wp-02-0008: Apache Tomcat Cross Site Scripting

2002-07-10 Thread Matt Moore

Westpoint Security Advisory

Title:Apache Tomcat Cross Site Scripting
Risk Rating:  Low
Software: Apache Tomcat v4.0.3
Platforms:WinNT, Win2k, Linux
Vendor URL:   jakarta.apache.org
Author:   Matt Moore [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 10th July 2002
Advisory ID#: wp-02-0008

Apache Tomcat is the servlet container that is used in the official 
Implementation for the Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages technologies.

Tomcat has a couple of Cross Site Scripting vulnerabilities.


Cross Site Scripting

By using the /servlet/ mapping to invoke various servlets / classes it is
possible to cause Tomcat to throw an exception, allowing XSS attacks:





Linux and Win32 versions of Tomcat are vulnerable.

(angle brackets omitted)

The DOS device name physical path disclosure bug reported recently by 
Peter Grundl
can also be used to perform XSS attacks, e.g:

tomcat-server/COM2.IMG%20src= Javascript:alert(document.domain)

This is obviously Win32 specific.

Vendor Response:


Patch Information:

Upgrading to v4.1.3 beta resolves the DOS device name XSS issue.

The workaround for the other XSS issues described above is as follows:

The invoker servlet (mapped to /servlet/), which executes anonymous 
classes that have not been defined in a web.xml file should be unmapped.

The entry for this can be found in the /tomcat-install-dir/conf/web.xml 

Two Nessus plugins should be available to test for these vulnerabilities 


This advisory is available online at:


IE allows universal Cross Domain Scripting (TL#003)

2002-07-10 Thread Thor Larholm

Thor Larholm, PivX, security advisory TL#003

By Thor Larholm, Denmark
10 July 2002

HTML format: http://www.PivX.com/larholm/adv/TL003/

Topic: IE allows universal Cross Domain Scripting.

Discovery date: 25 June 2002.

Severity: High

Affected applications:

Any application that hosts the WebBrowser control. Some of these are:

Microsoft Internet Explorer
Microsoft Outlook
Microsoft Outlook Express


Elevating privileges, arbitrary command execution, local file reading,
stealing arbitrary cookies, etc.


Patrick Zumstein and Thor Larholm.


One of the many elements in HTML 4 is the OBJECT element which is used to
embed external objects inside a page. Such objects can be the WebBrowser
control and other ActiveX controls, images, applets and more.
The object property of embedded WebBrowser controls is not subject to the
Cross Domain security checks that embedded HTML documents ordinarily go
through, and as such it is possible to escape any sandboxing and security
zone restrictions.


Any document can extend the properties exposed by the OBJECT element, and
any namespace conflicts are handled by querying the object property which is
a duplicate reference to the embedded document.
When embedding a document from the same site (same protocol, port and host)
it is possible to make a reference to the object property without
circumventing any Cross Domain security checks. After having established a
reference we will then change the location of the document being embedded.
The location changes but the reference stays, and we now have complete
access to the DOM of the foreign document.
The default object being referenced by the object property in the case of
text/html is the document object. The simple proof-of-concept exploit below
will read the cookie from passport.com.
The OBJECT element is not restricted to embedding HTML documents, but can
embed objects of any type. As such, this vulnerability could be extended
even further.


object id=data data=empty.html type=text/html/object
var ref=document.getElementById(data).object;
ref.location.href = http://www.passport.com;;


Disable ActiveX, or
Set Script ActiveX controls marked safe for scripting to Prompt or Disable
( URL: http://www.PivX.com/tutorials/disable_activex.html ).

Tested on:

IE6 Win2000, all patches and servicepacks.
IE5.5 Win98, all patches and servicepacks.
IE5.5 WinNT 4, all patches and servicepacks.


I have put together some proof-of-concept examples:

- Read foreign cookies
- Read local (or foreign) file
- Execute arbitrary commands

These can be found at http://www.PivX.com/larholm/adv/TL003/

Vendor status:

Microsoft was notified 25 June 2002.

Mitigating factors:

Outlook and OE are not directly affected if they run in the Restricted zone.


On June 25, Patrick Zumstein notified Thor Larholm, Georgi Guninski and
PacketStormSecurity about a possible vulnerability. In working together,
Patrick and Thor quickly outlined the culprit and prepared this advisory,
after which Microsoft were notified immediately.
Since this is possibly very publicly known by now I have decided to release
this advisory after only 2 weeks times, so that system administrators and
end users may possibly apply the provided workaround to temporarily secure
themselves until a proper patch has been made.

Thor Larholm, Security Researcher
PivX Solutions, LLC

Unpatched IE security holes - 19 and counting
Are You Secure?

RE: XSS Hole in Fluid Dynamics Search engine

2002-07-10 Thread Zoltan Milosevic


Thanks for this bug report.

I have released an updated version which includes a fix (FDSE version  For the folks at securitybugware.org and
securityfocus.com, would you please include a mention of this update if
you issue a report.

Zoltan Milosevic
(360) 944-8387

Fluid Dynamics Search Engine

-Original Message-
From: valdeux [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2002 7:40 AM
Subject: XSS Hole in Fluid Dynamics Search engine

Name :  FD Search Engine
Vendor :Fluid Dynamics - http://www.xav.com
Version :   Probably all
Demo :  http://www.xav.com/search.pl

Note :  Sorry for my poor english ...

For a multiple result pages search, the script uses the variable
Rank wich 
contains current result number.
Anything could be written into, including HTML tags.


Note : it works because test returns several pages.

None yet.

SuSE Security Announcement: Resolver (SuSE-SA:2002:026)

2002-07-10 Thread Olaf Kirch



SuSE Security Announcement

Package:bind, glibc
Date:   Tue Jul 09 2002
Affected products:  7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 8.0
SuSE Linux Enterprise Server for S/390,
SuSE Linux Database Server,
SuSE eMail Server III,
SuSE Linux Enterprise Server,
SuSE Linux Firewall on CD
Vulnerability Type: buffer overflow
Severity (1-10):3
SuSE default package:   yes
Cross References:   CERT CA-2002-19; CVE CAN-2002-0651

Content of this advisory:
1) security vulnerability resolved: buffer overflow in
   dig, host, and nslookup utilities.
   problem description, discussion, solution and upgrade information
2) pending vulnerabilities, solutions, workarounds
3) standard appendix (further information)


1)  problem description, brief discussion, solution, upgrade information

A vulnerability has been discovered in some resolver library
functions. The affected code goes back to the resolver library
shipped as part of BIND4; code derived from it has been included
in later BIND releases as well as the GNU libc.

The bug itself is a buffer overflow that can be triggered if a
DNS server sends multiple CNAME records in a DNS response.

This bug has been fixed for the gethostbyXXX class of functions
in GNU libc in 1999. Unfortunately, there is similar code in the
getnetbyXXX functions in recent glibc implementations, and
the code is enabled by default. However, these functions are
used by very few applications only, such as ifconfig and ifuser,
which makes exploits less likely.

We will make updated glibc packages available as they have gone
through our build system, but without separate announcements.

Until glibc patches are available, we recommend that you disable
DNS lookups of network names in nsswitch.conf. Simply replace the
line containing the tag networks: with this line:

networks: files

In the unlikely event that you've configured any name to network
mapping via DNS, make sure you copy this information to

The resolver bug is also present in the libbind library included
in BIND. This library is used by utilities from the bindutil package.

We are therefore providing security updates for bind8 that
address this vulnerability. As communicated previously (1),
the SuSE security team is not providing fixes for BIND4 anymore.

The bind9 packages shipped by SuSE are not vulnerable.

Please download the update package for your distribution and
verify its integrity by the methods listed in section 3) of this

Apply the updata packages (bindutil, bind8) package using

rpm -Fvh bind*.rpm

If you are running the BIND name server, you should restart the name
server process by issuing

rcnamed restart

Our maintenance customers are being notified individually. The
packages are being offered to install from the maintenance web.

(1) http://www.suse.de/de/support/security/adv004_ssh.html


2)  Pending vulnerabilities in SuSE Distributions and Workarounds:

  - There is a format string bug in the nn news reader that can
be exploited by a malicious NNTP server to execute arbitrary
commands within the client user's account. We will be releasing
updated packages.


3)  standard appendix: authenticity verification, additional information

  - Package authenticity verification:

SuSE update packages are available on many mirror ftp servers all over
the world. While this service is being considered valuable and important
to the free and open source software community, many users wish to be
sure about the origin of the package and its content before installing
the package. There are two verification methods that can be used
independently from each other to prove the authenticity of a downloaded
file or rpm package:
1) md5sums as provided in the (cryptographically signed) announcement.
2) using the internal gpg signatures of the rpm package.

1) execute the command
md5sum name-of-the-file.rpm
   after you downloaded the file from a SuSE ftp server or its mirrors.
   Then, compare the resulting md5sum with the one that is listed in the

XSS Hole in Fluid Dynamics search Engine

2002-07-10 Thread VALDEUX

Name :  FD Search Engine
Vendor :Fluid Dynamics - http://www.xav.com
Version :   Probably all
Demo :  http://www.xav.com/search.pl

Note :  Sorry for my poor english ...

For a multiple result pages search, the script uses the variable Rank wich
contains current result number.
Anything could be written into, including HTML tags.

Note : it works because test returns several pages.

None yet.

Re: iPlanet Remote File Viewing

2002-07-10 Thread hubbelyo


Well, the release notes for the service packs does mention the 
vulnerability you're talking about.

6.0 SP 3:

4.1 SP 10:

Download page:

/Hubbel Yo

I originally wrote to Sun about this on May 22 2002 and
was advised that it would be fixed in the next Service
Pack.   David Litchfield says that 6.0 SP3/4.1 SP10 is
out, but I don't yet see it on their Product Tracker
site.   I was going to wait to release this information
until I had the Service Pack, feeling secure with my
Snort sig but decided to go ahead since it pales in
comparison to David's buffer overflow advisory.

Re: Linux kernels DoSable by file-max limit

2002-07-10 Thread Jim Breton

On Mon, Jul 08, 2002 at 09:30:34PM -0400, Michal Zalewski wrote:
 And they can still most likely bypass your limit by putting something
 smart in their .procmailrc / .forward / .qmail, or in so many other ways.

One could use 'initscript' to plug many of those holes:

INITSCRIPT(5)  Linux System Administrator's Manual  INITSCRIPT(5)

   initscript - script that executes inittab commands.

   /bin/sh /etc/initscript id runlevels action process

   When  the  shell  script  /etc/initscript is present, init
   will use it to execute the commands  from  inittab.   This
   script  can  be  used  to set things like ulimit and umask
   default values for every process.

EEYE: Remote PGP Outlook Encryption Plug-in Vulnerability

2002-07-10 Thread Marc Maiffret

Remote PGP Outlook Encryption Plug-in Vulnerability

Release Date:
July 10, 2002

High (Remote Code Execution)

Systems Affected:
NAI PGP Desktop Security 7.0.4
NAI PGP Personal Security 7.0.3
NAI PGP Freeware 7.0.3


The beer is still cold, the days are still long, the exploits still start as
jokes (this time over a beer with a three letter agency) and the
advisories... we'll just say, All of your SCADA are belong to us.

A vulnerability in the NAI PGP Outlook plug-in can be exploited to remotely
execute code on any system that uses the NAI PGP Outlook plug-in’s. By
sending a carefully crafted email the message decoding functionality can be
manipulated to overwrite various heap structures pertinent to the PGP

This vulnerability can be exploited by a user simply selecting a “malicious”
email, the opening of attachments is not required. When the attack is
performed against a target system, malicious code will be executed within
the context of the user receiving the email. This can lead to the compromise
of the targets machine, as well as their PGP encrypted communications. It
should also be noted that because of the nature of the SMTP protocol this
vulnerability can be exploited anonymously.

Technical Description:


By creating a malformed email we can overwrite a section of heap memory that
contains various data. By overwriting this section of heap with valid
addresses of an unused section in the PEB, which is the same across all NT
systems, we can walk the email parsing and eventually get to something
easily exploitable:


This pointer addresses references a function pointer list. At the time of
exploitation, an attacker controlled buffer address is the first item on the
stack. By overwriting the function pointer list pointer address with the
address of an Import table, we can call any imported function. Our current
stack will be passed into the function for parameter use. as is. The first
item on our stack is an address that points to attacker-controlled data.

By overwriting the address, with the address of the
SetUnhandledExceptionFilter() IAT entry, execution will redirect into this
address when the default exception handler is called,

After returning from SetUnhandledExceptionFilter() PGP Outlook will fail as
it crawls back down the call stack, after cycling through the exception list
it will call the DefaultExceptionFilter, which now contains the address of
our code. This of course can also be exploited silently using frame

Due to the large size of an example vulnerable email we are not including it
in our advisory. We will be updating the research section of our website
with a link to an example email. http://www.eEye.com

Where do you want your secret key to go today?

Vendor Status: NAI has worked quickly to safeguard customers against this
vulnerability. They have released a patch, for the latest versions of the
PGP Outlook plug-in, to protect systems from this flaw. You may download the
patch from:
Note: This issue does not affect PGP Corporate Desktop users.

Discover: Marc Maiffret
Exploitation: Riley Hassell

Greetings: Kasia, and the hot photographer from Inc Magazine. Phil
Zimmerman, the godfather of personal privacy, much respect.

Copyright (c) 1998-2002 eEye Digital Security
Permission is hereby granted for the redistribution of this alert
electronically. It is not to be edited in any way without express consent of
eEye. If you wish to reprint the whole or any part of this alert in any
other medium excluding electronic medium, please e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for

The information within this paper may change without notice. Use of this
information constitutes acceptance for use in an AS IS condition. There are
NO warranties with regard to this information. In no event shall the author
be liable for any damages whatsoever arising out of or in connection with
the use or spread of this information. Any use of this information is at the
user's own risk.

Please send suggestions, updates, and comments to:

eEye Digital Security

Cisco VPN3000 gateway MTU overflow

2002-07-10 Thread porte10

Cisco VPN3000 gateway MTU overflow

Bug class: Conceptual/bad protocol implementation
Equipments affected: Cisco/VPN 3000 Concentrator with
  software vpn3000-3.5.Rel-k9.bin

  The Cisco VPN3000 gateway lets remote client dictate
  which maximum MTU to use when sending back ESP
  frames, regardless of the transmitting capabilities
  of the physical medium.

* Oversized frames get silently discarded by
  equipements linked to the gateway's public
  interface and retransmissions occur.
* Other disturbances or DoS against neighboring
  equipements may occur, especially as many IP
  stacks on routers and sniffers etc ... are
  poorly implemented.

  We have witnessed this phenomena after establishing
  tunnels with the VPN dialer over a modem
  connexion: when the target sends back ethernet
  frames with size close to the max ethernet MTU
  (1500), the gateway encrypts the frames adding
  ESP headers and stupidly tries to send a
  1580-bytes frame back to the client.

- From the official documentation there is no way
to enforce a maximum MTU on the VPN gateway.
- Hence: a gateway software patch by Cisco is
necessary: if MTU negociation occurs, the gateway
should set a max-MTU threshold (the physical medium's !).


* client side: For Windows-based OS (likely Unix and
  Linux-based OS too), Cisco released a tool
  called setMTU.exe that can prevent ill MTU
  negociation from happening.

* target side: artificially lowering the max MTU
  on the interfaces.

-  But such a policy is not acceptable:
  The VPN client, as well as remote targets,
  should not have to be aware of
  the gateway's interface configuration !

The bug does not lie in client software, but
  in the gateway's software.

Master Phi


Today's statement:
Networking software robustness isn't worth the tenth
of that of arcade game engines.
Let's call it junk software.

[CORE-20020528] Multiple vulnerabilities in ToolTalk Database server

2002-07-10 Thread Iván Arce


 Multiple vulnerabilities in Tooltalk database server

Date Published: 2002-07-10

Last Update: 2002-07-10

Advisory ID: CORE-20020528

Bugtraq ID: 5082,5083

CVE: CAN-2002-0677, CAN-2002-0678

CERT: VU#975403 VU#299816

Title: Multiple vulnerabilities in Tooltalk database server.

Class: Implementation flaws

Remotely Exploitable: Yes

Locally Exploitable: Yes

Vendors contacted:

 - Sun
   CORE notification: 2002-06-10
   CERT notification: 2002-06-11 4:32pm
   .Vulnerable (original bug discovery on Solaris)
   .Acknowledged notification on 2002-06-10
   .Research in progress, no confirmation
from Sun as of 2002-06-18
   .Official statement forwardr by CERT: 2002-07-10

 - HP
   CORE notification: 2002-06-10
   CERT notification: 2002-06-11
   .Acknowledged notification on 2002-06-10
   .Confirmed HP-UX vulnerable on 2002-06-11
and issued high priority lab fix request
   .Official statement forwarded by CERT: 2002-07-10

 - Compaq Computer Corporation
   CORE notification: 2002-06-10
   CERT notification: 2002-06-11 4:32pm
   .Acknowledged notification on 2002-06-10
   .Official statement forwarded by CERT: 2002-07-10

 - SGI
   CORE notification: 2002-06-10
   CERT notification: 2002-06-11
   .Acknowledged notification on 2002-06-18

 - Xi Graphics (CDE for Linux)
   CERT notification: 2002-06-12
   .Confirmed vulnerable, fixes are available
   at the release date of this advisory
   .Patches available : 2002-06-20

 - IBM
   CORE notification: 2002-06-10
   CERT notification: 2002-06-11 4:32pm EST
   .Confirmed vulnerable
   .Official statement forwarded by CERT: 2002-07-10

 - Caldera (SCO)
   CERT notification: 2002-06-12  1:32pm
   .Confirmed vulnerable
   .Official statement forwarded by CERT: 2002-07-10

 - Cray Inc.
   CERT notification: 2002-06-12  1:19pm
   .Acknoledged notification.
   Cray Inc. ships ToolTAlk wiht the CrayTools
product but is not enabled by default or used
by any Cray provided application

 - Data General
   CERT notification: 2002-06-12  1:19pm

 - Fujitsu
   CERT notification: 2002-06-12 1:19pm
   .Acknowledged notification.
   Fujitsu's UXP/V is not vulnerable. Does
not support any CDE functionalities

 - The Open Group
   CERT notification: 2002-06-12 1:31pm

Release Mode: USER RELEASE

*Vulnerability Description:*

 The ToolTalk service allows independently developed applications to
communicate with each other by exchanging ToolTalk messages. Using ToolTalk,
applications can create open protocols which allow different programs to be
interchanged, and new programs to be plugged into the system with minimal

 The ToolTalk database server (rpc.ttdbserverd) is an ONC RPC service which
manages objects needed for the operation of the ToolTalk service.
ToolTalk-enabled processes communicate with each other using RPC calls to
this program, which runs on each ToolTalk-enabled host. This program is a
standard component of the ToolTalk system, which ships as a standard
component of many commercial Unix operating systems. The ToolTalk database
server runs as root.

 Several security bugs were discovered in the rpc.ttdbserverd program
that allow an attacker to:
 - Overwrite 4 bytes of memory the running process with a zero
   (0x0L) value
 - Remotely delete any file on the vulnerable host
 - Locally create or overwrite any file on the vulnerable host
   with arbitrary contents.
 - Remotely create arbitrary directory entries on the vulnerable

 These vulnerabilities by themselves can lead to remote and local
 compromise of the privilege root account on the vulnerable system.

 Additionally these vulnerabilities may be used to build more reliable
 and effective exploit programs for previously published ToolTalk
 Database server vulnerabilities.

 Exploit modules for the vulnerabilities described in this advisory
 are available inmediately for CORE IMPACT customers through the
 product support channel or as part of CORE IMPACT v1.1 or
 the July 2002 module update pack.

*Vulnerable Packages:*
  Solaris 2.5.1 2.6 7 8 9
  HP-UX 10.10 10.20 11.00 11.11
  Tru64 v4.0f, v4.0g, v5.0a, v5.1, v5.1a
  Xi Graphics deXtop CDE v2.1
  IBM AIX 4.3.3 and 5.1.0
  Caldera Open UNIX and Caldera UNIXware

 Not confirmed but suspected vulnerable
 - SGI IRIX 5.2-6.5.x

 Not vulnerable
 - Fujitsu UXP/V
 - Cray Inc, CrayTools
 - Caldera OpenLinux
 - SCO OpenServer

*Solution/Vendor Information/Workaround*

Caldera, Inc.

  Caldera   Open  UNIX  and  Caldera  UnixWare  provide  the
  CDE ttdbserverd daemon, and are vulnerable to these issues.
  We have prepared  fixes  for those two operating systems,
  and will make them available as soon as these issues are
  made public.

  SCO  OpenServer  and  

Re: Linux kernels DoSable by file-max limit

2002-07-10 Thread Andrea Arcangeli

On Sun, Jul 07, 2002 at 10:54:44PM +0200, Paul Starzetz wrote:
 the recently mentioned problem in BSD kernels concerning the global 
 limit of open files seems to be present in the Linux-kernel too. However 
 as mentioned in the advisory about the BSD specific problem the Linux 
 kernel keeps some additional file slots reserved for the root user. This 
 code can be found in the fs/file_table.c source file (2.4.18):
 struct file * get_empty_filp(void)
static int old_max = 0;
struct file * f;
if (files_stat.nr_free_files  NR_RESERVED_FILES) {
f = list_entry(free_list.next, struct file, f_list);
 * Use a reserved one if we're the superuser
 [*]  if (files_stat.nr_free_files  !current-euid)
goto used_one;
 Greping the source code (2.4.18) reveals that the limit is pretty low:
 ./include/linux/fs.h:#define NR_RESERVED_FILES 10 /* reserved for root */

well, that's not really secure in the first place, I mean there's
nothing to exploit, it's more an hack to try to have more chances to
keep an usable machine as root after you hit the file-max, but it's not
guaranteed to work at all regardless of malicious or non malicious
workloads. Linux never enforce to keep the nr_free_files to a level =
NR_RESERVED_FILES, it just tries to do that lazily, but it's not
guaranteed you will have any nr_free_files when you happen to need them.

For example if you keep only opening files since boot and you never
execute a single close() or exit() syscall, you will never get any
nr_free_file available, so no matter who you are (root or not), you will
never pass this test if (files_stat.nr_free_files  !current-euid)
because nr_free_files will be always zero.

Furthmore that part of the vfs file allocation management needs a
rewrite (hope it will happen in 2.5) and the file-max should go away
like the inode-max gone away too in 2.3. At the moment all released
files have no way to be releaed dynamically, and that's not good. There
should be a proper slab cache and the fput should kmem_cache_free,
instead of putting the file into the unshrinkable
file_table.c::free_list. But this is more a linux-kernel topic...

After we make possible to shrink the released files, the file-max limit
can go away (we need it now or we can pin all the ram into this not
shrinkable free_list). Then if you allocate all the ram into files you
will run the machine oom at some point. Which moves the DoS issues
elsewere: in the memory management area, which becomes a generic
problem, not specific to the file allocations anymore. After you hit the
oom point, even if you could allocate the file with a
root-file-reserved-pool, still you may not be able to allocate the
dentry and the inode then.

Anyways regardless of the memory management oom possible DoSes (when
running out of ram resources), removing the file-max is a goodness
because it makes the usability of linux much better, if you need lots of
files in a temporarly spike of load, then you won't be left with an huge
leak of files hanging around the the vm will shrink them as you need
more ram later. And if you hit oom, it's very likely (though not
guaranteed, also considering the different algorithms to handle oom
conditions, some deadlock prone, some not deadlock prone) that the
offending task will be killed too rendering any malicious attack much
less reproducible than now.

 Exploitability to get uid=0 has not been confirmed yet but seems possible.

If that's the case it's an userspace bug in the suid apps that you're
executing, certainly it's not a kernel issue.
