130592577562
 02  132722590541
 03  130562564525
 04  132832632507
 05  132292612502
 06  135542601468
 07  135172608506
 08  137462685612
 09  168193325   1724
 10  365897838   8338
 11 116083   26823  28462
 12 295348   68085  51459
 13 466542  103522  59699
 14 520973  113451  60881
 15 513513  115124  60814
 16 513894   90931  60900
 17 499642  75  60469
 18 480850  106215  59987
 19 449712   97699  58908
 20  266877319   8507
 21   91972181   3046
 22   77821814   2570
 23   70561648   2343

Ken Eichman  Senior Security Engineer
Chemical Abstracts Service   Tel:   (614) 447-3838 ext 3230
2540 Olentangy River RoadFax:   (614) 447-3855
Columbus, OH 43210   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: CodeRed: the next generation

2001-07-20 Thread Stuart Staniford

I've now analyzed data from three different sites, using the simple random
spread model I outlined in my post to Incidents very early this morning.  All
three sets of data are very consistent with each other, and all are well
explained by the hypothesis that the CRv2 worm was released in the early hours
of yesterday morning, that it had a reasonably good random spread algorithm
(unlike CRv1) and that it was capable of a spread of approximately 1.8
compromises/hour.  (That is, a compromised host in the early stages of the
infection could find and compromise about 1.8 other hosts in an hour - in the
later stages it drops off because most hosts are already compromised.

It probably compromised almost all the .ida vulnerable hosts on the Internet
over the course of about twelve hours before being cleaned up and/or turning
itself dormant.  There's no doubt a great deal of it still lieing dormant.

This was definitely a big bad worm.  I imagine the worm writers can improve
significantly on 1.8 compromises/hour though, so it's only going to get worse. 
I'm sure we can expect to see smarter targeting too.

The analysis from early this morning is at

I'll hopefully get a fuller analysis out some time soon.


Stuart Staniford --- President --- Silicon Defense
 ** Silicon Defense: Technical Support for Snort **
(707) 445-4355 x 16   (707) 445-4222 (FAX)

Code Red Worm, New information

2001-07-20 Thread Alfred Huger

Heya all,

By now we are all aware of the serious nature of the Core Red Worm. One of
the most powerfull lessons we can all take away from this is how this
community is capable of mustering in times of crisis like in order to face
and analyze threats. The traffic accross the Incidents, Bugtraq lists
among other sources has been outstanding in terms of rallying against
this. A number of efforts are underway to address this situation outside
of list discussion, I am going to outline what we are doing here at
SecurityFocus. This is not intended to detract from anyone elses work,
it's all great, we are just bringing you into our contribution.


First, we are in the process of notifying all of the infected IP owners
that we know of. This data has been taken from the ARIS Analyzer user base
as well contributions from individuals in the community (I will post a
public thanks to them just as soon as they give me permission to do so).
The list of infected hosts that we are now in the process of notifying
against is a little over 40,000 hosts. Each host owner that we can
indentify will be recieving a mail outlining the fact that they are
infected, which IP's are infected and how to address the situation.

New Data Reports

Second we are posting a series of reports derived from ARIS Predictor, a
SecurityFocus system designed to track events such as these. The data is
coming from a system wich is pre-production so it will contain some minor
inconsistencies, please take this into account. The data we are posting
here is derived from 100 IDS sensors accross 6 continents with statistics
derived from a 10 day period, the 10th until today. The information
available herein is quite interesting and worth a read. We will make a
point of making this type of information available whenever we face a
problem like this in the community. Now, onto the reports:

1. New Attacks Trend Report

This report displays the frequency of attacks which attacks have been
viewed (in terms of abnormal compared against a baseline) over the last 10
days. It clearly shows our first contact with the worm on the 11th
(earlier than previously thought). Other reports (not listed here) show
the first contact happening at 17:00 GMT in the USA on the 11th.

2. Top 10 Destination (Attacked Countries) for the Core Red Worm

This report displays the top ten victim countries for which the greatest
number of attacks is destined. This pie graph and all of the others only
tabulate data from the IDS's which saw the attack, therefore the numbers
will not add up to 100%.

3. Average Attacks Based On Averaged Time Of Day (10 days)

This graph shows the frequency of attacks accross time of day as seen by
each continent. Very interesting.

4. Average Attacks Based On Averaged Time Of Day (1 day)

This graph shows the frequency of attacks accross time of day as seen by
each continent for the 19th.

5. Attacked Industries Report

This report displays the frequency of attacks targeted against specific
industry types over our 10 day period.

6. Targets As Determined By Revenue

This report displays the frequency of attacks targeted against companies
of a particular annual revenue range.

We could post a large number of other reports with more granular data or
against other data points, but this should be sufficient for the time
being to help augment the current data available. We will quite possibly
post other information in the near future.

Cheers, Alfred Huger

VP Engineering
"Vae Victis"

CodeRed: the next generation

2001-07-20 Thread Marc Maiffret

The following is a description of a "variant" "Code Red" worm that we have
found to be in the wild. Sorry for the rough content but we thought it would
be best to get this information out sooner and worry about pretty text
formating later ;-]

In this text, we will be refering to the original "Code Red" worm as CRv1
and the second generation "Code Red" worm as CRv2.  This does not preclude
further generations/varioations still in the wild, it is just an analysis of
the worms we have access to.

This information is not currently public. Well, sort of is (we published the
disassembly of CRv1, so CRv1 targeting info may be known), but the existance
of CRv2 with different targeting has not been verified until now as far as
we know. For the evidence surrounding the impetus for this second worm
search, please examine Stuart Staniford's ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
excellent statistical analysis of worm hit data.

The CRv2 worm has the following charecteristics:
second:milisecond randomness added to ip selection process removal of web
page hack display (no notice to the end users via a defaced page)

All other parts of the worm are the same. (still attacks (but
the IP address has been blackholed), has time limits/definitions of attack,
notworm lysine)

The worst part about this means that our original tracking methodology
(sensors early in the sequence) is no longer accurate, since CRv2 infected
hosts do not contact early hosts, nor reliably contact any point (other than
the blackholed IP address that use to point to  This means
that potentially ALL(ie: global, coprehensive) ids/logs data must be
organized and sorted to find infected hosts.

The Differences:
It has 13 or so pertient bytes changed, adding a time based randomness
factor and disabling page defacement.  The code had been there all along. It
had intentially (we must assume) been disabled in CRv1 , then reenabled near
the end of the cycle.  There has been discussion that this was a natural
progression of the worm code, however, we do not beleive this is the
case.  From analsysis of CRv1, there seems to be no distinct way to shift
the nessecary bytes to generate CRv2. Hence, it is my belief that this is a
modified worm, rereleased.  It has been posited that the CRv1 was a target
aqusition mechanism, gathering data on infectable hosts to gain a high
initital base for the following CRv2 infection.

The Ip Selection Process:
We will display the effecive CRv1(sequence), and the effective
CRv2(timebased) ip selection processes.  This is a one byte change, at
offset 9C2.  it changes the storage of some time based computations that
were performed in CRv1 but discarded. The new byte changes the storage
location from EBP-1B0( a general purpose holder stack var) to EBP - 18C(the
location of the ip).  This means that the timevars are actively used in
CRv2, while being discarded in CRv1.

These are the targeting algorithms(complete, as far as we can discern) that
are the asm in the CRv1 worm and also in the CRv2  worm.

Seeding the "PRNG" for these examples seed is used for ip through the first
iteration of the connect loop.  the seed does not change between CRv1 and
CRv2, but each thread in the worm has a mildly different seed.

seed = threadcount(based on 1) * 50F0668D;

The ipselection process in CRv1 is a simple sequence generator. This caused
the early sequences that we noticed and refered to in our (eEye's) initital
warning advisory:

ip = (ip * 0x0CF3383) + 0x76BFE53;

The ipselection process in CRs2 is signifigantly more complex.  It takes use
of time and a whole lot more input operations.  In the following  secmsec is
the DWORD pair of seconds and mseconds returned from GetSystemTime

ip = (ip + secmsec*secmsec*0x0CD59E3 +  secmsec*0x1E1B9) * 0x0CF3383 +

Other Details:
Coincidentally, if this isn't general public knowledge, the worm is smart
enough to avoid attacking the 127.x.x.x and 224.x.x.x subnets using the
following logic after setting the ip.
if( (ip & 0xFF == 0x7f) || (ip & 0xFF == 0xE0) )ip +=0x20DA9;

the Hacked Page:
The second difference between CRv1 and CRv2 is that CRv2 does not deface the
webpage of an infected system.  It does this by having 12 bytes different
from CRv1.

When TcpSockSend is hooked(this still happens), CRv2 points this to a basic
redirect that performs harmless actions and returns without actually
changing any content. Crv1 pointed to a replacement, CRv2 points to
basically a donothing function.

what is happeinging is that the label "PADDING_BYTES" actually is padding
bytes in CRv1(the code does not disassemble to any sane code).

We've used ida's data feature to show the "padding data" as dwords(instead
of a bunch of bytes)

CD4 - EB F8jmp short near ptr
CD6 - 22 6E 84 32   PADDING_BYTES   dd 32846E22h
CDA - 03 75 B3 CAdd 0CAB37503h
CDE - 5A 04 56 34 

Re: "Code Red" worm - there MUST be at least two versions.

2001-07-20 Thread Ethan Butterfield

Hash: SHA1

On Fri, Jul 20, 2001 at 05:30:16PM +0100, Chris Paget wrote:

> The only conclusion is that there is another version of the "Code Red"
> worm in the wild, which has a correct randomisation routine (and
> possibly other differences).  

As I posted yesterday, and followed-up by more log parsing done this
morning, all the evidence I have points to this conclusion as well. Logs
at three sites show two different types of attacks:

1) A large netblock port scan, followed up by a targetted attack to open
HTTP ports along the scan.

2) Random attacks, by a single host against a single host, with no
follow-up or hint of an impending attack.

The attacks on my home netblock (a /28 on a DSL connection) were skewed
about 60/40 in favor of the scanning variant, and there were 65 total
attacks through the six-hour period between 1000 PDT and 1600 PDT (1800 -
 GMT). Attacks on my corporate and production networks (discontiguous
netblocks through a colo) were not only stacked about 90/10 in favor of
the random directed variant, but were also over 100x greater in frequency
during the same time period. Also, the frequency of the scanning variant
attacks dropped off during the time period, while the frequency of the
random directed version increased. I saw no scanning attacks after about
1445 PDT.

This suggests that the random directed variant is more virulent, and also
(unless I'm just lucky) has some sort of logic which puts a lesser weight
on known cable/DSL/dial-up netblocks, and a higher one on netblocks with
more legitimate targets.
> The GET request logged by the second worm variant is as follows:
> GET /default.ida
> Firstly, can someone confirm whether this is the same as the GET
> request logged by the hard-coded worm?

The first request was from a scanning attack: - - [19/Jul/2001:10:32:27 -0700] "GET

1b%u53ff%u0078%u%u00=a  HTTP/1.0" 400 322

The second request is from a random directed attack: - - [19/Jul/2001:16:31:47 -0700] "GET

531b%u53ff%u0078%u%u00=a  HTTP/1.0" 400 322

Both were taken from my home Apache 1.3.19 webserver. They are identical.

> I intend to add egress filters to one of my servers and allow it to
> become infected; if anyone wants to volunteer to help me pick it apart
> afterwards it would be appreciated.

My disassembly skills are non-existent, but I and I'm sure the community
would love to hear the results.

- -- 

 "A true friend stabs you in the front."
 - Oscar Wilde

Comment: For info see


Re(2): Re(2): 'Code Red' does not seem to be scanning for IIS

2001-07-20 Thread Ken Eichman

I can't argue with your statistical analysis but since CNet used my
stats for that chart I have to disagree here. If you look at the bigger
picture, the rate of growth since this worm was apparently released on
7/13 (chart below), it was more or less a linear growth pattern until
approximately the 1400 GMT timeframe on the 19th, and in fact up until
then the growth rate appeared to have leveled off. Daily stats from my
IDS of apparent 'code red' scans:

Date # Worm Probes# Unique Source Addr's  # Unique Source Addr's
   Probing (For the Day)   Probing (Cumulative)
----  --
07/13  611 27  27
07/1436273   10761079
07/15   215020   34983641
07/16   316828   61377146
07/17   316359   7189   10212
07/18   294345   8247   13866
07/19  4080321 272052  279911

By the way for today as reported by others, my numbers have dropped off

> From: "Phillip Reed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Looking at the infected population chart as published on C|Net, I have to
> say that the dramatic increase looks exactly like the classical "knee" in a
> exponential growth curve. In fact, the entire curve looks like a standard
> infection "population vs. time" graph, with the upper end fall-off due to
> the saturation of the available uninfected population. No nefarious
> modifications are needed here to explain the sudden surge.
> For entertainment value, try creating a chart (I used Excel), plotting
> y=x^9. Then look at the curve. The knee starts around x=20 or 21, and the
> value takes off from there. No modifications needed.
>>I can correlate what Kelly reports -- *something* happened between 14-1500 GMT
>>today to drastically increase the number of 'code red' scans/infections. I'VE
>>been tracking them since Saturday on my IDS. Our class-b address space appears
>>to be high up on the worms scanning pattern. For all of 7/18 I recorded probes
>>from 8247 unique host IP addresses, presumably compromised with 'code red'
>>Just during the 1900GMT hour today - one hour of logs - I recorded 'code red'
>>hits from 115124 different IP addresses. All of these probes are bouncing off
>>our firewall. The drastic increase in infections/probes began between 1300-
>>1400 GMT today and *seemed* to start leveling off around 1600-1700 GMT.
> Phillip C. Reed
> Network Administration - Cincinnati
> Eviciti
> 1148 Main St., 4th floor
> Cincinnati, OH 45210
> (513) 929-0785 x218

Ken Eichman  Senior Security Engineer
Chemical Abstracts Service   Tel:   (614) 447-3838 ext 3230
2540 Olentangy River RoadFax:   (614) 447-3855
Columbus, OH 43210   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: 'Code Red' does not seem to be scanning for IIS

2001-07-20 Thread George William Herbert

Ryan wrote:
>Mike Brockman wrote:
>> >From what i read about the 'Code Red'-worm, it was supposed to be scanning
>> for IIS-servers. It obviously is'nt, i believe it tries to infect
>> everything they find on port 80, or something as simple as that.
>Run nc -l -p 80 > worm, and you'll get a copy.  It's not scanning
>in any sense, it just tries a connect, and sends the string.

An anonymous chat room contact yesterday told me they'd had
success linking default.ida to their kernel; the worm always
seemed to abort its attack after something like 32k of stuff
was shoved down the pipe from thier Linux/Apache server.
They hypothesized it was causing a buffer overrun in the
worm code.

After hearing that, I dropped a copy of Shakespeare's 
"Much Ado About Nothing" into htdocs/default.ida on
my system and snooped the net a while.  I got one more
connect attempt from the worm and it seemed to have dropped
its connection after something like 30k of data flowed back,
but I was unable to tell what happened at the far end.
I only was able to watch one event happen.

I've reviewed the eEye analysis and concluded I don't know
enough assembly to tell whether it appears to work that way,
and I don't have an IIS system to use as a testbed.  Can someone
who's got a better handle on how the virus' internals are
behaving take a look and confirm or deny that this is an
effective prophylactic measure?

-george william herbert

"Code Red" worm - there MUST be at least two versions.

2001-07-20 Thread Chris Paget

I have two different webservers, each of which has been logging
infrequent attempts from the Code Red worm to attack it (each box has
so far received around 20 such attacks since 18/07/01).  Both are
immune to it (one has been patched, and the other has the .ida mapping
removed).  The two servers are using completely different addresses on
completely different subnets.

Comparing the logfiles for each server, it is clear that no single IP
address has attacked both servers.

If the only "wild" version of Code Red effectively has a hard-coded
sequence of addresses to attack (due to the fixed randomisation seed),
one server must necessarily be attacked before the other.  Therefore,
it would follow that both logs should contain the same IP Addresses,
with some time difference between them (unless one or other server has
had downtime, which they have not).  This is not the case.

The only conclusion is that there is another version of the "Code Red"
worm in the wild, which has a correct randomisation routine (and
possibly other differences).  

The GET request logged by the second worm variant is as follows:

GET /default.ida

Firstly, can someone confirm whether this is the same as the GET
request logged by the hard-coded worm?

Secondly, can someone capture a copy of this second variant and
dis-assemble it?

I intend to add egress filters to one of my servers and allow it to
become infected; if anyone wants to volunteer to help me pick it apart
afterwards it would be appreciated.


Chris Paget
In the battle of Linux Vs Microsoft, remember this:
It's hard to not engage in holy wars when everybody knows everything.

Oracle Vulnerability Discovered in OID

2001-07-20 Thread Aaron C. Newman

There's a new vulnerability discovered in the Oracle Internet Directory
(Oracle's LDAP server). It has been in the database since 7/16, but I
haven't seen it mentioned here yet.

Here are links to the details of the advisory:

"Oracle Internet Directory contains multiple vulnerabilities in LDAP
handling code"

Aaron C. Newman
Application Security, Inc.
-Protection Where It Counts-

Re: Possible CodeRed Connection Attempts

2001-07-20 Thread Ken Eichman

> We have a sniffer located on the network segment behind our Internet router
> and in front of the firewall.  The stats below show attempts from Internet
> hosts to connect to port 80 on random IP addresses on our class B network.
> I have not included any connections to the machines that are running web
> servers that are reachable from the Internet.

Dave, Wow! I've got a similar setup and have been tracking these
probes since 7/13. I'm lining our stats up side-by-side for comparison
purposes. Man they're similar! I have no idea why my class-b was
getting hit more frequently to start with. I'm speculating that my
address space just happened to get hit more by the worm's 'random'
address generator.

Day HourTotal   UniqueTotal   Unique
Connections Sources   Connections Sources
07/19   00  120 17  12699  2450
07/19   01  81  12  13059  2577
07/19   02  62  11  13272  2590
07/19   03  97  20  13056  2564
07/19   04  85  18  13283  2632
07/19   05  128 20  13229  2612
07/19   06  140 20  13554  2601
07/19   07  212 34  13517  2608
07/19   08  645 137 13746  2685
07/19   09  5717128116819  3325
07/19   10  36879   818636589  7838
07/19   11  150913  34361  116083 26823
07/19   12  362011  79789  295348 68085
07/19   13  519846  48 466542103522
07/19   14  556220  117946 520973113451
07/19   15  547087  115193 513513115124
07/19   16  540009  115983 513894 90931
07/19   17  519810  111290 49964275
07/19   18  499565  107106 480850106215
07/19   19  390019  89331  449712 97699
07/19   20  14541   349326687  7319
07/19   21  97332233 9197  2181
07/19   22  90931882 7782  1814
07/19   23  85391672 7056  1648
Day Total   4171552274041 4080321279911

Ken Eichman  Senior Security Engineer
Chemical Abstracts Service   Tel:   (614) 447-3838 ext 3230
2540 Olentangy River RoadFax:   (614) 447-3855
Columbus, OH 43210   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

IBM TFTP Server for Java vulnerability

2001-07-20 Thread Patrick Medhurst


The IBM alphaWorks TFTP Server for Java available at  is vulnerable to a standard directory traversal 
attack (i.e. ../../).

Vendor Response:

The vendor was contacted on 19 June 2001 and responded on 20 June 2001 as follows:
"We will take a look at the issue and fix it as soon as possible".

Further correspondence requesting when a fix will be released has been ignored.



RE: Mitigating some of the effects of the Code Red worm

2001-07-20 Thread Bragg Michael (npl1mcb)

Also, let's not forget that Max Vision got sent up the river for something
similar.  Plain and simple, there's no such thing as a "beneficial" worm --
besides, how would *you* like it if you received a message saying, "Hi.  You
don't know me from Adam, but I just patched your webserver against the
latest vulnerability.  I didn't throw in any trapdoors or any other bad
stuff.  Scout's honor."

Besides, even the best of intentions sometimes goes straight to crap.  Sure,
the code you wrote may have tested just fine on your box, but Alice's
webserver crashes instantly upon exposure, and Bob's starts to BSoD at
random times afterwards.  Legally it's a violation of (I think -- please
correct me if I'm wrong) 18 USC 1030, the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act 1986.
That's assuming it works as planned.  If it starts to DoS webservers, you
could be held civilly liable for the business impact.

Ethically, it's pretty much unconscionable. Just because we *can* take
advantage of vulnerabilities, it doesn't necessarily follow that we
*should*.  The possible for damage or misuse far outweighs any potential

Just my $0.02, as always, I welcome any comments/flames/voodoo curses...


-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2001 7:11 PM
Subject: Mitigating some of the effects of the Code Red worm

I'm not sure of the ethical or legal aspects of this, but I don't see why
we can't take advantage of three facts:

1) There is something of an ongoing log of affected machines that can be
obtained from boxes earlier in the IP list.
2) Machines which have been compromised can STILL be compromised.
3) The worm has a "lysine deficiency" which can be remotely introduced.

What I'm getting at, is for someone to create another exploit that creates
the C:\notworm file in infected machines and does something to
notify whoever is in charge of a particular box (even something as simple
as placing you_are_hacked.txt and a link to the patch on the desktop could
be beneficial). Even better, an exploit to patch a machine (through
removing the .ida and .idq extensions) would prevent the inevitable wave
of post-attacks (both from this worm and future attacks).

Of course, I'm guessing this is illegal, although I highly doubt you'd be
prosecuted. If someone has the expertise to create a "white hack" such as
this, I'm sure there are daring admins out there who would happily attempt
to stem the flow. If we don't do something, you know it's just a (very
short) matter of time before script kiddies, armed with a modified worm
and a log of infected machines, do something more sinister.

Ben Lard
University of Colorado, Boulder

Re: Linux, too, sot of (Windows MS-DOS Device Name DoS vulnerabilities)

2001-07-20 Thread George Staikos

On Wednesday 18 July 2001 15:30, Richard Kettlewell wrote:

> A better answer might be to stat the file, and reject it if it not a
> regular file.  Another approach would be to forbid inlining "file:"
> URLs from external pages, as described at

   Exactly this has been done in Konqueror CVS and will be in the upcoming 
2.2 release.  It wouldn't allow opening of these in the URL bar but it would 
open them as .


George Staikos

CodeRed worm honeypot & reverse-tester (in Java)

2001-07-20 Thread Chad Loder

For shits and giggles, I whipped up a
little Java program that serves two functions:

- when invoked with a single argument,
it connects to that host on port 80,
issues an IDQ-style request according
to Chris St. Clair's recently posted
testing methodology (only tested on IIS/5.0),
and tells you if the server appears to
be vulnerable or not

for example:

$ javac
$ java CodeRedLogger

- when invoked with no arguments, it
turns into a little multithreaded
web server on port 80, which for
each client connect, sees if the client
sends the attack signature, and if
so, connects back to the client on port
80 and performs the test mentioned above

for example:

$ javac
$ java CodeRedLogger
(sit back and wait)

I just wrote this off the top of my head and
tested it on a few servers.

Maybe someone wants to modify the tests
to handle IIS 4.0 servers. :)

The typical disclaimer for exploit code applies:
don't use it unless you're allowed to.

I wouldn't run this on a public server, and I
certainly wouldn't try to reverse-connect and
inject the lyseine deficiency via shellcode
(although I bet it would be easy). :)

I also would not recommend trying to do a WHOIS or
trying to send email to the server's sysadmin, because
that could just burden the infected systems even more.

Again, I just wrote it for shits and giggles. I
redirected port 80 on my firewall at home to go
to my home PC, and then have been running it on my
home PC, so I can watch worm requests come in
through my cable modem. :)

I've compiled and tested this under Sun JDK 1.2,
it should work on any 1.2 and later JDK.

Chad Loder
Principal Engineer
Rapid 7, Inc.

RE: Full analysis of the .ida "Code Red" worm.

2001-07-20 Thread Eric Chien

At 06:55 PM 7/19/2001 -0700, you wrote:
>This whole worm process that we have been going through will basically start
>from scratch and run its course again when the 1st of next month comes

That is sort of true.  What happens is on the 20th, the threads that were 
trying to attack new hosts move to performing the DoS.  All of those 
threads on the 28th move into an infinite sleep.  Thus, if you are infected 
your infection goes dormant.

So, in the 'ideal' world, the worm goes dormant on the 1st.  But if a 
single new infection anywhere in the world happens again on the 1st, then 
everyone (unpatched) is up for infection again.

And of course that can happen if anyone has their date set wrong.


NetWin Authentication Module 3.0b password storage vulnerabilities / buffer overflows

2001-07-20 Thread ByteRage

NetWin Authentication Module 3.0b password storage
vulnerabilities / buffer overflows


NWAuth module as used by
DMail, SurgeFTP, others... (cfr
I've tested SurgeFTP in particular

The source code for NWAuth 2.0 can be found at
The source is provided on all platforms and for
Windows and most Unix based platforms it is
pre-compiled, as nwauth.exe or nwauth. 


The 'NetWin Authentication module' which is used by
SurgeFTP, DMail and other programs uses a quite
'unusual' hashing algorithm to store the password
hashes. Because of the complexity of the hashing
algorithm, the users of NWAuth may not be aware of it,
but the algorithm is flawed in (at least) two ways :

1) the password hashes can be decrypted
2) one hash can match more than one password

So basically I'm saying that one user doesn't have one
password, but he can have a few million besides the
one that he was actually assigned. (no comment...)

Fortunately, SurgeFTP has some anti-hammering
techniques implemented to prevent bruteforcing.

As for the decryption, I've attached source code
(nwauthcrack.c) that will generate all possible
passwords for a given hash. The password hashes used
by fe SurgeFTP can be found within the files
\surgeftp\admin.dat (sysadmin password) &
\surgeftp\nwauth.clg (user passwords)

Storing the passwords using MD5 hashes would probably
be a better idea, maybe added up with a simple cipher
to prevent the average script kiddie from attacking
the passwordfile with canned tools. (this type of
hashing is done by Serv-U FTP)
And if one really wants to implement salting, then
append the username to the password and feed it into
the MD5 hashing algorithm, it has the same effect,
it's easier and much more secure.


NWAuth also has alot of buffer overflows riddled
throughout the source code (especially older versions,
like 2.0), which might lead to serious flaws in
programs that use this module. Although version 2.0
probably contained much more of them, here are some
examples of buffer overflows which are still not fixed
in version 3.0b :

-> the nwauth -del command causes an access violation
when supplied with a very long username, this might
not be a big deal since only administrators are
supposed to delete users
-> the nwauth -lookup command causes an access
violation when supplied a username of about 1000
characters, this might be triggered by an attacker if
the program would pass this username from a "USER"


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Possible CodeRed Connection Attempts

2001-07-20 Thread dave . goldsmith

We have a sniffer located on the network segment behind our Internet router
and in front of the firewall.  The stats below show attempts from Internet
hosts to connect to port 80 on random IP addresses on our class B network.
I have not included any connections to the machines that are running web
servers that are reachable from the Internet.

Because the firewall blocks port 80 connections, except for the deisgnated
servers, all I have are the initial SYN packets so I don't know for sure
that all of
these packets are being generated by the CodeRed worm. However, I believe
that the vast majority of them are.

The stats are broken down by hour and then included a summary for the day.
I have included all of July 18th as a baseline for what appears to be
hacking/probing activity.  Starting around 9am on July 19, the numbers start
to skyrocket. The times are EST.

Dave Goldsmith

Day HourTotal   Unique
Connections Sources
07/18   00  143 20
07/18   01  148 15
07/18   02  89  15
07/18   03  96  18
07/18   04  144 22
07/18   05  127 16
07/18   06  98  15
07/18   07  111 16
07/18   08  116 15
07/18   09  149 22
07/18   10  143 18
07/18   11  175 24
07/18   12  134 22
07/18   13  146 20
07/18   14  118 21
07/18   15  95  17
07/18   16  133 22
07/18   17  104 17
07/18   18  78  17
07/18   19  76  15
07/18   20  67  15  
07/18   21  85  15
07/18   22  62  12
07/18   23  105 14

Day Total   2742194

07/19   00  120 17
07/19   01  81  12
07/19   02  62  11
07/19   03  97  20
07/19   04  85  18
07/19   05  128 20
07/19   06  140 20
07/19   07  212 34
07/19   08  645 137
07/19   09  57171281
07/19   10  36879   8186
07/19   11  150913  34361
07/19   12  362011  79789
07/19   13  519846  48  
07/19   14  556220  117946
07/19   15  547087  115193
07/19   16  540009  115983
07/19   17  519810  111290
07/19   18  499565  107106
07/19   19  390019  89331
07/19   20  14541   3493
07/19   21  97332233
07/19   22  90931882
07/19   23  85391672

Day Total   4171552 274041

RE: Firewall-1 Information leak

2001-07-20 Thread David Sexton

That's not the only way to do it. An 'authenticated' connection can download
the topology data. However, the authentication needed for this to work is a
shared secret or certificate as defined in the 'IKE' properties for the user
(i.e. you can't use things like SecurID for this bit) Once you've got the
topology, there's nothing stopping you re-authenticating with a normal
authentication method. 

We do this with a seperate account set up purely for topology downloads.
This account does not have any access to the network via the rulebase.

Checkpoint have a couple of documents available on how to set this up, they
are not that hard to find, searching for 'unauthenticated topology downlads'
in the Checkpoint knowledge base should do the trick.



> -Original Message-
> From: Bugtraq Account [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 19 July 2001 23:02
> To:   Haroon Meer
> Subject:  Re: Firewall-1 Information leak
> On Wed, 18 Jul 2001, Haroon Meer wrote:
[David Sexton]   

> This is a well-known, and generally accepted, risk associated with running
> FWZ SecuRemote VPN's to FireWall-1.  As others have already commented, it
> is possible to turn off unauthenticated topology downloads through the
> policy properties.  If you do this, you will need to manually distribute a
> userc.C file (containing the topology information) to all of your
> secuRemote users.  This file should be loaded into the
> c:\winnt\fw\database directory on the client.
[David Sexton]   

Any opinions expressed in this message are those of the individual and not necessarily 
the company.  This message and any files transmitted with it are confidential and 
solely for the use of the intended recipient.  If you are not the intended recipient 
or the person responsible for delivering to the intended recipient, be advised that 
you have received this message in error and that any use is strictly prohibited.

Sapphire Technologies Ltd

Re: Full analysis of the .ida "Code Red" worm.

2001-07-20 Thread JNJ

> This DOES raise some pretty fundamental questions about the security of
> all the infrastructure, because, in theory the compromised servers
> _could_ have been exploited more extensively and _could_ be delivering
> nastily compromised stuff around. I have no reason to believe it has
> happened, but still...

I have to disagree.  Microsoft released a patch for this issue on 6/18/2001.
Here we are, a tad over a month later, and the issue is being exploited en
masse.  This calls to question the attention of systems administrators to
their networks.  The days of selective application of security patches are
long since over.  IMHO, systems affected by this recent outbreak are being
administered by techs that need to pay closer attention to their
installations and keeping them up to date.

As the world reliance on computer systems continues to increase, it become
more and more imperative that people learn these are not simply toasters
that sit on the kitchen counter.  Regular maintenance and attention is
required and an irresponsible or ignorant attitude towards these things is
the true threat to the infrastructure.  The only security issue here is the
human element as always.  Microsoft has already come up with a tool that
automagically notifies users/admins of the need to update their system
within moments of a patch being released.  What should they do next --
auto-patch the systems for the user/admin to ensure the security of the
infrastructure?  Maybe the user/admin needs to learn about that toaster on
the countertop.


Re: Re(2): 'Code Red' does not seem to be scanning for IIS

2001-07-20 Thread Phillip Reed

Looking at the infected population chart as published on C|Net, I have to
say that the dramatic increase looks exactly like the classical "knee" in a
exponential growth curve. In fact, the entire curve looks like a standard
infection "population vs. time" graph, with the upper end fall-off due to
the saturation of the available uninfected population. No nefarious
modifications are needed here to explain the sudden surge.

For entertainment value, try creating a chart (I used Excel), plotting
y=x^9. Then look at the curve. The knee starts around x=20 or 21, and the
value takes off from there. No modifications needed.

>I can correlate what Kelly reports -- *something* happened between 14-1500
>today to drastically increase the number of 'code red' scans/infections.
>been tracking them since Saturday on my IDS. Our class-b address space
>to be high up on the worms scanning pattern. For all of 7/18 I recorded
>from 8247 unique host IP addresses, presumably compromised with 'code
>Just during the 1900GMT hour today - one hour of logs - I recorded 'code
>hits from 115124 different IP addresses. All of these probes are bouncing
>our firewall. The drastic increase in infections/probes began between
>1400 GMT today and *seemed* to start leveling off around 1600-1700 GMT.

Phillip C. Reed
Network Administration - Cincinnati

1148 Main St., 4th floor
Cincinnati, OH 45210
(513) 929-0785 x218

Cisco Security Advisory: "Code Red" Worm Customer Impact

2001-07-20 Thread Cisco Systems Product Security Incident Response Team


   Cisco Security Advisory: "Code Red" Worm Customer Impact
Revision 1.0 For public release 2001 July 20 12:00 UTC

   A malicious self replicating program known as the "Code Red" worm is
   targeted at systems running the Microsoft Internet Information Server
   (IIS). Several Cisco products are installed or provided on targeted
   systems. Additionally, the behavior of the worm can cause problems for
   other network devices.

   The following Cisco products are vulnerable because they run affected
   versions of Microsoft IIS:

 * Cisco CallManager
 * Cisco Unity Server
 * Cisco uOne
 * Cisco ICS7750
   Other Cisco products may also be adversely affected by the "Code Red"
   worm. Please see the Affected Products section for further details.

   The worm and its effects may be remedied by applying the Microsoft
   patch to affected servers,

   This advisory is available at .
Affected Products

   The following Cisco products are directly vulnerable because they run
   affected versions of Microsoft IIS:

 * Cisco CallManager
 * Cisco Unity Server
 * Cisco uOne
 * Cisco ICS7750
 * Cisco Building Broadband Service Manager
   Other Cisco products may be indirectly affected by the IIS
   vulnerability (this is not an exhaustive list):

 * Cisco 600 series of DSL routers that have not been patched per the
   Cisco Security Advisory, , will
   stop forwarding traffic when scanned by a system infected by the
   "Code Red" worm. The power must be cycled to restore normal
 * Cisco Network Management products are not directly affected but
   might be installed on a Microsoft platform running a vulnerable
   version of IIS.

   The "Code Red" worm exploits a known vulnerability in Microsoft IIS by
   passing a specially crafted URI to the default HTTP service, port 80,
   on a susceptible system. The URI consists of binary instructions which
   cause the infected host to either begin scanning other random IP
   addresses and pass the infection on to any other vulnerable systems it
   finds, or launch a denial of service attack targeted at the IP address which until very recently was assigned to In both cases the worm replaces the web server's
   default web page with a defaced page at the time of initial infection.

   The worm does not check for pre-existing infection, so that any given
   system may be executing as many copies of the worm as have scanned it,
   with a compounding effect on system and network demand.

   As a side-effect, the URI used by the worm to infect other hosts
   causes Cisco 600 series DSL routers to stop forwarding traffic by
   triggering a previously-published vulnerability. Any 600 series
   routers scanned by the "Code Red" worm will not resume normal service
   until the power to the router has been cycled.

   The nature of the "Code Red" worm's scan of random IP addresses and
   the resulting sharp increase in network traffic can noticeably affect
   Cisco Content Service Switches and Cisco routers running IOS,
   depending on the device and its configuration. Unusually high CPU
   utilization and memory starvation may occur.

   The "Code Red" worm is causing widespread denial of service on the
   Internet and is compromising large numbers of vulnerable systems. Once
   infected, the management of a Cisco CallManager product is disabled or
   severely limited until the defaced web page is removed and the
   original management web page is restored.
Software Versions and Fixes

   Microsoft has made a patch available for affected systems at
   security/bulletin/MS01-033.asp .

   Cisco is providing the same patch at
   with documentation at
   Cisco Building Broadband Service Manager is documented separately at
   gent.htm .
Obtaining Fixed Software

   Cisco is making available software patches and upgrades to remedy this
   vulnerability for all affected Cisco customers.

   For most Cisco customers, upgrades are available through the Software

Errata for

2001-07-20 Thread Chad Loder

See what happens when I'm in a hurry. :(

line 135, should have a line == null test.

$ diff
< if (line == null)

Re: Two birds with one worm

2001-07-20 Thread pchipman

I can confirm that this worm is killing JetDirect cards. The HP 
JetDirect Card in our HP LaserJet 4000N has been steadily crashing as 
infection attempts hit it; the result is that, every ten to thirty 
minutes or so, the printer itself crashes, dumping a page of exception 
data from the card and freezing with an "EIO 2 ERROR" message. A hard 
reset of the printer is required to make it operational again.

Patrick Chipman
System Administrator
University of Memphis Cognitive Science Lab

- Original Message -
From: "Brian.J.Mauter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, July 19, 2001 11:10 pm
Subject: Re: Two birds with one worm.

> Hi,
> Testing various other devices on my subnet, I found that my 3Com 
> WirelessLAN Access Point was not affected, but my HP 4500 was 
> because it has an HP
> Jet Direct Card in it.  I do not have conclusive evidence that it 
> was Code
> Red, but the printer has never acted strangely before.  When I 
> call the
> printer's webserver, I get a "Device is not attached" error along 
> with "HP
> JetDirect [Not available:SNMPException: no response]" at the top 
> of the
> page.  All of the admin functions fail and I cannot determine if the
> printer is even functioning.  (It's remote, or else I'd walk over 
> to it
> and look.)
> I don't know, but this may get any HP device with JetDirect.  Can 
> anyonequalify that?

Re: Mitigating some of the effects of the Code Red worm

2001-07-20 Thread Ryan Russell

On Thu, 19 Jul 2001, LARD BENJAMIN LEE wrote:

> I'm not sure of the ethical or legal aspects of this, but I don't see why
> we can't take advantage of three facts:
> 1) There is something of an ongoing log of affected machines that can be
> obtained from boxes earlier in the IP list.

The victim boxes won't tend to have a lot of logs lying around, but there
are such lists.

> 2) Machines which have been compromised can STILL be compromised.


> 3) The worm has a "lysine deficiency" which can be remotely introduced.

Yes... I can also change what it is with a hex editor in about 20

> What I'm getting at, is for someone to create another exploit that creates
> the C:\notworm file in infected machines

Uh oh.

> and does something to
> notify whoever is in charge of a particular box (even something as simple
> as placing you_are_hacked.txt and a link to the patch on the desktop could
> be beneficial).

If a "you've been hacked by the Chinese" page doesn't do it, why should a
file on the desktop?

> Even better, an exploit to patch a machine (through
> removing the .ida and .idq extensions) would prevent the inevitable wave
> of post-attacks (both from this worm and future attacks).

You'd never get 100% success rate.

> Of course, I'm guessing this is illegal, although I highly doubt you'd be
> prosecuted.

You're kidding, right?  We just threw a Russian citizen in jail for
cracking ROT13.  Anyone who tries such a stunt had better make sure they
launch it anonymously.

> If someone has the expertise to create a "white hack" such as
> this, I'm sure there are daring admins out there who would happily attempt
> to stem the flow. If we don't do something, you know it's just a (very
> short) matter of time before script kiddies, armed with a modified worm
> and a log of infected machines, do something more sinister.

Let's be very specific:
They only people who would thank anyone for such a stunt would be the
clueless admin who can't install the patch on their own.  Now, obviously,
there are lots of those.

OK, cut to the chase, here's my list of reasons hy this is bad, to be
trotted out whenever someone suggests a "nice" worm:

-What about the traffic it takes up?
-What about the boxes that don't patch properly, don't make it back after
reboot, or took down etrade in the middle of a trading day?
-How does your worm know when it's done?
-Maybe I don't want my box patched, the patch broke my app
-How do I tell your good worm apart from the original bad worm, or the
other worm which looks like the good worm, but is really a bad worm?
-How about people like us who track attack data, and you just skewed the
heck out of it?  When does get to come back?  If
there's still *A* worm around on the 1st, which one is it?
-Do we really want an Internet-sized game of corewars?
-Why stop at patching?  Don't clueless NT admins deserve to have the hard
drives reformatted until they learn how to apply patches? (and if you're
no good at spotting sarcasm, please be sure to send me flames.)

Having done my usual lecturing, I will say that this is the first time
I've even been willing to entertain the idea of a good worm... I just
don't know what else can fix a problem of this scale.  You will never,
ever come to agreement on how it should be done.  Either some government
will decide for you, or some hacker who is willing to take one for the
team.  I'm not real comfortable with either of those two setting policy
for the Internet.


RE: Safe(?) testing for idq.dll vulnerability

2001-07-20 Thread Andrew Hatfield

You can get the IIS5 Hotfix Checking Tool from Microsoft Technet at

>From above listed source page:
The HFCheck tool allows IIS5.0 administrators to ensure that their servers
are up to date on all security patches. The tool can be run continuously or
periodically, against the local machine or a remote one, using either a
database on the Microsoft web site or a locally-hosted copy. When the tool
finds a patch that hasn't been installed, it can display or dialogue or
write a warning to the event log. 

  Andrew Hatfield
  Head of Inter-Network Security Division
  RedHat Certified Engineer
  Hatfield & Associates Pty. Ltd.
  Phone : +61 7 3849 7155
  Fax : +61 7 3849 6277
  WWW :

Safe(?) testing for idq.dll vulnerability

2001-07-20 Thread Chris St. Clair

I had to come up with a way to test a server remotely for this
vulnerability without actually killing it and running the plerthora
of exploit code that is out. This is what I have, hopefully someone
can use it.

Known Vulnerable Testing Platform
The first round of tests was run on a Windows 2000 Server running
IIS 5.0 (if anyone has similar analysis for IIS 4.0 I'd love to
see it) with AND without SP1 (no difference) not patched for MS01-033.

Sending 1-219 bytes yields the error:
The IDQ file NULL.ida could not be found.
Nothing written to the event log.

Sending 220-231 bytes we get:
File .
Error 0xc005 caught while processing query
Nothing written to the event log.

Sending 232-??? bytes we get:
No response from web server.
System event log event ID 7031 from Service Control Manager.
IIS services are then stopped and restarted.

Known Invulnerable Testing Platform
Another system running Windows 2000 Server, IIS 5.0 with SP1 and
the patch for MS01-033.

Sending 1-199 bytes yields the error:
The IDQ file NULL.ida could not be found.
Nothing written to the event log.

Sending 200-??? bytes we get:
File .
Error 0x80040e14 caught while processing query
Nothing written to the event log.

So, in summary, to test do the following:
send 200 bytes
if response = "Error 0x80040e14 caught while processing query" the
sytem is patched.
if response = "The IDQ file NULL.ida could not be found." the system
is not patched.

I can't take all the credit for figuring this out. Like most people,
I owe it all to the following bit of code:
export SIZE

while [ $SIZE -lt 201 ]; do
 BUFF="`perl -e 'print \"x\" x $ENV{SIZE}'`"
 echo -e "GET /NULL.ida?$BUFF=X HTTP/1.1\nHost: iluvpaul\n\n" | \
  nc host port
 SIZE=`expr $SIZE + 1`


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